ALRIGHT! New story, well isn't this fun? I reccently went back and watched a bit of one piece, then I went to read fanfiction (obviously) and decided that I wanted to write some! This is Nami-centric including Luffy Zoro Sanji and Law. I apologize before hand for any OOC-ness in here (which will probably be alot because of the fact I just recently picked this back up and haven't learned Law's personality and everyone else is kinda hard for me). So please, constructive critisism is apprecciated and oother reviews are as well. Since this is a centric fic, I will like to know who you want to see Nami interacct with more often, otherwise it'll be harder for me.

As a little side note: I hope you appreciate this, since the first draft I typed for this failed to save as I went to do a little research at the verey end. Had to re-type all of this.


Nami lived a content life in her standards. She had to die for body, and long, wavy orange locks that accented her pale skin tone and brown eyes perfectly. She had a small handful of friends that she met with frequently. She had a rough past that she slowly worked her way past and was met with a better tomorrow, at least for the most part. She also had the love and support of her sister and the residents of her home town. She had the wits to get an invitation from a private school located on the out skirts of a small boating village.

This was her third year in the small town, owning a small apartment close to the school. She was attending her junior year along with most of her friends. The school was very large, larger than necessary seeing as the school had a dwindling amount of students, hardly reaching into the triple digits. Nami didn't bother filling out the class sheet and was satisfied with the classes she did receive. Cooking, swordsmanship, nursing, navigating, and cartography.

She just happened to pick this bright and sunny Saturday to reminisce on her thoughts while her friend Vivi ranted on about a show she loved about pirates and evil fruit or something. She didn't care much for it, or any TV really, she only had a TV as a last ditch opportunity to relieve her boredom. She turned and smiled to her friend but then grew slightly startled as Vivi rounded on her.

"Please, just let me come over, I promise you will love it and you won't regret it. If you don't like it I will never bother you about it again!" Vivi burst, giving a pleading look to her best friend.

Nami glanced at her friend and smiled, "Your always welcomed at my house, you should know that." not really knowing what she may have gotten herself into.

Vivi jumped happily, getting some glances from other mall goers. "I'll bring treats! It'll be perfect! You won't regret this! I promise you'll love it!"

Nami only smiled in response, "Alright, how about we continue shopping for right now though? I barely made a dent in my wallet." Vivi smiled and nodded her agreement hastily, turning back to continue their spree.

Hours upon hours passed as the two loaded up on unnecessary clothes that appealed to their young feminine minds and finally it grew undeniably late.

"You wanna come home with me now? We can hail a taxi." Nami asked as they walked towards the exit.

Vivi shook her head, "Can't got to hit one more shop then drop these bags off at home. I'll be over after I stop and buy some snacks though." she responded. Nami nodded in understanding before waving at her friend and moving outside to hail a taxi.

Once stepping inside she mumbled a small 'I'm home' to herself as she kicked off her shoes and headed down the silent hall to her room. She dumped her bounty on her bed, turning her iPod on and hooking it to her iHome, and started packing her clothes away, pulling out a pair of sweat pants and a tank top to change into once she finished. After unpacking and changing, she threw out her shopping bags and sat at her desk, working on a map she wanted to finish.

The walls off her room were a light tan shade with pinned up maps loitering around. She had only her necessary furniture pushed up against the walls maximizing the space in the center. Here furniture only consisted of the desk, a dresser, and her bed. The rest of her room was loitered with small accessories like lamps and an alarm clock, along with shelves nailed to her wall lined with books and organizers filled to the brim in maps, and her laptop lying carefully on its side.

Not even an hour passed when her phone vibrated at the edge of her desk. Nami stopped what she was working on to glance at the text, which dully stated that Vivi was down the street and she'd need to open the door. Nami begrudgingly packed away her supplied before turning off her lights and music.

She softly padded over to the front door and pulled it open, peeking down the street as her friend pulled up. Vivi jumped out and waved enthusiastically before pulling out bags upon bags of snacks. Nami offered a smile as she stepped out of the way as her friend tumbled inside the house and straight to the kitchen. Nami closed the door before plopping down on her couch to await her friend.

"Are you ready?!" an enthusiastic Vivi asked as she handed her a bowl of buttered popcorn before dumping the rest of the snacks out on the coffee table. Nami had a pretty good idea of what she was doing now and mentally groaned, to wanting to sit through hours of her friends favorite show, but nodded anyway sitting back expecting sleep to overtake her during the first season. Vivi sat next to her with the remote after popping the DVD in and didn't hesitate in starting the first episode.

As hours passed Nami actually found herself enjoying the show and found herself giggling and debating with her visitor. They talked all through the episodes having conversations that ranged dramatically. Mostly though Vivi would ask Nami a few questions every now and then.

"So, you like Luffy right? You have to like Luffy." Vivi asked after a few episodes.

"Yeah, he's so cute and innocent, but I can understand the fact that the rest of the crew grows irritated of him from time to time." Nami responded, unaware of Vivi's nodding.

"How about everyone else? Who do you like?" Vivi pressed.

"Well, I think Sanji's pretty cool, I definitely wouldn't mind having him around in the least, but I must admit, his flirtatious attitude would start to get annoying quickly. Zoro's cool to, I mean, he kicks ass! I would love to learn some of his moves." Nami exclaimed happily, once again oblivious to her friends nodding.

Hours later and bleeding into to early morning Vivi decided on one final episode. Nami watched and they still continued their small chattering. Vivi stood once they came to the end and got her DVD and placed it back into her set.

"So, how did you like Law?" Vivi smiled.

Nami slightly made a face, "Well, in all honest, I thought he was rather cruel, I didn't agree much with his character." Vivi deflated slightly upon hearing that, but regardless packed her DVD set away and headed to the door.

"I left you a present in the kitchen, I hope you like it, or at least the majority of it. Good night Nami, sweet dreams." and with that Vivi was out the door. Leaving Nami sitting on the couch alone. Before she finally got up and collected the dishes and trash loitering around her and heading to the kitchen to dispose of it all and to tidy up.

A few minutes of cleaning was all it took and the early morning hours caught up to the orange-haired girl as she yawned silently. She grabbed the white box lying on her counter and made way for her room. Once seated on the bed she removed the lid and glanced inside to see four small clip plushes bedded in a sea off tissue paper. She smiled in recognition at the small accessories and recalled each one to herself. The energetic straw hatted pirate laid in the upper left corner of the box, lying next to him was the green haired swordsman. To the bottom left was the love cook and finally the surgeon of death lay a bit further away from the rest.

Nami smiled and set the box on her desk as she quickly burrowed under her covers for some shut eye. Smiling contently in her sleep as she dreamed of the world of pirates.

Reviews are greatly appreciated! Let me know if you like it and if you would like to see more. I cannot guarantee I will continue this, but the reviews I receive motivate me to keep the story going! So Please bee considerate! Thank you for your time!