Of Lovely Dwarves.

Slash: meaning malexmale or yaoi if you'd like.

Pairing: ThorinxBilbo….Thilbo Bagginshield.

Summary: Bilbo thinks Dwarves can be quite lovely, some more than others.

Genre: Romance/Humour.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I'm not brilliant enough to come up with my own characters.




A/N. So this is my first Thilbo fanfiction. I've just seen the movie and I totally loved it. I also read the book, but that was a few years ago, so bear with me and I hope I keep them quite in character. Have fun :)

Bilbo sighed for about the 100th time that day. Not to mention the day had just started. He hadn't ever imagined he'd hate the cold with such passion. Though the Shire had her fair share of cold winters, it hadn't ever been this cold. It didn't help they slept outside. In the snow. In the cold. When he'd woken up that morning he had to rub his hands first because they had been an alarming blue. Even his feet were cold and he obviously had Hobbit feet, who were meant to withstand such weather. He found it quite alarming, needless to say. He looked up glaring ahead, where their leader was walking. The bastard wasn't even cold. Bilbo had to admit, for once he was quite grateful that their leader could be quite the prick. The fast walking helped a bit against the cold and it could hardly get any colder along the way. So they'd probably reach warmer weather soon. Or so Bilbo hoped. He sighed again, noticing Kili was shivering as hard as he did.

"Thought Dwarves didn't get as cold as Hobbits?" He asked him, slightly curious. Fili frowned and answered him. "Kili was always bad with the cold. Used to warm him at night. Though that's a hard task when we are walking."

Bilbo nodded in understanding. He jogged ahead a bit, so he could walk next to the two brothers, who both smiled at him. He and the Durin brothers were quite good friends from the beginning, though they had definitely still young minds, they were fun and nice to be around. Bilbo felt at ease when they were near. He noticed Fili wrapping an arm around Kili and smiled to himself a little. From the beginning Bilbo had noticed the two were slightly closer than normal brothers, though most of the Dwarves seemed to be too dense to notice it. Fili's kisses on his brothers cheek were definitely a lot closer to his mouth than to his cheek. It amused Bilbo quite a lot, to watch the two. He had to admit, he was slightly jealous. He thought it would be quite lovely to be with someone like they were. He surely hoped they didn't hide it because the other's wouldn't accept them. Bilbo frowned at his feet at the thought. Now he was thinking about it, he knew next to nothing about Dwarves. His books were mostly about Elves and maps because most books about Dwarves were in Khuzdul. Not to mention his mother liked Elves better. He shrugged a little at the thought. It was quite something his mother liked anything except Hobbits, so maybe Bilbo should be happy about it. His Took side was definitely happy about it. He glanced up at their leader again, who seemed to be checking if everybody was still there. When they locked eyes, Bilbo smiled and looked away. He thought it was almost cute how Thorin never seemed to care about anything or anybody, but always made sure they were alright. Not like Bilbo was going to say that out loud. Thorin would surely say some nasty things about him if he did. Bilbo frowned again, not liking where his thoughts were heading. He did understand the fact that Thorin had a problem with him, he wasn't the best warrior. Or burglar for that matter. But at least he tried.

"You okay, mister Boggins?"

"Baggins Kili." He heard some of the other Dwarves snigger. "And" he continued, ignoring the others "I was actually thinking about you guys. I know next to nothing about Dwarves."

Fili and Kili laughed, though Kili's laugh sounded more like a choke, because of the cold. Shivering, Bilbo pulled his coat closer to his body.

"We'll answer your questions tonight if you want, mister Boggins!" Ignoring the name, Bilbo thanked him and silently hoped for the evening to come, not to mention the fire they'd sleep near.


The day had been tiring and Bilbo was happy when they found a cave to stay in. They had hardly eaten that day, none of them wanting to sit down in the snow. Gandalf, who joined them a few hours ago, had helped them start a fire. The cave was relatively closed off and there was hardly any wind, but both Bilbo and Kili sat close to the fire, trying to get warm. They had some soup that night and Bilbo gladly ate, or rather drank, the warm stuff at high speed.

"So what did you want to ask?" Fili asked him, immediately gaining the attention of the other Dwarves. Bilbo nodded.

"I heard your braids mean something. Is this true?" He heard some laughs but ignored them, looking at Fili expectantly.

"Sometimes they do, but not always." Bilbo nodded. It was Gloin who elaborated. "We make our own meaning behind them. My wife made these" he waved to his beard "and also gave me the beads. Most dwarves have at least one who was made by a loved one."

"That's quite lovely actually." Fili and Kili grinned at him.

"Only our Hobbit is able to find Dwarves lovely."

"Well you are quite lovely! You sing songs and are nice. Well most of you I suppose." Bilbo frowned a little at his feet. Fili patted his shoulder with sympathy , but didn't say anything.

"More questions, dear Hobbit?" Gandalf asked with a slight grin. Bilbo turned his head a little, wondering what the wizard was up to now. Storing those thoughts for later, the burglar went on: "What are Dwarf women like?" Instead of laughing, some of the Dwarves seemed to choke now. Bilbo didn't dare to speak, thinking he'd probably asked the wrong question. To his enormous surprise it was Thorin who answered. "Dwarf women are quite rare, but they almost look the same as us." Bilbo looked him in the eye and wondered aloud. "Then how do relationships with Dwarves work? I mean…" He continued ignoring the stares. He took a deep breath, noticing how Thorin looked quite uncomfortable. And cute. Ignoring that thought he went on "it would either mean at least half of you would be alone forever, or relationships amongst male should be common." It was silent for a moment and Bilbo wondered yet again if he had gone too far. He was quite sure Thorin was blushing, though the King himself wouldn't ever admit it. He was asking in Kili and Fili's behalf anyway. When the silence stretched too long for his liking, except for Gandalf's silent laughs, Bilbo decided to just begin talking again. "It's not very common in the Shire actually, though not a problem." He had looked around when he was speaking, noticing some of the company looked rather shocked, while others, like Kili and Fili, looked like they had to bite their tongues not to laugh. "Why are you all so shocked?" Bilbo almost whined. Thorin chuckled softly, which surprised Bilbo. What surprised him more was his answer. "Dwarves are quite open about who they are in a relationship with, male or female. They do keep to themselves a lot though."

"Like how?" Bilbo looked puzzled.

"Like they won't tell anyone until the relationship is really official and they are certain, they are also hardly 'romantic' as you would probably call it. Sex is a different story though, most Dwarves hardly care about privacy in that matter."

Bilbo blushed bright red at the words. "Why doesn't that surprise me?" He mumbled. "You are a weird bunch. Not wanting to tell anybody who you love but screaming on the top of your lungs who you are…..doing." He blushed even redder and looked at the ground when the Dwarves all burst out laughing at his words.

"You know what surprised me most?" Fili asked grinning.


"The fact you even dared to ask the question."


Bilbo was slightly warmer when they were going to bed. The fire had done wonders and he secretly suspected that Gandalf had something to do with it. He looked at his bedroll with dread. The fire would go out slowly and he would get cold again soon.

"Mr. Boggins, why don't you sleep with us tonight?" Kili asked, looking way to innocent for Bilbo's liking. Before Bilbo could even reply, Fili opened his mouth.

"That's a great idea actually! You and Kili are always so cold and with the three of us you'd both be less cold!"

Bilbo was blushing slightly now, trying to ignore the looks they were getting. "I uh, don't know if that's a good idea. I mean uhm, you can just sleep with the two of you can't you? If it's about getting Kili warm, I'm sure you will do fine on your own." Fili brightened at the words, a big smile grazing his face. Kili pouted softly.

"But you'll still be cold." Bilbo shrugged.

"I'm sure I'll be okay."

Later that night, Bilbo was sorry he'd ever told the brothers off. He could see them both, lying, or rather, cuddling against each other while he was shivering under his blanket. He sat up, climbing out of his bedroll and took his blankets with him. The wood in the middle was still slightly burning and the Hobbit hoped that if he'd sit closer to the fire, he'd get a little warm again.


Thorin looked up in surprise when the tiny Hobbit joined him. He had first watch and had assumed everyone was sleeping. He noticed Bilbo was shivering quite hard.

"Are you cold, little one?" Bilbo looked at him and smiled a little.

"Quite a lot actually. I'm not used to such cold weather." Thorin nodded in understanding. Though the winters in Erebor were cold, they always had the walls to protect them from the worst. "Then why did you say no to my nephews?"

Bilbo was surprised at the question. "Well I think they are happier with the two of them actually." He looked at the two brothers, hoping he hadn't said too much. From the corner of his eye he saw Thorin look over at them too. He heard the older of them chuckle a little.

"I guess they would." Bilbo looked over to him in surprise once again. "You knew?"

Thorin shrugged. "Just because the others are too dense to see it, doesn't mean I won't. They are my nephews." Bilbo nodded. That made sense. He shivered again and moved a little closer to Thorin, hoping he'd get somewhat warm. He heard the Dwarf sigh and suddenly he was pulled against a warm body, a fur draped over his shoulders.


"You were cold and I'm not. It only makes sense." Bilbo smiled happily, glancing up to see Thorin looking into the fire, smiling softly to himself. Bilbo nestled closer to Thorin, closing his eyes. Now he was warm again sleep came with ease, he didn't even notice it when he was lifted and carried to Thorin's bedroll, when his watch was over.


Yeaaaah first chapter! Hope you like it. It's my first Hobbit fanfiction so be gentle and please review. And don't worry, there will be more to come!

With love,
