I don't know what an author's note is, but after reading a few stories, it seems to me it's just a bunch of bold font word in front of a story. So yeah this is it. It also seems to me that it usually has the words "I don't own (blank)" somewhere so yeah, I don't own this LoL thing. So please don't sue me. That would not be very nice. k' thanks.

From Quinn's pov

It was just another battle. At least it was supposed to be. The place was Summoner's rift. I was in the middle lane, a place where I didn't really want to be, but the rest of my team had already called the top and bottom ones. No matter though. But it was difficult, trying to push early on. Eventually, I came to face who the opposing team sent to stop me. I gritted my teeth as I saw who it was. The Noxian mastermind, Jericho Swain. Upon seeing him as well, Valor quickly swooped down to mark him, trying to give me an easy target. Swain's confusion quickly turned to realization and then pain as I hit him with a hard shot. Straightening up he leered at me, and then quickly set his raven off to try to counter me. But the raven didn't go for me. I watched, horrified, as the powerful bird went after Valor.

"Valor, to me!" I shouted, panicky. Valor let out a squawk and quickly ducked under the raven's lazar, narrowly escaping disaster, and landed softly on my shoulder giving the raven a somewhat dignified look as he did so. I glared at Swain. "You can't attack Valor! That's against the rules."

Swain gave me a mundane look. "And where in the rule book does it say that?"

I paused. Did we even have a rule book?

As if reading my mind Swain chortled and called his raven back to him. "All's fair in love and war, is it not? Nevertheless I promise not to hurt your little friend, if you insist."

Valor let a out a sound of protest at the word "little" and I glared at the tactician. "Valor's not little! He's just as capable as any other bird out there!"

Swain shrugged. "So do you want me to attack him or not?"

The question took me by surprise. "We-Well no, but.." I looked at Valor who had looked just as confused as I was.

Swain sighed. "Very well. I understand. I won't attack your bird."

"Yes, thank you, I…huh?" I can't believe I just thanked Swain. I glared at him and Valor lifted up my shoulder to swoop in and mark him again.

Swain asked. "Do you really think I'd fall for that again?" I lifted my crossbow and took aim but Swain simply backed off and stood calmly behind his minions. I growled in disappointment and I started to pick off his minions one at a time. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Swain, trying to figure out what he was going to do next. But Swain just stood there regarding me and tilting his head to the side, as if he were trying to remember something. It was actually a bit unnerving.

I finished the last of his minions and focused on Swain. Valor noticed me and gave me a questioning look. I nodded, and Valor flew to my shoulder. I spent less than a second setting up a straight line at Swain. Then I set Valor free. "Gouge em' Valor!"

Swain simply just stood there as Valor flew straight at him. He made no reaction whatsoever as Valor attempted to claw his eyes, other than to, well, try to shield his eyes. And when Valor flew off, he continued to stare at me as if nothing had happened. It was really unsettling.

"Okay, what is it?!" I yelled at him. Swain stared at me as if nothing had happened. I let out a frustrated scream and raised my crossbow and aimed it at his head when he finally spoke.

"Efficient strategy…impeccable decisions…. sending the bird to blind me…that was cunning…"

I had no idea what he was talking about, and the grip on my bow loosened a little. It took a few seconds for me to get over whatever he was saying and raise my bow again. But giving no signs of caring that I was about to end his kill streak he simply raised his head and spoke to me in a calm, smooth voice.

"Tell me…what was your name?"

My jaw dropped. He was asking my name in the middle of me trying to kill him?

"Quinn." I snapped.

"Quinn…Quinn…" He repeated the name a couple of times…in many different tones. What the heck was wrong with this guy? I growled at him.

"We've met before."

"Have we?" He seemed intrigued by this statement. I blinked.

"Yeah, we've fought here before."

"Ah, but of course." Swain merely stated. He gave me a long look before continuing. "I thought that you were implying we've met outside of the league." I growled at him.

"What makes you think that?"

"Because I am quite sure we have. In fact," Swain grinned. "I believe I've met both of you."

I gave him a half-lidded stare. "Well, if you've met me you've met Valor. He and I are inseparable."

Swain laughed. "No, no. I wasn't talking about your little bird friend there. I was talking about something else." He paused as I stared at him, totally bewildered. "I was talking about the other you."

"What are you talking about?!"

"I've met the other you." He droned on, paying no attention to my interruption. "As a matter fact, he is my service, dutifully obeying any order I give him with immense pleasure. Said he's always wanted to be a knight. I helped make his dreams come true."

I started at the last bit. "What…?"

"Mentioned a Quinn quite often, he did." Swain continued lazily. "He would always go on about how he shared his dreams with her. How they were going to grow up together. How they were going to become knights together. How a tragic accident stopped that from ever happening. How he wonders whether she's still alive. "

I gaped stupidly at him. Valor flew over to me and tried to peck me out of it, but for once I couldn't pay attention to him.

"Yes, you know him, do you not? Is it all coming back? Do you know who I am referring to?"

"…Y-You can't possibly mean…"

"I do. I've met him, Quinn. I see him all the time. He is one of the most promising knights I have. And I say with every ounce of meaning I have in my body when I say that I have indeed met…"

He strolled up leisurely to the place I stood in shock. Valor, sensing danger, let out one final warning squawk and flew off. Swain walked up to me and leaned in until his mouth was right at my ear. And all I could do was stand there, paralyzed with dread and…something else…as I waited with baited breath for Swain's next three words.

"…Your brother, Caleb."

Then he turned into a raven and everything went black.

So what do you think? Is it any good? Nah...I KNOW it's good. Just...how good is it? Very good? Okay good? It sucks good? I would appreciate it if you told me just how good it is, by writing something in that box at the bottom of the page. Should I continue this? Cause' I don't know.