"What happens on the road, stays on the road," repeated Matt to himself.
Pulling up his truck in front of the Mikaelson mansion, he took a deep steadying breath. His excitement was palpable. It was the first time he was venturing out of Mystic Falls, after all. He tried to recall the last time the adrenaline pumped through his body like that. Right. It was when he was standing atop an explosive device linked to six cars by the crazy ghost of the ex-boyfriend of the girl he was picking up now. He snorted and shook his head at the incredulity of his situation. He had managed to make the haughtiest original vampire promise to go backpacking with him. He smiled, recalling the look on Rebekah's face at the suggestion.
"Back- what?" her eyes round as saucers as he explained the foreign concept to her.
"And no vampire powers on the trip!" he asked for her word. When she told him she would take care of booking the trip and flights, Matt even drafted an IOU and handed it over to her. He got a little suspicious when she accepted it graciously. Afraid that she would pull a fast one on him and be all extravagant behind his back, he ensured they planned and booked every part of the itinerary together. For the past week, they had hung out at the library or her house, surfing the net for interesting places they wanted to explore on the trip. And they had fallen into a comfortable friendship.
"You get to show me the world, and I get to show you how to live like a real human," he had promised her in return.
Matt opened the door and strode up to her front door. Before he could knock, it swung open.
"Hi!" Rebekah said with a tentative smile. She was wearing her favourite leather jacket and boots, with her hair was loosely braided to the side. Matt was caught momentarily aback when he noticed how pretty but nervous she looked.
"Hey. Urm. Ready?"
She nodded, hoisting a newly bought backpack on her shoulders. Recovering, Matt held out his hand for it. "Allow me to assist, your highness," he said in mocked formality, wanting to lighten the mood for her.
She pressed her lips together but couldn't stop the corners of her mouth from turning up. "As you wish."
Matt took the backpack, surprised that it wasn't actually that heavy - he had thought that she wouldn't be accustomed to travelling lightly. "What? I'm a quick learner - not some spoilt brat," she said defensively when he raised his eyebrows at her. He conceded with a nod of his head and offered his arm to her. "Shall we?"
The air was tinged with anticipation as Rebekah placed her hand into the crook of his elbow. She climbed into the truck and sighed in contentment. The past week was like a dream. With Klaus and Elijah gone, she had the whole house to herself and no one to baby her or mock her foolish human desires. She had spent most of the time with Matt planning for the trip. And he had treated her like a gentleman at every turn. Although she was pretty sure he had outdone himself today. For the first time in a long time, her heart was light. She was hanging out with someone who wasn't interested in gaining anything from her - not the cure, not the white oak dagger, nor the secret location of some treasure - other than her companionship.
Matt hopped into the driver's seat and stole a glance at her. With her eyes closed and her head tilted back onto the headrest, there was a serenity in her pose that he had never observed in her before. He started the engine and pulled his truck onto the road. Purplish-pink streaks were appearing in the soft orange glow of the sun's descent. They would make it in time for their red-eye flight.
"Off into the sunset," murmured Rebekah to herself. And Matt, with his eyes on the road, felt a smile spread across his face at her words.
A/N: Thanks for the follows and favourites and views! This is another passage that didn't make the cut into the other story I mentioned I was writing. In case you're following this for that, Chapter 1 of The Final Eclipse is up! Check it out and drop me a note or review to let me know how you feel! Would love to hear everything - the good, bad and ugly. :D