Well, another idea for a Dissidia story. This time, it'll deal with a parody of The Simpsons. So, here's Bartz, trying to sell his soul for a donut.
Bartz's Donut Horrors
Campsite, 9 p.m.…
After setting up camp with Zidane, Squall and Laguna, Bartz became very bored…and hungry. He was horrified to learn that none of the warriors had hunted or brought food with them. So, he sat on a log, moaning from hunger.
"Aw…I'm so hungry…" Bartz complained.
He looked over at the others and saw that they were fast asleep. Since he was lookout, he wasn't allowed to sleep. That increased his hunger and boredom.
'Oh wait, I got that donut in my bag!' Bartz thought.
He opened his bag to find that the donut was gone, only to be replaced by a note.
Bartz read it and it said, "Bartz, I owe you one emergency donut. Signed, Laguna."
The young man tore up the note and moaned. In desperation, he moaned, "Aw, I'd sell my soul for a donut."
"Well, that can be arranged," someone said.
Bartz turned to see that Cecil was standing behind him. He looked much different than usual as his paladin form was purple in color. The armor had spikes similar to his dark knight form and a menacing aura came from him.
"What the…? You're the Dark One?" Bartz asked.
"Yep. I'm what you least expect. Now to sell your soul, it's important that we go through the grave ramifications for doing so…" Cecil explained.
"Do you have a donut or not, Cecil?" Bartz yelled.
"Uh huh. Just sign here. Here. Here. Oh and initial at the bottom there," Cecil said, giving Bartz a packet of papers.
Bartz signed them and didn't bother to read them. A donut appeared on a plate in Cecil's hands and he offered it to Bartz. The young man quickly took it and began eating.
"Now remember, the instant you finish it, I own your soul for…" Cecil told him.
Before he could finish, Bartz stopped and asked, "Wait, if I don't finish, you don't own my soul, do you?"
"Uh…technically no…so…" Cecil said.
Making a jab at him, Bartz said in singsong, "I'm smarter than the Dark One! I'm smarter than the Dark One!"
Turning into a dark beast, the Dark One yelled, "YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN ME! I'LL SEE YOU IN THE UNDERWORLD YET, BARTZ KLAUSER!"
Cecil disappeared in a column of darkness. Chuckling, Bartz said while hiding the donut fragment in his bag, "Not likely."
The next night…
Now tired and hungry as he was the lookout again, Bartz began to nod off. In his sleep deprived hunger, Bartz opened his bag and pulled out what looked like a donut fragment. He didn't see the note telling him not to eat it and ate it anyway.
"Well, well…Finishing something?" Cecil asked.
Bartz turned and screamed. A dark portal opened up and Bartz started getting pulled in. The others woke up and were shocked to see what was going on. To their horror, they started getting pulled in as well.
"HEY!" Zidane screamed, using his tail to hold on for dear life to a tree.
"Did you eat that donut?" Squall asked.
"Yeah he did! The Dark One wouldn't have shown up if he didn't!" Laguna said, holding onto a rock.
Bartz was pulled into the portal and he screamed, going into the dark abyss when…
"WAAH!" Bartz screamed.
Zidane and the others woke up to find that he was screaming. "What's wrong?" Laguna asked.
"Cecil…sent me to the Underworld…I had to eat Brussels sprouts for eternity!" Bartz screamed.
"Okay…" Squall muttered.
"Maybe you should stop eating those berries we keep finding in the fields," Zidane told him.
Bartz vowed not to. Sadly, none of the other warriors understood why Bartz was terrified of Cecil every time he saw him…