Dib was afraid that this thick silence would continue, after what happened... But soon enough, he heard the other's apology. That striked his attention. And if that wasn't enough, what Zim said next was rather unexpected.

Dib lifted his head and stared at the Irken's grabbing hands and back to his face, with wide eyes. Well, now he was confused.

"B-But... you just said... no t-touches..." He mustered Zim's face, trying to read it, but everything he saw was a sincere and offering smile. Dib couldn't help but smile back at that.

Ever so slowly, he moved closer to the Irken on his knees, his hands on the tub's edges, until he was sitting between Zim's legs. He didn't want to startle the other, so Dib very carefully draped his right arm around Zim's neck and the left one under an outstretched Irken one. Shuffling an inch closer, Dib kept a loose hug around his mate and rested his head on a shoulder. For a few very long seconds, he enjoyed the warm liquid around him and the being in his arms.

"It IS weird..." the boy whispered. "But I'm starting... t-to get used to it."

He still wanted to know how Zim changed his mind so suddenly, but decided against it, thinking it would only cause more awkwardness. The feeling on the Irken's skin on his own always was so exciting and comforting. And the gooey substance they sat in somehow made it only better.

"I really like m-my reward, Zimmy..."

At Dib's first hesitation, a little voice in the back of Zim's head was screaming that it had been a bad idea to instantly go back on his words, yet he had felt kind of... mean, denying the other's affectionate touches just then. But, just as he was about to lower his arms, he noticed Dib's small smile, and how he was slowly moving closer.

Letting out a silent sigh, the blush increased slightly at the lack of space between the two of them, yet so did the pleasant twisting in his chest.

"Heh, I-I guessed you w-would," Zim mumbled, wrapping his arms around Dib's back in a returned hug.

He himself didn't know why he had changed his mind so quickly... All he knew was that he didn't like seeing the human look like he had... so upset, and unhappy. Especially from something that he had said! He preferred the other happy and smiling.

Zim couldn't see Dib's face anymore, since his head was on his shoulder, but he could guess from the situation that he was happy. From the way Dib had first responded though, he could tell that he was probably confused...

"You just looked s-so... miserable, over there... D-Did you just expect me to ignore that?" Zim questioned, nuzzling the other's cheek with his own slightly.

'Did I really look so... sad?' the boy couldn't help but ask himself mentally. Apparently, he did, since that fact was the reason for Zim's turn in opinion.

"Of course n-not!" Dib answered the other's question. "I know y-you wouldn't do that. It's just..." He hesitated with his words and nervously rubbed against Zim's back, trying to find the right words.

"I t-thought that... you'd find me t-too grabby and w-wanting... with all m-my touches."

Before anymore depressed thoughts could enter his mind, Dib pressed his cheek back and tightened his hug a tiny bit, being very attentive to the Irken's reactions.

Smiling contently at the tightened hug and other's words, Zim chuckled slightly in amusement.

"Well... sometimes you are, there's no denying that. But... but I-I like that about y-you... It's funny, at times," he admitted, looking down at the 'water' in front of him, watching as it moved slightly from time to time.

Beginning to quite enjoy the hug, and that combined with the warmth of the liquid made a rather good combination, enough so to cause a quiet purr to escape the Irken.

"Besides... I just don't like anyone t-touching my feet..." Zim added, changing his gaze to the area he knew his feet were. "Much like you didn't when I was inspecting your toes, awhile ago."

Heh, he remembered that... How ticklish Dib had been from the simple inspection, and how he used that to his advantage. Smile increasing at that memory, Zim removed one of his hands from the hug, and instead placed it just above the surface of the water, near the other's head. He had noticed how he had already placed half his own head in the liquid, yet the human hadn't. Time to change that.

After a moment or so of aiming, the Irken flicked at the water, causing some of it to hit the side of Dib's head; mostly he wanted to remove the tension which was still hanging in the air.

Hearing that his Irken liked that trait of him, being so 'grabby', made Dib's heart beat faster than it already was. For some moments, he was worried that maybe he should try to let Zim have his personal space more often. But hearing quite the opposite, he suppressed a squeal. Dib knew how much it meant, when Zim was saying something like that. So, even if it would be a simple compliment for most people, it meant so much more for the teen. Along with the Irken's words, Dib listened to his speeded heartbeat and just made some agreeing noises now and then...

'Heh, so maybe Zim is just as ticklish as I am, at the feet,' Dib mused when Zim spoke further. He most likely overreacted. That was nice to know... However, when it was silent, their 'moment' was beginning to feel a bit awkward again.

Dib sensed a movement and was about to say something, when suddenly... he got splashed! Guess who did this...

"H-Hey!" he complained, while chuckling and leaned back to (finally) see Zim's face. Which mostly contained an amused grin. He shook his head, so the first few drops landed on the floor and automatically copied Zim's expression.

"Don't try to start a fight, Zim!" the boy warned, getting into a playful mood. With two hands, he formed a bowl, scooped up some of the strange liquid, brought it right above the Irken's head... and let it slowly running down between his fingers.

"Heh, because I know h-how to fight back..."

The previous grin which had been on the Irken's face soon vanished as he watched Dib cup some of the 'water' in his hands, already knowing what the other planned on doing with it.

"Don't you even think about i-"

Too late.

Instantly squinting his eyes to avoid getting the liquid in them, Zim lifted up a hand to try and direct the falling water somewhere else, other than his head. It somewhat worked, but didn't keep him completely dry.

"Zim d-didn't do that much, human!" He whined, wiping some of the liquid off his face with his free hand. In some way, he found it kind of funny how they both had found yet another thing they could have a 'battle' with. Typical for them.

Once the water had stopped, the Irken lowered his hand and brought that to his face also. Once most of the liquid had gone, he put both of his hands back into the container, but kept his eyes closed.

"Now, now Dib-love... You didn't think I'd let you off with that, now did you?" Smirking reappearing, he positioned his hands so they were side-by-side underwater, right in front of Dib, ready for launching. "Because... I won't..." He finished, almost in a whisper.

Opening his eyes, he pulled his hand out of the 'water', so a good deal of the liquid went zooming up towards the other.

Luckily, it was a rather spacious tub... Because Dib fell backwards into the Irken version of water and caused a big splash, so this time, more than just a few drops left the container. Well, what else should he expected from Zim? So Dib quickly regained from his shock and emerged, snorting and already smiling again.

"Now you did even more," he whined just like Zim did, yet it was obvious that he had fun. The title 'Dib-love' floated around in his head. Zim just knew how to make him feel so... 'different'. But that didn't mean he would let Zim have the final word. Or rather, the final splash.

He wiped his face off the substance, crawled back to his Irken... and brought his face dangerously close to Zim's, hopefully distracting the boy's green victim... For a brief moment, Dib closed his eyes and rubbed his nose between the Irkens eyes, like he did so many times before...

Then he positioned his sneaky hands on Zim's sides underwater, before he whispered: "Squirming Zimmy during bath... makes his Dib-pet really laugh!" And with that, he began his attack by tickling his 'evil' mate, by letting his fingers dance around on his stomach and hips, up and down.

Eyes widening as he watched Dib fall back into the liquid, Zim was slightly concerned to begin with. Worrying if that fall could have caused any minor injuries... or if the human had hit his head in some way! He was surprised how the splash had even caused the other to lose balance, but didn't question it too much. Yet, only after a few seconds, the other popped right back up and began complaining.

This only caused the Irken to chuckle slightly.

It didn't last long though, since soon their faces became close... extremely close. Blush returning from the lack of space, Zim went to back up, trying to regain his personal space, yet his back was already pressed up against the rim of the container. Mentally cursing, he scanned Dib's expression for any clues to his sudden 'approach', yet it was difficult to understand, since the boy's eyes were closed...

Since Dib had fallen back into the water just then, it had caused his hair to become soaked, and drip slightly down his face. And, his scythe-lock, which usually stood so proudly, was now limply hanging down beside him... It somehow made the human look even more... attractive... Zim wasn't sure how, yet it did... especially remembering their situation at that moment in time.

Gulping silently as their faces met, the Irken so wished that Dib would open his eyes, yet he didn't...

"W-What are you talking abou-" Zim began, confused by the other's words, yet got cut off by the familiar feeling of tickling. His eyes widened yet again for a moment, before clamping shut as his laughter could be heard throughout the room.

"S-Stop it!" Zim yelled between laughs, whilst trying to get the hands away from him.

"Heh, well... I have to correct myself. YOU'RE the one who's laughing. A-And that's even better!"

Slowing down his hands a bit, Dib watched the other squirm around, trapped in his place. The previous awkwardness was gone for now.

"You're lucky I spare your feet, Zimmy," the boy giggled and successfully prevented the Irken's hands from getting in the way of his task by using one own arm. There, but, Zim's claws accidentally scratched against his skin. But Dib only flinched slightly at that and said nothing about it, knowing it wasn't Zim's fault.

"I really would stop and follow my owner's 'order'... hehe, b-but you're just too cute when you're laughing l-like that," he explained, really getting into a playful mood. Dib speeded up his fingers again and let them do their work on the Irken's torso, like two evil little spiders, weakening its victim. Now Dib was turning from chuckling to actual laugher himself. This moment was just too funny. Still, he managed to say: "M-Make me stop, Zimmy... a-and I will obey you a-again!"

Knowing that he had failed at stopping the other's hands from doing their 'job', Zim clenched his teeth together, quieting down his laughs slightly.

"O-Oh, Zim will make y-you stop, human... Y-You can b-be s-sure of that!" He growled through his teeth, before erupting in laughter once again.

Using one hand, he placed it in front of his mouth in an attempt to shut himself up, whilst the other hand was placed on Dib's chest, trying to push him away. Yet, from all the tickling, his arms felt like jelly, so was difficult to use much force.

Opening his eyes in a slight glare, Zim looked over the human's expression. Well, he could finally see the golden eyes which, at the moment, were full of -what could only be described as- victory. Plus, his laughter wasn't the only one that could be heard, since now Dib was also laughing.

"I-If you d-don't stop this second... I... I'll g-get out and l-leave you here..." Zim warned from behind his hand, obviously not meaning it, but had realized that maybe physical force may not work so well at the moment.

"...A-And send GIR d-down h-here too!" He added, almost as an afterthought.

It was quite interesting for the boy to watch how Zim couldn't control his laugher and moved around on the spot, futilely trying to escape his fate. Dib didn't know why he liked to watch the Irken every time he tickled him. Probably because it was so... unlike Zim, who was rather silent most of the time, keeping his emotions inside of him... Or maybe because Dib thought they both needed to laugh more often. Together. So they did, until he heard the Irken's next 'threat', after the feeble try of just pushing away, heh.

Dib slowed down his hands at that, so now they were merely rubbing against the other's sides. His laugher stopped and for a moment... he was stunned. The boy knew Zim wasn't serious, but decided to play along. A smug smile crept on his features and again, he brought his face veeeery close to the other's, brushing a strand of hair out of his face.

"Oh, you really would do that, huh?" He whispered and looked deep into Zim's wide ruby orbs. It was nice to startle the Irken like that. His whole attention on Dib...

"But if y-you would get out of the tub... I could see your... 'exposed' body, heh," the boy mumbled smugly and slowly trailed his hands upwards. "...And be sure that this time, I wouldn't close my eyes, Zimmy... s-since you're my mate and... very nice to look at... from what I saw..."

Now his hands rested neatly on the Irken's cheeks, covered in warm pinkish cleansing-goo.

"Even to have GIR around would be worth it, ya' know..."

In fact, he was slightly scared of that possible scenario. GIR, jumping into the tub, while Dib was being naked. But to be honest, he didn't mind that little robot so much anymore, or rather, got used to its sporadic presence.

"You see, Zimmy... either way, I win, heh."

In all honestly, Zim didn't know which he should be more 'scared' of... Dib's repeated closeness, or his words... Words which caused the blush on his face to go from mild, to full blast; and narrowed eyes, to wide ovals.

His hand still remained over his mouth, but no longer to prevent laughter, nope, his laughter had died down as soon as the human's face moved even the slightest bit closer. No, instead it was there to stop the other from seeing his gaping mouth, which had opened in shock and realization.

Well... now he was in trouble... Stuck between the container's edge, and an overly confident Dib... completely out of ideas.

Groaning in annoyance and mild thought, Zim lowered his hand once his expression had changed into an annoyed pout.

"N-No... No you don't w-win Dib-human! Zim shall n-not lose!" He announced, starting to throw a slight tantrum... something he was very good at. Kicking his legs slightly, Zim placed his hands on Dib's chest once again, and pushed, which was a lot easier now that he wasn't being tickled. He was able to move the other away a bit, but not by far.

Being pushed back along with demanding words changed Dib's attitude. Maybe it was a better idea to go not too far and instead calm Zim down now. No way was it Dib's intention to anger his Irken. For a moment, Dib glared at the other.

"W-Well, I do win and you want to know w-why?" His answer somehow sounded stubborn, wanting to explain things. Moving closer just a bit, he already smiled at Zim again and poked a finger between the Irken's narrowed eyes.

"I got you... as m-my mate." His finger lowered and trailed along Zim's lips.

"B-Besides, I never said you lost. It's more like... w-we both win, since we're... t-together." The boy didn't want to sound so serious, but such that words meant a lot to him.

Listening to Dib's first few words only made Zim's grumpy mood grow, since he was expecting to hear something self-confident follow after... Yet, it didn't. Eyes crossing so they could focus on the finger in the middle of his face, Zim's frown instantly softened at the words which actually followed.

"W-We... both win...?" Zim repeated in slight confusion. He'd never heard those words combined into one sentence before... It had always been that one person won, whilst the other lost. That had always been the way, so hearing that from the human was unexpected, to say the least, yet... somehow... needed.

"Heh... I-I like the sound of t-that..." He mumbled, smiling slightly at the other so Dib knew that he understood what he meant.

"J-Just, keep your fingers to y-yourself," Zim added, before sticking out his tongue for a moment to knock off the other's finger which was still on his lips.

Dib blushed at those words, which sounded odd, regarding what he did with Zim hours ago... and the small gesture that followed only made it 'worse', almost alluring for Dib.

Reluctantly, he moved his finger away, when thoughts entered his mind. Him, doing 'things' with Zim... touchy things! Ugh, why did that happen so often? Shaking his head slightly, the boy tried to stay where he was, not too near the other.

"D-Don't say s-stuff like that!" he pouted and crossed his arms to prevent them from grabbing at the Irken again.

"It m-makes me want to t-touch you even more... especially with that grin." Glancing down, he muttered. "And y-yes... we both win, in that way. But that doesn't mean we can't have a little 'contest' here and there."

Very much noticing the blush on Dib's face, Zim just sat there for a moment, wondering why. It didn't take long to get an explanation though.

"Oh... O-Okay..." He quickly replied, immediately loosing the smile he wore before. Zim hadn't actually been aware he had said something 'suggestive'... but, from Dib's reaction, he apparently had...

"Sorry," he mumbled, before tightly shutting his mouth closed in a neutral expression, not planning on saying anything for awhile. It seemed even the little things which he did without thinking caused the human's thoughts to expand in variety... Heh, kind of funny really, but also interesting... It seemed that Zim would have to be a bit more careful about what he says and does when in here with Dib. Especially after only this morning so many... 'things', had happened and been 'discovered'.

As soon as he heard that little 'sorry' from the other, Dib was aware that he, maybe, overreacted with his announcement. So he quickly crawled nearer to Zim, but stopped when he realized what he was doing. His arms froze in mid-air, before they slowly dropped again.

"No! Don't be sorry, Zim. Please... I-It's not your fault. L-Like I said before... it's... well, my brain which m-makes these pictures a-and thoughts..." He suddenly remembered that this wasn't the first time they were in such a situation.

"And s-since we're ... mates... it's only getting worse." Eyes widening slightly he waved his hands in front of Zim. "N-Not worse. No way, to be honest, I... I kind of like it w-when that happens. But... I s-see how embarrassed you get when I'm g-getting touchy b-because of these weird thoughts. And that... well, t-that makes me embarrassed too." He smiled nervously at the Irken, since he didn't fully understand his explanation himself.

"That's so strange, huh? I guess I AM crazy, in s-some way..." He mostly blamed his hormones for his behaviour. He cursed and loved his 'other' side, but accepted it. It was just a part of him. A part Zim actually woke up.

"Dib-pet isn't crazy!" Zim blurted, forgetting about his initial plans on not speaking for a bit. He just found it needed to be said, even if the other was joking. Kind of funny though, since only a week ago he would have said the exact opposite.

"A-And if it's your brain which is the issue, then i-it probably needs fixing..." He added. Looking towards Dib's forehead, Zim suddenly got an idea on how to change the 'seriousness' of the moment.

"Yeah... It could be possible y-you know... Would just have to c-cut here," he mumbled, pointing to the human's forehead, and drawing an imaginary line across it, smirking slightly.

"Then take out the organ..." Zim continued, using both his hands to pull out an imaginary brain. He knew that this joke would probably be considered 'mean'... as it sounded more of a death-threat than a tease. Well, he obviously didn't mean it... NEVER would he ACTUALLY do this!

"...Make adjustments, then pop it back in," he finished, reaching up and placing the 'brain' back in the other's skull... in reality he just gently tapped the top of Dib's head.

Looking back to the other, Zim's smirk got replaced by a thoughtful face as he spoke.

"But... that would probably turn you into one of those zombie-thingys... And Zim doesn't want a zombie as a pet!" Putting on a fake pout, he continued. "Looks like you're stuck with that brain, human... Since I like it... Even if it does make these 'pictures' and 'thoughts'." Zim concluded, nodding slightly.

He knew already that his attempt at flattery had failed... so, sighed slightly. "That didn't sound like it should have..."

When Zim practically yelled for Dib's defence, the boy flinched in surprise and already wanted to reply. But then, Zim spoke further, so Dib kept silent and listened. Maybe, he listened too much, because every word coming from his Irken's mouth made his body get more rigid. And when two clawed hands even went for his head, he wasn't able to move, so just watched them doing their 'operation'.

Dib really should have known that it was a joke. A macabre one. But something about the way Zim spoke... and his almost smug grin during it... quite scared the boy for these few moments.

It sounded so serious!

And Dib knew that his mate didn't really knew much of human anatomy, so probably thought it would be possible. To remove the brain and... make 'adjustments', before plugging it back... But Dib just sat there and gulped. Well, until he heard the other's last words. He relaxed slightly. But a small worry stayed.

"I don't wanna be a z-zombie, Zim!" He almost yelled, panicked. Out of instinct, he wanted to cling to the Irken, but at the last second, remembered that this was mainly the 'problem'. So he just kept his place right before the other.

"Y-You wouldn't try to m-mess with my brain, right?" For a moment, a slight trembling of his body was seen, before he threw all doubts away and lunged at his mate, hugging his waist tightly and hiding his face in that green neck.

"Zim... I-I may have my 'other' side, but... I don't wanna change a-anything about my brain. After all, I g-got these feelings for you, so it can't be a bad t-thing!" His voice was rather muffled due to his position, so he loosened his embrace a bit.

"...No more o-operations..."

Gasping at the sudden hug, Zim's eyes widened in shock at Dib's reaction to his previous words. Especially the last few which were heard, in an almost begging manner...

Suddenly the Irken felt the horrible dropping feeling; clearly guilt.

He had almost forgot about the operation that the human had to endure when he first arrived at the base... how much pain the other had been in during it too. Maybe that type of joke really wasn't the best to say around Dib after all...

"I-I...I didn't mean it, Dib-pet... I didn't think y-you'd reaction like this..."

Well, the meaning of his little joke had obviously been lost... it had meant to be a compliment... yet somehow turned in a horrible threat...

"A-And no... there will be n-no operations... It wasn't m-meant to sound the w-way it did... honestly... In a-all truth... i-it... it was meant to be a compliment... but, obviously that failed..." He mumbled whilst returning the hug, rubbing the human's back with one hand, trying to calm him down.

Zim was actually quite surprised at how strongly a few words could affect Dib... Even if it was a joke... a bad joke at that!

"A-Anyway... As I said... You're stuck with that brain... it's not g-going anywhere." Removing his hand from Dib's back, he instead brought it up to the other's head, to brush through his hair once again.

"Did you really think I'd turn my mate into a zombie?" He questioned, imitating a hurt voice.

Dib responded with quiet agreeing noises and relaxed more at the feeling of rubbing hand on his back and with each phrase of the Irken. They mostly sounded like apologies to Dib. Soon he was sure that Zim never planned anything like that in the first place... and also felt somehow like a fool for believing it. And when he felt gentle combing claws on his head, Dib was already able to form a tiny smile again.

"F-For some moments, I somehow believed that, y-yes... You got odd ways t-to make compliments, ya' know?" He mumbled, but soon frowned after that.

"S-Sorry for thinking you... w-would do that to me. Of course you won't do it, any time!" At another attempt to explain himself, Dib leaned back and grabbed Zim's face with both hands, trying to look serious.

"Zim... it's j-just so... confusing! Yet, so f-familiar." Looking into those almost glowing red orbs, Dib's expression softened and he kinda realized something. Something he subconsciously knew for a while now.

"I-It seems that I'm... fatally attracted t-to you, Zim. Probably in a good AND a b-bad way..." His hands slid down to rest on the Irken's shoulders instead. "But from how it f-feels... it's mostly a good way. Very good..." The boy bowed his head and mumbled, rather quietly now. "...I know that I'm d-difficult and puzzling... quite often actually! A-And it's so hard to explain m-my feelings. Or what I think and why." The teen responded.

Zim was actually quite insulted at Dib thinking he would actually do such a thing to such a vital organ. But, also found it kind of funny in some way, yet that probably sounded out-of-line considering the mood of the conversation between the two of them wasn't exactly the joking type. Yet, it was true.

Zim was just about to complain about the 'odd' comment, when two warm hands were placed either side of his face. The expression which Dib had on was enough to cause any more teases which the Irken had been thinking of to die instantly. He just looked so... serious... Which was probably his intention, but it wasn't a sight he was used to just yet.

"Fatally attracted?" Zim repeated, slightly confused by the meaning of those combined words, but decided to let it pass. "Well, that's probably because your brai- mind is so complex," he said, deciding against using the word 'brain' for awhile...

"B-But, you don't have to explain too much... I can kind of g-guess, sometimes... Other times it's difficult to understand w-what's going on in that big head of yours, b-but... that's fine, isn't it? Not too much of a big deal... I-It just matters that you're happy... So BE happy Dib-pet... or I WILL mess with your head," Zim warned.

Stopping the hug and lowering his hair-brushing hand, he instead placed a finger from each hand either side of the human's mouth and gently pushed, so the corners of Dib's mouth raised into a forced smile. "Better!"

Dib grabbed that teasing hand away from his face, while a more natural smile appeared.

"No need to do that, s-since I AM happy. It's just... maybe I'm thinking too much. Over thinking everything." Well, who assumed that they could get such meaningful conversations and fun even during a 'cleansing process'? Sitting in a goo-filled tub touching each other and talking about feelings and weird thoughts... Yet, there they were, faces covered with the 'liquid'.

The boy moved the hand in his hand upwards and placed it neatly on his head. He sensed how that gesture, typical for Zim now, felt different, since now his hair was also covered in that pinkish gooey stuff. So before, Zim's claws felt more gliding, slick on his scalp. Not so 'scratchy' and direct like normally. Well, it was just... different. Anyhow, he liked that action pretty much.

So, he let go of Zim's hand and happily draped his arms around his Irken's waist, muttering "Y-You seem to really like my hair, heh. So... could you d-do that for a while, Zim? It's relaxing. M-Makes it easy for me to n-not think..."

"Heh... sure," Zim mumbled whilst gently combing through the other's hair. He liked doing this anyway, so didn't really need an excuse, yet it seemed he had one anyhow... And if it stopped Dib from thinking too much and worrying, then that was a positive added bonus. He was just happy that the human was smiling by himself again, without being forced.

"And yeah, I really do like your hair... it's... it's unique. Not like any other humans' which I've seen. And how it normally stands up like an antenna... it's pretty cool..." He admitted, lifting up the limp scythe-lock and holding it where it usually stands for a moment, before letting it drop again.

Chuckling slightly, Zim changed his gaze to meet Dib's one.

"Is that a better compliment, Dib-pet? Or is it still 'odd'?" Maybe this was a more suitable 'human compliment', since this one didn't hold any threat and certainly wasn't considered as 'dark humour'.

At feeling the claw-to-head contact, Dib hummed contently, but still listened to the Irken. And when they looked at each other, the feeling only got better, so the boy's fell half-lidden.

"...Don't worry, Zim... It's a v-very nice compliment. Especially that 'antenna' part. Heh, o-only you could say that about my hair. Comparing it with an antenna..." Subconsciously, his gaze wandered up to the top of Zim's head, mumbling.

"Sometimes I... r-really wish I had one of those delicate feelers... L-Like you do. You can smell and hear with t-them, all at once. And..." Blushing slightly, he looked into the other's eyes again. "...Well, t-they're so s-sensitive. It's fascinating..."

Looking down again, he tried to shoo away new thoughts again and tried to concentrate on the water. Just now, he noticed that the 'liquid' wasn't that warm anymore. Still, he felt rather warm. From the inside. Being so close to Zim really kept him warm and comfy. For how long they'd sat in here? The boy got no idea and didn't want to leave too soon. But they would have to at some point. Oh well...

Slumping against his Irken and enjoying the stroking on his head, Dib stopped most of that thinking.

"I k-know you got your very own ways of... m-making compliments, Zimmy. I-I was just a b-bit scared before. Now I've learned to t-take them as you mean it."

Blushing slightly himself at the mention of his own antennae, Zim flattened them against his head slightly out of habit.

"S-Seems Irken compliments are different from human ones then..." He thought out loud, lowering one hand to return the hug, whilst the other remained on Dib's head to stroke through his damp hair. Strangely, this gesture, just making Dib calm, seemed to calm him down as well... Strange, but somehow... 'right'.

Smile increasing from the calmness between them both, Zim let out a slight content sigh, and began to just listen to the silence which settled around the room. Heh, and to think... he had actually threatened to leave to other alone in here. Thinking of which... Turning his head to look at his clothes which were folded neatly in the corner, then to Dib's clothes which had been practically thrown on the floor, he thought about how they were meant to get out without too much of an awkward moment reappearing... Well, one of them would just have to shut their eyes again, whilst the other got out... like they did getting in. Then get a towel each, then so on and so forth...

No point thinking about that now though, since it seemed Dib wasn't going to be too happy if he had to move, since he looked quite comfortable. Well, they both were.

"Well, I-I always just saw how different w-we were... B-But now, since the last few days, I know that we're just different on the outside... heh, quite different indeed." His hand glided slowly up and down Zim's back, before he rested them flatly on that strange PAK-thing, the part of it which poked out of the 'water'. It felt rather warm. Dib grinned to himself and continued.

"But y-you and I, Zim... are v-very much alike on the i-inside. O-Our emotions... and some part of our character... A-At least in m-my mind." Leaning back, Dib smiled warmly at the other and held Zim's face with both hands again, rubbing his thumbs under his favourite red eyes.

Right now, he didn't feel the need to say more, but decided to change his position. So Dib turned around and carefully slid down into the substance, until he was lying between Zim's legs, feet touching the far end of the container. His head rested neatly on the Irken's chest and came out of the goo's surface, just enough to have the mouth free.

"I h-hope I'm not making our moment... umm, awkward again," the boy muttered and looked up to his mate.

Smiling from the other's question, Zim shook his head slightly. "Not awkward in the slightest, Dib-pet..." He assured, before his expression turned into a thoughtful one.

"So... I'm similar to you?" He pondered out loud, looking up to the ceiling in thought.

If any other person had said that, he would have probably tore out their eyes, in the thought of it being an insult. Yet, since the person which had said it was Dib, his mate, it somehow sounded like it was... correct. And it probably was!

"I think I can live with knowing that," Zim concluded, smile returning.

Even though the other was already quite close to him, the Irken wrapped his arms around Dib's torso and pulled him closer.

"You look like a floating head," Zim simply stated, eyes glancing down to the human's damp, black hair.

It was quite funny really... because a week or so ago, they both considered each other as complete opposites. Not alike in the slightest... Yet, that seemed to have changed quite a bit. Now that Zim thought about it... it seemed quite logical that they became friends -then eventually mates- in the first place, if that was true... They were both just too caught up in hatred to see how similar they really were. Quite typical really...

Rolling his eyes to himself, he let out a sigh, before tightening the hug even more.

"...Still superior to you though," Zim quickly added, smirking.