Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Author's Note: Hello everyone! Wow this is a really late entry to this collection isn't it? Very sorry about that! I know a lot of you are already nearing your end of your summer vacation. Hope it's been a great one though! Today I have a little oneshot for you here, it is of course not related to the previous stories, just shares the fact that it takes place in the summertime. I do have more stories planned, one even going for this summer stories collection so if you guys are still enjoying this collection and want to read more be sure to let me know! Hope you all enjoy it! Welcome to now readers and old readers thanks for coming back! Sorry for the very wait! Thanks for stopping by to read, hope you like, please read and review if you can, I'd love to hear your thoughts! If you have any summertime ideas feel free to share them! Summer is still going, got a few more weeks to squeeze in some stories :D Hope you like and always, Enjoy!

The Super Summer Fun Fair was an attraction that came to Point Place for the first two weeks of July. It was a smaller fair than the winter celebrations that were more popular but still had several of the same attractions. There were games, rides, and greasy carnival food. It was also a great way to spend a long summer day, a great way to keep your mind off the heat.

This year the fair seemed to be more popular than ever, even getting a visit from the group of young adults who spend most of their summer—winter, spring, and fall—in the Forman basement. Though it might not have been their choice to begin with. Kitty had practically dragged and shoved each one of them out of the basement and into the Vista Cruiser. She was tired of seeing them wasting the beautiful summer days indoors, numbing their brains with TV. This went for her husband as well, who was probably the toughest one to get into the vehicle's driver's seat.

When they arrived at the fair, Kitty appeared to be the only one excited about their arrival, the others just complained. They were too old for this, they said. It's too hot. It smells funny. Where's the TV? And other alike remarks were all that were said during the first half hour that they were there.

After getting a roll of tickets and being shooed off to explore the carnival, the gang of Debbie Downers suddenly switched to Penny Positives. Each of them were having a good time, enjoying themselves and the time spent with their friends outside of the basement. They spent almost an hour together before making like the Mystery Inc. gang and splitting up. Donna and Eric went to try their luck on some of the arcade games while Fez and Kelso, made like Shaggy and Scooby and headed for the snack area. Jackie and Hyde meanwhile, were currently walking through the carnival hand in hand but not as happily or carefree as one might think.

"Steven, please."


"But you've picked the last few rides we've been on," Jackie reminded her curly haired boyfriend as they walked through the crowds of people. "It's my turn to pick something for us to do."

Hyde nodded in agreement, "And you can. Long as it's not that one."

"What's wrong with the Ferris Wheel?" Jackie wanted to know.

"Jackie, the Ferris Wheel's the lamest ride in the whole joint," he replied as if this should have been clear. "All you do is sit there. You wanna sit, we can go find Kelso and Fez and watch their contest of who can eat the most junk food before barfing. At least then there'd be some entertainment."

"Ew," she grimaced at the mere thought of spending her time doing, watching that. She shook her head to rid herself of the image then tugged a little more on Hyde's hand. "Steven, the Ferris Wheel is not lame. It's one of most romantic rides there is. It's a ride that slowly lifts a couple up to float in the sky so that together they can explore the beauty of the scene that surrounds them. In that moment when the cart is at the very top, it's just those two people and their love for each other. Nothing else."

Shaded blue eyes stared back at the dreamy-eyed expression that did little to impress him. "I thought you were tryin' to talk me into this."

The look that Jackie returned did not look very amused. In fact it looked more like she was resisting the urge to kick him in the shins. Not knowing how long she'd be able to retain herself from letting her pointy shoe collide against the front of his leg, Hyde spoke up, hoping to help them reach a compromise.

"Look, how 'bout we go play a game?" was his suggestion but Jackie wasn't swayed; he continued anyways. "I can beat and embarrass Forman and even win you something shinny. We both win."

Jackie's raven locks fell off her shoulders as she shook her head, "Please, like their 'shinny' is even real 'shinny.' I bet it would either chip off or turn my skin green," she declared, ending the argument before it could continue any further.

Her hand released Hyde's, only to move up to his upper arm when she wrapped but her smaller arms around his muscular one, hugging it closer to her.

"Please Steven, the last time I rode the Ferris wheel was with my dad," she shared in a small voice that was neither upbeat nor whinny. "Now I wanna ride it with you, the other important man in my life."

Hyde's burrows wrinkled together just slightly, "You never went with Kelso?"

Again Jackie shook her head, "I was always afraid Michael would try to jump off when we got to the top."

This explanation cleared up any confusion or doubt he had about Jackie's claim of not having ridden a Ferris wheel since she was a kid; it did little, however, to change his mind about riding it with her now.


She knew that tone, that was not his giving in tone, but she wasn't giving in either.

"Please," Jackie said before Hyde could say another word, being sure to stick lower lip out and make her eyes extra sad.

He tried to keep from letting his eyes meet hers, tried to avoid looking at her at all, but it was a little hard to do since Jackie had moved herself to standing right in front of him to block his path. One short glance at her and that little pout and Hyde knew what was going to happen today. He was going to ride the Ferris wheel with his cleverly manipulative girlfriend.

"Fine," he muttered.

Instantly Jackie released a happy squeal before she pressed the quickest kiss on Hyde's cheek then pulled his arm and hurried over to the Ferris wheel before he could change his mind. As they ran, Hyde couldn't help but smile slightly; this was the first time he'd really seen Jackie run when there wasn't a big sale involved. She looked so carefree and happy, it was a nice sight to see.

When they reached the Ferris wheel, they found that the line to the ride wasn't very long at all. This excited Jackie and annoyed Hyde, he even felt that it helped further prove his point of the Ferris wheel being the lamest ride in the park. Spotted at the end of the short line was a head of familiar blonde set curls.

"Mrs. Forman!" Jackie called out and waved her hand at the older woman when she turned around then waved back.

"Look Red, it's Steven and Jackie," Kitty told her husband even though he could see perfectly well the younger couple that were approaching them. "Are you kids riding the Ferris wheel too?"

Jackie hugged Hyde's arm in hers, leaning her head against it, "Yes, we are."

The closeness of the pair made Kitty's smile grow; they really did made such a sweet pair. "Oh that's wonderful, isn't it Red?"

"As long as they don't sit with us," came Red's reply.

Looking at the ride, Jackie paid close attention to the seating arrangements. "I think these carts only sit two people, Mr. Forman."

"The way you kids follow us around I'm sure you wouldn't let that stop you," Red continued to grumble. "We'd end up packed in there like damn sardines!"

Despite Red's grouchiness, Jackie good mood was unfazed and she continued to smile on.

"Don't worry Mr. Forman, I understand. This isn't a group ride, it's a ride for lovers."

Two nearly identical groans of annoyance were heard at the mention of the word 'lovers.' Both went ignored and the women carried on with the conversation.

"Mrs. Forman, don't you think the Ferris wheel is a romantic ride?"

"Oh, of course I do!" Kitty was eager to agree, her gleeful smile shinning a little brighter as she added, "You know Red and I shared our first kiss on a Ferris wheel. Remember, honey?"

Kitty looked up at her husband and found a smirk had formed on his lips. Of course he remembered, but he wasn't about to admit it with these two standing close by. Instead he merely shrugged his shoulders, smirk still in place, playfully telling his wife 'maybe.' Kitty giggled in response to his actions, after all, she knew what they really meant.

"Aw that is so sweet!" Jackie gushed on while Hyde grinned beside her.

It wasn't Jackie's loud reactions that appeared to aggravate Red but rather the silent one from her boyfriend. By this time Kitty and Jackie had started a conversation between the two of them, probably concerning more explanations of why this ride was so romantic; leaving Red with a smirking Hyde.

"Shut it," the older man ordered, pointing his finger at his adopted son.

Hyde's mischievous grin endured, "I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, well," Red eyed the young man up and down, "I know you were thinking something."

This time it was Hyde who shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, "Just thinkin' that that's gotta be a good story."

Ever so slowly, a smile started to reappear on Red's lips. "Yeah, it is pretty great," he agreed because it was the truth. "You know which story is even better? The story of how I shoved my foot up your ass."

Continuing to smirk, Hyde nodded his head and dropped the subject just like Red wanted.

"So what about you," Red began his own question. "I thought you didn't like Ferris wheels."

For a brief moment Hyde felt his back stiffen. He worried that Jackie might have overheard them but when it didn't look like she had, his Zen resumed and he answered the question.

"I don't."

Red eyed him carefully, "But you're getting on one now."

"Yeah," he said, his gaze fixed on the tall wheel in front of them. "It'll make Jackie happy."

Slapping his hand on the younger man's shoulder, Red gave it a slight squeeze and nodded his head in approval, "You're a smart man, Steven."

After a few more minutes passed, Red and Kitty's turn arrived and after handing their tickets to the man at the gate they climbed into the passenger gondola. Once the silver bar was secured over their laps they began to move forward and upwards. Though they were only a few feet off the ground, Kitty felt like she was on cloud nine as she felt her husband move his right arm behind her shoulders. She gave a little giggle before looking behind them and gave the pair, who were still on the ground, a happy bright smile while waving goodbye.

Jackie eagerly waved back while Hyde smirked and lifted his open palm as a form of his own wave.

"Hey Jackie," he suddenly said grabbing her attention. "How about I go get us a funnel cake to take up on the ride with us?"

"Steven, we're next in line. What if you don't make it back in time?"

He shrugged one shoulder, "We'll still have funnel cake."

Meanwhile up a few feet in the air, Kitty cast one more glance down at Hyde and Jackie before she turned her head to look at her husband. "Isn't it so sweet that Jackie and Steven are getting on this ride too?"

"Yeah, adorable," Red's response sounded more monotone than enthusiastic, but Kitty didn't say anything about it.

"You know, I was a little surprised to see Steven get in line for it after…well you know," she drifted off a bit, still Red knew what she was talking about and he silently moved his head in such a movement. "But I guess he got over that little fear."

"I don't think he did," commented her husband, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

Kitty's forehead creased with worry, "But he's getting on the Ferris wheel…"

"Because it makes Jackie happy."

A tight smile broke out onto Kitty's lips. "He's a good boyfriend," she confirmed and let her eyes travel to her husband who was known for doing the same for her. "Just like you're a good husband."

Red's twitching mouth finally formed into a true smile when he felt his wife's lips press against his cheek briefly before she let out another one of her girlish laughs and snuggled in closer to his warm torso.

"Oh Red, doesn't it feel just the same way it did all those years ago?" asked Kitty, her head laying on his shoulder.

The question made Red scowl. How was he supposed to feel the same way he felt over twenty-five years ago? Just looking out on the fair that they floated above in their gondola, he was reminded of all the different changes that occurred between now and the last time they'd been alone on a ride like this. There were different games out there, newer rides, the entrance fee to get in wasn't as expensive. And back in 1952 he'd only had to pay for two tickets not enough for a school bus of kids.

He was just about to make a comment about this when he turned his head to look at Kitty. Her head continued to rest on his shoulder, she too gazed out on the scene before them but instead of a frown she wore one of her smiles that Red still thought was one of the most beautiful sights he'd ever seen.

"It sure does," he agreed before dipping his head to capture her lips with his.

"Isn't this exciting, Steven?" Jackie asked, several carriages below the one The Formans were in.

"Yeah, I a real hoot." Hyde tried to keep his voice aloof but it came out as something different, something that was being covered by false aloofness.

Jackie picked up on the different tone her boyfriend was using, her brows furrowed together and she swung her head to look in his direction. His sunglasses made it a little harder to read his eyes, but not completely impossible—at least not for Jackie. Even though he'd done well in shielding his eyes and the message they were conveying, his body language was sending plenty of other messages. His back was tense, his shoulders straight, and he hadn't let go of the metal barrier in their lap since they'd gotten on.

She titled her head, concerned. "Steven? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

But he didn't look fine. He looked different, almost as if he were something heavy on his mind. It sort of looked like he was worried but more like he was…

"Oh my God," Jackie gasped, hand flying to her heart. "Steven, are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid!" Hyde immediately argued not a second after he heard the question. He gripped the bar a little tighter. "I'm not scared either. I just…I don't like heights."

Her brown eyes could only stare at him as she took in this information. Slowly Jackie shook her head back and forth, "I never knew that."

"It's not something I go around braggin' about," remarked Hyde, his knuckles turning a lighter shade.

"What about the water tower?" Jackie suddenly questioned. "That's gotta be higher than this and you climb that all the time."

Hyde shook his head before moving it upwards to look at the sky, but that only seemed to make the uneasy feeling in the bit of his stomach worse. "That's different. Climbing that I'm the one in control of moving up. And the water tower doesn't move," he explained, trying to see how things would feel if he just stared ahead. "It's not run by some machine that…"

"That's controlled by the government?" guessed Jackie.

A faint smirk appeared on Hyde lips and he turned to look at Jackie, "Exactly." His head nodded and Jackie's smile grew, it was as if both of them enjoyed the fact that she knew him so well. And even then she was still learning new things about him, like his dislike of heights.

"When I was a kid, the Formans brought me to a carnival with them," Hyde began to share, letting Jackie in on another aspect of his life she didn't know about. "Laurie wanted to go on the Ferris wheel so we stood in line, but when it got to our turn I couldn't do it. Mrs. Forman ended up going on with Laurie and Forman while Red and I waited for them by the exit. This is the first time I've been on one of these things."

Though Hyde had gone back to staring in front of him—it was better than looking up or down—if he had moved his head to look at Jackie, he would have seen the way her face had softened.

"I never knew any of this."

"Well now you do," he said glancing down for a split second before looking back up. "So go ahead and make jokes."

Jackie smiled as reached out to let her palm rest on the back of his hand; soon after, she felt it relax its grip on the piece of metal. "No jokes, Steven. I would never make fun of you for something like this. I actually think it's sort of cute. It makes you more human."

"I hate being more human," he grumbled.

She nodded sympathetically, "I know, Puddin.'" Her head rest on his shoulder for just a moment before a new thought entered her mind. "Wait, if you were so…if you dislike heights so much, why did you get on the ride?"

Hyde shrugged, glancing at Jackie who had now pulled her head off him, "You wanted to."

"Oh Steven!" she cried, arms wide and ready to throw them around him.

"Jackie! Don't move!" Hyde ordered, halting Jackie in mid-hug and making a frown appear on her forehead. "The less we move, the less this deathtrap moves, the less chance we have of dying on this thing."

To keep herself from smiling too much, Jackie bit the inside of her cheek as she lowered her arms and decided to save her display of gratitude for later.

"Okay, okay," she agreed, settling back into her seat until she noticed that they were nearing the top of the ride and Hyde still didn't look like he was enjoying himself at all. A playful smile began to creep onto her pink lips, "If you're really that af…not liking heights that much I think I have something to help."

A small frown appeared on Hyde's forehead but before he could voice a question his lips were covered by the soft lips of his girlfriend. They continued to share a gentle kiss, arms wrapping around each other, and nearly forgetting were they were.

Slowly, Jackie pulled her still tingling lips away from his, "Is it working."

"Think it might be," he answered back. "Better try it again just to be sure."

Jackie's grin grew and she was ready to lean over for another kiss when she suddenly realized they had made it to the top of the large wheel ride. Her eyes shown with excitement as she took in her surroundings before looking back at Hyde.

"Oh Steven, look! We're at the top!" she exclaimed, being careful not to move too much so as not to spook the man beside her. A dreamy sigh escaped her lips, "Isn't it beautiful? It's not so scary is it?"

Cautiously Hyde took in the scene that had Jackie so amazed. It wasn't too bad. Even looking down at the happenings of the fair, didn't create that horribly uneasy feeling that he detested in his stomach. The sun was starting to set and they were so high above the noise of the fair that they could barely hear it; it was almost like in that moment it was just him and Jackie.

"With you here, no. I guess it's not."

Jackie smiled again before going back to helping Hyde with his dislike of heights by capturing his lips in another loving kiss on top of the Ferris wheel.

Author's Note: So what did you think? Yya? Nay? A little of both? Be sure to let me know in a review!

What do you guys think? Ferris Wheels, love them, hate them? Are they the most romantic ride?

Until next time, thanks for reading, hope you liked, please review and lemme know what you think, stay tuned, take care, and have a nice day!