Last chapter. Awwww. If you want to see a sequel please review and tell me. Much appreciated. Love you guys!

"T-Tessa?" She is standing there in the same outfit, but a few shades darker. Maybe it is just the lighting. He runs up and hugs her, but she doesn't move. "Where the hell have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you! Why did you just up and leave me? Why aren't you answering my questions?" He finally lets go of her. She is staring at the ground.

"You just had to show up, didn't you?" He looks quizzically at her. "I would've been perfectly fine, if you would have just left me alone. Why couldn't you just let me leave in peace?" Her head snaps up angrily. "Why the hell won't you leave me alone!" She swings her guitar at him. He jumps back in time to just barely miss being cut to pieces. "You invaded my privacy and followed me. You read the stupid note, didn't you?" He nods his head. "They why did you come?"

"I wanted to see my beautiful rose before she left me forever."

"Yeah, well, your 'beautiful rose' has withered, and all that's left is a thorn bush. By the way, I'm not yours anymore. You have the girl you love, you don't need me around anymore."

"That's where you're wrong. I don't have the girl I love. The girl I love, apparently, hates me right now. She's also standing right in front of me." He begins to walk up to her.

She jumps back, and readies herself for a fight. "The hell is wrong with you!? I told you I hate you and that I never wanted to see you again. Since when does that mean, 'I want you to give me a fake love confession'? Why do you have to keep messing with my head?" She falls on the ground and starts shaking. "Stop it! No! You can't come back! He doesn't love you! Stop fooling yourself! Just go back inside!"

"Tessa? What's going on? What are you doing?"

She stops writhing on the ground and begins to laugh evilly. "Good, girl. Now, just stay inside, and I won't kill him." She gets up and looks at Grell. "My name is Dahlia. I'm here because she basically died inside. She couldn't accept the fact that you had betrayed her. Your little friend was a perfect opportunity really. So easy to overcome. I've been inside her for awhile, waiting for the perfect moment. I was actually friends with her before I became a demon. I never wanted to leave her un-protected, so I joined her in her body. I was there whenever she was in real trouble. That's why she sometimes went a bit crazy and psychotic. I'm simply looking out for her, even if it means she'll hate me. That's why I must kill you. You are going to do nothing but hurt her. I will not allow you to hurt my dearest friend!" She turns a dial on her guitar and plays it. It sends out a red sonic wave, and it hits Grell. He falls down, and she sits on his chest. "It's sad, really. I thought you were going to actually return her affections. I should just end you now."

"Not yet, dearie.~" He takes out his chain saw and tries to cut her. She jumps back and lands doing a hand-stand. "You've made me interested in her history, now. I think I want look at her cinematic records, for a moment." He tries again, but she uses her guitar as a shield.

"Sorry, she has some things she wants to hide, even from me. I already know because I'm inside her body, but I don' think she wants you to know either."

"Tessa, I can help you. You just have to let me see."

"Like that will-" She drops her guitar. "No, he's lieing to you. Don't fall for it." She begins to walk towards Grell. "Grell, please. I want you to see. I want you to know everything about me. Even the things I wouldn't tell anyone else." She spreads her arms out. "Don't you dare do it! Just leave her be. Don't hurt her!"


"You'll heal quickly, Tessa. Now, what do you want to show me?"


"Darling, don't run inside the manor."

"But, Papa, I want to."

"Teleressa Drew, get down here this instant."

"I don't care! Besides, I told you to call me Tessa! I won't listen to a thing you say, until you say it."

"Hi, I'm Dahlia."

"Hi, I'm Tessa. Why are you dressed like that?"

"Because, I'm a prostitute, duh."

"I've never met a prostitute. I thought they would be mean to other women, but your actually really nice. *someone calls out her name* Oh, sorry, I have to go. Can I see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Darling, when are you going to get married. I would appreciate some grandchildren sometime soon."

"I want to marry someone I love. Not some pompous noble you've chosen because you need the money! Did you ever think that I don't want children? I've talked to our private doctor, and she said that because I was a sick child that there is a high possibility that either my child will be that way, or that I could die during childbirth. I'm done with all of this stupid noble nonsense! I'm leaving to go live with Dahlia!"

"That stupid whore?" *slap*

"She's not stupid! She's actually quite intelligent, and she is not just some whore! She's my only friend! She's the only one that has ever truly cared about me!"

"I need it removed. With all of my customers, I can't have a child running around. You'll remove it won't you, doctor?"

"Yes, of course. May, I have your name again, please."

"Tessa Drewhealy."

"I dressed in one of Dahlia's outfits to look like a prostitute, and I changed my name. I didn't want her asking any questions. This is the only way to make sure nothing happens to me or my would-be child." *creak* "Who are you? Oh, you're that doctor."

"Would you come outside for a moment, please."

"Yes, of course." *walks outside* "Is there something wrong?" *sees a man with long, red hair*

"You are by far, the cutest one yet. I might just miss you. You'll look even more beautiful covered in delicious red blood.~" *slice*

**end of flashback**

Grell and Tessa just stand there for a minute. She finally speaks up. "Do you see why she didn't want to tell you? She didn't want you to feel bad about killing her. She realized that it was something you needed to do and accepted it. However, I won't accept it. You killed my best friend, and you will-" She falls to the ground. "No, Dahlia, it's okay. He needed to see it. Grell, I'm glad you saw it. Someone other than Dahlia needed to know, and I'm glad that it was you. Now, after I perform my last job, I can leave in peace." She turns around.

"Wait, you're still planning on leaving?"

"Of course, why not? You've found you're love, and I've told you what I needed to. Not everything Dahlia says is only her opinion. It wasn't Dahlia that told you to leave me alone. It was both of us. It was me that said you didn't need me around anymore. You don't need me or love me. There is no point in me staying, is there?" He grabs her shoulders.

"Of course there's a point! That love confession wasn't fake. It was as real as the ground we walk on. How could you think that I would lie about something important like love? Why can't you see that I love you!?" Tessa freezes. "I love you with everything inside of me. I need to be with you. Everyday you weren't with me, I died inside. I can't imagine life without you, and I don't want to imagine it." He looks up at her, but she doesn't move. "Tessa?" She inhales sharply and falls to the ground.

"She's gone. Grell, she's gone! Dahlia left! Dahlia left. She left me. I didn't really want her to leave, but it's what had to be done. She can be a great demon all by herself." She stands up and brushes off her skirt, which is a few shades lighter. "Grell, did you mean what you said, just now?"

"I did, and I still do." She tackles him to the ground in a hug. "Tessa?"

"Good, because I wouldn't let you take it back anyways." She starts giggling.

He strokes her hair. "I would never take anything like that back. I love you, Teleressa Drew."

She makes a face. "It's Tessa, Mr. Sutcliffe. I never told you to call me by my old name. I love you too, Grell." She kisses Grell. He's shocked at first but slowly kisses back.

"I guess this means you aren't a Cupid anymore."

Tessa turns around and sees a certain blue Heart Reaper. "Crystal?"

"The one and only. I figured something like this would happen. So, I followed you. You know you can't be a Cupid anymore, right?" Tessa sadly nods her head, and Grell puts his arm around her. "However, that doesn't mean you can't be a Heart Reaper. I talked to Lady Amore. She said that you were the greatest Cupid we have ever had. She also said that it was okay if you decided to stay." Tessa screams and hugs Grell. "I'll take that as a thank-you. You're welcome, Tess. Because you're not part of the actual organization itself, you can come in whenever you want to. However, I do have to see you tomorrow. Bye." Crystal disappears into the night.

"Well, I guess there's only one question left unanswered."

"What question is that, Grell?"

"Will you marry me, my sweet rose?"

She tackles him with a kiss again. "Of course I will, my blood-red-reaper."