So this doesn't really have a plot- its kind of just randomness that i felt the need to get out of my system... haha

The morning started with a loud, unbearably high pitched cry.

This was something that had become routine over the past couple of months - since baby Lillian joined the royal bunch.

Emma groaned as she woke to the sound once again, followed by the heavy footsteps of her mother, dragging her feet along the corridors wooden floors as she headed for Lillian's nursery (which happened to be right across the hall from Emma's room)

Emma thrashed her small arms and legs under the covers out of frustration.

She had asked to change rooms a week ago, and to be moved closer to the servants' quarters –as far away from Lillian as possible, but her parents refused to let her be so far away from them.

As expected, Emma's door slowly creaked open and her father's head poked through the gap, as it did every morning –just not usually this early.

"Emma, sweetie, It's time to get up"

Emma groaned in response.

"We're travelling to the kingdom or Erian today remember. We need to leave as soon as we can so that we can get there by nightfall."

Her father rambled on as if Emma hadn't just woken up and her mind was completely there.

"Mmhm" Emma replied rolling on to her side as she closed her eyes, about to let sleep consume her once more.

The sun had yet to wake, so Emma decided it was only fair that she got to sleep too.

"Get moving princess." Charming stated, a smirk spreading across his face as he moved further into Emma's room.

Emma didn't budge so he took a hold of the bottom of Emma's blanket and tugged it off in one swift movement.

"PAPA!" Emma squealed as the cold morning air danced across her skin.

The loss of protection from her blanket left her vulnerable – the perfect target for the cold air to attack.

"I said it was time to get up Emma." Charming said gleefully as he left the room.

"It's still dark out!" Emma yelled after him as she reluctantly pulled herself off her bed.

Emma slowly changed into a pair of tan pants and a white shirt along with her brown boots before she stumbled out into the corridor to

be met with one of the castle guards.

"Princess Emma" he bowed.

She instinctively bowed back, but kept walking sleepily towards the dining room, hoping she could get her hands on some food.

She was met however, with her mother sitting in a dining chair, cradling Lillian against her chest as she fed - and nothing else – no

food…no juice…nada.

Emma's shoulders slumped and she was went to leave, but her mother averted her gaze from her youngest to see who had come in.

"Morning sweetheart, where are you going?" She said and Emma turned back around.

Snow looked at the chair next to her then back to Emma – signaling for her to sit. Emma did so, and waited for her mother to strike up a conversation.

"Have you packed all your things and given them to the guards to put in the carriage?"


"Good, and do you want something to eat? I gave Julian the day off and I know you love his eggs best, but I'm sure I could whip something up almost as good after Lillian is done."

Snow smiled and looked down at her baby, who started making funny little noises as she suckled away happily.

"It's ok; I'll just get some berries before we go."

"You know Emma, breakfast should be t-"

"The biggest meal of the day, yes I know mom, but I'm not that hungry." Emma finished.

Truth be told, she was indeed hungry, but her mother was clearly too busy with Lillian to make breakfast for her eldest, and Emma didn't want to burden her with another thing to do.

Snow eyed her suspiciously, but decided to let it go.

"Okay, why don't you go ahead and get some then head down to the carriage, your papa is already down there waiting for us."

Emma slid lazily from her chair and did as she was told. Before she knew it, she was sitting in the carriage opposite her father with the special booster seat made for Lillian next to him - and her mother on her side.

The sun had finally begun to rise- its rays lighting the sky a brilliant orange. The carriage slowly started to move and the charming family was off on their journey to Erian.

"Papa! That sticker's not for you!" Emma complained as Charming took one of her unicorn stickers and put it on the tip of his nose.

Charming giggled at his daughter's irritation and reached for another sticker and placed it on her nose.

"But we match" he winked and snickered when Emma pouted.

"I'm trying to finish my picture papa! You're making it hard!" Emma said, now completely irritated, taking the stickers from her own and Charming's noses and putting them on her parchment.

A couple of hours had passed and Emma was becoming restless.

"Are we there yet?" she would whine, getting a "no" from both her parents in unison who were becoming increasingly frustrated with her the more often she asked –which had become every 5 minutes.

The carriage then stopped abruptly – Charming instinctively putting his arm across the booster seat holding a sleeping Lillian next to him, while Snow did the same to Emma.

"What in the world?!" Charming growled – he didn't like it when his children were put even slightly in harm's way.

Lillian woke and began wailing – so Snow took her in her arms and cooed over the infant in an attempt to calm her.

"Does she ever not cry?" Emma questioned angrily – no words could describe how utterly sick she was of hearing that noise.

"Do not use that tone when talking about your sister" Snow scolded.

Emma rolled her eyes.

"And do not roll your eyes at me young lady!"

Emma had to resist the urge to repeat the action when a guard opened the small door and explained the situation.

"Sorry your majesty, there's a fallen tree on the path and it might take a while to move it – but there's a lake nearby, so if you would like to stretch your legs, a couple of guards would be more than happy to accompany you on a short walk."

Charming nodded, and then looked to his wife holding his crying daughter.

"Maybe you could take Emma while I calm this little one; she…"

Snow turned her gaze towards Emma who's arms were now crossed over her chest while she acted as though she wasn't listening.

"…seems to be in need of some fresh air and an improved attitude." Snow said, looking pointedly at Emma who glared daggers back.

Emma was about to reply with a snarky comment when Snow raised her eyebrows giving a look which clearly said "don't test me right now kiddo" and she cowered back into her seat.

Charming looked over at Emma.

"what do you say kid? I'm in for spending some time with one of my favorite girls" he asked, a huge grin on his face.

Emma silently agreed to the walk, got out of the carriage and began to walk without waiting for her father.

Charming leaned over to peck his wife on the lips – each of their tongues finding their way into the others mouth - dancing and mingling in a perfect rhythm for the two - the kiss lasting slightly longer than they had original intended, but there were certainly no complaints.

"You better catch up with her royal highness" Snow whispered against his lips as he reluctantly pulled away.

"We'll be back soon." He said, giving one last smile before chasing after his eldest daughter

"Em –wait up." He said as he moved closer to her. Emma was now standing on the edge of a lake throwing stones into the water – she tried to make them gently skim across the surface but each time they just fell right through the water with a dramatic plop.

She picked up another stone and was about to throw it when Charming took hold of her hand.

"Here look… you need to tilt your hand on a slight angle" he said, gently twisting Emma's wrist before encouraging her to try again.

The stone flew across the water, successfully skimming the surface. A wide smile spread across the small blondes face, but it faded quickly.

Charming noticed this of course.

"Hey, what's going on?" he questioned in a gentle yet stern tone.

Emma had a snappy attitude the entire day and to be frank, he was sick of it.

"Nothing..." the young girl mumbled under her breath while looking across the lake.

"I know something's bothering you honey, you can tell me anything..."

"How do you even know something's wrong?" Emma asked incredulously.

Charming chuckled slightly before answering the young princess.

"You and your mother are both equally horrible at hiding your feelings from me -I can read the both of you like a book."

Emma just sighed while kicking a stone into the water.

"Well? Spit out out, we haven't got all day kid" Charming then tried to joke, but Emma appeared to have found him less than funny.

After a long moment, Emma sighed louder than before and began explaining herself– or tried to at least.

"I just- I don't know I just… don't really feel a part of this family…" the girl quietly admitted.

Charming's heart broke at his daughters admission- he knew that he and Snow had their hands full at the moment with the new baby, and of course that would have an impact on Emma, but he didn't think that she felt like she was being excluded from the family all together.

Tears were falling freely down the young blondes face, and charming moved quickly to swipe them away with his thumb.

He then tilted her chin up and made her look into his eyes.

"Hey, you listen to me alright? You are every bit a part of this family as I, your mother and your sister. I know we've been really busy with Lillian recently, but that because she's a baby honey, and babies need to be cared for 24/7. I know it's not fair, but I will try my hardest to make sure you get some more daddy and mommy time okay?" He said, now kneeling in front of his daughter.

"We love you so, so much kiddo. Don't you ever doubt that- or your position in our family." he finished.

It was silent before the little blonde girl finally spoke up after hearing what her father had to say.

"You still love me, even when I'm grumpy?" She asked in a small voice, barely above a whisper.

Charming chuckled then repeated "even when you're grumpy" - before pulling his daughter in for a bone crushing hug.

He then whispered in her ear "But seriously sweetie, you need to drop the attitude – you're gonna drive your mother up the wall"