It's been a while since this was updated. This update has been long overdue. Now, enjoy. ;)

Trouble walked out on to the terrace, a glass of punch in each hand, passing Holly as she walked inside. She had a smirk on her face, but she paid no attention to Trouble. He watched as she re-joined the party and he couldn't help but be confused. What was that all about?

He turned to Artemis. "I see you've been caught. What was the smirk about?"

Artemis was looking at his feet in an attempt to hide a blush. "Nothing of consequence. Thanks for the drink, I may have needed it more than I realized."

Trouble handed over the drink, not even noticing the blush. "No problem. So, Holly give you a hard time?"

"Not really. It was a very short conversation. But I have a feeling that this isn't over." Artemis sighed.

"Been there, done that. Holly has been trying to set me up for months. I can tell when she is scheming from a mile away. So who's the poor bastard she wants you to meet?"

Artemis looked up in surprise, all traces of a blush gone. "She hasn't told me. But I have my suspicions. What am I supposed to do?"

Trouble smirked, taking a sip of punch. It wasn't every day Artemis Fowl asked for advice. "It depends on what kind of approach you want to take and if you're interested or not."

Artemis was silent for a moment, deep in thought. Finally he seemed to have come to a decision. He looked down at Trouble with a sly smile. "I'm not opposed to being interested."

"Well then. Here's what you have to do." He climbed up on the terrace railing and took a seat, so he was closer to Artemis's eye level. "If you're interested in this guy, be open about it. Let him know how you feel. Just be completely honest with him. You never know, he might feel the same way. And it's no use keeping it to yourself, wishing that somehow he'll magically find out. And then you just go from there. See what happens."

Artemis was silent for even longer than before. He stared at his feet contemplating Trouble's advice. "Alright. I'll have to think about it some more. Thanks for the advice Trouble."

"No problem. Anything for a friend." Trouble smiled and went to take a sip from his drink, but it was at that moment when Artemis looked up and their eyes, human and elf, locked and suddenly it was like time was frozen.

When their eyes met, neither knew what to say. It was like they were instantly paralyzed. For Artemis he was hoping that maybe Trouble could see what he was thinking. Of course he was correct. Trouble saw it... and much more. For that one moment, the two were one, locked together, thinking and seeing exactly what the other was. Yet neither fully realized what was happening.

This was terrifying for the two. Especially Trouble. Just from the simple matter of looking into Artemis's eyes, all sorts of thoughts were running through his head. It was frightening. Never before had this happened and of course he didn't know what he should do about it. But that wasn't the scariest part. What scared Trouble the most that he felt... something. Something pleasant.

The awkward silence was broken when there was a loud shout from inside. Trouble and Artemis immediately broke eye contact and looked at something other than the other person. Trouble hopped down from the railing and mumbled something under his breath. Artemis took this chance to glance back at him.

"Commander is everything alright?"

Trouble nodded hurriedly. "Yes, Yes. Of course. I just remembered that I have to be at work early in the morning. I should be going now." He turned to leave.

Artemis watched as he left, but he couldn't stand to let him just walk away after what had just happened. "Trouble wait!"

But the elf didn't turn around. He quickened his pace and soon he was exiting the building.

"What was that about?" Holly seemed to appear out of nowhere. "What did you do?"

Artemis frowned. "I'm not quite sure. But I think..." He turned to face Holly. "I may have made a mistake. You may want to go after him."

Holly looked at him incredulous. "Again. What did you DO?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

Trouble was sitting on his couch, head in hands, when there was a knock at his door. He just sat there for a moment, not caring enough to answer it. Well, not immediately of course.

He was pulled out of his stupor when his visitor started losing their patience. "Trouble Kelp! Open this d'arvitting door this instant! I need to talk to you! It's important."

He could guess what she wanted to talk about and he reluctantly got up and opened the door. Holly stood in the hall with her hands on her hips, clearly not amused.

"What do you want Holly?"

"Really? Do you really have to ask? Are you really that thick?" She replied, pushing past him into his apartment.

"Why don't you come in?" Trouble asked flatly.

"Why did you leave the party?" Holly didn't have any inkling as to what had happened.

"I don't want to talk about it Holly, not with you." Trouble looked at his feet as he closed the door behind him.

"Excuse me? Trouble, I get that you are my superior officer and everything, but I thought we were best friends. I thought you trusted me, I thought we could tell each other anything. I'm worried about you. So tell me- what the hell is going on?"

Trouble walked over to the couch and Holly followed. They both sat down as Trouble wrung his hands and took a deep breath. He knew she was right, and it was killing him that he couldn't just come out and say it. If he couldn't tell Holly, who COULD he tell? "Holly...promise me this stays between us?"

"Again I ask, are you really that thick? Of course this stays between us." Holly looked at him, her heart racing with anticipation and worry for her friend.

Trouble sighed and chuckled nervously. "I'm gay." He immediately covered his face with his hands, not wanting to look Holly in the eyes.

Holly froze and stared at her best friend. Say what? Whoa, whoa, whoa... Did he just say what she think he just said? "Wait... Say that again?"

This time his response was a bit muffled, but she heard it all the same. And she still couldn't believe her ears. "I said I'm gay." He sighed and slowly moved his hands and faced Holly. She was staring at him, eyes wide with disbelief. He smiled anxiously and waved his hands in the air in attempt to lighten the tension that had suddenly thickened. "Surprise!..."

After what felt like years, Holly finally spoke. "Okay... so you're gay...?" She bit her lip to keep from saying something sassy. "How long have you known this?"

When she said this, Trouble's complexion turned red enough to rival Commander Root's. "Uh... Several months ago. After Lili broke up with me." He looked down at the floor. "I... Uhh... I caught myself checking out... the guys... Subconsciously of course." He added hurriedly. "Though I think Vein almost caught me once... That was when I... uh admitted it to myself." He looked back at her. "It was no use lying to myself. There was no denying it."

Holly nodded slowly. It made sense. But it didn't make it any less surprising. Trouble Kelp? Gay? Of all people? She smirked suddenly. "Well, I'm surprised Trubs. I didn't know we batted for the same team. Why didn't you tell me before?"

Trouble didn't need to say anything. His expression said it all. But Holly was on a roll. Just then the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. She gasped. "Wait that means... tonight at the party..." Her eyes widened as it hit her. "Something happened between you and Artemis right? That's why you ran out all of a sudden. Something happened and you realized it and it scared you. I know I'm right so don't you dare try to deny it Trouble Kelp!"

Trouble's blush was all the answer she needed. Though she did let him have a word. "I suppose you could say that... but Holly... what am I supposed to do about it? It's Artemis Fowl for Frond's sake!" He was frantic and his violet eyes should exactly how frightened he was.

Slowly Holly smiled. A plan was forming itself in her mind. Yes, yes. Perfect... Just how...

Trouble noticed an impish spark in her mismatched hazel and blue eyes. He knew exactly what she was thinking. And he wasn't sure if he liked it. "Holly..."

Holly's grin got wider. "Trubs... I need you to trust me on this one. You do trust me right?"

He sat there for a moment thinking it over. He knew she had a plan, but he had no idea what it was. And it scared him... even more than the moment with Artemis did.

But... did he trust her with this? Was he going to take that risk?

"Yes, Holls. I do."