Author's notes- Well I have started a new Gruvia fanfiction and I hope you guys will like it. I think Juvia is a little loyal angel for sticking with Gray after all this time when he is such a confusing shit to her, so she is going to be all sassy in this fic. Basically it will be about Juvia trying to let go of her feelings for Gray while he is finally understanding his feelings for her. Dramatic? Yes.

Disclaimer- I do not own Fairy Tail or the characters.

Memories of you and I- Chapter one.

"Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realising that the only person you really have control over is yourself."

- Deborah Reber

Juvia knew that she couldn't force Gray to love her. She knew that no matter how long she followed him around and tried her best to help him out, it wouldn't influence his feelings for her.

She was his friend. That was all.

But yet she still tried to earn his affection, even with the part of her that knew it was futile. She still followed him, she still fawned over him, she still defended him and she would still die for him.

A part of her knew that sooner or later she would have to move on and let go of her feelings. She knew that she couldn't spend her life chasing after somebody who did not think of her in the same way. She knew that he would find another love someday and start a family, and she knew that her heart couldn't bear that.

But Juvia always suppressed the thoughts and continued on with the one-sided love that was causing her so much pain.

She over looked the listless replies he gave her when she tried to start a conversation and the little interest he showed in her and her feelings.

She knew that it was hurting her. She knew that she should stop with her unrequited love. Juvia knew, she knew that in the end she would be standing all alone with a broken heart.

But even after all the emotional stress, she didn't stop.

Because in the end, she knew she couldn't.

Juvia awoke from the ringing sound of her clock with pieces of her blue hair sticking to her face.

Another dream, She sighed and slid out of her bed, turning off her alarm clock in the process and purposely looking the date that is showed.

Juvia wonders if anybody will remember, She thought as she opened the shower door and turned on the hot water. The shower was warmth and comforting, but like all the warmth in her life it soon came to an end.

Today she decided on wearing a light blue and sleeveless dress that she had bought just for that day. Maybe that way her Gray-sama would notice her.

Juvia had expected a call from Gajeel or Levy by now, after all the small script mage was over excited for this day.

She smiled at the thought of the two and the breakfast they had promised to take her too. Juvia was grateful that they had remembered her birthday and even offered to take her out.

Glancing over at the look, she became aware of the small time frame she had before her Gajeel and Levy would arrive at the restaurant they told her about.

Tying her hair up in a high pigtail and deciding that it would do, she left her room and rushed outside.

"Juvia-chan! Over here!" A familiar voice called out, indicating to Juvia where her friends were located.

"Levy-chan! Gajeel-kun! Juvia is so happy that you came." Juvia smiled once she had reached the small table occupied by a slightly irritated dragon slayer and an ecstatic bluenette.

"Of course, it is your birthday after all. Although I don't get why this had to be so early, I should be sleeping right now." The dragon slayer huffed and continued to eat his breakfast, that apparently he ordered before she had arrived.

Levy nudged him in his stomach with her elbow, admitting a deadly aura. "We wouldn't miss one of your birthdays! And Gajeel, we are here early because it is meant to be breakfast."

"You can still eat breakfast after you have slept in!"

Juvia giggled at the bickering scene unfolding before her, "Regardless of the time, Juvia is so happy to be here with you two. Thank you for remembering her birthday."

"Don't think so low of me! I have known you long enough to remember what day you were born, idiot."

That was true. Gajeel had been with Juvia through her days with the Phantom Lord and he was still by her side at Fairy Tail. He was the closet thing to family that Juvia had.

"Everybody in the Guild is pretty excited, Gajeel and I are going straight there after breakfast. Do you want to come with us?" The small bluenette questioned.

Juvia nodded, she had been planning to go to the Guild anyway, and she was excited.

Because today was the day that she would ask her Gray-sama out to dinner in order to celebrate her birthday.

She had a feeling that he would agree, after all it was her birthday and she was wearing a pretty and expensive dress that had cost her most of her last job.

"Your party is at eight tonight, okay?" Levy said unknowingly breaking Juvia's thoughts of her 'flawless' night.

"W-wait, what? P-party? Nobody told Juvia about a party!" The water mage exclaimed with a frantic tone.

"Calm down Juvia-chan, it is only a small gathering. Only a few people are going."

The thought of a party directed at her made Juvia feel uneasy. It's not like she was ungrateful for the idea or anything, but the vision of everyone's attention on her didn't appeal to the bluenette.

"You better come, otherwise I will kick your ass."

After breakfast was consumed, Juvia, Gajeel and Levy arrived at Fairy Tail. The script mage went off to meet with her two partners and discuss their next job while Gajeel and Levy took a seat within the Guild.

"Should we look for some jobs? I could use some extra money." Gajeel muttered.

"Sure Gajeel-kun, but first Juvia has to do something very important." Juvia replied with a certain glint of determination in her eyes.

Gajeel raised an eyebrow, when it came to Juvia and important things he could tell that a certain ice mage would be involved.

"What important thing? Don't tell me it has something to do with that stripper of yours."

Juvia just blushed and looked away as if interested in the wall opposite where they sat.

"Juvia! You know that guy is an idiot, all he does is hurt you. So stay away from him or I will end up bashing the shit out of him."

"Gajeel-kun! Gray-sama is not an idiot! And Gajeel-kun you wouldn't hurt him because you know that Juvia will be after you if you did."

The Iron dragon slayer scoffed and put his head in his hands, obviously annoyed at the girl's loyalty. "He isn't even here, so in the meantime why don't we go and look at some jobs?"

But, as luck was not on the grumbling man's side, the subject of importance walked into the Guild and sat down at the bar.

Gray-sama! Juvia's heart began to race and nervousness fell over her stomach as she watched the ice mage order a drink.

Gajeel looked over at Juvia and knew that her expression could only mean disaster.

It is now or never! Juvia thought and rose from her seat, ignoring the cries telling her to stop from the dragon slayer beside her.

With all the confidence she had Juvia went over and tapped Gray on the shoulder.

"Good morning Gray-sama!" The bluenette smiled as her eyes met with the man's in front of her.

"Oh, hey Juvia." Gray muttered and turned back to his drink, thinking that the blue-haired mage was just greeting him like she always did.

"Um, J-Juvia was wondering I-if G-gray-sama w-anted to e-eat dinner with h-her a-a-a-alone? It's h-her birthda-"

Gray turned around once again and looked at her with an annoyed expression, obviously ignoring what she had just said, "Sorry I am busy right now, can you ask me later?"

Juvia just nodded and let out the best smile she could before walking back to her seat. Her heart was hurting, sure Gray had rejected her before but today she was so positive that he would at least pay her some kind of attention.

She at least expected a 'happy birthday', but he didn't even remember.

"He didn't even listen, did he?" Gajeel sighed and looked at the girl, who he knew was trying to hold everything together.

"H-he was busy, It is okay." Juvia whispered as she continued to admire the dark haired mage who was now chatting with Lucy.

She didn't have the energy to get jealous over the fact that they were openly chatting in front of her. Juvia was too hurt from the fact that he could speak with Lucy without complaining and then send her away because he was busy.

Juvia knew that he was not actually busy, but that he just didn't want to talk to her. Otherwise he wouldn't be sitting there, drinking a beer and talking with her love rival. But she told herself that he actually was busy, and that the blonde next to him was helping.

She could hear them faintly talking about their day's and about the Guild, Gray smiled at her as Lucy giggled.

She could feel the tears threatening to fall from her face and when Gajeel placed a hand on her shoulder she almost broke down.

"Juvia is s-s-sorry Gajeel-kun, but she j-just remembered that she left her h-heater on. S-she has to go."

And with that the bluenette practically ran out of the guild with small tears falling from her eyes while an Iron dragon slayer yelled after her.

Everyone inside the Guild stopped and stared at the dragon slayer who was still attempting to call out to the bluenette, even though she was out of sight.

"Gajeel?" Levy asked as she ran over to his side, "What just happened? Is Juvia okay?"

Gajeel gestured over to the ice mage who was still staring and looked back at Levy with a demonic aura.

Levy nodded, understanding his subtle indication, "We should probably leave her alone so she can calm down in time for tonight."


Gajeel and Levy turned and saw the source of Juvia's unhappiness walking over to them and glaring at the larger man.

"What did you say to Juvia?" The ice mage growled, gaining the attention of everybody who had gone back to their previous actions.

"Me?" Gajeel sneered, "I didn't say a thing!"

"I just saw her run out, after she was talking with you."

"You! You have no idea you what you are talking about idiot stripper. Walk. Away. Now."

"Idiot!? Are you trying to pick a fight?"

Just before the two angry wizards could fight which would only result in a damaged guild, Levy stepped in between them and scowled at Gray.

"Just leave it you two. Juvia will be fine, okay?" The script mage said and turned to calm Gajeel down.

Gray just walked back to Lucy and tried to continue their conversation, all the while glaring at Gajeel.

Juvia just kept on running. She didn't have a destination in mind, she just needed the relief of being far away from her 'beloved' Gray-sama.

She knew that she was earning the attention of people passing by. A crying girl running as fast as she could wouldn't really go unnoticed. At one point a young man asked her if she was okay, but Juvia just nodded and kept running.

Finally when she reached a deserted ally-way she fell onto the ground with her face in her hands.

Juvia, stop! She ordered herself and tried to wipe away the tears streaming down her face.

She didn't know why she was so upset, Gray had neglected her many times in favour of the Celestial Spirit Mage and each time she had gotten angry and intervened.

So why was she running away in tears this time?

It is Lucy. Gray-sama wants Lucy.

Juvia knew that this would be coming, that her Gray-sama would find another girl who he actually liked. And she knew that no matter how hard she tried to persuade him, he would never return her feelings.

Stop crying!

A part of her mind was laughing at her, mocking her. For it knew that this was always going to happen and that Juvia, in Gray's life, was just an annoying and consistent pest.

Juvia, stop!

Just like Gajeel had warned her so many times that all Gray did to her was create emotional pain. Even though she ignored it and continued pursue him, she knew that he was right.

Gray-sama, he doesn't love Juvia.

Images of Lucy and Gray together flooded her mind and she began to wonder if Gray didn't even like her as a friend, that all the time they spent together he was wishing she wasn't there.

She knew.

She knew that it was time for her to let go and move on.

In fact she knew long ago, but pushed the thought to the back of her head.

It made her stomach tense at the feeling, the feeling of letting her Gray-sama go. Knowing that he would end up with a different girl, knowing that his love didn't belong to her.

Juvia- I have to. I have to move on. It is only causing Gray-sama and myself pain.

After ten minutes of sitting and evening out her breathing, Juvia stood up and brushed the dirt off of her dress.

So much for the dress, Juvia. He didn't even look at it.

Okay, maybe buying the most expensive dress in the shop was a bad move. As Juvia thought of how to pay the rent for that month, she walked pack along the streets of Magnolia.

Juvia knew she couldn't avoid Fairy Tail, as much as she wanted to hide in her room for a month, she knew that the best thing was to go back and go on a job with Gajeel.

In order to get over Gray she needed some time away from him, but she also knew that they saw each other often and that she couldn't avoid him forever

Juvia will go with Gajeel on a job tomorrow and talk with him about it all.

Just as she was nearing Fairy Hills, in order to change out of the dress that reminded her about her birthday plan, she heard a familiar voice call out to her.

"Juvia-chan! I found you!"

Juvia turned in time to stop the white haired ice mage from hugging her, by holding out her arm.

"Lyon-sama?" She asked as she lowered her arm.

"Juvia-chan! Happy birthday!" He smiled and pulled out a small blue box with a silver bow.

"Eh? Lyon-sama, you remembered Juvia's birthday?"

"Of course. Here, it isn't much but it is the thought that counts right?"

Juvia hesitantly took the box and thanked him, she was surprised that he had even remembered her birthday and was more than shocked that he had bought her a present.

"I have to go, but I might stop by at your party tonight. Chelia was talking about it, I will see how busy I am. Until then, Juvia-chan!"

Then the ice mage left and Juvia stood in silence as she watched his figure get lost amongst Magnolia.

How did he even know Juvia's birth date?

But the blue haired mage pushed the thought aside and continued to Fairy Hills.

Oh right, that party. She recalled and shuddered.

The original thought of so much attention on her was overwhelming, but now that she had decided to try and move on from Gray, she definitely didn't want to see him there.

But he didn't even remember Juvia's birthday, so why would he come?

Juvia decided that it would be okay, she and Gajeel could discuss their next job and she could say goodbye to everyone before, she hopefully, left on a long mission.

Juvia held took out the box that Lyon had given her and decided to open it after she changed outfits.

Authors notes- SHIT ON ME! Okay this chapter had like nil Gruvia but that is kind of the point, it is going to be one of those 'don't know what you got til it's gone' (did anyone else sing that?) fanfictions and Gray will be regretting and getting jealous. The next chapter will be more Gray's point of view and there will be Gruvia, so bear with me.

Questions that will be answered in the next chapter:
What is inside Lyon's box?
How will Juvia react to the present?
What will happen when Juvia sees Gray again?
What will Gray say to her when he finds out that it is her birthday?


Tell me your thoughts and opinions, criticism and suggestions or any ideas you might have!
