Disclaimer: I own nothing related to The Walking Dead.
A/N: This will be approximately 3-5 chapters centering on games. This fan fiction is AU. Merle, T-Dog, Axel, Andrea, and Milton are all still with the group. Each chapter will be the group playing a game. Martinez is also with the group. The next chapters will contain more smut; this one is more smutty ideas and innuendo
Never have I ever…
The common room just outside of cellblock C was full as the current summer storm brewing outside had forced everyone inside. Andrea and Michonne were setting at one of the long steel tables talking quietly. Milton was sitting Indian style behind them with his journal in hand. Beth was holding Judith while Carol checked the baby's bottle on her wrist. Tyresse and T-Dog sat on the steps talking about Tyresse's NFL days. Merle hung by the door his hand stretched up to the bars above the gates. Daryl paced beside Carol and Beth, chewing on an errant nail. Axel hovered to the other side his eyes watching Carol. Martinez lay across the other metal table, humming. Rick stood beside Karen at the other side entrance to the rest of the prison, leaning against the cement wall.
"Hey!" Maggie called out as she walked into the room carrying a large box. She sidestepped Rick.
Beth looked up. "What's that?"
Maggie grinned. "Warden's secret stash?"
"What secret stash?" Glenn started walking in her direction.
"Watcha find, girlie?" Merle called out from his spot.
Martinez flipped on his stomach to look at Maggie. He grinned when Maggie pulled a bottle from the box. "Score, country girl."
Glenn glared at him.
"Tequila time." Maggie waved the bottle in the air.
Karen grinned as she pushed herself from the wall. "I'll get the salt and limes. I know we have limes."
"Maggie…" Rick started.
"Oh come on Sheriff Friendly, don't tell me we can't live a little." Merle dropped his arms from the bar and walked into the room. "Shit, we don't have no watch what with the storm from hell brewing outside. What else we gonna do?"
Rick sighed, running his hand down his face.
"Come on, man." T-Dog said. "Ya know I don't normally agree with the Redneck, but Rick we are going stir crazy in here."
Andrea looked over at Rick. "Might be fun."
"I don't drink." Milton said as he put his book down.
"There is some vodka and brandy, too." Maggie pulled more bottles out of the box.
"Remember the CDC?" T-Dog grinned.
Glenn groaned.
Daryl laughed. "We'll watch ya this time China man."
"What happened at the CDC?" Beth asked.
Carol shook her head, catching Daryl's eyes. "Nothing. We just all had a little too much wine."
"Glenn had a lot too much." T-Dog grinned.
"I don't drink a lot." Glenn folded his arms around his chest.
"Oh baby. It's okay." Maggie grinned at him. "A lot of people can't hold their liquor."
Daryl snickered.
Carl walked in and everyone went silent. He arched an eyebrow. "What's up?"
Carol smiled. "Nothing."
"Can I take Judith and feed her?" Carl said, walking over to them.
"I think that is a great idea." Maggie said. "Ya know Carl, Daddy was saying how he wanted to see Judith maybe you could take her up there and spend some time with him?" Maggie asked her face hopeful.
"Sure." Carl looked around the room at them before exiting. Muttering under his breath. "Weird. So weird"
"So I propose that instead of just getting drunk we make this a bit interesting." Maggie grinned at the group.
"Body shots?" Martinez grinned.
Andrea glared at him.
"Spin the bottle?" Merle smirked, his gaze moving to little Beth Green.
"20 questions?" Milton offered.
"Never have I ever." Maggie grinned.
Daryl frowned. "What the fuck is that?"
Rick shook his head.
"It is a drinking game. You usually play it with a group of people and someone says something if you did that something you drink if not you don't. And if no one has done what the person said they have to drink. The winner is the last one standing, literally." Maggie summarized.
"You seriously want us to play this game?" Andrea asked her eyebrow arched in disbelief.
"You got a lot else to do?" Maggie perched the box of alcohol on one slim hip as she gave Andrea a challenging look. "You scared?"
Martinez gave a low whistle.
Tyresse shook his head.
"I'll play." Andrea stood up. She looked down at Michonne.
Michonne reluctantly stood up. "I'm in."
"I own this shit." Merle grinned.
T-Dog stood up. "No. I own this shit."
"I'll play." Axel grinned.
"I want to play." Beth said.
Martinez sat up, dropping his combat boots onto the bench of the table. "How about you, Caro?"
Daryl glared at him. "Her name's Carol."
Carol nodded. "I will play."
"Little brother?" Merle grinned at Daryl.
Daryl nodded.
Rick sighed. "I'll play."
"Yah!" Karen piped up as she rejoined the group with a couple of salt packets, a knife, Styrofoam cups, and bag of limes.
Tyresse nodded. "I know I am going to regret this, but I am in."
Glenn looked at Maggie. "Yeah."
Maggie dropped the box in the floor. "Okay. We need to make a circle."
Tyresse and T-Dog pushed one table back while Daryl and Merle tackled the second.
Maggie dropped down to the floor sitting Indian style. Glenn sat to her right and Beth to her left. Andrea dropped beside Glenn. Michonne sat next to Andrea. Rick sat next to Michonne followed by Karen who eagerly dropped down next to him. T-Dog and Tyresse joined the circle next. Milton sat down beside Tyresse. Martinez sat beside Milton. Carol dropped down next to Martinez. Daryl quickly sat next to her almost knocking Axel on the floor next to him. Merle took the seat next to Axel that conveniently placed him by Beth.
Karen quickly cut lime slices as Maggie passed the cups, alcohol, and salt packets.
Maggie pushed her hair behind her ears and looked around their circle. "Who wants to start? Rick?"
Rick sighed. "Okay. I will start. Never have I ever stolen something."
Everyone drank.
"Really?" Rick shook his head. "It is the end of the world and I am surrounded by thieves?"
Karen giggled.
Rick nodded at her. "Your turn."
Karen pursed her lips as she thought. She wanted to ask a lot of questions of Rick, but not say something slutty quite yet. "Never have I ever…kissed someone of the same sex!"
Andrea shrugged and tossed back a shot.
"Fuck, yeah Blondie!" Merle grinned.
Milton's eyes widened.
"It's all you, T." Karen grinned as she nudged his shoulder.
"Never have I ever…been with two people at once." T-Dog grinned.
Merle, Andrea, and Tyresse drank.
Beth's eyes widened. Merle had been with two women at one time. How exactly did that happen?"
Tyresse smiled. "Never have I ever cheated on a partner."
Maggie, Andrea, Merle, T-Dog, and Karen drank.
Daryl shook his head. Bunch of fuckin' derelicts in this group.
Milton hesitated a minute before speaking. "Never have I ever been in love."
With the exception of Daryl and Milton everyone drank.
Martinez grinned, wickedly. He winked at Carol, ignoring the growl that emitted from Daryl. "Never have I ever had sex in a public place."
Merle, Maggie, Glenn, Rick, Andrea, T-Dog, Tyresse, and Carol drank.
"Fuck, Caro. That is damn hot!" Martinez said, nudging her shoulder.
Daryl would have reminded him again that her name was Carol, but he was too stuck on the fact that Carol had sex in public. His Carol?
"Go, Caro." Martinez encouraged.
Carol rolled her eyes at him. "Never have I ever…posed nude for a picture."
Andrea and Tyresse drank.
"Whoa! Really?" T-Dog exclaimed.
"I am so dead in the water." Andrea muttered under her breath.
Michonne arched an eyebrow. "You've done a lot of things."
"Your turn little brother!" Merle hollered. "Come on, bro give me something to drink to."
Daryl smirked following Carol's theme. "Never have I ever done a strip tease."
Merle made a sour face before drinking. Andrea sighed and downed another shot.
"Seriously?" Michonne asked.
Carol bit her lower lip before throwing back a shot.
"All right, Carol!" Maggie grinned. "In a bar?"
Carol groaned.
Daryl stared at her in shock.
"Maybe she can do a repeat performance?" Axel leaned forward eagerly.
Daryl pulled his elbow back, jamming it into the convict's ribs.
Merle laughed.
Beth frowned. She hadn't taken a single shot. Was she really this boring?
Axel rubbed his side and glared at Daryl.
"Come on, Axel. Your turn." Andrea said her words slightly slurred.
Axel continued to rub his side and glare at Daryl. "Never have I ever done drugs." He smirked at Daryl.
Merle, Martinez, Andrea, Tyresse, Daryl, and Carol drank.
Axel watched shocked as Carol followed Daryl, tipping back her shot.
Merle made a face. "Little Meth problem." He shrugged.
"Football, women, and drugs all readily available in the NFL." Tyresse explained.
Martinez shrugged. "Little pot and a little coke."
Andrea held her glass up triumphantly. "College pot!"
Carol grinned. "College pot."
Daryl nodded. "Pot no college."
Merle grinned and cast a sideways glance at Beth. "It's all good bro. Okay, me next. Never ever have I fucked a virgin, but fuck do I want to."
Andrea grinned. "No drink!"
"Thank God." Michonne muttered under her breath.
Rick drank. "What? Lori and I were high school sweethearts. I was a virgin!"
"You're up little one." Merle grinned at Beth.
Beth contemplated her next move. She looked right at Merle. "Never have I ever had sex."
Everyone drank except Beth and Daryl.
Martinez leaned forward mouth opened only to receive a swift elbow to the ribs from Carol who was still trying to wrap her head around this newly found tidbit of information.
Andrea leaned forward swaying a bit. "Really?" She looked at Daryl. "Oh, you really need to fix that."
Rick groaned.
"No that is so so so sad." Andrea said, shaking her head from side-to-side. "Carol, you need to fix that."
Carol felt the heat rise up into her neck and face. She didn't dare look at Daryl.
"You two are so cute. You know you want to fuck." Andrea grinned.
"Andrea!" Rick exclaimed his voice sharp.
"What you think they don't want to? You want to right, Daryl? You want to fuck Carol, right?" Andrea shook her head, trying to catch their eyes. "Can't you just feel the tension between those two?"
Martinez laughed.
Carol put her hands over her face. Daryl appeared paralyzed beside her.
"Andrea." Michonne hissed.
"What it's not a secret, they are so cute together. They should fuck though maybe Daryl would be nicer. He's kind of mean. You're kind of mean Daryl. " Andrea whispered a contemplative look crossing her face. "All that repressed sexual tension."
Merle howled.
Maggie groaned.
Glenn looked at Daryl and Carol who both now looked mortified. "I think this game is pretty much over."
"Definitely over." Rick stated as he stood up. Karen frowned as Rick walked over to help Michonne get Andrea up on her feet.
As everyone started standing, Carol swallowed hard and ventured a look at Daryl. "I am sorry. She is so drunk."
Daryl nodded. "Not you're fault. She's drunk as shit."
Martinez stood in front of them. He bent down and waved the Tequila bottle in front of them. "You two kiddies should have some fun." He dropped the bottle at their feet. "Life's too fucking short. And sex is too fucking fantastic. You hear that virgin girl!" Martinez shouted.
Beth's cheeks went crimson.
Merle threw an arm around her shoulder. "He's right little one. Life is short."
Beth looked up at Merle with wide eyes.
Merle brought his mouth to her ear. "Anytime you want to ive a little, darling, let me know." He smiled as he dropped his arm and walked away whistling.
Daryl and Carol were left in the room alone sitting side-by-side alone. Carol reached for the Tequila bottle. "I think we both need this." She poured a little into both their cups.
Daryl nodded and took the cup.
"Cheers." Carol said in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"Ya really did a strip tease?" Daryl asked.
Carol nodded. "Yeah. College."
Daryl smiled as he looked down at his glass. "Liked to see that."
Carol laughed. "If we keep downing these, you just might get lucky.
Daryl looked up at her. Their eyes locked as he grabbed the bottle filling her cup. "Drink up."
"Oh God." Carol whispered as she brought the glass to her lips. God help her.
A/N: Chapter Two if you want where more than deuces are wild or Truth or Dare Night filled with some rather risqué dares and revealing truths? Let me know which you want first or at all! Hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading!