Sounds of happy, controlled chaos ran widely through the air. Innocence and enthusiasm filled the people in the crèche, relaxing the tight muscles, drawing smiles in the elder's faces. Ashira contemplated in full amusement the little ones playing happily, innumerable species interacting as siblings. She was smiling, infected by the joy that danced in the air. It was amazing how the young Jedi kept their innocence at the same time of reaching a maturity far beyond their ages.

Near her, sitting on the floor, there were some younglings building a colorful block city. There was another group drawing and painting, others were playing hide and seek and on the other side of the room there were ships flying in the air; like toy ships really flying in the air... There were also some children sitting with a padawan and they were rolling a ball without touching it. Also, some children were listening to a Master's fairy tale. There were a lot of children playing different games but they were so many it was hard to name all of them and some of the games were unknown to her. Also, the crèche masters had explained to her that there were some toys specifically build for Force sensitives, such as this wooden puzzle some children were playing with.

Ashira was stunned. It was such a peaceful place! It wasn't that there hadn't been little disagreements between the young ones, but the Jedi in charge were watching carefully to solve things and then, the children would begin to play once again as if anything had happened. No hard feelings.

Ashira had also noticed there were Jedi who weren't assigned to take care of the younglings. They were there because they volunteered to it. She was returning a fugitive ball to a youngling when two Jedi came in. One was the Jedi who had guided her, Master Jinn. He seemed to be quite more relaxed then the first she had seen him. Actually, when he saw the children, a smile began to form and his eyes softened greatly. Next to him, and she was amazed to notice, was the severe dark-skinned councilor. She couldn't remember his name but the tall figure made her nervous to no end.

'Why are they here?' she thought. In her mind, she desperately begged to be able to stay. She had permission to visit the Temple for two months but she had to respect the children schedule. Probably her time had run out and they were there to guide her out of the Temple, but she really didn't want to leave. She had fallen in love with the young Jedi; they were so tender, sweet and respectful!

-Younglings, younglings! - One of the crèche masters called. She waited to have everyone's attention-Please, greet our visitors.-

The children bowed respectfully and a choir of "Good morning, Masters" crossed the room. But one of the younglings called out to one of them delightedly.

-Master Windu! – Ashira watched amused as the city constructors dragged the Council member to play with them, as the painters did with Master Jinn. The other Jedi, who were observing the scene, chuckled. Ashira continued to smile widely.

-Miss Arkanma- Master Windu nodded to her when he sat majestically on the floor.

-Master Windu- she answered respectfully and a bit intimidated, but the children claimed the Master's attention and she was able to relax. Not far from there, Master Jinn was also sitting on the floor, magnificent as a king would be. What was it with Jedi and elegancy? Ashira thought dismayed. They make a very clumsy bantha out of her…

Some time went by and the younglings continued playing peacefully with the masters. Ashira was just about continuing writing her observations when she caught a boy coming near Master Windu hesitantly. It was the same boy Master Jinn had carried back from the hallway. He had been playing with a starfighter but now, the sweet face was covered with doubt. He came a bit closer and just then, Master Windu focused his gaze on him.

-Hello, Obi-Wan. How are you?-

-I'm okay- the boy said laconically.

-Do you want to talk to me about something?- the boy nodded a bit unsecure.

-Master Window, are you made of chocolate?-

Ashira had to cover her mouth to hold her laughter. Master Windu was shocked, looking at the boy with his jaw hanging down, unable to move. Ashira then caught with her eyes a Master Jinn reduced to trembles in silent laughter. His face was red by the effort of avoiding to burst up in a laugh explosion. She had to deviate her gaze from him or she would be the one cracking.

-What? -
Master Windu managed to say. The boy gave a hesitantly step.

-Are… Are you made of chocolate? What if the ants eat you? –

'Aww' Ashira thought, touched by the boy's concern. Master Window's face softened in a wide smile and opened his arms to receive the boy in them. The child reclined his head over the master's chest, a pout accompanied his eyes full of concern.

-That won't happen, I have you to protect me- the revered Master said softly. The boy seemed to consider this and gave the master a sunny smile.

-That's right! - Obi-Wan said, and jumping, he went back to his first location near the window, with another human boy and a Mon Cal girl.

The other children demanded Master Windu's attention but Ashira noticed that the soft smile never left the master's face.

Few hours later, at lunch time, Ashira was at the Play Room's doorway, waiting for the crèche master who would guide her to the Dining Hall. Someone burst out in laughter, and that caught her attention.

It was Master Jinn, he even had a hand over his stomach that was probably aching from laughing so much.

-Master Sweet Window!- He said and continued to laugh his stomach out. Master Windu, beside him, didn't seem to be affected by it. The soft smile he had since his talk with Obi-Wan remained in his face. 'He seems so nice like that' Ashira couldn't help but think, no longer intimidated by the implacable Master.

-Don't get me start it, Quack-Gon- the councilor answered beginning to laugh with Master Jinn.

The rich sounds followed the Masters down the hallway. The other Jedi who saw them, smiled too, the younger a bit surprised. Ashira observed them as long as she could, but they walked down the stairs and were lost for her eyes.

-Are you ready?- Ashira was startled when the crèche Master spoke to her.

-Yes, I am. Thank you.-

Ashira walked side by side the Jedi but in her mind she continued to think about what she had sawn in just her first hours in the Temple. It had been her best moments ever.