A/N: Hey, y'all! So, first of all: this does not mean the discontinuation of any of my stories. Second: I just got a tonsillectomy and I'm in miserryyyyyy, but my mother got me a couple of movies, one of them being Monsters, Inc. I'd had this idea in my head for a long time, so tell me what you think!

[Setting: Mike & Sully's Apartment...]

It had been many years since Mary "Boo" Gibbs had first discovered Monstropolis, and to this day, she couldn't drag herself away from it and her "dad" Sully. So she spent the week with her human parents and the weekend with Sully; she used her best friend Lucy Vaughan as an alibi.
Lucy was the only other person who knew about the monster world and she wanted to visit Monstropolis more than anything, but she had no way in.
This special day, the day that changed everything, happened to be a Saturday: Boo's fifteenth birthday.
"Happy Birthday, Boo!" Sully lifted his hands from over her eyes, letting her finally see the spectacular pink cake in front of her. "Make a wish!"
She inhaled and blew out all fifteen candles in one blow. "Thank you so much, Pops!" She hugged him.
Her Uncle Mike Wazowski was wiping away tears. "They grow up so fast." He sniffled.
"Googly-Bear, don't make a scene." Aunt Celia Mae stroked his face.
Boo laughed.
"The first piece goes to Boo..." Sully cut a large piece of the pink-frosted chocolate cake.
"Wait, can I call Lucy first?" She exclaimed.
"Do you have to right now? This is family time."
She rolled her eyes. "We can have family time the rest of the weekend! Can I please talk to her?"
He sighed. "Fine."
"Do you mind if I dig in?" Mike piped up.
"Michael!" Celia gently smacked him.
"Ow! Sorry! Never mind, kid!"
Boo rushed to her room and dialed Lucy's number. "Luce?"
"Hey! Happy Birthday, Boo!" She was the only person who knew her friend's nickname.
"I got you something awesome. I'll give it to you when I get back from my trip."
"Aww, thanks...Where are you going again?"
"To visit my cousins in the South." She groaned. "In 'Murica, home of the NASCAR!"
Boo laughed. "I am so sorry, hon."
"It's all right. Okay, you enjoy your birthday and call me later."
"Fine. Bye!"
Boo ran back into the kitchen with the others.
"Okay, birthday girl, time to open up your gifts!" Sully exclaimed happily.
She opened the box that was closest to her, revealing makeup. "Thank you, Aunt Celia!" She gushed. "This is gorgeous!"
"How'd you know that it was from her?" Mike inquired.
"Because we girls understand each other," Celia smiled, "right, Boo?"
"Right." She agreed, looking at the next gift. It was very small, but wide, and when she opened it, she knew why: it was money.
"See, I didn't really know what to get you," Mike began, "so I thought, 'Well, what did I want most when I was fifteen? Money.' So that's what I got you, and now I guess you can get whatever you want."
She smiled. "Thanks, Uncle Mike."
There was one gift left, one that brought a smile to her face as she opened it: it was a toy monster, one exactly like the first one Mike and Sully gave her when she was little.
"It's been fifteen years, kid," Sully hugged her, "and they've gone by too fast. I remember when you were just a little girl, so curious, so imaginative, so-I mean, you're still all of those things, but...it seemed like just yesterday."
"I love you, Pops."
"I love you too."
When he let go of her, Celia grinned. "So, you're entering high school, right? The boys are going to be all over you."
Sully frowned. "Now, Celia, I don't think she's ready for all that yet..."
Against her better judgment, Boo interrupted with, "No, I think I am."
"Hon, relationships can be dangerous. I don't want you getting into anything too serious-"
"Pops, I can take care of myself."
"You say that, but you don't know that."
She rolled her eyes. "Stop being so protective, okay? I'm not little Boo anymore."
There was awkwardness in the air, until Mike broke the silence. "Cake, anyone?"

[Setting: The Jacksons' Trailer...]

Lucy stood outside the trailer in the middle of the swamp: the last place she wanted to be.
Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door. It immediately flew open, almost hitting her.
"Cuz!" Her younger cousins, Chuckie and Shelley, ran out and grabbed her legs.
"Now calm down, ya little twerps!" Her Aunt Becky yelled.
"For Pete's sake, Becky," she heard her Uncle Larry call from inside, "ease up on the young'uns!"
Lucy rolled her eyes, stepping into the trailer. She couldn't have had civilized relatives?
"The guest room is all the way at the end of the hall." Aunt Becky informed her. "It's also where we keep the bunnies, so excuse the smell."
She actually didn't mind that. She loved bunnies.
When she entered the room, she put her suitcase down and flopped onto her bed.
"Ow!" She yelled, feeling that the bed was hard as a rock. "How can this trip get any worse?!"
She opened up the closet and threw her backpack in there. "Ow! Watch it!" She heard a voice groan in pain.
Shocked by this, Lucy moved her backpack aside to make sure that she wasn't just hearing things. What she saw was unnerving. "What the...Aunt Becky!"

A/N: Sorry it's so short. I want some honest feedback on this. Help me out here!