Cat's POV
"Yayy!Sam!Guess what!?" I yelled, running through the door, as I came back from School.
"You brought me chicken?"Sam asked eagerly.
"Nooo!"I said, giggling.
"Then why so excited?"Sam asked.
"Because! My cousin is gonna come live with us! We're all gonna be roomies!"I yelled happily, just as the doorbell rang.
Vanessa' s POV
I stood there awkwardly, as I rang the doorbell. I hoped I didn't look weird, standing here, wear a blue t shirt, jeans and black converse, holding a suitcase and wearing a backpack. I was about to knock when the door opened, and I was pulled into a rather intense bear hug.
"VANESSA!"Cat yelled, stilled cheerfully hugging me.
"Hey Cat." I greeted with a wave as she finally let me go.
"Sam, this is my cousin! Her name is Vanessa."Cat said, gesturing from the blond girl to me. The blond girl, Sam, nodded in my direction as she chewed ovn a chicken leg. "Sup."
"Hey."I answered.
"YAY! We're all besties now!"Cat yelled pulling us into a hug. Sam managed to back out, and looked at me and Cat. "Where is she gonna sleep? I own the couch So..."She said, taking another bite.
"In Nona's room!"Cat yelled. "Go unpack, then we can do stuff!"She added. I nodded and went into my new room to unpack, rolling my suitcase behind me.
After about an hour, the room looked just like a teenager's room, thanks to Sam and Cat's help. Now we all sat on the couch, watching Tv. It was actually hard for me to watch Tv though, since nothing is the same in black and white. After a while, Sam pointed at the skateboard I held. "You like the color pink?" She asked. At first, I was confused, then I remembered my mom told me that once she bought my skateboard, it was black and pink. She tried to explain the color to me, but it was hard to imagine color anyway. "Um..."I mumbled, not knowing what to say.
"Sam!"Cat yelled.
"What? It's just a simple question!" Sam answered.
"Vanessa can't see colors!"
"She's rainbow blind!"
"You mean color blind?"
Sam looked over at me. "So there's no color in your life,huh?"She asked, and I just shook my head."That's alright. We can figure out a way to still have fun." She said, the doorbell rang. Cat hopped up and opened it, as I went to go get some water.
Dice' s POV
"Hey Dice." Cat greeted as she opened the door.
"Hey Cat, Sam." I replied, a smile on my face. "Anyone want hair from One Direction? I have Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis."I said waving the plastic bags in the air.
"HARRY!"Cat yelled, a twenty dollar bill hitting my face as she snatched the bag an began sniffing it.
"Okay..."I mumbled, looking over at Sam,who shrugged.
"Dice, that's my cousin, Vanessa."Cat said between sniffs at a girl in the kitchen. She was facing the window, so I could only see her dark black hair, waving its way down her back.
"Vanessa, this is Dice." Sam said, calling over Vanessa.
Vanessa turned, her dark hair flying behind her face as she smiled at me, perfect white teeth looking right at me, not to mention the vivid color in her eyes. I've never seen something so beautifully blue in my entire life.
"Hi." She said, coming over at me, a wave greeting me.
"Hey.."I said,smiling. I noticed her skateboard and asked, "You skateboard?"
"Yeah."She answered simply.
"Cool...So, are you gonna live here?"I asked, please say yes..., I thought to myself
"Yeah."She answered with a nod.
"Cool..." I replied, having So much trouble to make sure I don't go jumping for joy."So anyway, I've got the newest blockbuster on DVD. Who wants to watch World War Z?" I asked. They all smiled. "Play it little man."Sam said going over and grabbing popcorn to make.I smiled, as I managed to sit next to Vanessa just at the movie started.