A/N: Ok. We've made it to the end. I haven't yet watched the Premiere - it's on the DVR. I wanted to finish this before I saw where things acutally go. I want to thank you all for your continued following, reading, reviews and messages. They do mean so much when you're in the middle of a story wondering if anyone is picking up what you're laying down. I have some ideas for continuing this universe, specifically with regard to the absent Max, but we'll see where that goes. Thanks again! bP
Chapter 12
When their alarm rang 30 mintues later, Annie immediately started on the suitcases while Auggie showered. By the time they'd switched places, Annie had everything packed neatly with a change of clothing left out for both of them. Auggie then headed out to find Brendan and Dana and fill them in on the change of plans. After Annie dressed she joined them all in the kitchen. She gratefully accepted the steaming mug of black coffee Brendan placed in front of her.
"I'll call Gwen. She'll want to see you before you go." Dana stood from the table, and Annie could see that she was about to cry.
"We're all packed," Annie said, somewhat to Auggie, somewhat to the room.
Auggie stood. He couldn't stand the feeling in the room anymore. "Let's just head up to Mom's now." He also needed to dissipate some anxious energy, and there was no heavy bag around. "We can walk."
The others agreed and they started up the street. Leah and Troy's cars were still in the driveway, and Gwen met them in they foyer as they arrived.
"What are you all doing here?"
"Work call. We're gonna have to head out around noon." Auggie explained. "I thought we should come here first.
"There wasn't a car at the gate."
"We walked." He took his mom's arm as they crossed the hall toward the kitchen and the others.
"Look what the cat dragged in," Gwen exclaimed.
"Annie!" squealed Maeve and Helena as they ran toward their pool buddy.
"Will you braid my hair like yours?" Maeve asked, leading Annie off to the breakfast nook, Helena trailing not far behind.
Auggie took a seat at the dining room table beside Troy.
"What's up?" His brother asked.
"Work stuff. They need me back this afternoon."
"No one else can reboot the servers or whatever?" Troy jibed.
"It's a little more complicated than that. I'm not actually the IT guy. You know that, right?" Auggie rolled his eyes as he heard Troy and Brendan cackle with laughter. "You guys are hilarious. You should take your little show on the road."
"Anytime we can get your dander up, Baby Bro, it's worth it," decided Troy. Brendan had to agree.
Dana, still sullen, looked up from her phone. "Rhett and Ruth will be here in a fifteen minutes with brunch."
"Do they always bring food?" Auggie asked.
Leah nodded. "I think they think it diffuses tense situations." She looked at the half-eaten muffin in her hand and sat it on the plate in front of her. "They may have something there."
By 9:30, Rhett and Ruth had arrived at the house with pastries and sandwiches. However, when Jim went to brew a new pot of coffee, he found the can was empty. Auggie and Dana offered to run to the store and pick up more. Gwen threw Dana her keys and they were off.
Two blocks into the drive, she still hadn't spoken to him. "Dana, you know we'd stay longer if we could." He didn't want to leave her on bad terms.
"I know. I'm not mad because you're leaving early; I'm mad because you're leaving."
"If it helps, I'm really excited about why we're leaving. I'm kind of in charge of whatever happens from now."
"Wow!" They turned left toward the stores. "Are you nervous?"
"A little. I haven't sent people into the field on my command before."
"You'll be great. Annie will be great." Dana couldn't imagine anything else.
Auggie smiled. "Annie's always great. She makes us look good on a regular basis."
They pulled into the market and Dana opened her door. Auggie asked her to wait a second as he pulled a creased clipping from his pocket.
"Can you take a look at this for me?"
Dana took the photo and looked over it. "It's really pretty. Have you gotten it already?"
"I did it once before without any input, and while I don't think that's what went wrong, I wanted someone else to take a look." He had another thought. "You guys were shopping yesterday. Did she look at anything? Do you think it's her style?"
Dana studied the picture of the diamond ring in her hands a bit more carefully. "It's simple but elegant. It's very much Annie, but you didn't answer me before. Have you already gotten something?"
He shook his head. "No. I'm not trying to scare her off. I just wanted you to tell me what you thought."
"I think when the time is right, this will be perfect." She placed the clipping back in his hand.
"I miss you, you know?" His voice broke a little. "I have someone in D.C. She's my boss actually, and that sometimes complicates things, but she's someone I can talk to. Not as much about Annie, but other things."
"You can call me anytime, Aug, really. I'll leave whatever hockey mom thing I'm doing to talk." Dana was starting to tear up by now, too. "I feel like I wasn't there for you when you needed someone."
"I didn't tell you what was going on."
Her volume increased a little. "Listen, Buster. We've had separate lives for over 15 years now, but no matter what season the boys were in or what girl you had in your life at the time, we stayed in touch. Even when you and Annie started working together, what like three years ago?" She wiped her eyes again. "Who was this Parker and what made her think she was enough for you?"
"How old was she? No wait. We have a saying, 'Peace Corps 24.' You weren't the first to be taken in by a girl who planned to save the world."
Dana leaned her head on his shoulder. "Oh, Auggie. Let's go get some coffee."
The goodbyes began almost as soon as they returned. Troy and Leah's girls had play dates, Dana and Brendan's boys would be home soon, and Rhett and Ruth were headed out on the lake with some neighbors. Gwen and Jim offered to take Annie and Auggie to the airport after they grabbed all their things from Brendan's. There were hugs and tears at both houses and finally at the security checkpoint at O'Hare. Annie hugged the Andersons, thanking them again for their hospitality. She moved over toward the line to give Auggie a moment with his parents.
"Be careful, my love," was all that Gwen said as she hugged him tightly. She kissed his cheek and finally let him go.
"Dad?" Auggie reached for Jim, who enveloped his son in a bear hug.
"I love you, Auggie. And I'm proud of you. Take care of yourself."
"I will. I love you both."
"Call when you can," Gwen called as he joined Annie in the line. They waved back until they dissolved into the crowd.
On the plane settled into their seats and well on their way, Annie watched Auggie again. The stress and tension of why they'd likely be engaged in over the next several days slowly settled on his shoulders. He fidgeted in the seat, seemingly unable to find a comfortable position.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"There will be an approach, and I don't see how it can be anyone but you."
Annie's brow furrowed. "But you said that our boss's boss's boss said that wasn't going to happen."
"Arthur and I have exchanged a couple of emails. That's apparently no longer the case."
He sat quietly for about three minutes before he started at the belt then crunched the remaining ice in his plastic cup.
"What now?" She asked, placing her hand over his to try to help him find some sort of calm.
"I wanted to ask you if you'd be interested in moving in together."
"For real?"
"Danielle's house could sell any day, and we're practically living together now, and I love that. I love you."
She smiled and reached across the seat to kiss him. "Yes. Absolutely yes."
He finally sighed and pushed his seat back just a little. "Well, that's a load off."
"Just so we're clear, if you had proposed, I'd have said no."
"I know," he grinned over at her. "That's why I didn't."
"Good man."
"But will you let me know when I can?"
Annie threw her head back and laughed again, drawing glares from their fellow passengers. She grinned sweetly at the lady across the aisle before she leaned back toward Auggie and whispered in his ear.
"Oh, believe me, Auggie Anderson. You'll know."
The End