
"You know you love me.." He grinned evilly before landing down in the 'backyard' of their shared house. Giving him a blank look Sabrina walked inside quietly while Puck looked over towards where Jake and Briar's house was Puck nodded his head signaling they got back okay, when he saw the silhouette of Jake Grimm nod back from their own backyard he walked inside after Sabrina.

*End Recap*

****************At the Scarlet Hand Hide-out #3**********

"So she's returned then?" a malicious voice spoke from out underneath a ebony colored hood.

"Y-Yes but the blonde fairy boy has also returned." A small plush boy spoke up so that his creator could hear him. He was by far the tiniest she had created standing at a mere 4 inches tall. There was a small Purple Heart stitches on to his chest and big brown eyes and a small thin lined smile on his face.

"No matter that annoying Moth wants him anyway. But the girl…. She'll want her precious little sister back even if it kills her." Chuckling to herself the cloaked figure turned around to face a large vertical standing tube where a small brown haired girl lay floating in a red liquid.

"W-What will h-happen when she finds out we have her l-little sister?" The small plushy asked staring at his creator curiously.

"Who knows? Send Saselia in tell her it's time for the mission." The small plush boy nodded his head and ran out of the large holding area to get his 'sister'.


"PUCK I SWAER TO GOOD GOD IM GOING TO RING YOUR NECK!" A blonde teen screamed as she chased after a boy a few inches taller than her with curly blonde locks. The girl's hair was now a mess of purple and blonde. While usually such a sight would cause many to laugh if it wasn't for the partially blonde girl's known temper or the fact that the faerie prince himself was running or should I say flying away in terror.

"Oh come on Grimm it was only a prank!" Puck said his voice shaking abet as he flew a bit higher to avoid her sword's sharp tip. Keeping the mischievous smirk off of her face, Sabrina abruptly halted before turning around sharply and starting to walk away. Surprised by the blondes strange 'surrender' Puck gently landed keeping his distance just in case Sabrina was planning something. Continuing to walk away from the boy Sabrina couldn't help feel her anger rise even further up, she knew very well that her face was an ugly shade of red from her losing her temper and with her poorly died purple locks she was positive the people surrounding her had to try their best not to laugh at her.

"…Grimm?" As soon as his hand landed her shoulder Sabrina whirled around a delivered a punch straight to Puck's jaw. And while she was aiming for his check she noticed rather surprisingly that he had at least two inches taller than her. Not waiting for his response Sabrina turned sharply and walked away from the blonde boy who was now on the ground making sure that her hair had flown right in his face just for added effects, before marching straight into the shower of her shared…...House.

****With Puck*****

"…Grimm?" The blonde boy reached out his hand and placed it on her shoulder hesitantly. Not even a second later he was on the ground with a throbbing pain in his left jaw. His hand instinctively went to touch the spot on his jaw only to flinch back. His back was hurting from how he landed on it, and his nose was filled with the scent of… Strawberries? Puck opened his bright green eyes which were originally clenched shut from the pain. 'Did she just? Sabrina flipped her hair in my face! But why does her hair smell so good?' feeling his face heat up with a blush Puck quickly say up before rubbing his head and glaring at all of the people who had watched his and Sabrina's 'little' argument. A hand was extended from a figure above Puck and he looked up to see Jake Grimm, a frown appeared on Puck's face as he grabbed Jake's extended hand and was yanked up rather effortlessly on Jake's part.

"What's wrong with her?!" Puck shouted at the Sabrina's Uncle furiously. Sure he expected maybe a slap or a kick and possibly a tiny punch to the gut. But never a full strength punch straight to his face!

"Puck there are just some things you just don't understand about females…. And especially teenage females with a temper like Sabrina's." Puck's rage died down as he looked up confused towards the taller Grimm. "Ahh! Don't worry-" Jake said throwing an arm around Puck before leading him towards his small shared house with his wife Briar Grimm (STILL IN LOVE WITH THAT COUPLE!) "I'll teach you everything you need to know." Jake said with an evil glint in his eye making Puck gulp nervously while being led towards the older man's house.

*********With Sabrina!******************

Getting out of the shower Sabrina huffed audibly at the sight of her slightly damp purple hair. The blonde had practically disappeared and her hair was all purple. 'That jerk putting something in my shampoo to make it turn even more purple.' Sabrina thought while glaring at her hair before stepping out of the bathroom only to be met with a loud knocking sound.

"I swear if that's you Puck I'll murder you!" Sabrina yelled towards the door as she neared it

"Sabrina dear, it's just me and Briar is all." Snow white's voice came from the other side of the door. Letting out a sigh Sabrina opened the door exposing her purple hair to both women who both let out a small gasp at the sight.

"We… um we're here to help!" Briar stated to the smaller purple haired girl in front of them. Sabrina stepped aside and let them in knowing perfectly well what was to come was going to kill her.

I'M AN AWFUL PERSON! IM SOOOO SORRY PLEASE PLEASE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! If I'm honest I actually have a reason I haven't posted in FOREVER!

Sooooo when I was in fourth grade I got Mono... and that's a virus so it never goes away it just sorta goes dormant for long periods of time... well about a week after my last post my mono came back and it was worse then ever... So about a two weeks ago my mono finally went a away and it was a snow day (NO SCHOOL!) while I was running down the wooden stairs at my house I fell and tumbled ALLL the way down the stairs and managed to give myself a concussion. For the past two weeks I haven't been allowed to do ANY reading, writing, or playing on any electronics at all! (I'm honestly not supposed to be on my computer right now but THIS NEEDED TO BE DONE!) So I'm using my ninja skills and typing this really fast! Sorry its so short! And that this chapter is a complete filler chapter like all get out...