DISCLAIMER: I don't know what happened but for some reason the format got messed up, so I'm re-uploading this.
See look guys I typed its two new chapters in a day! :) Nevermind two chapters in two days… It's past midnight… I really need to stop with the ellipses. Well… this chapter is very different… I tried to capture what an abuser, in this case Lux, might be thinking, I have never been abused nor abused anyone so my opinions are subjective and might not be true, but this is what I think he would be thinking and in past chapters what Ahsoka would be feeling in return. Some strong language is used but it's not terrible. Also you might have noticed that sometimes I say it's someone's POV but it isn't sometimes it's in third person but focusing more on whomever is the subject of the POV. Happy Reading!
He groaned as the light hit his face, and when he tried to get out of bed he almost tumbled out of the plush covering he was tangled in.
"Ahsoka?" he called, she was always up before him, usually in the kitchen, main breakfast.
"AHSOKA!, god dammit where is that whore, probably in the jedi temple showing off her ass to the other apprentices," he sneered the last word. "Not fit to be anything other than slaves."
His comm went off, Ernt, Ernt.
" You must come home young master there is a Jedi convoy arriving on Ondoron sometime in the next week,"
" Why should I be inconvenienced back on that horrid rock,"
" My lord we must keep up appearances,"
"Fine I will board my ship as soon as possible,"
"You have a ship, we are not supposed to have personal vessels, we're in a war zone,"
" Are really that thick, how did you expect me to get off the planet is not my ship,"
" I now see your point,"Lux rolled his eyes at his butler
" I requested your pet's master, and suggested she come along." The butler replied trying to get back into his master's favor.
"The slut went back to the ' temple'? I knew it. How dare she leave without my permission? what possessed her to think that she could just leave?"
" I don't know young master, but she will be on Ondron soon, you can question her then."
"Yeah, I'll have the ship prepared, I'll be there by tomorrow at the latest."
"I will prepare the house for your arrival."
'Bloop, Bloop' (sorry I'm really bad at onomatopoeias).
"Yes, I know comm… you need to keep alerting me. SHUT UP, Oh Ahsoka, hello… Is that Yoda Crunch, Did you steal from my secret stash?"
"You have a secret stash00 of Yoda crunch!"
"Nooooo definitely not (heavy sarcasm), Thats beside the point we have more pressing things to talk about.
"You just don't want me to know that you keep your cereal in a secret force locked compartment behind the mini-fridge in your 'fresher."
"How did you!?" I gasped. "You know what, nevermind meet me at Dex's in ten"
"But my Yoda Crunch,"
"Deal with it. We have things to tal about,{''
"Fine but I'm bringing my cereal,"
"Ahsoka," I began to wine "annnnd you cut me off, great.
Well I better get going, what kind of master would I be if I couldn't beat my padawan to a diner. (*Virtual Hug to anyone who can name that reference)
"Dex! How's the restaurant?"
"Good, good. And how is that wife of yours," Dex whispered conspiratorially.
"She's great… And Pregnant,"
"Congrat's Dad,"
"Why the long face?"
"I'm a really strong Jedi and Padme is slightly force sensitive, my children will be incredibly strong, the council will take them away from me, and if they find out that I'm the father… and married, I'll be expelled from the order, I'll not only lose my kids and wife, but my master and my padawan as well,"
"Speak of the devil and she shall appear,"
"Ahsoka! how long have you been there," Anakin practically yelled as he scrambled so as not to fall onto the floor.
"Just long enough to know you cared," she said munching on her cereal. "I already knew about the marriage and the twins."
"Oh um… surprise?"
"Dex… can you give us a moment."
"So, Ahsoka, umm have a seat, we can talk safely here,"
" Um… Well,"
" So exactly what is going on with you and that bas… Lux,"
" Not much, I'm not pregnant,"
"I never said you were, why have you had ya know, sex,"
"No! I'm not a weakling, you trained me,"
" He has a large amount of power over you, I wouldn't be suprised,"
"He has the amount of power he needs too,"
"Needs? he needs to hurt you,"
"Why do I need to keep explaining this, It's my fault , I do things wrong, I break his rules."
"His rules, what about the Jedi rules,"
"I could ask you the same thing, Dad,I'm done with this conversation, there is a mission for us, you go to the council chambers. I'll pack." And with that she got up and left.
"Wait! Ahsoka, dammit."
End Note: Y'all I'm really gonna try I have a really good plot planned,so I'm gonna start writing before I forget it all, I gotta go to bed now… It's like 2:00 am I'm egghausted, I'm way to tired and hungry to be doing this now, but I wanted to let y'all know that I still exist and I still care. I will probably fail at this but I want to try and start updating once a day. Except Mondays because I have Marching Band… I have enough really dull classes that I might be able to do it… ok I'm rambling, I wish tomorrow was Saturday. G'night all. SexyJalapeno OUT!