Chapter 14: Interviewing Po
"Alright folks my last guest for the evening please welcome Po," I said as Po walked onto the stage. The crowd whistled and cheered as he sat down.
"Wow this is beyond awesome no one's ever interviewed me before," he said grinning.
"Well I am a bit of a Kung Fu Panda Fan and this way fans like me can ask questions to our favorite characters," I said smiling.
"So, awesome so how does it happen?" he asked.
"Well I draw a question from my hat and I tell you who asked the question. All you do is answer the question truthfully unless it is too personal then you can just say pass or I rather not answer that question," I told him.
"Okay I got it let's get to answering questions," Po said grinning wider. I chuckled as I drew the first question.
"Okay our first question comes from TheHero314 what was your life like growing up?" I asked him.
"Pretty simple really I lived with my dad at the noodle shop. Learned how to cook by the time I was four and we moved a few times to see my uncle and cousins. Dad always liked learning new cooking techniques and I got to hang out with my cousins, Po said.
"What is your family like?" I asked.
"Well I remember once Monkey was on this site called fanfiction I think? And he saw a story you wrote called Po's Family Reunion and the Battle of the Bands. I don't know how you knew but I do have two cousins like that and we were in a band. Except Stacy well actually in reality her name was Jazz short for Jasmine was older than Joey whose real name was Rick. I don't have a sister though but it was nice that you keep giving me one," Po told me.
"I just thought it would be cool to give you a fun close knit family," I said.
"Hey I do my Ping Family and my Kung Fu Family," Po said proudly.
"Okay this question comes from kungfupandalover13; would you prefer to live in the panda village with your real parents or the Valley of Peace?" I asked. Unbeknown to us Tigress was watching this interview and when I asked the question a lump formed in her throat.
"Well I would be lying if I said I didn't want to at least see this panda village. It would be awesome to meet pandas like me but I could never live there. The Valley of Peace is my home and I would miss my family too much. And in all honesty I would be worried the second I leave some great evil would show up and my friends would need my help. Not saying that they couldn't handle themselves but I would feel guilty knowing that I left when they could have used my help," Po said sadly. Tigress let out a sigh of relief when she heard Po would want to stay in the Valley of Peace.
"It seems you care deeply for the Five and Shifu," I said gently.
"They are my family and I will always protect my family," Po said firmly.
"Yes, and you becoming the Dragon Warrior must be important to you as well," I said.
"Oh yeah I was deeply honored when I was named the Dragon Warrior though I still think Tigress should have been picked," Po said rubbing the back of his head.
"Well KungFuPandaFanatic wants to know if you felt it was your destiny to become the Dragon Warrior and protect the innocent." I asked.
"In all honesty no I did not think it was my destiny. I was just a fan boy still am but I did dream of wanting to be a Kung Fu Master but never in my wildest dreams did I think I was the Dragon Warrior," Po said calmly.
"Well on a same note Blades of Justice wants to know if you weren't picked to be the Dragon Warrior then what would have happened to you." I asked.
"Oh well I would never have gotten to know the Five or have all these amazing adventures but I would still be at my dad's noodle shop selling and cooking noodles," Po said.
"I have a question of my own. What are the main traits or things you like best about the Five and Shifu? "I asked him. Now all members of the Five and Shifu had joined Tigress to watch Po's interview.
"Well with Master Shifu I admire his wisdom. I know when I became the Dragon Warrior he did not want me there. But as soon as he gave me a chance I did my best to prove to him I could be this warrior. I like his patience because like I said I was not the perfect student but I like that he is firm but fair. Shifu smiled at this knowing Po respected him. "As for Crane oh man that guy is talented he is an excellent painter and a really nice guy. I can tell him anything and he always listens to my problems," Po said smiling. Crane smiled and tried to hide his blush. "Viper oh that little lady is such a sweetie but she is tough. She is such a great dancer if she didn't do Kung Fu she could make a living off of her ribbon dancing I am not joking I never get tired of seeing her dance. She is such an amazing person," Po said to me. Viper smiled as a tear fell from her face. "Mantis is awesome too he is like my partner in crime and Monkey too. Man I could tell you some stories. Mantis is strong and never lets his size stop him. Monkey is just a funny guy I love hanging out with them. Mantis and Monkey exchanged glances as they smiled at Po on the screen.
"And how do you feel about Tigress?" I asked. Tigress stiffened a bit as she too waited to hear what Po would say.
"Wow Tigress, first off is extremely clever. That girl knows everything about anything. Whenever we are on mission I always ask her what herbs are useful to us and what can harm us so when I am alone I remember what herbs to use and what to avoid. She does have a temper but she is loyal to the end. When we became friends and she trusted me she never gave up on me. She helped me with my training and she is a great warrior. Tons of fun to be around even if she doesn't think she is but I love playing checkers with her even if she beats all the time. But also she is extremely beautiful and I am so glad I get to have her and the others in my life," Po said smiling a happy smile.
"Wow I can't believe he called me beautiful," Tigress said shedding a tear.
"Well duh Tigress he loves you," Viper said.
"You mean I am the one he has a crush on?" Tigress asked in utter shock.
"Yeah remember when he was upset and I told you he will be fine. He was in love with you and was trying to tell you but was afraid you wouldn't love him back," Mantis said.
"Okay last question then we have to go. From Cookie M 2012 who do you have a crush on?" I asked him. Po looked nervous as the crowd begged him to answer the question.
"Sorry but I don't have a crush on anyone," he said. Tigress was taken back and wondered why Po would say that. "But I am in love with someone," he said.
"So who is it Po?" I asked growing excited.
"Someone I want more than anything but I can never be with," Po said sadly. The crowd all awed at Po feeling his pain.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because she is an amazing Kung Fu Master and I am a clumsy panda who could never get a girl as wonderful as Tigress," he said not realizing her slipped. Once Po uttered her name she ran towards the stage.
"So, you love Tigress?" I asked him.
"Yes, yes I do and if she will have me I will even step down as Dragon Warrior for her but I could never ask her to give up her title as Master of Hard Style," Po said.
"Po I would give it up for you because I love you too," Tigress said stepping out onto the stage. Everyone went silent as they watched the scene take place.
"You love me?" Po questioned getting up not sure he heard her right.
"I do Po and I wished I told you sooner," Tigress said stepping closer to him.
"But your title I can't," he said frowning but Tigress covered his mouth with her paw.
"As long as we are together I will be happy," she said. Then Shifu and the others came out.
"Po, this was another test and you passed. By wanting to be with your true love and giving up the title of Dragon Warrior and seeing Tigress willingly give up her title shows me that you two were meant to be together. So, if you two do get married you can keep your titles," Shifu said.
"It is true Po, Viper and I are getting married and we can still keep our titles," Crane said. Po looked at them absorbing the information as he looked at Tigress. Then he kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he held her tight.
"I love you," they said together and the crowd went wild.
"Good night everybody," I said and the show was over.
After the show Po and Tigress began dating. Within a year they were to be wed. Crane and Viper had a beautiful wedding and when Po and Tigress were married Viper had a beautiful white snake named Winter. Tai-Lung and Song did have a daughter and they named her Miracle. Shen came to me and we became friends and I helped him by going to counseling and anger classes. In time he made amends for what he did. The Soothsayer lives peacefully in the panda village with Po's parents. Monkey and Mantis married their sweethearts. Mr. Ping still runs the noodle shop and Oogway returned to the Jade Palace where he helped Shifu train new generations of Kung Fu Warriors. As for me I still write fanfiction and live a happy life. And we all lived happily ever after.
The End
Author's Note: Hope you all enjoyed this story and please review. Till next time.