A/N: If you thought you saw the last of Quote Your Heart, you was wrong. I'm back and ready for this chapter to become what it needs to be. That was weird, ignore that last line, it reminded me of the Lion King, to be honest. Hehe, okay so since there's nothing to answer, enjoy!

Last Chapter:

"Lindsay?" Both boys looked at her. "I can't, I'm sorry. If I did, I would probably get home afterward, and I don't want that. Sorry…I'll update you guys on what's happening. But Scott, if you like Allie. Ask her to the dance, you won't regret it." Lindsay said, getting up. "I have to go now. I'll see you when Lily wants you, okay?"

"Okay, thanks." Lindsay rushed out of the door. "What did you she show you?"

"Kim and Jack…kissing."

Journal Entry

Baby give it all up, up, I'd give it all up,

If I can't be with you!

All of this stuff sucks, yeah all of this sucks

If I can't be with you!


No Oscar,

No Grammy,

No mansion in Miami

The sun don't shine the sky ain't blue,

If I can't be with you!

Willow and Lindsay was sparring in the dojo. "I'm done for the day," Lindsay says, sighing. "Are you still letting everything get to you?"


"Lindsay, you can't move on if you don't let it go."

"Words of Wisdom from the one and only Willow Gregory." They both giggled. "But I have to meet up with my friend, what to come?"

"Um, sure." They both take a shower and get changed in their regular clothes before leaving the dojo to Dunkin' Donuts, where Ricky is waiting with two coffees and a few donuts. "I'll be right back." Willow said, going to get her own coffee, but taking a donut beforehand.

"Who's that?"

"Willow, Willow Gregory. She goes to the Wasabi Dojo."

"That's cool, so what do you want to talk about first?"

"What about the fact that I literally have nothing planned tonight and Scott asked Allie to the dance."

"That's great! For Scott and Allie, that is. Maybe we can just hang out at your house or something."

"Maybe, Willow already proposed that we just watch movies all night long since it's a Friday and all."

"Sounds good."

"I would hope so." Lindsay says as Willow came back and sat down. "What sounds good?"

"Your movie night plan." Ricky smiled at Willow and she smiled back, sipping her coffee. Lindsay took a donut and started to eat it. "How did you two meet?"

"We grew up together when my family moved here." Lindsay said, and Willow nodded. "You guys seem pretty close."

"Well, we didn't really talk much until like last week. We had some issues but it was sorted." Ricky smiled, and Lindsay nodded.

"Oh, what happened?"

"I rather not talk about it." Lindsay said, shaking her head. "Are you okay, you seem a bit…pale." Willow said, looking at Ricky, and Lindsay did to. She followed what he was looking at and it didn't really surprise her. "Ricky, don't let it get to you."

"It's hard not to." Ricky sighed, looking down. "Wait, what did I just missed?"

"Do you know Jack Brewer and Kim Crawford?"

"Yes, I met them."

"Well, look." Lindsay pointed to Jack and Kim, who was currently kissing. "Okay, and?"

"Kim and Ricky just broke up last night." Willow nodded, understanding now. "That's horrible."

"Not to them, it's exactly how they are." Lindsay sighed. She got up, let's go to my house. We have to check on Lily. And get those two out of our sights." Lindsay got up, and grabbed her coffee and the donuts. Ricky grabbed his coffee and Willow had hers. They all went to Lindsay's house and when they got in, Lindsay told Ricky and Willow to wait for her as she went upstairs.

"How do you think Lindsay is handling this?"

"Not well…She might seem she's dealing with all of this change well but she's really not. And that's the sad thing."

"You know her well, huh?"

"Yep, but it doesn't help much." Ricky sighed, going to the kitchen. Willow sat on the couch and sip her coffee as she waited for Lindsay to come downstairs.

Lindsay walked down with Lily in her arms and a bottle in Lily's mouth. She sat next to Willow. "How do you handle that thing?"

"It's quite simple, really. You fed it, change it, and burp it. But honestly, this project showed me that I don't want a baby." Lindsay and Willow laughed as Ricky came back with a plate, "I found pizza rolls, so I made them, and now we have pizza rolls and donuts."

"Our hero." Lindsay said sarcastically as she grabbed a donut out of the bag, eating it. Willow waited for Ricky to put the pizza rolls down to grab one. "It's still hot." Ricky said as Willow burnt her hand. "You think?" Willow rolled her eyes, shaking her hand. Ricky chuckled, sipping his own coffee. "What movie are we going to watch?"

"Let's go through the movies."

Allie was getting ready for the dance, she sighed knowing what was going to happen tonight. She applied her lipstick, red. It was Lindsay's idea. Lindsay also helped Allie with the smoky eye look. Allie's stomach hurt badly on the fact she had no choice but tell Scott what was going to happen after tonight. And she was afraid to get resented on this day of all days. "Allie!" She heard someone yelled, and it was none other than Kim. Who she had to transport to the dance.

Allie sighed, and walked out of the bathroom, spotting Kim who was also wearing the dress their mom picked out for them. Kim gave a small smile to Allie before it disappeared as Kim headed downstairs. Allie walked downstairs, and smiled at Scott. "I think we was meeting up at the dance." Allie exclaimed, hugging him. He hugged her back.

"I wanted to surprise you. I'm taking you to the dance." And Allie felt another ping of guilt in her stomach but she continued to smile. "Well, I'm happy that you are." They let go as Kim's cleared her throat. "We have to go." Kim said impatiently. Allie rolled her eyes. "She's right."

"Jack is meeting me at the school." Kim said casually as they started walking out of the house. When they arrived, Kim was right Jack was waiting for her. Kim got out first, and walked over to Jack. Allie groaned. "What's wrong?"

"Kim with Jack, it's not right."

"Well, what about you worry about them later?" Scott said, grabbing Allie's hand. She looked at him and smiled. "Fine, only because I'm with you." Allie pulled her hand away and got out. Scott got out, and came around, closing the passenger's door. He held his arm out. "M'lady?" He looked at her and she took it, giggling.

"Gentleman." She responded as they made their way into the school. The music was blasting loudly, Allie regretted it instantly and sighed. She looked at Scott, and saw he was trying to yell something over the music. She wished that she wasn't there and she guessed it shown from Scott's frown. She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward an empty hallway. "What's wrong?"

"I honestly didn't want to come here, I came for you."

"You didn't have to if you didn't want to."

"I did it because I care, Scott." She bite her lip, looking away from his eyes.

"There's something else, isn't there?"

"Um, yes..." She sighed, knowing that she had to tell him but she didn't want to this way. "What is it?" He asked, frowning. She looked down, officially chewing on her lip now. "Is it another guy?"

"No, no, no!" She practically yelled. "You're the only guy I have ever wanted to be with, this is why I didn't want to tell you." She sighed, "I'm moving back to Indiana...and I didn't know how to tell you."

"Why didn't you just say that to me?"

"Because, I was scared that you would hate me."

"I'm going to make this as clear as possible – I couldn't hate you. And if you feel leaving is what best for you, than do it." Scott smiled.

Kim was at the punch bowl when she spotted Brody. "Hey Brody."

"Hi Kim. It been a while."

"Yes, it have." Kim said, a bit flirtatiously. "So, how you been?"

"I've been amazing, can't stop trying to figure out why I didn't choice you."

"Are you okay? Where's Ricky?"

"I guess you haven't heard, me and Ricky is over, I'm with Jack."

"Why are you with Jack?"

"He excites me."

"So, why are you flirting with me?"

"Because you're obviously hot and I don't see Jenna." Kim said, pouting. Jenna came up to them. "Oh, never mind I see her. So, now what do you see in her?"

"She's an amazing girl, Kim."

"But I'm better." Kim said, tracing her hands up and down his shirt. "What the hell, Kim? I'm right here!" Jenna yelled.

"I'm sorry, I forgot you existed."

"What is wrong with you?" Jenna asked disgusted.

"You haven't seem nothing yet." Kim said, smirking. "Wait, what?" Jenna asked, confused. Kim faced Brody who was looking down at her also confused. Kim grabbed Brody's neck and kissed her roughly. He was taken aback from it. "Kimberly Crawford, we will never be friends, ever!" Jenna screamed, as Brody pulled away from Kim.

"Like I cared and the 60's called, they want their dress back." Kim said, throwing her drink on Jenna. Jenna started for the punch bowl but Brody grabbed her waist. "She's not worth it." He sighed as they walked away, Kim grinned.

Allie and Scott rejoined the dance as a slow song started to play. They danced, smiling at each other through the entire song. When the song was over, everyone clapped. "It's time to announced this year Winter Dance's King and Queen!" Carson smiled, as he was presenting them this year.

"The King and Queen of the Winter Dance is," Carson said, opening an envelope, "Ricky Weaver and Lindsay Rickland!" Everyone clapped but they stopped when Kim and Jack got onstage. "We'll take that." Kim said, as her and Jack grabbed the crowns. "I'm sorry but Lindsay and Ricky couldn't make it." Kim said, with a huge grin across her face.

"Lindsay, it's Allie. Get to the dance pronto." Allie said on her phone. "Well, since they aren't here I'll like to take the crown for the Queen and Jack for the King. Since we're practically are a Queen and King of this school." Kim winked, and Jack laughed.

"I have something to say." Jack said, as Kim moved to the side. "Remember how you all thought that Lindsay was a real bitch?" He looked around as everyone muttered. Ricky and Lindsay ran in with Willow.

"Well, the truth is, she is a real bitch because that bitch had the nerve to think I actually loved her. Do she not realise she wasted most of her life on me when I didn't give a shit? Well, that's Lindsay Rickland for you, a bitch without a clue." Jack laughed and Kim whispered something to him and he nodded.

"Well, that bitch is also my cousin and don't think I'm sticking up for her, because I'm not. I'm here to say that she just got here with my ex-boyfriend who she stole from me which just well, make her a whore too." Kim shrugged and pointed at Lindsay and the spotlight went on them.

"How does it feel? Do you feel amazing about yourself since you have Ricky now? Or do you want more? You are that kind of person. You make everyone believe you're a saint when in reality, you're a cold-hearted bitch who doesn't have a clue with boys." Kim smiled sweetly. "I can't do this." Lindsay whispered and ran out. Ricky, Willow, Scott, and Allie all followed.

"Thank you for these crowns." Kim and Jack left the stage. Lindsay sat on the outside of the gym, trying her best not to cry. "Why is your cousin such a bitch?"

"Because, I don't know." Lindsay said and started choking on her tears. "It's okay, Linds."

"No it's not Ricky! Everyone thinks I want you, everyone thinks that I'm some sort of backstabber, I can't deal with that, okay?"

"You can because everyone once thought you was a slut, a bitch, and probably more and look at you. You became a genuinely nice person to everyone. You care and that's good but do not let Kim and Jack win."

"They already won! Don't you see that? They won when they got back together, when Kim started being a bitch! I can't deal with this, I don't want to deal with this!" Lindsay cried.

"It's going to be okay, Lindsay, you're strong and smart and something Kim always wanted when she was younger and she never had hopes or dreams since our dad died, so don't doubt yourself, don't give up. You will fight through this." Allie said, smiling at Lindsay who was looking at her. "We need to talk." Scott whispered to Allie and then took her to the side. "I don't want to lose you, Allie. I want you to stay, be with me and be my girlfriend, I can't do this without you."

"I'm sorry, Scott. But I have to leave, even if you could change my mind, I would still leave. Being here doesn't help anything, but leaving will, it will help everything."

"It won't."

"It will because I know."

"Know what?"

"That you, Lindsay, and all of them will be okay without me, you all will be wonderful and one day, I might come back and you will see that I'm right."

"Promise me."

"Promise you what?"

"Promise me you will come back."

"I promise."

Lindsay was sitting on the chair in the living room, Allie was talking to Ricky and Willow. Lindsay eyes had a red ring around them to show she was crying. Allie came over to her, "You can't." Lindsay muttered.

"I have to, trust me."

"I do trust you, but Allie…"

"You're strong, remember that. And I'm always a text or phone call away."

"What if I need you here?"

"I'll be here as soon as I can."


"I promise you that." Allie said as Lindsay got up and hugged her. "I love you, Linds."

"I love you too, Allie." Lindsay whispered before they stopped hugging and Allie picked up her bag and smiled, waving at them all, she closed the door behind her.

"She's gone." Lindsay said dryly.

So, I had some issues writing this chapter, but it's finish and I'm so happy about it even if the ending is depressing. I will not make a list of things that was mentioned, because I always do that.

The journal entry is "If I Can't Be with You" by R5

I hope you guys enjoyed this, also I'll hopefully be uploading another chapter very soon. I have chapter 8 and 9 already planned out, just have to make it into an actual chapter and upload it for you guys. I'm hoping to end this story with the least of 13 chapters, but the most will probably be 25. I'm still deciding.

Thank you for reading this, don't forget to hug someone today and say you love you also smile!