Holiday with a Vampire

A/N: Do I really have to say I own nada? If I did, the show would be lotsa different

Chapter 1

Have you ever had that dream where you fall down a great distance? Like down a waterfall or like Willie E Coyote falling from a cliff or Alice and the Rabbit Hole? Bella Swan had that dream. In fact she's living it

The teenage girl opened her eyes, gasping and screaming. She had that dream again. Clasping a hand over her mouth quickly, she really hoped her screams didn't wake Charlie up, because if he starts talking about therapy again she WILL go insane. How do you tell a nuts doc that your vampire boyfriend left you and took away all your dreams? Simple, you don't!

She shivered. Why is she freezing? She looked around her thinking she probably left her bedroom window open again. It's how she invited E... him to come in but no such luck. There was no window. Where did the window go?

A cold wave hit her in the face and sent her backwards.

"I'm in water? Why am I in water?"

Something pulled her downwards like a vortex and for a moment she was too stunned to do anything about it. It's not like it'd take her to Neverland. Then again Neverland or even Wonderland couldn't be any weirder than her life has been recently

"Swan, snap out of it"

A voice snapped in her head. She frowned, she knew that voice. The droopy eyelids snapped open trying to figure out where who it belongs to.

"Focus Swan"

The voice said again. This time it was even colder yet spoke with urgency. The teenage girl wanted to tell the voice to shut up, as she was probably dreaming and she always woke up as she died.

Happy dreams!

Then again this didn't feel like a dream. The water pressed into her form from all sides, squeezing and burning her heavy eyelids. When she opened her mouth to tell the voice off, the cold water entered her mouth, the salty taste bringing tears to the puffy eyes.

This wasn't a dream, was it? The watery chocolate brown eyes opened wide as Bella began flailing around trying to get to the surface but had no idea where 'up' was.

"Swim diagonally not against the current idiot, you don't deserve to be called a 'Swan'"

The voice shouted.

"If I find out who the voice belongs to I'll kill them"

Bella thought distractedly as she followed the instructions. Picking randomly a direction she began swimming diagonally until she was too tired to move and let the water guide her aching limbs to the hard and cold sand where she collapsed coughing and wheezing

At least she made it to shore. With her unique and horrible luck she could have easily been swimming further into the ocean.

"Where the heck am I?"

She asked aloud wincing at her achy voice. When was the last time she spoke again? Ignoring the pain and her body's command to lay down and let the void return, the teenager scrambled upright shivering up and looked around.

Brown sand filled with sea shells and rocks. Mist. Tall ugly scary cliffs. Yep, she was in La Push alright. The same La Push that was fifteen minutes by car away from her house in Forks.

"How did I get here?"

Looking down at her self she wasn't surprised to see that her already pale skin was a chalky shade of white and dressed in dull thick grey sweatpants and t-shirt. She was barefoot and her bloody toes and skinned fingers were turning blue.

Tripping every half step, she made it past the sand and to the empty beach road. Wincing as her bare feet touched the cols tarmac. There were no cars in sight, not even my truck. Well, duh, if she had sleepwalked it would be amazingly ridiculous if she had driven to the beach. Then again she had never sleepwalked before either.

"I need to get home before Charlie wakes up. He's going to worry so much"

"innie, Minnie, mghty moe "


"Let's home miss luck is still on my side"

Slowly she began walking on the uneven black tarmac following the road that hopefulle led ou of La Push and to Forks. She walked across the unofficial La Push border, across the official La Push border, followed the empty save for a single trash collector car highway and ended up in Forks, right in front of Charlie's house and collapsed on the forest green steps just as the sky was bathed in a beautiful orange light.

Forks is too low and too dense with trees to see the sunrise but something clinked in her. Ed... He always said he loved the twilight because it was the safest time of day for him. Bella however had always loved the sunrise, she and her mother Renee would wake up early enough to watch the sun rise over the Cearfree mountains and shine over the desert.

Now the sun is out in forks chasing away the darkness and with it, HER darkness.

Feeling lighter than she had felt in months she took the hidden key and got inside the house. On numb and dirty feet she went straight to the kitchen as her stomach was grumbling loud enough to be heard. She blinked seeing the contents of the fridge.

"There is nothing here"

And there really was. The fridge was stocked with half eaten pizza boxes and take outs from the diner. A few six packs of beer and microwave Mac & cheese.

"Wow... I really need to get on top of cooking again"

But now, she was famished. Pulling a box of pizza she grabbed two pieces, didn't bother heating them up and began eating. A more detached part of her mind retorted that she must resemble a starved animal but the rest of her hungrier mind told it to shut up! When she was full she wiped her oiled fingers on her t-shirt and made beeline for the staircase leaving behind her a series of muddy footprints and drops of blood.

Climbing the creaky staircase, Charlie's loud snoring served as a soundtrack as she pushed open the bathroom door gingerly. She kept her eyes closed and stood in front of the mirror above the sink and before she dared to open one eye.

Immediately she winced. She looked like a vampire alright... Dark circles beneath her eyes. Chalky white skin. Lifeless limp hair stinking of ocean. For that matter all of her stank like fish.

"I'm lucky we don't have a cat!"

She joked to herself and gingerly took off her clothes before turning on the hot water and stepped wincing under the steaming water. If she was a cartoon character, she'd be sizzling and creating a grey smoke to fill up the room.

Thankfully a cartoon she's not, so even though she turned an unappealing shade of lobster red all her skin remained intact. That was until she started scrubbing it down with lavender scented soap to chase away the dead fish smell. It took five times of shampooing to wake up the long hair and get rid of both the oil buildup and the sea salt but a whole hour later she was clean and puffy and looking like a wendigo thanks to all the hair that her body was covered with.

Going back to her bedroom under the soundtrack of Charlie's snoring she opened the deep red makeup bag Renee had put together prior to Bella moving in with Charlie. It had all the stuff that Charlie should never see for his peace of mind, ie tampons, pads, wax and most of all: The Pill!

Grabbing the wax Bella settled on the bed and set to it making sure to bite down on the dirty pillow when it was pulling time. Although it would be funny to watch Charlie's reaction to running to my room only to find his one and only daughter naked pulling a disgusting piece of wax from her leg.

Better not try it though. The poor man has been through a lot recently.

Bella had caused him problems ever since she moved in. First it was the whole van almost hitting her, then it was the getting a boyfriend and running off to Phoenix away from said boyfriend (even if the 'away' was an excuse Charlie was told), returning with a broken leg, spending the summer here but not with Charlie, the birthday party from Hell ending with the god only knows how long it's been since the free diving stint today.

A small part of her had contemplated going back to Phoenix. Leave the man be without the complication of having to deal with a teenage daughter that doesn't know how to be a teenager.

Does that make her selfish?

Maybe it does but when two weeks later Renee called wanting to take Bella far away from Forks for Spring break, she couldn't say 'yes' fast enough. Maybe a tiny part of Renee's need to flee a bad situation resides inside her after all.