Sorry I couldnt update, I got a virus(me not my ipad),But anyway here we are;

A flash of silver lightling crackled Indoors, silver tendrils of light and power, streaming from Perses hand. He let it engulf him covering him in full silver armour, glowing, and radiating silver light, the opposite of the shadow manticore. He summoned a long spear that was as long as he was in length, it gleamed in the light its point sharp, he pointed it at the shadow manticore the battle began. Perses raised his hand and flashed us out in a small plain in the forest, with a small creak were the monster vanguard was, for perses not wanting to destroy the big house and with it a peace treaty with camp half blood. The manticore made the first move firing a stream of black spikes at perses, which he absorbed with his left hand, made it silver and redirected it from the tip of his spear. The manticore dodged it, but the Titan anticipated this move and lunged at him, the monster flicked his tail to push it away, but Perses just swung his spear, the pointed end slicing the tail in half. Parting the darkness, the manticore cowered away, and the darkness reformed Together to recreate his tail.

Now this is where the real battle started,Perses blurred and in a split second appeared behind the manticore, spun his spear in his hand and slammed it into the monsters chest. It impaled him, but he parted and reformed again like a snake shedding his skin. "You'll never kill me like this" he cackled. He opened his hand and a katana that seemed to be pitch black appeared in his hand, sucking darkness out of the light around it.

Perses simply cocked an eyebrow "Will see, won't we," he retorted and he blurred two weapons quickly clashed, and the owners of them swung with all their might. Even my trained eye could barely catch up as they were just a flash of black and white. Perses held the upper hand, slicing the manticore countless times, but every time he just reformed. The campers, and the monster vanguard just stared in awe, but something was unsettling. The Titan hesitated for a second, and in that second that was all the manticore to strike back, spinning the katana in a big arc it was right to connect. The strike could be fatal, and with Perses down the monster would surely kill everyone brutally with no resistance. And I couldn't let that happen, my mind was racing as I calculated the situation than I saw my solution, the creak. I slowly raised my hand, willing the crystal blue water to rise with it. I quickly guided it to the left and it cascaded onto the monsters side, he flipped on to the grass and Perses struck him in the gut. But this time he didn't reform. The spear penetrated and golden ichor started leaking out of his wound. "Looks like, they need a demigod, and immortal to wound them." Perses spoke to me and gave me the slightest twitch of his lips. The spear stuck the manticore to the ground, as he wriggled wildly as he tried to escape limbs flailing. "Lets finished this together!" I told Perses and drew my sword, I twirled it, enjoying the look of fear on the manticores face, and struck down were Perses spear was. He howled a scream as golden light streamed out of his eyes and mouth. His body parted turning into shadows, but what happened next startled me a great deal. The shadows came onto my direction, I took a step back my green eyes wide with fear, thinking that they were going to possesses my or something. But I could not evade them and they entered through the pores of my skin, I suddenly felt a rush of power and felt like my stomach was doing flip flops. "What happened?" Wheezed out, feeling dizzy, I emitted the same shadow aura as the manticore. And I felt stronger than before, adreline pumping in my veins. "Percy, whenever you kill an immortal or cause them to fade, like we did the person that dealt the final blow would take their power or if a minor or major god take their domain."Perses explained.

I was stunned and before I could speak a fire cyclops appeared in front of me."Looks like, the manticore failed I'll have to finish his job for him"

Sorry if this is really bad I wrote this with a headache I just needed to update