"If she's going to win, we need a plan." Her smile was diabolical, and I grinned
with her. I'd never met anyone as organized as these girls. If I had them, there was
no way I could lose.

I walk into the Women's room with my mind buzzing. It feels like I was walking into this room for the very first time once again. That is because this time, I am determined, much more determined. I sat down in a seat in the far corner pf the room after making my curtsy to the queen, not bothering with the looks the other girls are giving me.

With four of us left, I know the competition is tighter than ever. All of this suddenly feels new to me. I have told Maxon that I loved him and I have promised to myself that I will fight for him. I have been frowned upon by his father and I am making it a point to prove him wrong in each and every opportunity I get. I feel stronger now. I feel like fighting. And as much as I hate to say it, I feel like a rebel in my own subtle way.

Queen Amberly's voice snaps me out of my reverie. "Lady America, would you come and sit with me? I wish to have a word with you, dear." I stood up from my perch by the window and sat beside her. "Tea, Lady America?" she asks. "Not now, Your Highness. Thank you."

"So, I want to talk to you about your project last night. Lady America, I know you have very good moral judgement and I do not question your intentions for your proposal. I can see the problem you are trying to solve with it. I commend you for courage in standing up there and standing up for what you think is right." She does? Am I right? Was I right? "However..." I guess not.

"What you have proposed is such a terrifying project, and one whose outcome we cannot ascertain to be positive. Do you get what I am saying, Lady America?"

I was ducking my head and taking in what she said. I want to disagree. I want to tell her how this problem is the kind that worsens over time, how it is just a product of a powerful man's greed. But I have made a plan and for it to work, I must stick to it.

I look up to her and say "I understand, Your Majesty. I am really sorry about what I have done. I see now that I should have thought of a more practical and achievable project. I also apologize for any conflicts I have caused in your family, Your Majesty."

I stand and make me curtsy. She nods to me, dismissing me and I sit back to my spot earlier. The talk with the queen makes me doubt my plan. It terrifies me. But I make it strengthen me instead. I need it to.

As i forego my heavy thoughts for one of the lovely little bird flying by the tree outside my window, I hear the door open and close. I turn to see who it is and see Silvia and her clipboard in the middle of the room. She addresses the queen and then turns to us.

"Ladies, since there are only four of you left, your work is now going to be even more intense and closely tied to the queen's. From now on, you will be learning more about Illea and how to help run it. This is far from what you have learned so far and I suggest you all focus more." With that, she leaves four stacks of paper on the center table and leaves the room.

Without even thinking, I stand immediately and walk to the center table. I take the stack with my name written on the first page and start reading it. Budget and Legislation. This has to be my lucky day. Anne was right.

With this, my plan starts now.