Kyra blinks in the light coughing up blood as she falls forward onto her face. She exhales hearing the blood and fluid gurgling in her lungs as she does, her face resting in the cold snow felt wonderful, she never wanted to move.
She rolls onto her back her arms sprawled out, a pool of blood staining the snow around her as she contemplates bleeding to death.
Why not?
A fitting end for a Doom Driven Hero.
After all...
Dying was what she was born to do.
**I want to thank you all once again for sticking through with me on another installment of the Kyra Chapters. I know it's been hectic a chapter here, a month later four chapters there but fun, I hope it was for you too. In four days Kyra's entire world imploded around her, and cost her almost everything she held dear. Did it cost her life as well? I guess you'll have to stay tuned and see. - KK