Me: *driving a car* Hello everybody! Welcome to the next installment of the-ah! *swerves to miss a trash can*


Me: *sweatdrop* So, I just got out of Drivers ED! *rage* The reason it took me so long to get this new story out-! *turns sharply away from oncoming car*

Gardevoir: What did I just say?! You focus on driving, and I'll do the introduction!

Me: *determined face* Hai!

Gardevoir: *sigh* Let's try this again. *tries to imitate me* Welcome to the next installment of the Old Grudge series: Strike Three!

Me: *glare* I don't sound like that!

Gardevoir: *rolls eyes* Yes you do.

Me: DO NOT! *subconsciously drives onto railroad in front of train*

Gardevoir: AH! *points frantically* TRAIN! TRAIN!

Me: *hits the accelerator hard and drives off of railroad just as train goes by* *sigh* We made it.

Gardevoir: *shell-shocked* Let's not do that again. Disclaimer: Eon doesn't own Pokemon in any way. Just her cute little plot.

Warning: If you have not read Eon's previous stories, It Just Takes One and Two Sides to Every Story, then this will be one confusing ride for you. Might want to go check them out before starting this one.


Yellow's eyes were covered by a dark cloth, and she couldn't see anything. She could, however, feel Melany's guiding hands on her shoulders, making sure she didn't run into anything. After they walked for a while, Melany brought her to a halt, taking her hands away a moment to swipe a card through the lock on the door in front of them and type in a password. There was a soft ping, and she pulled the door open before leading Yellow through.

Inside, glass walls created a single room with tons of control panels and three other laboratory rooms on each side, all separated by a thick pane of glass. Two of the rooms were empty, but the third was occupied by a single bed surrounded by various machines. A few scientists were bustling around the control room, and Melany removed the cloth from Yellow's eyes as they moved another bed from an empty room into the occupied one.

"W-Where am I?" Yellow whispered softly, blinking in the light.

Melany folded the blindfold and stuffed it in her pocket. "Headquarters. They're setting up a place for you to rest. After all, it is about two in the morning right now."

As if on cue, Yellow gave a small yawn but hurriedly tried to hide it. Melany chuckled a little and gestured for her to walk forward. Yellow did so hesitantly, and Melany ushered her into the brightly lit glass room. The petite blonde saw a bed in front of her as they entered and looked to Melany for confirmation. Once the older girl nodded, Yellow slowly went over to sit down on it.

"So, um…what happens now?" She asked quietly. "I've never been kidnapped before…"

Instead of answering, Melany turned around as the scientists scurried out of the room to make way for another person. It was a guy with russet-colored hair, the shade between red and brown to the point that Yellow couldn't tell which it really was. His eyes were an ice blue hue, and they were narrowed slightly as he walked over to Melany.

"Finally back from your mission?" He asked with a smirk.

Melany raised an eyebrow before smirking back. "Yes, actually I am." She turned to Yellow and held out a hand. "Wait here. I need to go report to Master." Leaning over, she kept her voice low near the younger girl's ear. "Whatever you do, do not get up from this bed. I mean it."

Yellow stiffened a little but didn't really have a choice. She stayed on the bed as she was told while Melany walked for the exit. She stopped briefly at the boy and glared at him a moment before silently leaving him with Yellow. He seemed to chuckle a little, the action unsettling to Yellow.

Noticing her discomfort, he strode over to her and reached out a hand. "Nice to finally meet you, Master's pet. My name's Drake."

Yellow's face scrunched up a bit at the nickname, but she slowly shook his hand. "Nice to…meet you."

He laughed softly. "Don't worry. If you cooperate, it won't take long for Master to get what he needs. And you won't be lonely." He pointed to the other side of the room. "We got you a roommate."

Yellow looked over, and for the first time, she saw the other bed that was surrounded by blinking machines. Her eyes widened in horror at what she found, and she paid no mind to Melany's warning, immediately jumping up from the bed to run over to the other one.

She knelt beside it, and she could barely find her voice. "Samantha…"

Lying on the sheets was the shiny Gardevoir from Amber's drawings, her flowing white body sprawling across the bed. There were bags under her eyes, and her dull blue hair appeared to be lacking its usual sheen. Yellow looked at her helplessly, tracing the tubes that ran into her skin back to the machines. Seeing her sickly state, the blonde closed her eyes and placed a hand on the Pokemon.

Instantly she could taste Samantha's exhaustion. The Gardevoir was fighting some kind of internal war, but after resisting for so long, it was starting to take its toll on her body. Letting out a breath, Yellow let some of her healing powers flood over her motionless figure. The girl felt a mental stirring, and her eyes widened as she heard a voice in her head.

"What…what's going on?" It asked.

Yellow closed her eyes and answered. "I'm healing you. You're very hurt, Samantha."

There was a small gasp. "How do you…oh my Arceus, you're Yellow aren't you?" Said girl was about to respond when she felt the Gardevoir trying to force her healing powers away. "No! Stop before they—!"

A tube suddenly shot down from the ceiling and imbedded itself in Yellow's left hand. Right away, she could feel her powers beginning to channel down it like a redirected river. She frantically tried to call off her healing ability, but the tube was like a stopper and just kept draining it out of her.

"No," the Gardevoir whispered, this time making her thoughts aloud to all.

At the same time, Melany walked back into the room, her eyes widening at Yellow's situation. She gave a strangled cry and rushed over. "I told you to stay on that bed no matter what!"

Yellow tried to apologize, but already she was feeling faint from the drainage and passed out in Melany's arms. The blue-eyed girl looked up to see Drake watching the scene unfold, his arms crossed as he leaned against the glass wall. "Well that went right according to plan."

Melany frowned and carried Yellow back to her bed, maneuvering the hanging tube through a slot in the ceiling. "I didn't think we were going to jump into it right away."

Drake pushed off the wall and stood behind Melany with a hand on his chin. "Hm, sounds to me like you were trying to avoid that." He clicked his tongue. "Tut, tut. You wouldn't do well to defy Master's plans. What would happen if he found out one of his most important admins was actually going against him?"

Melany turned around and narrowed her eyes. "I never said I was going against him."

Drake only smiled deviously. "No, but I have a feeling that's what you were doing." Melany didn't say anything to contradict him, and the redhead nodded. "But don't worry, I'm not going to mention this minor detail to him. It'll be our little secret." He held up a finger and smirked. "However, I am counting, so consider this strike one."

Chapter One: Crystal

"Wake up, Crystal-chan! Breakfast in five!"

My brain sluggishly came to, but my eyes stayed shut from weariness. Not wanting to get up, I grabbed the blankets on the bed and wrapped myself in them tighter. However, they seemed to be stuck under something so I pulled on them harder. I thought I heard a light chuckle and slowly made myself wake up. Forcing my eyes open, they widened as I saw another set of bright ones just inches from my own.

"Good morning!" Gold smirked.

"Holy Ho-Oh!" I screamed, kicking away from him and tipping over onto the floor. My flailing limbs managed to get me all tangled up in my sheets as I fell, and Gold busted out laughing as I fought to untangle myself. Finding a spot to poke my head out, I blew my bangs out of my eyes and glared at him. "What are you doing in my room?!"

His head popped up over the edge of the bed, an amused smile on his face. "Emerald's been calling for you for the past half an hour so I came to see if you were up."

"But why were you lying on my bed?!" I practically shrieked.

"Oh!" He held up a finger like he'd just remembered something. "Precisely for this reason!"

At that moment, the door to my bedroom opened, and in walked Emerald with a spatula in his hand. "Breakfast time, Crystal—!" He blinked. "Chan."

I turned to him with wide eyes. Gold was sprawled across my bed like he'd been sleeping there all night, and I was lying on the floor with half the sheets around me still hanging from underneath his arms. Emerald blinked again before glaring at Gold.

"I wanted to sleep with Crystal-chan last night, but you wouldn't let me!" He yelled angrily. "That's not fair!" He ran over to the chuckling Gold and started pulling him off the mattress. "So why do you get to?!"

Gold was biting his lip to keep from laughing, and I quickly stood up with a glare. "He didn't, Emerald. I promise you he didn't. He's just being his usual pervert."

Emerald succeeded in getting Gold off the bed and began swatting at his head with the spatula. "Gold!"

The raven-haired boy held up his hands only to get them smacked as well. "Hey, hey! It was just a joke!"

Emerald just kept smacking him and eventually chased the older boy out of the room. I sighed at them and stood up to fold the messy sheet. Once it was back where it should be, I started for my closet and searched inside for something to wear. However, I noticed that all my usual skirts and such were dirty, and I sweat-dropped. I had a feeling I forgot to do the laundry last night.

Gold's head suddenly popped in with a grin. "Getting ready to change, are you?"

I glared and threw a sweatshirt from the floor at him. "Get out!"

It landed on his face and muffled his laughs. A second later, though, Emerald appeared behind him and smacked him straight across the head. The older boy face-planted the ground, and the blonde looked up at me with a grin. "Breakfast is ready, Crystal-chan."

I smiled at him. "Thank you, Emerald. I'll be down in a second."

He nodded and proceeded to drag Gold who was just starting to lift his head out of the room. I sighed at him and closed my closet. I'd leave the clothes problem until after I'd eaten.

Shutting my door behind me, I saw Emerald had left Gold in the hallway, and the boy was sitting up holding the back of his head. "Well, that hurt!"

I rolled my eyes. "Why do you have to antagonize him like that?"

Hopping to his feet, he grinned a teeth-showing smile. "Because it's fun!"

I sighed, and he stalked down the stairs. "Oh, stop being so serious about everything, Crys."

Glaring at the back of his head, I followed him to the kitchen where Emerald was finishing cooking at the stove. Gold plopped down in one of the chairs, and Emerald shooed me away when I tried to help him.

"I've got it!" He exclaimed. "Just go sit! You've been working enough as it is recently."

I froze at the word work. "What time is it?" I looked up at the clock and saw that it was near ten in the morning. My eyes widening, I ran for the stairs. "I'm going to be late to the lab!"

At the table, Gold sighed. "Relax, Super Serious Gal. Today's your day off, remember?"

I stopped halfway up the stairs and slowly backtracked into the kitchen. "Huh?"

Emerald turned around from the stove. "You've been working really hard these past couple of weeks while Professor Elm was gone so he gave you a free day since he got back into town yesterday." He tilted his head. "You don't remember?"

Thinking back to last night, I realized they were right. The professor had returned right before the three of us were getting ready to head back to Gold's house since it was nearby in New Bark Town. He'd been amazed at how much data I'd gathered in his absence and told me, no, demanded me to take a day off and recuperate. So, the three of us had decided to spend it at my house. I glared at Gold briefly. A decision I was beginning to regret. The boys were supposed to share the guest bedroom, but apparently he'd had a different idea this morning.

Reluctantly, I sat down across from Gold who was beating the table with his fists in excitement. "I smelled pancakes, and I am ready!"

Emerald took one of the three plates off the counter and set it in front of me. "One for Crystal." He placed the other where he was going to sit. "One for me." Taking the last dish, he carefully put it before the other boy in the room with a glare. "And one for Gold."

I thanked him, and the two of us started eating while Gold stared at his plate. "Um…Emerald?"

The blonde looked up with polite eyes. "Yes?"

Gold picked up one of the burnt pancakes on his plate and banged it on the table. "I think you switched my pancakes with rocks."

Emerald smiled sweetly. "Nope! I made them just for you."

Gold raised an eyebrow, and after a moment, he tried biting into it. It took him a minute to crunch through, and Emerald and I started laughing as he spit it back out. "That doesn't taste like pancakes at all!"

Emerald shrugged and took a bite of his own. "Oh, well. That's what you get for messing with Crystal-chan."

I giggled, and Gold scowled just as the doorbell rang. The bright-eyed boy rose out of his chair and held his hands up to us. "Now don't trouble yourselves," he said sarcastically. "I'll get the door so you can continue laughing at me."

Emerald rolled his eyes, and I finished my last pancake as Gold disappeared out of the kitchen. I could hear him speak briefly with someone at the door before it shut and he came back. There was a box in his hands, and I raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

He scratched the back of his head. "I don't know, but it says it's from Blue."

My eyes widened. "Blue?"

He nodded and handed the box to me across the table before sitting down again. Clearing away my plate, I ripped the tape off the package and opened the flaps. As soon as I saw what was inside, though, I slammed them back shut.

Emerald's eyes widened. "What is it?"

Gold smirked. "Yeah, I'm curious now."

Tentatively reaching inside the box, I pulled out a set of clothes and handed them to Gold. There was a red jacket with black cuffs and a white hoodie that zipped, a black set of capris and an equally black T-shirt, a dark hat with a single yellow stripe down the middle, a pair of grey running shoes, a rectangular bag with a single thick strap, and a new pair of gold goggles.

"Well, Merry Christmas to me!" He said with a grin. "I can't believe Blue sent these!"

I swiftly shut the box's flaps again. "She must have gone on another one of her shopping sprees."

I was shoving the box aside when Emerald tilted his head. "Is that all that was in there?"

I nodded quickly. "O-Of course it was."

Gold's eyes narrowed, and he snatched the box away before I could say anything. I stretched out to take it back, but he danced out of his chair and out of my reach. Leaning against the kitchen's entryway, he looked inside the box and grinned. "Oh, no it wasn't."

Emerald jumped up what to see was inside, and I held my face in a hand when Gold pulled out a fluffy white hat that looked like a marshmallow with a big red bow on it. He chuckled and set in on Emerald's hair, laughing even more when it stood up on his spikey crest. Frowning, the blonde took it off and placed it on the table before using his extension arms to reach into the box for the rest of the items.

His eyes widened as he separated each article of clothing. "It looks like she sent you a new outfit, too, Crystal-chan."

I shook my head with similarly wide eyes as I took in the clothes before me. "T-That can't be mine. Blue knows I wouldn't wear something like that!"

Along with the puffy hat, my senior had sent an elbow length red shirt with a white hoodie like Gold's and a small opening in the middle of the neckline where the black tank top would show through, blue overall shorts that went over the shirt, long white socks edged in black with red shoes to go with, and a yellow bag that would hang over one's shoulder.

Gold picked up the hat again and smirked. "That's exactly why she got it for you."

I crossed my arms and turned away. "Well, I refuse to wear it!"

Emerald's eyes widened in surprise. "Why not Crystal-chan?"

Gold stuffed the hat on my head. "Yeah, why not, Crys?"

I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up. "I-It doesn't fit me!"

The goggled boy tilted his head at the clothes. "I doubt Blue would get you the wrong size; she seems to be spot on about those things. Besides, it looks like it would fit you."

"I meant the style," I told him, eyeing the outfit warily. "The style doesn't fit me."

Gold smirked and forced me out of my chair. "You never know unless you try!"

I slowly backed away from the table towards the kitchen's exit. "I'm going to go get dressed." I glared as Gold raised his eyebrows expectantly. "In my normal clothes."

Frantically, I ran upstairs and searched through my closet again. There had to be a clean pair of shorts and a shirt! I couldn't wear that outfit from Blue! Arceus knows why she even got it for me! I rummaged through all the dirty stuff lying on the floor, but to my dismay, I really did have nothing.

Racing back to the ground floor, I rushed into the laundry room and looked for the detergent. If I had enough left for another load of clothes, I'd be saved. Unscrewing the top, I hung my head when I saw that there wasn't even a capful.

"Why does the world hate me?" I sighed in despair.

Gold's head appeared around the doorway. "No clean clothes, huh?"

I laid my head on the washer. "No…"

"Or detergent?" When I shook my head, he grinned evilly. "Guess you'll just have to go to the store and buy some more. Oh wait…" He tapped his chin. "But you'll need something to wear."

I growled lightly. "Just give me Blue's clothes."

He smiled cheekily and stepped into the washroom with them in his arms. I saw that he'd already changed into his own outfit, and I had to say, it suited him quite well. The puffy white hat was still on my head, and it almost fell off when he deposited the pile in my arms.

"I'll tell Emerald we're heading for the store!" He exclaimed before disappearing around the corner.

I sighed again and stared at the clothes in defeat. "Here goes nothing."

Oh. My. Mew.

I seriously wished this hat was bigger so it could hide the blush on my face.

As Gold, Emerald, and I walked through the front doors of Goldenrod's shopping mall, I would guess that practically everyone stared at me and my new clothes. They didn't gawk or anything, more of their eyes going wide and watching as I walked by. I was known fairly well thanks to the Dex Holders' events and what not, so it was no surprise that people were shocked by my new appearance.

"This is so mortifying," I muttered as we made our way to the escalator.

Gold just smirked and stepped on behind me and Emerald. The moving staircase took us up to the second floor where we quickly got off. This was the floor for basic necessity items so I knew the detergent would be somewhere here. Again, people watched me as I walked by, and after a few minutes of walking, I started heading back for the escalator.

"I'm done," I muttered. "Let's just go home."

Gold grabbed my arm and chuckled smartly as he dragged me further into the aisles. "I don't think I saw detergent in that invisible purchase bag of yours."

I glared at him and tore my wrist away. The action made him laugh a little harder, and Emerald sighed at the boy. Gold led the way down the laundry aisle, finger on his chin as he observed the variety of soap brands.

"So, uh," he said uncertainly. Grabbing a jug in each hand, he turned to me with a sweatdrop. "Do we get the one with scent pearls or the little bottle of crystals?"

I face-palmed. "Gold, those are fabric softeners."

He blinked and looked at the containers before Emerald shook his head. The blonde walked over to Gold and took them from his hands before putting them back on the shelf. "Why don't we leave the shopping to Crystal-chan?"

Gold grinned and grabbed the other boy's arm. "Sounds good! In the meantime, we can go check out the ladies!" He turned to me with a smirk. "Is that alright with you, Crys? Good! Let's go shortie!"

My jaw dropped in surprise as Emerald beat a fist against Gold's arm. "I'm not short!"

I sweat-dropped, and they had dispersed into the crowd within a few moments. Sighing, I moved a bit farther down the shelves to the detergent section. My fingers rummaged through the various brands, but I couldn't find the one I was looking for. I searched in vain a little longer but huffed angrily when I concluded that it really wasn't there.

"That's alright," I muttered under my breath. Narrowing my eyes at the shelf, I crossed my arms and bit my cheek. "I'll just choose a different one."

Humming softly to myself, I scanned what was available and eventually stopped at one that might suffice until I could find my usual brand. None of them met my standards though, and I gave up with a sigh.

"I suggest the one on the top shelf," someone suddenly said beside me. I turned to find that a guy was standing there with his arms crossed. His hair was a dark russet color poking out beneath a silver fedora, and a matching scarf was wrapped around his neck despite it being summertime. Black shades hid his eyes, and he wore a black T-shirt that seemed to shimmer lightly with the darkest shade of purple and had two white lines striped across his chest and one running down the left side of the shirt . He had on simple blue jeans, and when I tilted my head at him, his sunglasses turned in my direction. "That is if you don't already know which one you're getting."

I shook my head with a sigh. "No, the one I want isn't here for some reason."

The guy stared at me a moment before turning around and waving a hand over his shoulder. "Come with me."

Raising an eyebrow, I curiously followed the stranger as he took me through the aisles to the service counter near the elevator. I stood behind him as he talked to the lady on the other side. The woman left into a closet behind her and returned a few minutes later. Taking something from her, he turned around with a smirk on his face and the detergent I'd been trying to find in his hand.

My eyes widened. "How did you—"

He waggled a finger at me. "Always ask the assistants what's in the inventory. They just might have what you need."

I gave a small laugh and took the bottle from him. "Well, thank you very much."

He nodded. "No trouble. Just remember to check in with a lady next time instead of glaring at the helpless soap bottles."

I opened my mouth in protest. "I did not glare!"

He smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Really? 'Cause I swear they would have been running if they could've moved."

A smirk was playing on my lips as I heard shuffling and looked to my side to find Gold and Emerald approaching.

"Did you find it?" Emerald asked with his small grin.

I smiled back. "Yeah, this guy helped me out."

Emerald observed the stranger curiously while Gold's eyes narrowed a fraction and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You ready to go then?"

I studied his oddly tense figure a moment before nodding slowly. "Let's head for the checkout downstairs." Turning back to the guy in the fedora, I bowed my head towards him in gratitude. "Thank you for helping me find this, Mister."

He tipped the edge of his hat. "Like I said, no trouble." He smirked and turned for the elevator. "See you around…Miss Glare."

I puffed my cheeks at that while Gold frowned and Emerald tilted his head, the guy disappearing behind the automatic doors. After watching it a moment, the dark-haired boy huffed and turned for the escalator. "Let's go."

Emerald's eyes widened at him, and I huffed at his retreating back. "Well, okay then."

It didn't take us long to check out, and soon enough we were walking out the mall's doors into the streets of Goldenrod. Gold was still grimacing to himself, and I sighed as I released Xatee. "What's the matter?"

He looked at me with wide eyes as if he hadn't known I'd been watching him and shook his head. "It's just that guy."

Emerald's eyebrows scrunched as he climbed onto Xatee's back, and I let the Pokemon latch onto my shoulders. "What about him?"

Gold held his chin in a hand. "I'm not sure…I just…there was something off about him."

"I didn't think anything was wrong," I told him.

He simply nodded and brought out his Togekiss. Once he'd climbed on his Pokemon's back, the three of us took to the sky to head back to Violet City. As we flew over the treetops, I pulled out my Pokegear from the bag Blue had gotten me (hated to admit it but it was useful) and checked the time. It was about mid-afternoon, and I realized it was around the time that I would normally go check on the eggs in Professor Elm's lab to see if any had hatched.

I got an overwhelming feeling of being late and had to remind myself that this was my day off. Still, I couldn't help but stare out in the direction of New Bark Town. Xatee seemed to sense my anxiety and made a detour for the small town. Emerald protested in surprise, and Gold rounded back to see what was going on.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked in puzzlement over the wind.

"I just want to check in on the lab real quick," I said hastily, only to be met with a pair of sighs.

"Crystal-chan, everything is alright," Emerald reassured me. "The eggs are fine, the poffins are fine, it's all okay."

"Yeah," Gold said with a grin. "Old Elm can take care of himself for one day. You've been working way too much lately so let off a bit."

I bit my lip and glanced to the east again. "Just five minutes? Please?"

They sighed again, and Emerald frowned gently. "Okay, but only five minutes. Any longer and we won't be able to get you to come home for the rest of the day."

I smiled gratefully, and we changed course for Gold's hometown. After flying for a while longer, the windmill outside Professor Elm's lab came into view, and it wasn't long before the rest of the town was in sight as well. The three of us touched down in front of the research facility, and once our Pokemon were back in their Pokeballs, we opened the doors to head inside. Almost immediately, we were met by the professor himself who was running around the lobby calling for the assistant who was normally there every day. He saw us and broke into a smile as we walked in.

"Ah, Crystal!" He said cheerfully. Then his mood turned suspicious. "Didn't I tell you to take a break and have the day off?"

I rubbed my arm sheepishly. "Y-Yes. I really couldn't help but come check in, though."

Professor Elm raised an eyebrow questioningly, and Gold smirked. "You know, Crys. Work addict."

I spun around with a glare. "I am not addicted to my work!" I turned to Emerald to back me up. "Right?!"

The blonde glanced helplessly between me and Gold before looking away whistling. My jaw dropped open, and Gold laughed at my expression. Professor Elm smiled at him a moment before holding up a finger. "That's right. I'm actually glad you guys stopped by. There's been someone calling for you."

I tilted my head. "Who is it?"

The brown-haired man scratched the back of his head. "Hm, if I remember right, I think her name was…Blue?"

My eyes widened as Gold's laughter stopped abruptly. Emerald turned to the professor with a frown. "When did she call?"

"Actually, she's rang up the video phone every few hours hoping you'd be here," Elm explained. "It's been a while since she last called. She might do it again here sometime soon."

I started running for the video phone that was in one of the back rooms. It was the one where we'd tried to lock Gold up from DJ Mary when she'd stopped by to make Poffins. The door was unlocked, and I dashed up to the keyboard to check the phone's history. Just like the professor had said, it showed that there'd been at least five calls from Kanto. I tilted my head when I saw that they'd come from Blaine but shook the thought away as Gold and Emerald came up behind me.

"Blaine?" Gold asked with a frown. "Did they all have to relocate since we last talked to them? That was only about a week ago."

"A lot can happen in a week," Emerald pointed out.

"I guess they had to hide at Cinnabar Island," I murmured to myself with a chin on my hand.

A moment later something started blinking on the monitor, and the boys and I leaned forward to see that it was a call from Blaine's number. I hit the answer button, and our eyes widened as we saw Blue's anxious face appear.

"Crystal!" She sighed in relief. "I've been trying to get ahold of you all day! You have no idea!"

I held my hands up. "Okay, okay, what's wrong, Blue?" My eyebrows scrunched as I saw that she was the only one in the room. "Where's everybody else?"

Blue frowned slightly. "Silver and Green are running a scan, and Red's guarding Amber."

The name rang a bell, and Gold leaned forward with a frown. "Amber? As in..."

"Yes," Blue nodded her head, "as in Red's brother, Amber."

Emerald waved his hands. "Woah, woah, woah. If Amber's with you guys, then where's Yellow?"

Blue bit her lip. "Well, you see, it seems that we've had a little unwanted exchange recently."

"Wait a second," I said slowly. My eyes widened. "Yellow's gone?!"

Me: And so begins another exciting adventure!

Gardevoir: *watches from between fingers covering eyes* Let's get through this one first!

Me: Okay...just turn down this lane and we're home- *hits someone*

Gardevoir & Me: O_O *look at each other and jump out of the car*

Me: *helps person up* Oh my Mew! I'm so sorry! *eyes widen* Max?

Max: *coughs* Maybe it's a bad idea for me to try to visit once in a while...

Gardevoir: *facepalm* Nice going. You hit your best friend

Me: TT . TT I'm so sorry Maxy

Max: *chuckles nervously* It's all good. I'm fine! *looks at car and sweatdrops* Now all we have to do is get home.

Me: *grabs keys* I'LL DRIVE!

Gardevoir & Max: *facepalm*

Me: So everyone? How was this opening? Strangely, I found it difficult to switch over to Crystal and Gold's point of view, but hopefully you all liked it! Review and return!