No More Walls

The first task Draco completed when he woke in the morning was to rush to the Floo and fire-call Blaise.

"Bloody hell, Draco. It's six o'clock in the morning," Blaise replied still groggy.

"Blaise, I really need to talk to you. When do you have time?" Draco asked ignoring Blaise's complaints.

"Come by around five. I've got to go visit my family today, so I should be back by then," Blaise answered. Draco nodded and ended the call.

Breakfast had been quiet. Potter made scrambled eggs and toast. Usually he made something that was Draco's favourite. Draco never knew how he'd known what Draco liked, but today's breakfast had been light and ordinary. Draco couldn't help but wonder if it had anything to do with his actions from the night before.

"I've got to run some errands today, so I will be back by one o'clock and we can go see the agent," Potter said. "I'll leave lunch prepared for you so you can eat anytime and be ready to leave by one."

"Okay, sure. Where do you have to go?" Draco asked. He couldn't help but wonder. He never knew what Potter did, where he went. He never cared to ask and sometimes Potter divulged the information on his own but he had stopped.

"I've got to deliver something for Ollivander," Potter answered.

"The wandmaker?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, I work for him," Potter replied.

"You're a wandmaker?" Draco asked, astonished.

"Yeah, I developed an interest in it several years ago and I travelled the world learning about wandmaking, and I got in touch with Ollivander, who took me on as his assistant. I had gathered a lot of materials from my travels. You know, the core. Bits and pieces from all over the world really. So I work with him and we construct wands, and some wizards test them out, then we sell them in his shop."

"I had no idea," Draco said.

"Yeah, I know," Potter replied. Draco raised an eyebrow but Potter didn't say anything.

"So, what do you do when you're in your room more than half a day?" Draco asked.

"Researching, mostly. I have been studying up on patterns between the kinds of wands a wizard or witch uses and the patterns on the kinds of wands chose their children. I have been thinking a lot about the twins and sort of constructing wands based on what they might be chosen with." Draco was impressed. Potter continued speaking. "I have also been reading up on male pregnancies in the Wizarding world and magic related to that. Hermione has been helping with that research."

"Wow, you really are fascinated by the topic," Draco noted.

"Yeah, I told you, I've always wanted a family," Potter replied.

"Now you'll have twins and who knows, maybe you'll figure out the secret and have more children in the future with your partner," Draco said.

"Yeah," Potter said rather unenthusiastically. He abruptly stood up and left the kitchen, saying a "see you later, Draco" while on his way out.

Draco Flooed Blaise again, who was home. I knew he lied about visiting his family.

"What do you want, Draco?"

"I want to talk, Blaise. Honestly, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, just come on through. Otherwise, I know you won't leave me alone."

Draco went through the Floo, and Blaise was sitting on his sectional sofa. He had several pieces of parchment spread on the coffee table.

"Blaise, what's all this?" Draco asked.

"It's an application process for Auror training," Blaise replied. Draco snorted. "See, I knew you wouldn't understand. That's why I didn't tell you."

"You want to be an Auror? Why?" Draco asked.

"It's just something I have been thinking about. Everyone has a real career, and I've got nothing. I live off my family's wealth, but I want to do something that matters, so I thought I'd apply," Blaise answered.

Draco didn't say anything. He was still in shock.

"What do you think?" Blaise asked apprehensively.

"If that's what makes you happy, then you should do it," Draco answered. He meant it.

"Thanks, mate. So what's this big emergency?" Blaise asked.

"I think Potter's in love with me," Draco announced, causing Blaise to snort this time. "No, I mean it. I mean, I thought he was mad when he'd said it the first time, but I think it's real."

"What first time, when did he say it?" Blaise asked, suddenly very curious about the story.

"In Scotland, when we'd spent three nights together," Draco answered.

"You shagged him for three nights in a row? Draco's that's a record for you! How many times was it?"

"Ten or so. I mean proper shags. Other stuff, multiple times," Draco answered.

"No wonder you got pregnant. You're a pure-blood wizard. You had sex with someone multiple times and at least one of those parties was truly in love," Blaise answered.

"That's stupid. That doesn't even make any sense," Draco scoffed.

"Did he say it—when—" Blaise gestured something with his eyebrows.

"Say what, when?" snapped Draco.

"Did he say that he loves you, while he was fucking you?" Blaise asked rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, the last time, right before I left," Draco answered.

"And how did you feel then?" Blaise asked.

"I felt—I don't know—I felt like he was telling the truth—and that I could possibly feel the same way," Draco answered hesitantly.

Blaise was grinning.

"It was stupid. I was simply high from having the best shag of my life—" Draco gasped. He didn't mean to blurt that out. Blaise was laughing now.

"Keep going," Blaise said.

Draco sighed. "Okay, fine. I met him at the pub and I didn't even want to talk to him, but he kept on approaching me and talking to me. I thought he was just being pathetic, so I figured I'd give Harry Potter, the bloody saviour, a pity fuck. But it wasn't— it was amazing. I swear, Blaise, Merlin, his lips, his mouth, his tongue, his cock—it was all just bloody amazing. I couldn't get enough. So I panicked and left the next morning and returned to my hotel room. But later he came, he found me, and we shagged in the shower, on the sofa, on my back, his back, against the wall. I came in his hand, in his mouth, inside him multiple times and him in me. So by the third night—it had been addicting. And he said it. He announced that he was in love with me. And—I don't know. I panicked and—I just left."

"Draco, you're the biggest fucking idiot on the planet," Blaise said. "Didn't he try to contact you?"

"Yeah. Remember, I told you, he owled me. He wrote these proclamations of feelings and how he wanted to see me at least once again, but I never wrote back." Draco paused. "What was worse was that I couldn't even shag anyone proper after that. Every time I was with someone, I'd close my eyes and think about him. He was haunting my dreams! That's why I was so bloody desperate for Roger Carter to be the father. I didn't want—I don't know."

"And then you let Roger kiss you last night right in front of Potter," Blaise said disapprovingly.

"You think it bothered him?" Draco asked.

"Bothered him? Draco, you are a fucking idiot. The bloke looked like he was going to cry at a moment's notice. I was surprised at how great he held it together," Blaise answered.

"He did go to his room as soon as we arrived at the house," Draco commented. Blaise simply shook his head. "What do you think I should do?" Draco asked.

"Do you love him?"

"I don't know."

"I suggest you find out. Draco, that man is head over heels in love with you. He massages your feet, makes you three meals a day, draws you a bath—"

"But that's because I am having his children and he really wants a family!" Draco said.

"No, my sweet Draco, my foolish Draco. He wants a family with you!" Blaise retorted. "I could see that from the first day. I saw the way he looked at me when I massaged you for the first time in front of him. Did you really not see it last night with the way the two of you were dancing? What did he say right before you shunned him away?" Blaise asked.

"He said—he said—that I was perfect and that he missed me so much," Draco replied.

"Draco! You are the biggest pain in the arse. You're rude, you're mean, you used men as playthings. You've never been loyal to any bloke. You are far from perfect. And here he is, this saviour of the Wizarding world, a bloke who can literally have anyone he wants, anyone! And he wants you. He thinks you're a god! Honestly, Draco, I know I was teasing before about marrying him, but I am serious now. If you let him go, you'll regret it."

"What about Roger? He wants me too. I bet he thinks I am perfect!" Draco retorted.

"Roger wants a family. He doesn't want you. He only wants you because he can't have you. He wanted you in the beginning because you were giving him an heir. Now he wants you because you have Harry Potter's attention. You don't even see how much Potter respects you, worships you. Draco, I am done trying to convince you. You have to walk this path for yourself."

"Okay, I should go. I have to go see a house at one o'clock," Draco said. "Blaise," Draco paused before getting up from the sofa, "do you know how Potter knows all about my favourite food?"

"He asked me and Pansy. And I think he owls your mother a lot. He wants to make sure you're comfortable and happy staying with him."

Draco didn't say anything else. He simply returned back to Grimmauld Place. By one o'clock, Draco had showered and had lunch, and he waited for Potter to return. When Potter arrived he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Why are you so happy?" Draco asked.

"Just a great day at work," Potter replied.

"Great, tell me all about it over dinner tonight?" Draco asked.

"Oh, I'd love to—but I sort of have got plans," Potter answered.

"Oh? Work plans or personal plans?" Draco raised an eyebrow, almost in a flirty manner. Almost.

"Personal. I've sort of—I think—a date," Potter said.

Draco's heart sank. That was fast. "Oh? I didn't realise you were—dating."

"I—erm—I met this bloke a while ago and he'd asked me to dinner, and I'd just been busy, and now I have some free time, so—yeah." Harry Potter, articulate extraordinaire.

"Sounds great. Shall we go?" Draco asked, ignoring the feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him that he was losing this battle and he was losing it badly.

Draco and Potter Flooed to an address, the first house they were seeing together. When they emerged on the other side, Draco recognised the house. It was the third house that Draco had liked from the last time they'd gone house hunting and the one he knew he couldn't afford.

"Potter, this is the same house as last time," Draco said.

"I know. I wanted this to be a surprise," Potter answered. A bloke came from around the corner. He wore a grey Muggle suit with a black tie and shiny black shoes. He seemed to hold his smile a second longer on Potter's face.

"Harry, so glad to see you again," the agent said. "You must be Draco Malfoy! It's wonderful to meet you. I've heard a lot about you from Harry."

"That's odd, because I haven't heard anything about you from Harry," Draco replied.

"Well, we wanted this to be a surprise, so—" the agent said.

"Draco, this is Stuart. Stuart this is Draco." Potter made the introductions. "I got in touch with Stuart after the last agent resigned. I knew how much you liked this house and I was able to negotiate, we were able to negotiate with the owner, and got the price reduced. So if you're willing, we can sign the paperwork, and I wanted to buy the house for you—as your birthday present."

"My birthday? My birthday is—"

"Arriving in a few short days, yes," Potter said. "So I thought that we could decorate it and maybe throw you a birthday party, house warming party, and a baby shower in the same night."

"You've thought of everything," Draco said.

"Yeah, isn't he the best?" Stuart asked, wrapping his arm around Potter. Draco's Potter.

Draco immediately turned around. Now he knew what Blaise meant about Potter's reaction when Roger had kissed him. "Erm, I need some time to think about it," Draco declared.

"Okay, no problem. Just remember that we have a very short window here. We've got lots of people offering to buy this property. The owner's got a soft spot for Harry, so we're holding it out for a bit," Stuart replied.

"Yes, I am sure he's not the only one," Draco retorted. He walked away from Potter and Stuart and headed towards the Floo.

"I've got to go, Stuart," Draco heard Potter say as he chased after him.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight, Harry!" Stuart yelled after them and Draco rolled his eyes.

When they arrived back to Grimmauld Place, Draco progressed to his room. He heard Potter call his name but he didn't turn around right away.

"What do you want, Potter?" Draco asked, turning after the seventh time his name was called.

"Is everything okay, Draco?" Potter asked. Oh now he's being sweet.

"Yeah, why?" Draco snapped.

"Just making sure. You just seem extra agitated today," Potter answered.

"Must be the hormones," Draco replied blandly as he continued walking towards his room.

"Do you want me to draw you a bath?" Potter asked.

"No thanks. I am just going to lie down." Draco entered his room and shut the door behind him. A short while later he heard Potter's shower run. He must be getting ready for his date with Stuart, Draco thought. The shower ran for a while and Draco stayed on his bed staring at the ceiling. How long can this shower possibly be? What does he do in the shower that requires him to take such a long time? Draco's curiosity got the best of him. He decided to find out. He wasn't sure what he was going to do if Potter saw him in his room, in his bathroom, but he couldn't just lay there anymore.

Draco slowly walked up the steps to the next level. He'd never been to the third floor before. The door to Potter's room was open so Draco slowly walked in. The bathroom door was open as well. Draco peeked in and saw a whole lot of mist surrounding a glass shower. He focused in on the figure in the shower. It was Potter, and he was—wanking? This didn't surprise Draco, because he'd known himself to do that in the bath once in a while, but to watch Potter wanking was—different.

Potter seemed so tender with himself, so affectionate. Similar to how he'd been with Draco when they had been together in Glasgow. Draco stood by the door and watched Potter from behind. He heard Potter moaning. He remembered those noises. He missed them. And then it happened.

"Draco!" It was a whisper. What? Can he see me? Is he calling me?

"Gods, Draco, you're so beautiful." Wait! He's—he's thinking about me? Potter's got a date tonight and he's wanking, thinking about me.

And then the loud moan, the grand finale. Draco remembered this particular moan. It was when Harry had come inside him for the last time right before he'd whispered, "I love you." Potter had said it again. Draco had heard it again. Potter was in his shower, wanking to Draco's memory, and moaning I love yous.

Draco heard the shower turn off and he practically sprinted out of the room. By the time he reached his bedroom and closed the door, he was out of breath. These twins were going to take everything out of him.

Now Draco knew why Potter showered when he went off to bed, and why Potter's showers lasted twice as long as any other normal person's shower. Draco didn't blame him. He used to wank in the showers after Quidditch practice, mostly thinking about Potter. I had forgotten that, Draco thought.

A knock on the door startled Draco. "Yeah?" Draco said, his voice quivering.

"Draco, are you feeling any better?" Potter asked entering Draco's room.

"Why do you care?" Draco snapped back. Draco decided that this was the right time to be upset with Potter. How do you wank, thinking about me, and go on a date with another man? Never mind the fact that Draco used to shag blokes and close his eyes and think about Potter.

"What happened, Draco? Why are you so upset? Did something happen with Zabini?" Potter asked. He sounded a bit annoyed.

"Potter." Draco sighed. "I don't want that house as my birthday present."

"Okay, that's not a problem. We'll look for another house," Potter said as he sat down on the chair in the corner of Draco's room.

"No, I don't want any house," Draco said.

"Draco, I don't understand—"

"I wish to stay here—with you." Draco looked up at Potter who seemed surprised by his declaration. "I understand that you want to move on, and you wish to date Stuart, and that's fine, but I like it here and I want to continue staying here." Draco paused for a brief moment. "You'll probably be travelling the world again, looking for you wand core resources—or whatever, and it would be confusing for the children to have two different homes. So, you can date whoever you want, but I think that the children should be brought up in this house. It is part of my family as well."

Potter was about to say something when Draco spoke again.

"And if you want to have more children yourself, or adopt, or whatever, and you don't want us here, then that's fine and I will move to the manor and I am sure my mother will help in raising the children," Draco added.

"Draco—" Draco was about to say something more when Potter raised his hand gesturing for him to stop. "Just listen," Potter said. "You can stay here. You should stay here, for as long as you wish. I don't want to have any more children, unless they are with you. I might travel more for my work, but I'd put my family first and I would like to take you and the twins with me. I would never leave you behind. I couldn't after I've finally got you on my side."

"And Stuart?" Draco asked.

Potter chuckled.

"What?" Draco yelled.

"He's—nothing. He was just a decoy, a prop for—"

"For what?" Draco asked.

"For getting you to admit how you feel," Potter answered.

"I don't understand," Draco said.

"The Gryffindors told me to shower you with love and respect and show you that I meant what I said and you'll come to me. The Slytherins told me to make you jealous," Potter answered.

"Oh," Draco said. "And what worked?"

"I think all of it worked," Potter replied.

"So you don't have a date with Stuart?" Draco asked.

"No, I do. But I can cancel it," Potter said.

"Whatever, I don't care what you do!" Draco huffed and went to his favourite side of the bed and curled up in a ball under the covers. Potter stood up and came next to him, getting under the covers with him.

"What about you?" Potter asked. "You kissed that Roger Carter last night, the man you wished had fathered your children."

"I didn't kiss him. He kissed me!" Draco argued.

"Yeah, and you didn't stop him," Potter retorted.

"I was caught by surprise. I didn't know what was going on. I didn't kiss him back, if that's any consolation," Draco said.

"I suppose it helps," Potter replied as he placed his mouth on the back of Draco's neck and gently kissed it. Draco immediately curled into Potter's body.



"I used to wank in the showers at Hogwarts, after Quidditch practice, thinking about you," Draco confessed.

"Me too," Potter answered.

"What? What do you mean?" Draco asked turning around and facing Potter.

"I used to watch you, and I used to touch myself. I had it down to the perfect second when you'd come, so I could come with you," Potter said.

"Really?" Draco asked, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Yeah, how else do you think our rhythm had been so perfect since the first time in Glasgow. I knew you. I knew your body," Potter answered.

"That's cheating!" Draco whined.

"I thought Slytherins didn't care how the greatness was achieved?" Potter teased.

"So when you said you loved me?" Draco asked.

"I meant it every time," Potter replied.

"You only said it once," Draco protested.

"Well in my head I said it every time I came," Potter said.

"I think I love you too," Draco replied.

"You think?" Potter asked.

"That's all I have right now," Draco answered honestly.

"I'll take it." Potter smiled and pulled Draco in towards him.

"You'll still draw me a bath?" Draco asked, interrupting whatever Potter was trying to do.

"Every Saturday and Sunday."

"And when the babies come?"

"Even then," Potter confirmed.

Draco grinned.

"And what if I forget?" Potter asked, looking genuinely concerned.

"Then I'll draw one myself, I am not incompetent you know." Draco glared at Potter for a moment before speaking again. "—and wait for you in it," Draco answered. Potter smiled. "And foot massages?" Draco asked another question.

Potter sighed. "Every day if you wish, any time you wish," he promised.

Before Draco could ask anything else, Potter pulled him in close to his face and pressed his lips against Draco's. Draco immediately edged his body closer to Potter's, their lips gently sucked on each other's until Draco slightly opened his mouth and Potter slid his tongue in. Draco sucked on Potter's tongue, teasing it with his own. He felt Potter's hands travel down his stomach, opening the buttons to his trousers and softly stroking his cock. Draco decided to do the same and unbuttoned Potter's denims, searching for his cock with his left hand.

As they held onto the other's erection, Draco felt as though no time had passed. He thought he was back in the hotel room four months ago with Potter and loving every second of it. Draco let out a soft moan as Potter moved his hand up and down his shaft swiftly.


Potter whined.

"What is it?" Draco asked pulling his lips apart from Potter's.

"Say what you said to me that night. Call me by my name," Potter insisted.

Draco moaned again as Potter's hands continued to promptly move.


Potter moaned as he moved into Draco's hand some more.

"You're so beautiful," Draco said as Potter continued fucking Draco's hand and Draco did the same to Potter's. "You're amazing, Harry."

"Gods, Draco, I've missed you." Potter moaned into Draco's mouth.

"I missed you too," Draco confessed finally. A feeling he'd been hiding deep inside, everything, it was all pouring out. "Your mouth, your tongue, your cock. Harry, I missed it so much, every night—I wished you'd just come and claim me again and again!"

Potter sped up his thrusts. Draco could tell he was close.

"All those nights, I wished, I wished I could just go back in time and live them. They were perfect. You are perfect. Merlin, Harry!" And with a moan Draco came undone in Potter's hand as Potter joined him only seconds later.

"I could never be with someone else after you, Harry. I've wanted you every night." Potter held Draco as he curled up in his body. He was on the verge of crying. He was confessing it all, letting it all out.

"I love you, Draco. I missed you every night too. I owled you every day for two weeks. Why didn't you ever write to me?" Potter asked.

"I don't know. I was scared," Draco said.

"Scared of what?"

"I was scared that I loved you back, just as much, and I couldn't. I couldn't own up to my feelings. If you'd left me, I'd be shattered," Draco answered.

"I wouldn't leave you, Draco," Potter said. "Marry me."

"What?" Draco's eyes snapped open and he tilted his head back to look at Potter's face.

"I mean it. I meant it when you told me you were pregnant. Marry me, Draco. I want us to be together. I want us to be a family, forever."

Five Months Later

Draco rested on the hospital bed holding a baby boy as Potter lay next to him holding another one just like it. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter held their twin boys for the first time on the fourth of November, 2006.

The older baby, James Sirius Malfoy-Potter was born mere seconds before Blaise Scorpius Malfoy-Potter. The godparents from both the fathers' side were the first to arrive. Hermione and Ron were godparents for James Sirius and Pansy and Blaise were godparents for Blaise Scorpius.

The two men held their left hands as they posed for pictures with family and friends, each hand exhibiting their engraved wedding band with a message etched on the inside: "A lifetime of foot massages and bubble baths."

~The End~

The title of the story comes from one of my favourite quotes: "I am an excitable person who only understands life lyrically, musically, in whom feelings are much stronger as reason. I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls."

I really appreciate all the comments people have made so far and love all of you! Please tell me what do you think about the ending? Thanks!