Chapter Four: Perpétuel

The walls, like everything else in a hospital, were white. Plain cotton curtains provided a barricade between patients, and the pungent smell of disinfectant invaded his nostrils. He was actually pleased that he could finally see the brunet, even though the permanent glare contradicted this feeling.

Hibari glanced at the numbers, remembering Giotto had said Room Nine. All he heard were the sounds of the television and the monitor as he pushed the door open. And there was Tsuna, drinking a glass of water with a look of obvious boredom, as if begging the TV to tap dance. It seemed he hadn't noticed Hibari yet, because when he did, he could see that boredom instantly disappear, like a child waiting for their favorite toy. He knew Tsuna possessed a childish side, but sometimes, it was like speaking to an actual child. And when that childish side decided to be brandished, so would his stubborn nature. Most of the time, he learned to adjust to this, and others, he would painfully relive those moments of training with Dino. The blond was stupid. There was no nice way of putting it. And he welcomed that feeling in his chest, it made him feel weightless, but unsure of what to do next. With just a smile, or that glint of delight reflecting in those caramel eyes, he knew he was enraptured. Not that he minded of course. Tsuna didn't need to know that.

"You know this hospital only has seven channels? And half of them are not even in Japanese. Like, what am I supposed to do while I wait for my stabbed arm to heal?" He deadpanned, chewing on the red gelatin. Hibari raised an eyebrow, not saying anything. To be honest, he was expecting a warm welcome, not complaining. "And I can't even eat anything. Well I can, but not something I would want. I thought being sick would be fun. Obviously not. Last time I actually enjoyed being in the hospital was when I broke my leg because of Reborn," Tsuna continued, wrinkling his nose in disgust as he grudgingly put the gelatin down.

"A cookie jar?" He asked, amused to see the other blush and look away.

"What else was I supposed to use? Unlike you, Hibari-san, I don't have weapons of mass destruction hidden in my clothing everywhere I go,'' Tsuna shot back, ignoring the tugging of his IV drip.

"If you are referring to my tonfa, those are easily concealed and—"

"Can you just come over here and sit with me? I was honestly waiting for my family to leave, and I knew you were probably scaring the nurses with that angry look of yours," Tsuna cut in, ignoring the icy glare. Hibari smirked as Tsuna eagerly made space for him to sit, and laced their hands together.

"If you ever face a criminal like an incompetent fool, I will bite both of you to death,'' Hibari said lowly, welcoming the feeling of the baker's hand on his. Tsuna laughed, but immediately winced when he felt the burning sensation coursing through his arm.

"O-Okay. But can you please call the nurse and tell her I need more painkillers, the medication is wearing off,'' he murmured, watching the Skylark immediately page a nurse, ignoring the threat that if she didn't hurry, he will not be afraid to express his displeasure. A few painkillers later, Tsuna was dazed and confused, laughing at the jokes that weren't even funny or in Japanese. Hibari was mildly entertained, until Tsuna spoke the question he was dreading to hear.

"What will happen now?" He drawled lazily, trying to stay awake, but sane at the same time.

"Daemon Spade will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and your shop will receive compensation according to the damages inflicted on the property," Hibari answered stiffly. Tsuna frowned, confused with the answer.

"No, I—I meant us. My family, or Gokudera-kun in particular, thinks we're…together. And I was wondering about your thoughts on the subject,'' Tsuna spoke evenly, trying not to be demanding, but not being a total pushover either. However, his body had other thoughts as he realized there were three Hibari's staring at him.

Hibari sighed, and Tsuna knew, he felt that sensation of dread coursing more powerfully than the pain of his stab wound. He should've known. Hibari didn't want an actual relationship. But before he could say a word, the raven chuckled lowly, almost agitated. It was…cute. "Herbivore, if you are implying that I should speak to your family about…us, I will not do so in the presence of Gokudera Hayato. First, it would be more prudent to take care of your injury, and make repairs on the bakery. Then, we shall establish…this,'' he replied flatly, especially since he did not want to face Sawada Nana, at least not yet.

"Fine,'' he agreed, letting the other run his hands through his hair, and breathing in the smell of lavender and green tea, ignoring the sterile bed sheets as they tangled through their legs.

Two weeks later

"Kyou-san, Daemon Spade has been declared guilty of all charges and will face his punishment by the Vindice,'' Kusakabe announced, watching his superior read and sort the pile of paperwork. Hibari didn't look up, until the last document was stamped with the Namimori insignia.

"I am aware. I will let Sawada Tsunayoshi know immediately,'' he grunted tiredly, noting with irritation that his cup of tea was almost empty. Kusakabe suppressed a smile, clearing his throat to get his superior's attention.

"Kyou-san, perhaps I could take over the paperwork while you tell Tsuna the news…in person."

There was a lapse of silence like he knew there would be.

"Hn. That would be…wise." And without another word, the Police Chief left, leaving his Second-in Command a mountain of papers. Not that he cared of course.

One week later

Tsuna tried to choke down his laughter as he watched the forever stoic man look confused as a child beamed at him with no fear. "Thank you for the cookies sir, but when is the other baker coming back? These cookies aren't as good as his."

Hibari scowled, tempted to rip the apron off and crush the cookie to dust in the girl's hand.

"He's busy,'' he answered tightly, ignoring the snort behind him. Tsuna cheerfully strolled (as cheerful as a person can get with a big heavy cast), placing his good arm on Hibari's shoulder.

"Remember Hibari-san, service with a smile!" Seething, he sat at the register, regretting, absolutely regretting offering his help to tend to the bakery. Tsuna was bedridden for a few days, too weak to actually do much, but with that stubbornness he knew so well, Tsuna insisted on opening the bakery early. Of course, Tsuna planned to do everything one-handed, of course he expected to be able to carry a five-pound bag of flour, and he absolutely positively could handle the register and make pastries. Hibari wanted to strangle him for having such foolish assumptions (but he didn't because Tsuna was actually endearing when he spoke excitedly of trying new recipes and expanding the bakery to make an outside garden for people to sit at, plus he really enjoyed looking at the other's face and strangling will probably not be a good idea). So he had opted with a grunt, and even offered to help him manage the business. ("Are you sure, Hibari-san? You're not exactly a people person. And I can definitely handle it on my own, I don't need anybody's help," Tsuna had declared, while under the influence of painkillers). He was really angry when he realized he actually had to act courteous to people. He had scared off the first few customers, until Tsuna realized that the Skylark had threatened to bite them to death if they didn't order fast enough.

Or the fact that it was always crowded. Always. He could handle fifteen minutes of being in the presence of people, especially when he only came to purchase cookies back then, but now he was forced to speak kindly and patiently, while serving the crowd.

Not to mention the fact that as he was baking, Tsuna didn't let him touch anything. ("This is for the customers, Hibari-san! You can't just take a bite of something and expect it to be sold!") After almost watching the baker trip while going to the bathroom, he quickly made sure Tsuna would be seated while he baked and tended to the customers.

And last, but not least, the apron. He knew Tsuna had chosen a cute frilly apron on purpose, but the nametag went against his very being. HELLO, MY NAME IS HIBARI! HOW MAY I HELP YOU?

Tsuna was enjoying watching the older man give a forced smile (he looked like he was in pain), enjoyed the sculpted body donned by the cute apron, or the flour that dusted his bangs. How he would scowl as the bell tinkled every time there was a new customer, or how he frowned in concentration to wrap the dessert in its signature paper. He elegantly and effortlessly handled everything, and he couldn't help but admire the raven even more.

Not that he was being discreet either, as he watched with a feral gleam in his eyes as Hibari bent down, enjoying the view those pants could provide, or when he loosened his black tie, letting him know there was a flawless chest underneath that lavender shirt. And he was not ashamed when Hibari gave him a smirk, almost tauntingly pulling at his collar to cover up.

Upon his return to the bakery, the customers were glad to see Tsuna again. The flurry of people never stopped, and continued as if the shop never closed in the first place. Tsuna's happiness was contagious, and Hibari was glad to see that crying puffy-eyed brunet from three weeks ago gone.

And when the shop closed, both would go and end up at Tsuna's apartment, sleeping soundly at the busy day. Hibari would leave early to head to the station, and tend to the bakery with Tsuna at three in the afternoon. It became a routine, and sometimes Tsuna would show up at the station with food and cookies.

However, that bliss crashed, like all good things do. Tsuna no longer needed medication or was dependent on the Skylark for carrying heavy loads. Fumbling with his scarf and biting his lip nervously, he stared at the floor with determination. "Hibari-san, my mother wants to meet you,'' he mumbled hesitantly, and as he expected, Hibari tightened his grip on the cup of tea, almost imperceptibly agitated.

"When?" He asked.

"W-Wait! You're…actually going?" Tsuna looked at him with awe and a bright smile, feeling the weight on his shoulders lighten considerably.

Hibari scoffed, his slate blue eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Of course. Proper courting must be done with precision, herbivore," he mused silkily, watching the brunet inflate like a beach ball. Tsuna knew the Police Chief could charm the pants off his mother, but that air of confidence and handsome face would kill her. He was glad Iemitsu was in Italy with his cousin, Xanxus.

"No one uses that word anymore. And we have to act fast because Gokudera-kun's been prowling my house waiting for you. I think he really hates the fact that you arrested him." Tsuna picked on the loose seam of his sleeve, an obvious sign that he was nervous. "The house is always full too, so crowding is inevitable Hibari-san."

"Precision must be done regardless of obstacles," Hibari countered with ease, taking a sip from his tea and looking completely aristocratic even though he had flour caking his chest. Tsuna sighed.

"Okay. It's settled then, I'll give my mom a call and you can show up tonight at seven. Don't eat anything until then,'' Tsuna said airily, snapping his phone shut.

Hibari frowned. "Why?"

Tsuna's expression darkened, before he patted the taller male's shoulder reassuringly. "Trust me, there's going to be a lot of food," he said gravely, before giving him a hug and sashaying to the cash register.

He had purposefully brought white roses, wore his suit with the purple dress shirt because it was Tsuna's favorite and polished his tonfa. The thick layer of professionalism coated him; almost thick accompanied by the regal manner he carried himself with, his face showing no emotion.

He pressed his finger to the doorbell, and he did not expect a woman, shorter than him, to smile brightly as she swung the door open. Her cropped brown hair was brushed neatly, and when he met her eyes—he knew he was staring at Tsuna's mother—those same eyes, expressive and captivating. It was like staring at a female version of the baker, and that itself was disturbing.

"You must be Kyou-kun!" She motioned him inside, smoothing her peach colored apron, and ushering him to the kitchen. Except it was crowded. Tsuna was not lying, there was a small couch squished into the kitchen with children bouncing on it excitedly. He remembered the cow child and the young Chinese girl, except there was Gokudera Hayato and Yamamoto Takeshi. Not only them, but Sasagawa Ryohei and his sister were also there, chatting animatedly with Miura Haru. It was Tsuna's throng, except Tsuna himself was not there. As if sensing his thoughts, Gokudera spoke up, forcing himself to sound polite. "The Tenth is upstairs."

"I'm hungry! When are we going to eat?"

"Be patient, Lambo!" The girl shushed, and suddenly the crowd silenced when Tsuna popped in there, making awkward eye contact with Hibari.

"W-Wow guys, I didn't actually think you would all…show up."

"Of course we would, Tsuna-kun," Kyoko smiled as Haru hummed in agreement.

"Definitely," Gokudera added tersely, grudgingly letting Yamamoto swing his arm around his waist.

"The food is ready, so if everyone wants to eat, go wash your hands!"

Everyone rushed merrily to the sink, scrubbing furiously and paying no mind as Tsuna tugged on Hibari's arm, leading him upstairs.

It was dark and the wooden floor creaked, but Tsuna made no sound with his socked feet, opening the door to what can be assumed was his old bedroom. The yellow walls made the room brighter and the unused twin sized bed on the right was decorated with books and handmade pillows.

The lava lamp on the dresser laminated the room with a childish layer until Tsuna moved forward to pull the huge orange curtain exposing the balcony, revealing the night sky and the huge cheese-esque moon. The stars lavished it the perfect scene, and Tsuna was standing and leaning over the railing on his tippy toes, waiting for Hibari to join him.

And he did, letting Tsuna lean on his chest, only to laugh softly when he realized Hibari was trying to remain upright. "It's okay to slouch once in a while,'' he said, and the taller male just wrapped his arms around his waist in response.

"I will report to the station at five tomorrow." Hibari replied, feeling the slight breeze soothe him after all those weeks of stress and endless amounts of paperwork. Tsuna stayed silent, squeezing his hand gently. "How do you feel right now, Tsunayoshi?" It made the baker smile, and even though Hibari couldn't see his face, he knew Tsuna was smiling.

"Invincible,'' he didn't say. He didn't have to, because Hibari already knew that.

The End

Oh god, it's over! Wow, I would just like to thank you all for sticking around, for the great support and I hope this ending is at least satisfying. Ah, I'm going to miss this story. It was an awesome experience and I can't wait to upload this oneshot I'm writing. But, really thank you all for reading and just being so nice, I can't even. If you catch any grammatical errors, please let me know!

P.S.- I will keep posting author's notes as updates because:

1) I can

2) I don't care about the rules, I just want to let readers know that I will update soon

3) Long live the gay