Once when they arrived at the mansion, Wario and Wolf went directly to the Hands' office. There, Crazy Hand was franticly floating around like a boomerang while Master Hand sat at his desk calmly, browsing the web. Not paying attention to his confined surroundings, Crazy Hand knocked over a small table with important papers stacked on it, sending them fly into the air.
Master Hand groaned loudly. "Crazy! Stop flying around and sit down! You are irritating me!"
Crazy Hand sighed in gloominess and sat down in his seat. He took notice of Wario and Wolf patiently waiting for them to notice. The two villains had a neutral facial expression on their face, trying not to show any signs of evilness.
"Hey, Wolf and Wario!" Crazy Hand greeted. "Do you need anything?"
"No." Wolf calmly answered. "We just want to tell you that we found the thief."
Master Hand instantly stopped typing. "Can you say that again?" he asked, unsure if he heard correctly.
"We found the thief!" Wario repeated's Wolf words. He chuckled quietly to himself.
"Who is the thief?" Master Hand was deeply interested.
"The thief is a little boy named Villager." Wolf began. Although he did not fully know the reason why Villager stole everyone's belongings, he decided to quickly make up a deceiving lie to make him look guilty. "From what I heard from him, he stole everyone's stuff so he could get rich off them!"
"Oh my…" Master Hand said, pausing for a few seconds. "Do you know where he is?"
"We saw him outside of the mansion…" Wario began to explain.
Unbeknownst to the Hands and villains, Time happened to pass by the office. His sensitive ears picked up the small conversation. Curious and nosy like his successor, Time decided to listen in to the conversation. His cobalt-blue eyes widened in astonishment as he learned about the thief. The thief was finally found?! This was great! His heart racing in excitement, Time hurried to the cafeteria.
"Guys! Guys!" he exclaimed, causing the visitors and brawlers occupying the room to look. "I have news!"
"What is it?" Pit asked curiously.
"Someone found the thief!" Time answered, his long pointy ears fluttering like a butterfly's wings.
Everyone gasped in bewilderment and began to murmur to their friends.
"Who's the thief?" Ike asked after when he swallowed his chicken wing.
"This boy named Villager!" Time explained. "He stole all of our stuff so he could sell it for lots of money! He's the figure that spooked the children!"
There were a few "oohs" and "ahs". Marth, who was sitting with Ike, Roy, and Pit, sadly looked down when he heard Villager's name. Hey… Villager was not a bad person! He was being misunderstood!
"Who found him?" Roy asked, swinging his legs.
"Wolf and Wario, if I heard correctly." Time answered.
Upon hearing the malicious wolf's and obese plumber's names, Fox, Falco, Mario, and Luigi gasped in horror. They never liked it when something good happens to the two villains.
"Mama mia!" Mario and Luigi cried out in shock, their faces turning white.
"What?!" Fox exclaimed in disgust. "Are you sure it wasn't someone else?"
"No! I heard their voices!" Time answered.
"This can't be happening…" Falco mumbled to himself as his wing met his face.
"Luigi! We-a can't let Wario have that-a reward!" Mario said to his brother in determination. "Maybe if we-a capture Villager and present it-a to the Hands, they will reward us instead!"
"That-a might work!" Luigi replied with a smile. "Let's find-a him now! I'm-a not going to back down now!"
The two plumbers raced out of the cafeteria, beginning their search for Villager.
Fox suddenly stood up from his seat. "Hey Fox, what are you doing?" Falco asked.
"I'm going to find Villager before anyone does!" Fox answered with a confident grin.
Falco got out of his seat. "I'm coming with you! Let's go!"
As the two Star Fox Team members left the cafeteria, many visitors and brawlers hurried after them. Hey! They wanted to find Villager two! They wanted to get rewarded!
"Let's hurry!" Roy shouted, jumping out of his seat. "C'mon guys! Let's go and find Villager!"
"Alright!" Pit piped up in determination. "He's not going to scare me!"
Pit and Roy quickly rushed out of the cafeteria. As he watched all of his friends leave, Marth said to Ike, "Aiku-kun, I think we shouldn't—"
Ike quickly interrupted him. "I know, Marth. You're afraid. Don't worry! If something happens, I got your back!"
"Wait, Aiku-kun!" Marth started. It was too late. Ike already left the room. With a soft sigh, Marth hopelessly looked down at the floor. What should he do? He did not want t
Villager to get onto trouble! But, how could one prince clear his name? If tried to convince everyone that Villager was innocent, they would either ignore him or look at him strangely, like if he suddenly sprouted another nose.
"Hurry, Lucina!" Marth heard Chrom say to his daughter. The Altean prince looked up and saw Lucina quickly dump her trash into a garbage can. His lips curved into a devious grin, he had an idea. His smile falling into a stern, emotionless expression, Marth calmly went to his decedents.
"I'm ready, father!" Lucina quickly replied. She took notice of Marth. "Hello, Marth. Do you want to help us look for Villager?"
"Yes and no." Marth answered. "I would like you two to find Villager and take him to me."
Chrom raised a doubtful eyebrow. "Oh, so you can hog the reward to yourself?"
Marth gave Chrom a deathly glare. "No. Villager is in danger now. Because people assumed that he stole everyone's belonging for his own profit, he is in hot water. He is actually innocent."
"Marth, why are you saying this?" Lucina asked, a bit confused. "The Hands are giving out a reward for the capture of Villager!"
Marth gazed coldly at his decedents and scoffed to himself. "Oh, I guess you want to fame an innocent boy for your own profit. If that is so, I am greatly disappointed at you, Krom-kun and Rukina-kun. Knowing that you two will eventually rule my kingdom, I shall die a virgin."
As soon as when Marth said that statement, Chrom's and Lucina's bodies became slightly transparent, much to their angst.
"Wait, Marth!" Chrom shouted panicky, trying to change his ancestor's mind. "We will find Villager and bring him to you!" Marth shot back a distrustful look. "We will!"
After thinking for a moment, Marth finally said, "Very well." Chrom's and Lucina's body returned, much to their relief. Whew, that was close! They did not want to experience disappearing from history again!
"T-T-Thank you, Marth." Lucina unsteadily thanked.
Marth nodded in response. "I will find Villager too. If you find him and you can't find me, just hide him in my room. Do you know where it is?"
"Yes." Chrom answered. "We will begin our search now."
Once when Chrom and Lucina left, Marth quickly dashed down the hallway and exited the Smash Mansion. Although it was pouring and thunder boomed across the gray sky, Marth ignored the freezing water rolling off his blue hair and dashed down the streets of Tokyo.
"I hope Link and Villager went to the café!" Marth whispered to himself, shivering slightly. "I NEED to find them!"
"It's really cold..." Villager said to Link, cuddling with Toon and Lucas as the brawlers walked back to the mansion.
"I know." Link replied with a soft smile. "Don't worry! We are almost there!"
Link's eyes picked up the sound of footsteps hurrying towards him. With a "hmmmm?", he looked up and saw Marth rushing towards him, his eyes filled with alarm.
"Marth?" Link asked out loud.
"Rinku-kuuuun!" Marth exclaimed, coming to a complete stop. He panted for air, trying to calm down. "Is Villager here?!"
"I'm here, Marth!" Villager spoke up.
Marth sighed in relief. "That's good..."
"Did something happen at the mansion?" Link asked worriedly.
"Yes!" Marth began to explain to Link about everyone's hunt for Villager. After finishing his sentence, tears began to fill his eyes. "What should we do? Villager is innocent!"
The Triforce of Courage glowed brightly on the back of Link's left hand as he thought of a plan. "We should introduce him to everyone."
"What?!" The child brawlers cried out.
"That's crazy!" Ness remarked in shock. "I mean, wouldn't that make people... Er, I don't know, hate him?"
"Hey, I managed to convince all of you that Villager's a nice person!" Link replied bravely. "It should work!"
"Well, if you say so." Ness replied.
"Link, if anything happens, I got your back." Marth said with a small smile. "Right, minna?"
"Yeah!" Toon cheered with the other child brawlers. Villager just nodded.
"Alright, let's go!"
Once when the brawlers reached the mansion, Link gave his friends an encouraging smile and a nod before entering. There, they saw Wolf and Wario leave the Hands' office. Their eyes caught sight of Villager, who cowered behind Link.
"Look, there he is!" Wolf shouted, pointing at Villager.
"Let's-a get 'em!" Wario snarled.
Before they could make a move, Chrom and Lucina abruptly appeared out of nowhere and tackled the two villains. "Marth!" Chrom shouted as he held Wario down with all of his might. "We got him! Take him!"
Unfortunately, the loud commotion attracted all of the searching brawlers and visitors to the scene. Link immediantly took Villager into his protective arms. Marth and the child brawlers surrounded the two, forming a barrier around them.
"Hey, it's-a him!" Mario gasped with Luigi, Princess Peach, and Yoshi.
"Let's get 'em!" Ike growled ferociously.
The large crowd of brawlers and visitors began to quickly rush towards their target, shouting loudly. They shoved and cursed each other rowdily. The sudden increase in noise caused the Hands to look out of their office.
"What's going on?" Master Hand asked.
Crazy Hand spotted Villager tightly clutching Link in fright. "Hey, there's that Villager boy Wolf and Wario were talking about! Link got 'em!"
Link looked at the bloodthirsty crowd hurrying towards him and his friends. He glanced at Marth, who clutched his fists tightly, preparing to hit anyone who got too close. The child brawlers began to shake a bit, yet they kept a stern expression on their face. Villager buried his face into Link's tunic, wishing that everything would stop. Suddenly furious at the whole world, Link screamed, "SSSTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!"
That was the loudest shout that the Hylian ever made. Everyone froze in their path and looked at him awkwardly. What was wrong?
"Link got the thief!" Red gasped. The crowd began to murmur excitedly.
"Silence!" Link shouted, causing some of the visitors to gasp. "Villager is not a thief!"
"But, he stole all of our stuff!" Sonic protested.
There were murmurs and nods of heads in agreement. Link sighed in frustration. "That's because collecting things is part of his game!" Toon retorted, trying to defend his new friend.
"What is his game?" Samus asked.
"Animal Crossing." Toon answered. "You know, Wild World!"
"Villager is a really nice person, believe or not." Lucas spoke.
"It's just that because he took all of our stuff and looked mysterious, we assumed that he was a bad person."
"We shouldn't judge people by their looks first." Popo said.
"Yeah, beauty is only a skin deep." Nana quoted.
Marth and Link smiled at the child brawlers' words. Some members of the crowd nodded in understanding.
Roy spoke up. "Well, is he a newcomer then?"
Villager gathered the courage to answer. "Well, no. A portal appeared in my world. I entered it, and it teleported me here. I couldn't leave because I was amazed by everyone's belongings! I would meet you guys, but I couldn't gather the courage! I couldn't help it! I-I-I... I'm sorry."
There was a moment of silence. Ike broke the silence when he said, "No, we're sorry. We shouldn't jump to conclusions!"
"But, I took everyone's things! I shouldn't be here in the first place anyway!" Villager replied guiltily.
With a sympathetic expression, Link looked at the Hands and asked, "Hands, can Villager be a brawler? I think there aren't enough newcomers."
The Hands looked at all of the Nintendo characters. Most of them had pleading, puppy-eyed expressions. Others seem to not care or neutral.
"Sure! Why not!" Crazy Hand answered confidently. "Besides, if it weren't for my brother accidentally sending a portal to the Animal Crossing World, then we wouldn't have met him!"
Some of the brawlers giggled at Crazy Hand's sentence. If Master Hand has a face, it would be pink in embarrassment.
"Well, Villager did cause a commotion and recently panicked the entire mansion..." Master Hand announced, looking at Villager. "But since he seems to enjoy being here... Welcome to the Smash Mansion, Villager!"
The child brawlers cheered loudly and began to hop in joy. Marth embraced Link and Villager. Some of the brawlers and visitors smiled and clapped.
Villager, who was set on the ground, made an announcement. "G-Guys! Before we forget, I want to return everyone's belongings! Follow me!"
Villager lead everyone to a lonely, abandoned shed at the far corner of the backyard. It was not raining hard, yet there was a soft wood looked flimsy and weak. The nails had a small tint of red rust. The windows were a bit cracked.
Link tried to shove the door open. "It's locked..." he said. "How did you managed to get in?"
"I managed to crawl into this hole." Villager pointed to a small, obtrusive hole at the side of the shield. Only the child brawlers could fit through. "And, if you're wondering how I got the items in, I have an ability to put items in my small pockets, despite their sizes."
"Just like Link and Toon!" Nana exclaimed, followed by nods.
Ike went to the door and examined it. "I think with enough people, we can force it open. What do you think, Link?"
Link nodded in approval. "Yeah, I think that will work! Marth, Roy, and Pit, I need your help!"
Marth, Roy, and Pit squeezed through the crowd and with Ike and Link, began to shove the door with all of their strength. There were a couple weak creaks but other than that, the door did not budge a bit.
"It won't move!" Pit grunted.
Captain Falcon stepped out of the crowd. "Hey, I think I open this! Move aside, please!"
Everyone made a large, clear path for the racer. With a "Falcon kick!", Captain Falcon kicked the door open with a loud bang. However, the door wasn't the only thing he knocked down. The entire shed collapsed with a boom. Dust filled the freezing air.
"Er... Well, at least I opened the door." Captain Falcon awkwardly said as the others laughed.
Author's Notes: Yes! The story is complete with a terrible ending!
OT: Well, here's the final chapter of the story! *Hears kricketune chirps* Well, I felt that I started the story off pretty good but as usual, I bombed the ending! XD
The next story is an Ike and Roy AU fanfic, which might be as long as Hollow. Speaking of Hollow, I'm still writing the sequel, so heads up! Anyway, the first chapter of my next story is going to be uploaded next week, so keep an eye out! I have a feeling that this story is going to be superior than this one! (If not, than bleh!) Just to mention again, check my profile for any updates to any stories!
Story Question:
What was the best and worst part of the story?
Who is your favorite child brawler? (Mines is Toon, if you're curious.)