This is my first fanfiction, constructive criticism is appreciated. Flames are NOT appreciated. And reviews are encouraged! I'm sorry if you think I'm coping anyone but I'm not trying to copy anyone. To avoid any further copyright issues I'm going to say this right now:




Chapter 1.

A lone figure walked across an empty plain scattered with bloodstains. The sounds of screams of agony could be heard in the distance. This place is known as Tartarus, and that lone figure is known as Perseus Jackson.

Perseus "Percy" Jackson was a hero in the world of the Greek and Roman gods. He had defeated many titans including the titan king himself and also had defeated numerous giants and Gaea not to mention the countless monsters he had slain. But a tragic happening destroyed the life of Percy Jackson.

Flashback 30 Years

Percy Jackson was in his cabin, tapping his fingers to a beat. The Giant war had just ended and Percy was happy with the amount of peace that had come at the end. When Percy was about to close his eyes and doze off a bright light enveloped him and Percy found himself standing in the middle of the Olympian throne room and surrounded by some angry looking gods


Percy stared at the gods with wide eyes. He couldn't believe that after everything he's done for them. He immediately turned to Artemis, he had been fighting Gaea with him, he knew that she would plead for him.

"Artemis, tell them that they're wrong, I was fighting with you when I was against Gaea, wasn't I? I couldn't kill any demigods on our side." Everyone turned to Artemis. Artemis refused to meet Percy's eyes.

"Father, Perseus was never with me during the battle. I say he is guilty."

The huntress said. Percy's mount fell open, he couldn't believe that the goddess he could rely on most just basically sent him to hell. Artemis refused to turn back to look at Percy. Zeus turned to Percy with a look of hate. Percy looked around, only the gods he'd pissed off looked happy about it. The others didn't look happy, Hestia and Hades looked the most upset with what Artemis said. They started to whisper to each other. Before Percy could think of what they were talking about Zeus' voice sounded.

"YOU SHALL BE PUNISHED, PREPARE FOR TARTARUS!" Zeus threw his bolt at the ground. The floor under Percy gave away dropping Percy into a black chasm. Percy couldn't even yell. He was still shocked from everything. He slowly watched the hole from the floor of the throne room getting smaller as the events that just happened were trying to make sense in his head.

Flashback end

Percy Jackson had arrived in Tartarus 3 days later from such a long decent. Monsters had immediately tried to attack him until they realized his scent and then they avoided him. Percy Jackson had become a figure to avoid for the monsters after the amount of monsters he sent back here. Even Kronos seemed to stay away with a grudging respect for him. Percy, alone and tired did the only thing he could do: he trained. From that day forward he trained with his sword until when he had asked all the titans in Tartarus to fight (Most agreed happily, thinking that they were going to destroy the Hero of Olympus) he would still be able to overcome them, even Kronos. His water powers grew so strong that he could lift the River Styx and freeze with no more than labored breath afterward. During his fifth year in Tartarus he had found that he could summon fire and shadows, apparently Hestia and Hades had blessed him. So he trained those powers until he could summon a firestorm and was able to bring the shadows to him. The year after that Percy realized that he didn't feel older or such, then he realized he had become immortal somehow when the titan Perses got a hit on him. On his 10th year he sought out Tartarus, the primordial being. He had finally found him and was able to defeat him in battle after 10 long days of almost non-stop fighting.


"You have defeated me young hero, what do you seek?" An old entity called Tartarus said as he got up from his knee and wincing from a wound.

"I wish for your blessing" Percy said. Tartarus nodded and put his hand over Percy and black energy went into Percy. Percy immediately felt stronger and knowledge filled Percy's memories. Percy looked at the primordial god of punishment. Tartarus gave him a small smile.

"I figured it would be better if you knew how to use your powers" Percy gave a smile and bowed to the primordial in appreciation, thanks, and respect causing the said god's smile to grow. Percy left to find the titans. Maybe he could teach them something.

Flashback End

Percy then sought out each of the titans and fought them all again, this time he tried to correct them. He still defeated them and the titans continued to ignore Percy's advice until they got frustrated of Percy continuing to defeat them and started to incorporate his tips into their fighting skills. They were surprised about how effective his advice was. Their teamwork excelled drastically and their respect for Percy grew even though he kept defeating them but it was closer now. Percy was even able to talk to some of the more peaceful titans.

Percy's stealth skills increased immensely and he was able to sneak into Elysium where he would chat with his dead friends, he told them about his story and his time in Tartarus and they told him about their time in Elysium. It was now his 25th year from when he was sent to Tartarus and he would still train. One day when he was in Elysium he met three men. They said their names were Altair, Ezio, and Connor (This is not a crossover, this is the only reference to AC, also I don't own them). They gave him a wrist brace with a hidden knife on it. They taught him how to use it and soon Percy had mastered the hidden knife and was able to use the hidden knife and Riptide in perfect sync. Percy continued to train until nobody from Tartarus and Elysium could defeat him in battle.

In the underworld word about a legendary warrior spread from the pits of Tartarus and Elysium. Hades had caught onto this and became worried as word about the warrior's skill became greater and greater to the point where Hades would consult the rest of the gods about it. Thinking about Tartarus gave Hades memories about his favorite nephew. Despite not telling anyone, Hades and his sister Hestia had secretly blessed Percy before he was sent to Tartarus because they knew Percy was innocent and believed he would need the powers, but Hades did it also because the demigod had gotten him and Hestia a place on the Olympian council. The god of the underworld frowned when he remembered his son's reaction to the news. He had just stood there before flashing out. Nico barely came to the palace anymore. But Hades could understand, it's not every day that the brotherly figure in your life is sent to Tartarus. Hades sighed before flashing out to go visit his dear sister Hestia, he needed to tell her something.

Down below Hades' palace in Tartarus, a sound of stone grinding against each other resonated to the depths of Tartarus. The doors had opened fully and a figure in a dull blue cloak with a hint of green was the first to step out. For the first time in 30 years, Perseus Jackson stepped onto the soil of Earth.