For Dash (theCinderninja), because I told her forever ago that I should write something based on this ad she designed: mossmaskxrainwhisker . deviantart (dotcomslash) art/Fake-Up-Make-Up-381346946

Setting the Trap

June 21, 2013

Fake-up make-up, she typed the title into the advertisement, manicured fingers flying across the keyboard.

We'll make you pretty, she promised as she smoothed down the wrinkles in her red suit.

Do your peers point at you and laugh? The sad smile on her face, reflected on the computer's screen, was the very picture of understanding.

Are you conscious about your appearance? She knew they were. She knew they all were.

Are you extremely unattractive? She drove the point home bluntly, knowing that right now, she had them in the palm of her hand.

Buying our makeup will make you popular! She proclaimed, promising what these girls wanted so desperately.

People will instantly feel drawn to you, she assured them, the lies flowing from her lips so easily.

Prices starting at only $7.99! Such a low price for everything she promised. They would be willing to give that and much more for her wares: lipstick, nail polish, foundation, all in a sickly glowing green.

She nodded approval. It was perfect.

With a click of a button, the advertisement went live. She sat back in her chair, just waiting for the first of an overwhelming rush of e-mails and phone calls from people with self esteem issues.

People that she could feed from.

People that would come to her.

It was perfect.

It always surprises me how few fics are out there with Spectra. Because I think she's one of the freakiest villains in the entire show.