I'm on a roll this week...I'm trying to write a cheesy NaLu, but it's annoying me so I think I'll start over.


Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.


Juvia had always been shunned by everyone. At first, she was proud of her nickname. She thought, 'So, I am known for something. My rain is uniquely me.'

Then, she began thinking of it as a curse. No one played with her, not even the children that loved the rain normally.

As a teen, Juvia had a few dates, but none of them ever returned. They left with a fake smile and an oh I'll contact you later that they never fulfilled. They struggled even through the first date. When they showed up, they'd act normal, but after a few minutes, they would start to get annoyed.

Juvia didn't understand. She studied herself in the mirror. Was she ugly? No, she took care of her skin and looks. Her hair was unique, but it was pretty, a natural shade of blue. Then, as she looked at wet spots on her carpeted floor, she understood.

These people didn't accept her for who she was. She wanted to have a person that would love her despite all of her quirks and bad traits. Juvia stood in her bedroom and looked down, at her chipped toe nail polish, anywhere but the wet spots.

She became a water mage. Of course, it was just a cover, an excuse for the fact that she had always had an affinity for water and that was why it always rained.

She could say, 'I like the rain and because I'm a water mage, I can make it rain all the time.' It wasn't just because it happened anymore. It felt like she controlled it, like it only rained because she wanted it to.

Inside she knew the truth, and inside, Juvia wanted the rain to go away, to see a bit of sunshine if only for a little while.

Then she joined Phantom Lord. There, everyone was different. No one even noticed Juvia, until she showed off her powers and became part of the Element 4.

When they went to destroy Fairy Tail, the only thing she felt was jealousy. Everyone there was accepting. They treated everyone like family, and nakama was the most important thing to them.

She found herself wanting to crush Fairy Tail.

So she did, trapping Lucy in the Water Sphere, attacking members, but she felt something in her stomach, a deep, tumbling feeling of guilt.

Juvia decided to cover it with her anger. When Jose ordered her to attack Gray, she did. For her, it was love at first sight.

He was handsome, and her eyes couldn't stop drinking him in. There was something special about him.

They fought and Gray won. She had thought that he was a bad person, but soon came to realize otherwise.

Gray brought out the sunshine, the only natural light that had shined upon her body for as long as she could remember.

Gray had brought ice and the sun with him.

And Juvia knew that she could never stand where she was today if not for him. So when he held out his hand towards her, she took it.


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Review & Review! Since you've already read it.

My next fic preview (NaLu):

He dragged her into his apartment, slamming the door behind him loudly. He pointed to his computer screen. "LOOK! It's you! I searched up Luigi and there were pictures of you all over. Although I didn't know you cross dressed as an Italian with a green hat and overalls. That's okay, though, 'cause I won't tell anyone about your hobby. And you have a brother named Mario. And…"

Lucy hit him on the head, effectively shutting him up.

