A/N: My second fanfic, one of the many that I will soon write. I feel like a loser after reading my first one, but hey, everyone starts bad. I promise, this one will be very good (ATLEAST I HOPE SO). Please read and review. Follow the RRP: read, review and private message!


Disclaimer: I DO NOT own any characters that you recognize from the Harry Potter series. They all belong to the great JK Rowling.

Dedication: To chorusfreak101 and raaga-malfoy for helping me open my eyes.

Alright just a little insight into the structure of my story. Currently, we are in the present tense but soon Hermione goes into flashback.. We then move on to present tense again. But after the flashback, ill be talking about Draco and Pansy's lives too, not just Hermione .Don't be too confused. ENJOY READING!

BTW, I HATE ALL FICS THAT ALWAYS SIDE HERMIONE IN EVERY ARGUMENT OR WHATEVER. They always make her feel more important than Draco and it's always Draco liking her first! I don't like those.


She stared at the package in her hands. 'To Hermione Jean Granger' it read. She ripped open the box and examined the wedding invitation and letter in her hands.

Dear Hermione,

It is with great pleasure that I write to you on such a happy occasion. I am very sorry that my best friend had to know this after the whole world did. It is true 'Mione. I AM getting married. Finally, I am! I am getting married to the same 'boring' banker from Gringotts. Yes, not the most handsome wizard but I really love him. You've met him before though, to make several deals. Don't doubt him because he is REALLY sweet on the inside. I really love him. And I really hope you can make it to the wedding. I love you XOX

Your best friend,

Pansy Parkinson

She let a smile grace her features. Her best friend, the almighty Slytherin princess, Pansy Parkinson was finally getting married. "What's got you smiling princess?", Ron's voice boomed. She looked up from the letter and smiled at him, "Pansy is getting married!". Ron suddenly stiffened, "That's great news". Hermione sighed. The long history of their 'love' had come to an end when Pansy had found out that Ron was cheating on her with someone else. Consequently even his mistress had dumped him and now he was single. "Move on", was all she said when he whined about how she had the gall to invite Hermione but not him. Life was tough. Once, even she had whined about losing someone. She had also cried when she had departed from the one she loved. She too had enjoyed and then lost all the excitement so suddenly that it felt like it never happened. The memories came back so forcefully that she couldn't help but recollect them. Glimpses of two people running in the snow ran through her mind. Shi sighed. Memories were like a box of chocolates: once opened, you can't stop at one. She had to do this. She HAD to remember what it was like to be with HIM, all over again. She sighed and let the memories flow freely…..

*******************EIGHT YEARS AGO******************

Hermione looked at her reflection with utter distaste. Her hair was tied in a messy bun. She was wearing a faded sweatshirt and black tights. She adjusted her glasses and scowled. She was never going to be perfect. She sighed and pushed her trolley ahead in the line. Suddenly, almost out of the blue a girl started cursing, "What the hell is wrong with you?!". She cocked her head in the direction of the girl's voice and saw none other than Pansy Parkinson screaming at a younger boy, "You are not getting this box!" The boy looked almost in tears, "but please" . "Hasn't your mother taught you NOT to steal?!", Pansy boomed, "Stop it!". The boy began sobbing, "I need it urgently and that's the last box!". Pansy was literally fuming now, "How dare you steal and then make stupid alibis? Say sorry! Now!". The boy apologized through gritted teeth and reluctantly left the line and joined another one.

Hermione's mum soon joined her, commenting about how misbehaved teenagers were these days when the most unexpected thing happened. "Hermione?", Pansy asked. Hermione looked up, "Pansy Parkinson, never expected to see you at a grocery store". Pansy smirked, "I get my groceries done her everyday. Funny I never see you". Hermione shrugged, "Yea, me too." Pansy handed the next item to be billed, "What have you planned for the holidays?" Hermione shrugged, "Nothing much actually. Studying of-course. Have to get into Wiztech this December". Pansy nodded, "That's great". Mrs. Granger suddenly interjected the small chitchat, "You know Hermione is top of her grade". Pansy nodded, "Always has been". "Yes yes and who can blame her? Her brain is too sharp for her own good. Say what are you doing?" "I have taken up a small-time job designing clothes here, in London." Mrs. Granger nodded, "Well great then". "You know this time, me Blaise and Spidey, well Draco, are planning something different. We are going trekking in the Alps and it's going to be so fun! I can't wait for the trip.", Pansy gloated as she picked up the last of her billed items and paid. This news perked her, "wow. That's… Amazing". Pansy nodded, "Well, good luck studying!" "What strange people these wizards are. I swear, they are so rude and ill mannered. Why do you go make friends with these people?". "MOM, SHE IS NOT MY FRIEND!" Mrs. Granger rolled her eyes, "Sure".

Later that evening, The Grangers had an interesting meal. They had started with small topics like how their day had been and suddenly Mrs. Granger started the topic that ruined the evening, "You know, we met Hermione's friend at the grocery store this morning". Hermione rolled her eyes, "She is NOT my friend". "She is so ill-mannered. She screamed at a little boy! I can't believe her!" Hermione pushed her plate back, "So? If the kid was STEALING from me, even I would have reacted that way!"

"Easy there Hermione", Mr. Granger scolded.

"No dad, I am sick of this! Everything and anything I do, mum always criticizes it. First off, she isn't my friend! Secondly, I am tired of being number one. I am tired of this rat race. I want to stop!"

Mrs. Granger eyed her carefully, "Dear, are you okay?"

"NO! I'm not okay! You made me run so much that now my feet hurt when I walk. I'm exhausted! And look at Pansy: she is so free. She can do whatever she wants. She can even go on a holiday! And look at me, I'm stuck here, doing what? Studying!".

Mrs. Granger gulped, "So, you want a holiday?" "MUM!" she whined and abruptly got up from the table.

"Maybe University and Hogwarts was a it too tough on her.", Mr. Granger sighed. Mrs. Granger simply huffed in frustration.

That night was one of the most restless nights Hermione had. She was absent-mindedly scanning her textbook when the idea hit her. She slammed the textbook shut and opened up her laptop. Yes, Hermione was sick of it and she was going to rebel. She was going on a holiday: in the Alps! She quickly booked a train ticket for the next morning and gave a satisfactory sigh. Hermione Granger will not be a bookworm forever.


Morning came too soon. Hermione was still packing and hadn't slept a wink the other night. She chanced a glance at the clock and gasped. Shit! She was late! She hurried out the front door after scribbling a note for her mother. She then ran to the station that was just 10 minutes from her home. She realized that she was over-reacting and set her things down. She sighed in relief when she saw that the train hadn't left yet. There was no sign of Pansy though. She probably must be inside the train. But Blaise and Draco would be there too. Pansy was not the best company aboard. She had to make new friends. She frowned at the thought of trekking with Draco and Blaise that she hardy noticed that the blonde was right in front of her. "Greetings Granger", he smirked. Hermione looked up into the beautiful grey eyes of Draco Malfoy, "Morning Malfoy". "That rhymes", he muttered and gave her one of his signature smirks. She glared at him, "What brings the change?". "Naughty Granger, enquiring personal issues. Well, let's just say that everyone's blood is as red as mine. Why fuss?". Hermione was impressed, "Wow. Never thought I'd see that day when you would change". He nodded, "Neither did I. By the way, you KNOW that this is a trek right?"

"Yes, why?"

"We will have to climb mountains and go through valleys. We will also have to sleep in tents and sometimes, animals may come and attack…"

"I KNOW what a trek is Malfoy."

"Oh really? Then why did you come on one?"

Hermione huffed in indignation, "What's it to you?" He simple shrugged and let the matter go. He busied himself in filming the station with a video camera like device in his hand. "What's that?" she asked questioningly, pointing to the device in his hand. "This is a device I designed, inspired by the muggle video camera. It works on solar power and wizard power. I can even power it using a special potion that I designed. It films stuff that I can transfer onto my device that was inspired by the muggle laptop. I call this a 'camcord' and the laptop thing a 'propal'". "Wow, that's just like the laptop and the video camera except it's powered by different sources." Draco nodded, "Yea. Cool isn't it? And YOU'RE the brightest witch of our age". Hermione scowled at that comment, "Sod off".

Once he was done filming, he turned to go inside when she shouted, "But my bags!" He abruptly turned and smirked, "I'm not a house elf Granger. Say it nicely". "Please, Malfoy can you help me with my luggage?" He grinned and came forward but did not stop until he was inches away from her, "It's Spidey and let me help you with that ". He than swiftly picked up her bags and got into the train. He transferred her luggage from the platform to the train when the train started moving. But, Hermione was frozen on the spot and the train was inching further away. "Granger!", He called. She didn't move so he tried again, "Granger! What are you calculating now? Get on the damn train!". She still did not move. He got off the moving train and shook her, "What the hell is wrong with you? Stop calculating and let's go!". He desperately pointed at the train. "I've just never done this before.", she blurted, "I don't think I should do it". Draco impatiently rolled his eyes, "Come on Granger, trust me, this is going to be loads of fun!". Hermione nodded, "Perhaps…" but before she could complete her sentence, he grabbed her hand and ran for the train. They both clambered onto the door just in time before it shut. "That was close", he muttered and gestured for her to go ahead. She sighed in relief, "Thank you, so much" before proceeding to the compartment. 'Granger on a trek, wow! This is going to be interesting' he thought before he too proceeded behind her.
