Author's note: Please enjoy and from now on I'll try uploading the chapters weekly or 2 weeks.
Hibari almost fell out of the cart when he heard his lover scream. The first thought that came from his mind was 'Gotta help her...'. Then his fast reflexes kicked in and he lept out of the cart. For some unknown reason he chooses now to look down. (A/N: Lol)
The skylark then realized that his cart was now at the very top. Even though he wasn't afraid of heights, he wasn't the biggest fan of it either... and the people screaming in horror below didn't exactly help.
With all his strength, the Skylark grabbed a hold of the railing from the cart in front of him. Only to receive a 'Hieeeeeeee!' in response. 'Yep this is his Brunette.' He thought. He then continue to hoist himself on to the cart.
"Hibari?" He heard a familiar voice ask.
He looked up to see a familiar face "Sawada Tsunayoshi." he simply said.
"What are you doing here?" The brunette asked.
"I heard you scream..." The skylark answered.
"Oh that well you see I saw something really disturbing..."
Hibari raised an eyebrow and said "And... What was it?".
"Well... I saw Daemon and Mukuro and I think that Daemon was trying to kill him... So I called the police..." Tsuna said in a shy voice.
"Why? You should have just let the herbivores kill each other..." Hibari said with a small angry tone in his voice.
Just hearing the name Mukuro made his blood boil. Hibari had hated him ever since they first met and the hatred grew into plain fury when the pineapple head found out that Hibari had inherited the cherry blossom hatred from his father. The pineapple head had apparently found out where he lived and planted cherry blossom trees on every part of his front yard and inside his house. To this day he is still trying to get rid of the smell.
A soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"I couldn't just leave them... I mean they're important to Chrome..." The brunette said.
With that answer, the ride stopped and the couple got off the ride ignoring the relieved looks on the people that saw the stunt Hibari pulled.
After enjoying some more rides and watching a few shows, the couple silently decided to go to the skylark's housen since Alaude was out doing something "important" and won't be home tonight. Somehow Tsuna managed to convince her overprotective father to let her stay at Hibari's house.
The first thing they did at Hibari's place was make out on the couch and then watched Tsuna's favorite t.v show. Then the brunette said something that made them both uneasy.
"Do you think I did the right thing calling the police on Chrome's dad. I mean what if he comes after me?" Tsuna said in a really shaky voice. "Hieeee! I'm sorry I brought it up... please forget it."She added. She had expected the the skylark to be furious so what he said next shocked Tsuna to her very core.
"Don't worry about it. We can go to my dad's office tomorrow and ask him to keep your identity a secret. And if he does try anything... I'll protect you..."
This made Tsuna both scared and touched at the same time. the brunette gave a small blush
"Thank you Kyoya." was the last thing the brunette said before entering the bedroom. After that the couple proceed to remove each others clothes and once they got on the bed. They...
'Finally it's all over!' A man with watermelon hair thought while standing behind a teenager with purple hair ready to push him off the cliff. When... he heard a police siren and a car pull over.
"Daemon Spade put your hands up! Brat get over here before that damn watermelon kills you!" He heard a familiar voice say.
Daemon looked up and saw a reluctant Mukuro walking up to a pissed off G. "Hey idiot get over here before I pull out my gun again." He heard the redhead say.
It was a good thing that the area was covered by mist so getting away from that redheaded idiot was gonna be a piece of cake. As soon as he saw an opening he ran straight for an escape. "DAMN IT DAEMON! ONCE I CATCH YOU, I'M GONNA SHOOT YOU REPEATEDLY UNTIL YOU'RE FULL OF HOLES!" G. shouted. He was home free but then stopped when a silver sword was about an inch from his face.
"Ahahahaha. Sorry Daemon but you won't be getting away this time." He heard a calm voice say.
"Kufufufufu. Unfortunately even though this area was covered in mist, I can still see you very well." Mukuro said.
"How did you know?" Daemon growled.
"Please. Do you take me for a fool? I knew something was suspicious when you called me. I was gonna go along with your plan for Chrome's sake but kufufufu." Mukuro answered in a very sly tone.
"Damn it!" The watermelon head swore under his breath.
"Hey do you want us to drive you home? It's late and we need to thank you for helping us catch Daemon." Asari offered.
"Kufufufu I think I'll take you up on that offer. After all, I want to see the old man suffer."
And with that Mukuro got into the car and they drove off into the sunset...I mean moonlight.
Once they reached Mukuro's house they said their goodbyes and Mukuro gave Daemon another 'too bad for you' look.
"Well why look at that, it's already morning. Guess it's time to take you to the station again huh?" G said with an open grin.
And that's how we got here.
Sorry i don't write smut.