Sebastian is preparing Lord Ciel Phantomhive to go to bed. "Now, young lord, you said you wished to go out tomorrow, correct?" Ciel nods. "Well, seeing as it is raining quite heavily, would you-" Sebastian is cut off by a loud banging on the door.

"Sebastian, what is that dreadfully loud noise this late at night?"

"I believe someone is knocking on-" The banging continues. Sebastian sighs, "the door. Shall I go see who it is?"

"Yes, please just stop that insufferable noise."

He walks into the lobby. The banging becomes louder. Before even opening the door, he sees a flash of red run in and try to tackle him. He quite easily dodges it. "Hello, Grell. Was there something you needed?"

Grell picks himself up off the floor. "How cold you are to me, Bassy, but I love it." He flips his hair. "Can't I come and visit you, just because I can? No? Well, I found something interesting in front of your little estate while coming here." He walks back out the door and grabs a body, throwing it over his shoulder. "I found him right outside the front gate, just slumped over trying to hold on to his dear little life. Is there anywhere where I can put him?" Ciel comes down to investigate.

"Sebastian, just put him in one of the spare bedrooms."

"Yes, of course, young master." All three of them walk into one of the spare rooms. Grell lays him down on the bed and he begins to stir.

"Ooh, look, he's starting to wakeup. ~Wakey-Wakey, sleepyhead!~"

The boy groans, "Where-where am I?" He sits up in the bed.

"You are in my master's, Lord Ciel Phantomhive's, manor. Grell said that you passed out in front of the gates." The boy looks at Sebastian curiously.

"I-I did? I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just-" he thinks for a moment. "Nevermind that now."

"You sure are secretive, aren't you?" Grell puts his hand on his hips. "Well, at least you have your looks. For a man, you have the most adorable face I have ever seen. What is your name?"

"Wait, what did you just say!?" He turns to Grell and glares at him extremely hard. "My name is Tessa, and sorry to disappoint you, but I'm a girl!"

"Well, you are a very grumpy little girl. Sorry, but with that chest, anyone could make the mis-"
She points a gun at his forehead. "Say anything like that again, and I will test and see if reapers are truly immortal. Now, if you don't mind, I would like you all to leave so I can go to sleep." Sebastian clears his throat, and she turns to him.

"I'm sorry, miss, but that wouldn't be the safest thing. Your clothes are completely soaked with water, and sleeping without anyone here to watch over you would be most unwise. We want to make sure you don't catch cold. There is a nightgown in the closet. Since I must stay with the young master, you must have Grell stay here with you." He bows and said, "My deepest apologies, and I wish you luck." He begins to walk away.

"Wait, Bassy! That's not fair! Why do I have to stay with the little girl? Can't she just stay with Mey-Rin?" Grell starts pouting.

"I'm sorry, Grell, but Mey-Rin has work to do tomorrow and must get her sleep." He turns and looks at Grell and gives him a slight sad frown. "I thought you would like to help me."

Grell gasps softly and just stands there in shock. He begins to sob. "I'm sorry, Bassy. I will do what you ask, just please don't look so sad at me."

"Thank you. Now, be sure to watch over her and not irritate her too much." After that, Sebastian leaves the room.

Grell wipes away his tears and turns toward her. "I know you probably don't want it, but as of this moment, I am your personal butler. You should be happy, I'm more deadly efficient than I seem." He sticks all his fingers out, except for his middle and ring finger, and sticks his tongue out, winking. "Now, can you get up by yourself or do you need help, young lady?"

"I am perfectly okay to stand and even walk around by myself." She stands up. It takes everything in her not to fall back down. "S-see, I am perfectly fine."

Grell walks up to her and feels her forehead. "Ouch! You are most certainly not alright! Now sit down so I can get your nightgown for you."

She begins to blush. "No, no, that's okay. I can go get it myself." She takes a step forward. She becomes so dizzy that she begins to fall. A second later she feels a strong pair of arms around her waist. Grell's head was now extremely close to hers. She blushes furiously.

"Now, now, a pretty little princess shouldn't have a bruise on her head, now should she?" He lifts her up and supports her to stand there. He begins preparing her for bed. She tries her hardest not to think about it too much, but her face is giving her away. "Is your fever going up?"

"N-no, why?"

"Because your face is the most delicious shade of red right now." Oh no! He had noticed. She begins to blush even harder. Grell smirks then makes the most shocked face he can. "Oh, wait, could it possibly be that it is I embarrassing you? I am truly sorry, but you're not exactly the right gender for me, princess." He says those last words so coldly to her.

"Good, then I don't have to worry about you stalking me or touching me in weird places, now do I, little reaper-boy?"

"That brings up a question. How did you know that I was a reaper?"

She sighs and says, "I just happen to have a friend that is a reaper and he has mentioned you once or twice." She looks at him with an evil smile on her face. "You seem to be pretty famous among the reapers. One of the things he said was that he never knew a reaper could be demoted as low as you have been. Poor Grell, surrounded by all of those 'beautiful men' but they all think you are such a miserable failure. Oh well, it can't be helped. I guess some people truly are screw ups for life."

"You are truly like a rose. Beauty that hides venomous thorns." He gives her a hateful glare, turns around and starts to pout a bit. She looks shocked more than anything.

"Do-do you really mean that?"

"What that you have venomous thorns? Absolutely! What you said was completely uncalled for!" He turns to her, stomps his foot and crosses his arms.

"Oh, well, yes, I guess it was. I'm sorry. I'm just... I don't really know what to think about this situation. Nevermind that now. What I meant was, do you really think I'm beautiful?" She grabs his shirt and looks up at him with sad, pleading eyes. He begins to blush.

"You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. When it comes to men, Bassy has you beat by a landslide." She lets go of his shirt and begins to smile while looking down. She begins to whisper.

"Thank you Grell. That makes me feel better." She starts to yawn. Grell lifts her up and places her on the bed. He puts the covers over her and begins to walk away. She grabs onto the edge of his shirt. He turns around and she slightly blushes. "I'm scared. Please don't leave. Stay with me." She looks like she is about to cry. He sighs and shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, Bassy did tell me to watch over your fever." He looks up at her with softness in his eyes. "I'll stay." She begins to blush rather hard. He gives her a questioning look, and she moves over. He still doesn't understand, so she pats the spot next to her. "You-you want me to sleep with you?"

"Next to-next to me." She looks ashamed of herself. She tightly closes her eyes, waiting to be rejected. She feels the bed move and realizes that he actually did it. She looks at him with confusion in her eyes.

"As your official butler, I have to do what you tell me, my princess." Soon after they fall asleep.
It is morning, and Sebastian walks into the room. "Young lady, the young master asks if-" He sees a sight that completely surprises him. Grell is sleeping next to the girl, and she is hugging him in her sleep. He claps his hands, and Grell wakes up.

"Ugh, no. Too early. Wait, Bassy? I didn't think you would ever let me sleep here." He smirks and winks.

"I didn't. Your young mistress did." Grell looks down and notices Tessa hanging onto him. He looks shocked for a moment, then remembers what happened. "Well, in any case. You need to awaken her. Breakfast will be ready soon."

"What is she going to wear?"

"Why, I thought she could wear your coat. You did take it from a woman, after all. The young master was planning on going shopping today already, so we will acquire some clothes for her. Please have her down in the dining room soon." With that last word, he leaves. When he closes the door, it wakes her up.

"Hmm?" She looks around. "Why is it so bright in here?"

"Because it is morning." He rubs her head, gets out of bed, and takes off his coat. "Bassy said that since you don't have anything other than your nightgown to wear, then you should wear my coat." He throws the coat at her face and sighs. "I can't believe I have to lose my precious coat to you."

"What about my clothes from yesterday?"

"It rained all night, so they couldn't dry. He said the young earl was going shopping today so they would get you some clothes. I guess that means I need to get your measurements."

"Wait! What!?" She tries to run away, but he grabs her by her waist. "That is way too embarrassing!"