A.N: Hey there~ well I decided to try my hand at a scary sasunaru story. Lately I've been really into supernatural things and well I don't know I kind of just wanted to see if I could pull this off…probably not. This will all be from Sasuke's point of view so I won't confuse you with me changing up perspectives all the time xD now let's begin

This sucked. Understatement of the day if you asked me. Oh I guess I should give an introduction of sorts to fill you all in on what's going on. My names Sasuke Uchiha, I'm 17 years old and right now I'm currently in the car with my beloved family on our way to our new house. My father suddenly felt the need for a change of scenery, which was nice. In fact, my mother and I have been trying restlessly to get him to take a break from all his work. Like I just said I felt he needed a break not that he needed to move all of us out in the middle of the woods! So that pretty much explains why I'm pretty much pissed at the world right now, watching the blurry scenes of the trees pass me by outside the window.

"Cheer up you two, I think it's a fabulous idea that you're father wanted us to move to a cabin in the woods~" My mother, Mikoto, gushed trying to unsour me and my brother's ,Itachi, moods. Itachi frowned a bit but sighed in his defeat. Well he gave up but, I wasn't going to!

"But father what about you're work?" I asked hoping that would snap my father out of this crazy idea. He only chuckled slightly and turned the car onto a straight forward road. There was a sign above one of the trees that read keep out. Did nobody see that sign but me?! That should have really made my dad change his mind! This literally had bad written all over it!

"I can find a new job here, and I have enough money to last all of us until the day we die. You're mother's right Sasuke, liven up a little. We finally get to spend time as a family. You and Itachi will be starting fresh with a new school and friends and environment. It'll be fun you'll see." My father said which basically meant shut up because I'm not changing my mind. I sighed in aggravation and flopped back on my seat crossing my arms in front of me. I'd kill anyone if they said I was pouting because I don't pout!

"Sasuke stop being such a drama queen." Itachi said to me while fixing his ponytail. This guy has the nerve to be calling anyone a drama queen.

"Hey, I'm not the one with long girlish hair or the painted nails!" I pointed out to him, finding great enjoyment when he flicked me off. Score for me.

"Anyway, doesn't anyone get just a bit suspicious when they hear that we'll be staying in a cabin in the woods? I cannot stress the horror film relevance enough." Itachi said. That did kind of make an uneasy feeling settle in my stomach. After all the horror films I've witnessed where there's some hidden secret stored within it, I felt this would just be another one added to that collection. My mother put a finger to her chin in thought.

"I've never saw a movie like that, what was it called?" My mother asked Itachi. Oh mom, sometimes I think you are too oblivious for your own good. Itachi raised an elegant eyebrow in amusement.

"Cabin in the woods?" He told her, I silently chuckled at the look on my mother's face. She blushed a bit in embarrassment.

"O-oh I will have to check it out sometime." She replied while chuckling nervously and turning back around in her seat. I felt I should tell her not to watch the movie if we were actually about to live in a cabin ourselves, but, maybe that'd scare her and she'd see we should go back. Up ahead I saw the house. At least it didn't look as scary as the movies say cabins are. It was a wooden gray cabin maybe just a bit bigger than an average cabin. The stairs and porch weren't run down and actually looked sturdy to walk on. The windows were perfectly fine and not a crack in sight. The front yard didn't look decrepit and littered with dead flowers…or bodies. Instead the grass was freshly cut, the trees were a bright luscious green and there was a tire swing set on the weeping willow tree right next to the lake. Typical.

"It's beautiful!" My mother cooed while cupping her hands to her mouth. Even Itachi was nodding his head in approval.

"It doesn't look half bad father, right Sasuke?" He asked me. I sighed as all eyes were suddenly on me waiting for my response. Noooow they wanted to hear my opinion.

"Well…at least it has a lot of space and no neighbors to disturb us." I finally said. My father smiled and nodded his head. Pulling the car into park he got out and opened his arms wide catching us off guard on what he was doing. He took a deep breath and with all he could muster yelled.

"Behold the new Uchiha kingdom!" My mother laughed happily getting out the car and walking towards my father. Itachi only shook his head and got out to get the bags from the car. I guess I would suck it up for a while. I've never seen my parents look so happy. Maybe a move was what we all needed. I got out and went to the back to help Itachi with the bags. He threw me mine and shoved me away.

"I can tell you don't like the move Sasuke. But, we both have to endure this. I got the bags so you go pick a room and if it's the biggest one ill hurt you understand." He warned me. I smirked and walked away. His threats were more like brotherly comments to me. Well that is until he got really angry and his threats started turning more graphic and serious. I walked past my parents, who were admiring the side and back of the house, and walked up the steps to the front door. The steps were sturdy, which was a relief. I opened the door, it opening in a slow and eerie way. Well…that could use a bit of fixing. I walked into what was the living room area considering from the fireplace I saw over in the corner of the room. The inside was warm and cozy, which was a nice touch to the place. I continued down the hall and found that to the right of the hall was the kitchen, there were stairs that led to an attic, two bathrooms and two grand bedrooms down here on the first floor. Guess which room I picked, give the person a prize who said attic. I walked up the stairs; it creaked under my weight slightly. There was a door with a butterfly etched onto the doorknob. That's weird, only this door had that sort of design on it. The others were normal brass doorknobs. Shrugging it off as something the previous owner added to the place I opened the door to my new room. It was…plain for the most part. Bare except for the grand piano in the far right corner of the room and the comfy looking couch next to it. There was a mirror propped up beside a huge window giving a great view of the backyard and the lake. I sighed and put my bag on the floor by the door. No point in unpacking if none of the furniture got here yet. I walked to the window finding I was able to sit on the ledge of it. I don't know if I can really go through with all this. It's not like I had people back where we lived since I was pretty much a loner but this place…gives me a bad feeling. Also I didn't like the idea of having to go to a new school with new people. It also didn't help that the new school year didn't start until tomorrow meaning id have to be here for the full year. I pulled out my cell phone from my pocket to see the time. At least there was reception here. It was only 2 o' clock in the afternoon and I was already tired. Beside me was the mirror and I decided to look and see how much of a mess I must look right about now. I stood in front of it looking at the slight bags I had under my eyes. Ew oh god what killed me?

"Sasuke? Dear could you help us with the furniture?" My mother called out to me. I looked one last time at myself in the mirror before running down to help. Little did I know the image of me was replaced with a blond haired boy.

'I'm sorry…'

I walked outside and saw the truck with our furniture. My dad and Itachi were beginning to unload some of the things.

"Oh there you are! Don't go off running before we finish sweetie, now, since everyone's being lazy your father and the movers will be moving things to our room and the kitchen and living room and such and also you and Itachi's beds while you and Itachi can just get your stuff settled." My mom informed me. I didn't fail to notice how she didn't say what her job was going to be. But this was her and her forte was cooking and cleaning and ruling over us all with a kind iron fist, right now she was doing the iron fist part. I walked over and grabbed my bags and walked back inside the house. Itachi was there and looking up at the attic. When had he walked past me?

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He turned around and gave me a skeptical look. Not good.

"Was anyone up there just now?" Was anyone up there? What is he talking about? I looked behind me and saw the movers just now coming in with our beds.

"Which rooms?" they asked and I pointed upstairs for mine and Itachi pointed to the last room down the hall for his. When they left I looked back at Itachi.

"Well that just answered your question." I told him, this was not good; please tell me he was going senile or something. He hummed in thought and shrugged, walking towards his room.

"I thought I heard someone moving around and whispers but this house is old as shit and maybe I'm a bit too tired from the ride, don't worry Sasuke it couldn't be a ghost or anything like that. Those are myths after all." He went into his room leaving me outside in the hall alone. Yea just a myth…but would it be so bad if I said there were some myths I believed in? Big foot for instance would be something I did NOT believe in but demons and ghosts were another story. Sometimes I felt childish compared to Itachi because I would believe a person's story on a supposed ghost encounter or I would sometimes find myself looking up tales of the supernatural. But maybe he was right and what we all needed was some rest after this crazy day we just had. Picking up my bags again I went upstairs into my new room. Just saying that left a disgusting after taste in my mouth. The mover's had put the bed and pillows and comforters on already so that was just another job that I thankfully didn't have to do.

Few hours later

After all the unpacking I was spent! I didn't even feel like going down to eat when my mother called me down for supper. All I wanted to do was catch some sleep before I had to go to the hell called school. I laid down on my bed and waited for sleep to take me when I heard shuffling from the corner of the room.

"Ha Ha very funny Itachi you can get out of my room now… Itachi?" I sat up and looked around the darkened room. The noises sounded like they were getting closer. As if someone was walking closer to me very very slowly. It reminded me of how an animal would hunt its prey and I was afraid I was the prey right now.

"I-Itachi! Cut it out I don't want to deal with your games right now!" By this point I was beginning to think this wasn't Itachi I was talking to. The footsteps were light and airy but they were steps nonetheless. Slow steps, nervous steps? I fumbled to find my light switch thanking any gods when I found it and quickly turned it on. All I saw before I screamed was a blond haired boy with wide curious blue eyes, three whiskers on each side of his cheeks but above all else was his slightly transparent body. Mother,Father and Itachi all came running into my room. Mom holding a book, dad holding his reading glasses and Itachi holding a pillow. Is it possible to run away from this family forever? If I was really being attacked these would be their weapons of choice?! Glad to see how much my safety means for them. Sarcasm if you didn't catch that.

"Sasuke are you alright?" My mother's worried and frantic voice asked me while she looked me over to see if I was hurt anywhere. My father looked around the room making sure nothing was broken or stolen and Itachi looked highly annoyed.

"If you had a wet dream and that was a scream of pleasure I'm murdering you." Itachi told me, glaring at me slightly while still being a bit disoriented from being woken up so suddenly. My mother gave Itachi an exasperated voice.

"Such language Itachi!" She scolded him and he apologized before looking around as well. I wasn't really paying them much attention. I just saw a ghost...or it was a dream. But it felt so real I could sit here and memorize it all and usually I don't remember half the dreams I have but his slightly glowing skin and the transparency of it was something I was having a hard time forgetting. And he was so close to me! I took a huge breath of air. Was I holding my breath for that long? Father didn't seem to find anything nor did Itachi.

"Sasuke what happened?" Father asked me. How do you say 'I think I saw a ghost' to a family who didn't believe in things like that? I looked up at my father to come up with some lame ass excuse when something caught my eye by the grand piano. It was the ghost boy! He looked scared and was putting his finger to his lips in a shushing motion, shaking his head vigoursly. I sighed not believing what I was about to do.

"I got scared…of the dark." I told them. My mother was stifling her laughter and Itachi well he's Itachi and he enjoys making my life a living hell.

"Don't worry Sasuke tomorrow we'll go out and buy you some night lights. Maybe the cute dinosaur ones." Itachi teased, his voice laced in pure amusement as he walked back down the stairs. My father and mother stood by the door glancing at me one final time.

"You sure you'll be ok?" My father asked. I nodded my head still looking over at the boy who was sighing in what looked to be relief.

"Yea sorry about that…" with that they left me…with the ghost. Yes this family needed the best family award indeed, again sarcasm. His movement caught my eye. He slowly came from behind the piano and just looked at me. Now that I had come over the initial shock I could see he wore a short orange and red yukata with a blue sash around the middle. He looked like he was going to a cultural festival from back in the day. I glared at him.

"Who and what are you?" I asked. He jolted but then calmed down and held a small sad smile on his face.

"I guess I would be what you people call a ghost." He said. His voice was soft and held a curiosity in it mixed in with a boyish smart mouth attitude. I got up as if I had no control of my legs and walked over to him. Each slow step bringing me closer. He didn't move. He didn't talk. He just held my gaze and that sad smile. What was he so sad about? And he knows he's a ghost meaning he must know he died. I guess that would make me a bit sad if I were in his situation. Finally taking that last step and being just an arm length away from him I held out my arm and didn't find it strange when it went right through him.

"I knew ghosts were real."

"Bigfoots real too!"

"What no way!"

"So way! I saw him…or at least I thought I did a few years ago." He looked off to the side trying to recall his memories. I was really having a conversation with a ghost. My first day in the house and I was talking to a ghost.

"I must be dreaming…" I mumbled to myself. He glanced at me from the corner of his eyes a sly smirk on his face.

"You dream about cute ghost boys~? Oh my" Was he teasing me?! I raised an amused eyebrow at him.

"I still don't know who are, and why are you here, how did you die?" I bombarded him with questions but really, you can't tell me you wouldn't do the same if you had a ghost in your room. He was about to answer but something outside caught his attention. I looked at where he was looking at and only saw the lake and the tree with the swing on it.

"I have to go…" he ran through me over to the window. Without thinking I ran after him and tried to grab his arm then remembering that he was a ghost and I was a dumb ass for not remembering that. So I called out to him.

"Wait!" He turned to me his eyes full of fear. I sighed deeply. I cannot believe all the shit that is happening to me today.

"I still don't know you're name" he looked at me weird for a moment but then a bit of happiness glowed within his cerulean eyes.

"Naruto, my names Naruto." He told me. I nodded my head and made my way back to my bed. I really needed some sleep right now before I went crazy…or more so than I already was.

"W-what's your name?" He asked timidly.

"Sasuke Uchiha." I answered groggily while slowly falling to sleep. I didn't catch his wide happy grin or the merry filled 'I'll see you tomorrow' as I finally fell asleep. I moved to a new house and met a ghost. Home sweet Home.