Disclaimer: I do not own Lorien Legacies.This is the property of Pittacus Lore (James Frey and Jobie Hughes)

A/N: Whoa! I can't believe I actually finished this before fall quarter started. I'm guessing everyone is expecting Five and John at the Paradise fundraising thing I hinted in Five's third one but I decided to hold that one for John's arc. This one is mostly focus on Five's past. I wished I had more John/Five interaction but my brain kind of died. I'm kinda of unsatisfied with the ending. :/ What are your thoughts?

I'm not sure who I'm gonna do next. It's a toss up between either John or Nine. I haven't planned a Marina, Eight or Ella arc yet but hopefully inspiration will pop up. Who would you like next between the two? Review please! They really help!

Another side note, I have not read Fall of Five yet but I know Five is a guy and he did some pretty bad stuff. :( I'm a bit sad my Five won't be real but at least she's not evil. Well, on with the show!

Five Things: Five learned about her allies

V. Four is pretty cheesy

Five tugged her jacket closer to herself as she ascended the creaky metal steps. The metal rail was cold against her palm as she trailed her hand over it. She smiled at the memory of her years ago, running up the steps unafraid of falling. The door creaked open from years of unused, revealing a wide open rooftop with the New York City skyline in the distance. The girl took a deep breath and grinned as the sun kissed the skyline just so, illuminated it. It felt good to be home again.

Five glanced around, noticing the little changes on the rooftop. There was still a sandbag, hanging carefully from the strong beam by the entrance. A collection of weights stood on its stand, hiding in the shadow. A soft punch dummy sat limp against its stand, stuffing falling out from a few rips and tears. A bird's nest was buried in the midsection. The blonde walked over, a smile tugging at her lips as she eyed the smiley face she drew on it years ago. The memory of Rowan installing the dummy replayed in her mind.

Twelve year old Five hugged herself as she surveyed the rooftop of their new home. It was dirty with pigeon poop and random glass from broken beer bottles. She wiggled her nose and buried it in her red scarf. Clumps of dirty snow from a few days ago were slowly melting, stubbornly trying to stay despite the warming weather. Rowan was fiddling with something in the corner as his Garde wandered around, looking at the place with weary green eyes.

Five missed their home in Japan. She missed the babbling brooks behind their modest but compact house. She missed her routine of going to school and laughing with her friends. What she missed the most was the dojo Rowan found for her. She missed how clean and organized it was. She missed the stern sword master who would point out her every flaw and forced her to work until she was bone tired. That was home. Not this cold isolated place.

"Five," the old man called, pulling the young girl from her thoughts. Despite being fluid in English, Five felt weird not hearing Japanese leave her Cepan's mouth. He was dressed warmly in a thick trench coat. His white hair peeked out of his wooly hat. Five could feel his dark eyes on her as he beckoned her over. "It's not much…" Rowan started as he revealed what he was working on. Five's ginger smile grew as she spotted what Rowan was fiddling with. It was a brand new combat dummy, propped up with a makeshift stand. Rowan continued talking with a sheepish look on his elderly face. "I know it's not the same as Master Hiro – Umpf" Five ran over, crashing into the older man and wrapped her arms around his waist. She embraced his warmth and buried her head, inhaling his woodsy scent mixed with pipe smoke. Rowan smiled and rested his hand on top of her blonde curls. "You're not mad?"

"I am," Five replied with a little smile as she looked up at him. "But I know it's not your fault we had to leave."


"Come on, John. Just grow a pair and ask her. What's the worst that can happen?" Five instinctively turned towards the sound of Eight's voice. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but Eight was just naturally loud. She could hear their heavy steps against the metal stairs as they headed up. Five leaned against the brick wall, blending into the shadows.

"Drop it, Eight. I do not need your badgering." John replied sharply as he appeared from the doorway with Eight not far behind. They were both dressed in loose track pants and t-shirts, ready for an easy workout. John glared at the easy going boy while running his fingers through his newly dyed brown hair. To match his new look, Marina painted a noticeable scar just above his left eye. "If I wanted girl advice, I would have asked Nine."

"Nine? Nine!" Eight exclaimed as he spun around and glared at the previously blond boy. He faked hurt well as he pouted at John with his green eyes. "Why Nine? Who's the one with a girlfriend?"

"You have a girlfriend? I'll go tell Marina." Five asked innocently with a teasing tone in her soothing voice. Both boys physically jumped and turned to face her with wide shocked eyes. A devilish smile tugged at her lips as she walked out. Her hands were hidden behind her back as she tilted her head.

"Ha, ha, very funny, Five." Eight replied as he regained his breath. "Nearly gave me a heart attack, woman." Five rolled her eyes at his reaction but paused as she noticed a glint in his emerald eyes. It was his signature mischievous one and over the few weeks she lived with the group, Five has learn to be weary. His smile seemed perkier than usual. "What are you doing up here?"

"I lived here. Of course I know where the roof is." She answered coolly, eying the naturally dark haired boy. Eight nodded his head in understanding though Five wasn't sure if it was mocking or not.

"Ignore him, Five. He's just being a brat." John said and smiled at her with his trademark smile. Five felt her insides flutter at the sight of his blue eyes. He seemed more stable once they left Paradise. He must have found his closure, thankfully. Five nodded her head and turned away, burying the flutters in her stomach.

"Oh no, you're not changing the subject." Five ordered as she traded a mischievous look with stretching Eight. The air was cool as summer started to taper down. Autumn was slowly approaching. A light breeze tickled Five's cheek and she absentmindedly pushed her lock of golden hair behind her shoulder. "So, who's the lucky girl?"

"No." John replied in a stern voice, pointing at Five with a determined expression. "No, not you too. I do not have a girl problem." Eight and Five traded looks again. "Stop trading looks. First Six asks me, then Eight and now you. Why does everyone assume I have a girl problem?"

"Because you do." Eight and Five replied in unison. John glared at the two with furious blue eyes.

"Hey! Don't gang up on me!" The two Lorics burst out laughing. Five clenched her stomach and leaned against the brick wall while Eight bended over, slapping his knee. John groaned and grabbed Five's arm, pulling her towards him. "Five, you're supposed to be on my side." He whispered into her ear. The girl continued chuckling, trying to catch her breath.

"Yeah, yeah." She panted through her dying chuckles and wiped her eye. "Come on, John. Who's the girl?" John kept his mouth shut, giving her a steel gaze. Five battered her eyelashes at him and pouted. "Pretty please? A little hint? Anyone I know?"

"Oh I think you know her pretty well." Eight laughed and smirked, judging John's reaction.

"Shut up, Eight!" John ordered as he shoved Eight's shoulder. The lanky boy fell over, landing on his butt. That didn't deter his laugher as he sat on the cold concrete floor. Five chose to ignore their interaction, smiling behind her hand. John turned to address her. "There's no one."

"Aw, that's a pity. I was in a helpful mood. I can be a pretty good wing girl." She replied with a little wink. John returned it with a chuckle. "But since you're not busy," Five continued, feeling the boy's blue eyes on her back as she walked towards the staircase. She peeked over her shoulder. "You can be my escort."

"Your what?" John replied stupidly.

"Escort. Nine won't let me wander around the city alone." Five explained as she leaned against the door frame. Eight finally stood up, listening to the conversation intently. "Even though I've lived here for five years, sheesh he's such a worry wart."

"Of course he worries. We all do." John whispered.

"Hm?" Five replied, barely noticing John's comment.

"Alright, alright, I'll go!" John agreed loudly, hiding his last comment. Eight smirked behind him.

"Great!" She replied happily before skipping down the stairs, barely hearing Eight and John's last comments.

"See, I told you she likes you."

"Shut up."

"Who did we just visit again?" John asked as Five slide her card over the card scanner. The machine beeped and the plastic gates open for her. She slide through and turned as John repeated the process. He had an adorable confused look on his face as he tried to sort out all the people Five introduced him too. The commuter traffic moved around them in a chaotic organized fashion.

"Really John?" Five teased as she grabbed his left arm, latching onto it so he wouldn't get lost. The masses had already swallowed him up once and she was about to lose him again. Sure, a knowing voice that sounded eerily like Six teased. "You only met a few. The ones at the college were Daemon, Jackie and Frank. They were Rowan's colleagues." John nodded his head, allowing the blonde to tug him towards the subway platform.

"Ok…" John answered, scratching his head as they walked by a coffee stand. The female barista leaned forward, obviously checking John out. Five tightened her hold on him, giving the girl a half-glare. The girl backed off immediately which brought a smile to her lips. "Five, I need circulation in that arm. I thought you were my wing girl." He whispered into her ear as they walked by. Five let go suddenly and turned away, coaxing a chuckle from John. "I'm teasing." He bumped her hip and tugged a strand of her blonde hair.

"Shut up," Five whispered with a little smile and peeked at the boy. John grinned back, glancing at the subway table to figure out when the train will show up. "Anyways, they were our contacts in US when we landed. They helped us on a plane to Asia where I grew up for a majority of my life." The lights from the subway cut through the dark accompanied by the shriek of the brakes. John's hand was on the small of Five's back as he gently pushed her through the crowd. She grabbed his hand, guiding him to a tiny pocket of space between the masses. "They hooked Rowan up with a lecturing spot when we settled in New York."

"I wonder what kind of professor he was." John asked as he was shoved forward. He grabbed the pole beside her but Five could feel his breath against her face. She forgot how crowded the subways could get. Five blinked, trying to focus on the conversation at hand and not the sexy Loric beside her.

"Rowan was always a good story teller. Whenever he lectured, all his students seemed mesmerized. I always thought he was boring but I lived with him. The students really loved him." Five murmured, remembering how Rowan's dark eyes would have a certain spark in them whenever he lectured. "He never gave out homework but he would always listen to anyone's problems."

"Sounds like a good guy." John commented, being shoved closer to her. Five reached out, grabbing his arm and pulled him towards her. Five tucked his arm, forcing the boy to wrap it around her slim waist. John gave her a look which Five chose to ignore. "I would have liked him." He said instead, settling against her side.

"You would." Five replied automatically, absentmindedly running her fingers over John's arm. Her heart ached at the thought of Rowan. He was always a good judge of character. She had a feeling that Rowan would like John. "He would like you too." She said, resting her temple against John's shoulder, deep in thought. The window across from them worked as a makeshift mirror. They looked like a tired couple, returning for a long date. He looked so different with his blond hair now dark brown. The scar just above his eye made him look like a bad boy. They should have found color contacts for him but Five couldn't imagine him with anything but his piercing blue eyes. He really looks like Luke. A voice whispered into her ear and Five bit her lip at the thought. Five met his gaze in the window. "What?"

"You had a spacey look on your face. Trip down memory lane?" Five opened her mouth to answer but the subway jerked. John's fingers tightened around her wrist, stabilizing her. Five buried her face into his chest and wrapped her fingers around his t-shirt. A familiar rush rippled through her body. She braced herself for a memory. The memory wasn't one she was expecting, one of her own.

"Faye!" I turned and quickly held my hand up, trying to hide my face. "Come on!" The lens clicks could be heard over the cries of the seagulls.

"Luke! Quit it!" I ordered as I tugged down my straw sunhat to cover my face. A throaty chuckle escaped the handsome boy's mouth. I pouted and pulled my hat a few inches down, looking over the rim to glare at the boy. Luke stood a few feet away with a heavy camera held carefully in his hand and a strap looped around his neck. His dark brown hair was messy from the sea breeze and his eyes were closed as he threw his head back laughing. "Luke! You know I hate pictures."

"I don't see why, Faye." Luke stated as he sauntered over with a walk that oozed confidence. His hoodie was unzipped, revealing a tight t-shirt, molded to his fit body. I rolled my green eyes and stood up, smoothing the creases down from my sundress. His camera was held in his hand, ready for any shot. To counter, I held my oversized sunhat, ready to block. "The camera loves you."

"No it doesn't." I replied stubbornly, ferociously pushing a stray piece of my blonde hair back as the wind started to pick up again. Luke rolled his bright eyes and smiled. A tiny dimple appeared on his right side where his smile lifted just a bit more. A slight flutter exploded at the pit of my stomach. I hated how giddy I get whenever Luke looked at me like that but I would never let him know. Maybe it's my pride. Most likely it would stroke his ego too much.

"Ok, it doesn't." Luke agreed as he lowered his camera and gave me an intense gaze. "But I do." My hat nearly slipped from my hand. His words stunned me. A series of rapid clicks came from his camera as I gaped at him. Quickly regaining my wits, I lifted my hat and looked away as a precaution. "Faye!"

"That was horrible." I said, trying to calm my beating heart. Luke lowered his camera, the smile falling from his face. "Horribly cheesy." I let out a full laugh, covering my face with my palm. My shoulder shook so much I nearly fell over. "Oh god, you should have seen your face." I said as my laughter slowly died down.

"God, you're hard to please." Luke muttered as he followed me down the beach. The water licked at our feet. Sand fell between my toes and clung to them in clumps. "Any other girl would be aw-ing right now."

I spun around quickly, surprising Luke, and pointed my finger at his face with a confident bright smile. "Now, now Luke. You know I'm not just any girl." Luke reacted smoothly as always, catching my hand and pulling me closer. Even with Loric strength, I couldn't resist him. His breath tickled my lips and our body were pressed close I could feel every hard plane of his chest. His bright blue eyes bore into my green ones as he whispered the next words.

"You really aren't." He said just before brushing his warm lips against the top of my fingers. My heart pounded against my chest and my face grew hot. I was in way too deep.

Five gasped for breath when the memory slowly subsided. Her face was still buried in John's chest, inhaling his distinct scent. He allowed her to pull away and watched carefully as Five lifted her hand to her forehead. She knew he saw what she did and regretted discussing it with him. John's hand was still resting at the small of her back, drawing soothing circles. "I'm fine." Five reassured as she closed her eyes.

"You don't look fine." John replied in his signature John style. Five smiled as she stared at the dirty subway floor. Memory of that day was still swirling in her mind. She could remember the sound of Luke's sneakers against the stairs as he jogged up the steps to their apartment. She could imagine Rowan's deep frown as she bid him goodbye. She could taste the salt off her lips from the French fries they shared and the spray of the ocean water. Five could recall how warm his hands were as they held her waist and pulled her close. "Who was that?" John's voice brought her back.

Five's fingers dug into John's side, gripping at his white t-shirt to ground herself in the present and not her memories. The boy looked down at her with worried eyes. Five stood up, running her fingers through her long hair, trying to clear her head. "My boyfriend." Five replied, clearly studying John's reaction. His blue eyes flashed, not with shock, but with understanding and something else.

"I see." John said his words steeling and maybe a little cold. He wasn't look at her, focusing on a spot on the wall. "Do you still have feelings for him?"

"Do you still have feelings for Sarah?" Five naturally fired back before turning away and out of his arms. Jealousy bubbled in her stomach and she cursed herself. That was uncalled for. You're the queen of uncalled for actions. Five chastised herself. She wrapped her arms around her waist, feeling cold suddenly. She wouldn't look at John's face as the silence stretched on between them. Five wanted to apologize and not at the same time. She didn't deserve John. Hell, I didn't deserve Luke either.

"Five…" John whispered before the subway jerked to a stop. Five looked past his shoulder and read the name.

"This is our stop." She announced before walking past him, schooling her expression into an emotionless one. John followed wordlessly.

John looked at the dark words imprinted into the stone arch. A black iron gate separated the living from the dead. Five's hand was rested around one of the steel post, already telekinesis the lock open. John's stomach sank at who she buried here. A small somber smile graced her pretty lips as she looked at him with sad green eyes. "Scared, Four?" She teased but lacked the playfulness from before.

"I'm not dressed right." John said, gesturing to his jeans, t-shirt and hoodie. Five's smile widened but seemed even sadder. She was dressed in black leggings, a modest red dress and hat. Her blonde hair flowed free around her shoulders. In the crook of her elbow was a small bouquet of rosemary.

"The dead don't care what we wear, John." Five replied back, brushing back a piece of her hair. "You can stay here if you want." John quickly shook his head, gathering his wits and followed Five through the gates. The air seemed almost chilly as soon as he crossed the barrier and entered the grounds. The grass was cut neatly everywhere. All the headstones were clean and polished, gleaming in the light. A few had flowers and candles, marking visitors while others sat unadorned. They didn't past anyone as they walked, Five leading and John followed.

John was afraid to ask who they were visiting. After what happened in the subway, John confirmed Five had deep scars on her heart. They all did but Five always had a knack of hiding hers better than others. Maybe not hiding but avoiding, John corrected as he watched the girl walk. Her head was held high and emotions shielded. Her emerald eyes were faced forward, not wavering a bit.

"Luke was a typical New York guy." Five started in a calm voice. John looked up, not sure how he should react as she spoke about her boyfriend. Her voice was clear. No hitch when she said his name. There was a softness John was jealous of. Whoever this Luke guy was, he craved somewhere deep within her and whatever happened between them left scars that were barely healed. How do you compete with a dead guy? You don't. John answered as he listened. "Artsy, musician, over-caffeinated. He worked at a coffee stand. Rowan despised him. Maybe that's why I liked him." Her voice lowered as she turned down another path, up a hill with a few oak trees. "He was so carefree. So much fun. Whenever I was with him, I felt like a girl instead of some super powerful being with a huge destiny." Five stopped suddenly and John looked. The gravestone still looked new with simple engraved writing. "Hey Rowan," Five greeted, crouching down and placing the rosemary bouquet down.

"Wait, that's not Luke's grave?" John asked, rushing over to her side and read the writing. Rowan Lewis. Loving grandfather. 1954 – 2013. "Rowan…" John read, feeling the knot in his throat slowly dissipate. Luke wasn't dead. Is that good or not? John thought as he kneeled down beside Five, burying his face in the palms of his hands. "I'm an idiot."

"Did you expect Luke's name?" Five asked, tilting her head to look at him. There was a little teasing glint in her emerald eyes.

"I don't know what to expect with you." John admitted, rubbing face and shaking his head. Five chuckled and covered her mouth. Her eyes were closed and her shoulders were shaking from the laughter. John grinned; glad he could snap Five out of her serious mood. "How did he…?"

"In his sleep." Five answered, already knowing his question. She sat in the wet grass, not caring if it would ruin her dress. That was something John liked about Five. She didn't care about the state of her clothes as long as she was comfortable. John settled beside her, crossing his legs and resting arms in his lap. He nearly jumped when Five tucked her right arm in the crook of his left. She leaned against him, resting her head against his shoulder, slowly gathering her thoughts. "It's kind of fitting. He was never a fighter. We spent a majority of our time sneaking around Mogs. One perk of living in Asian was everyone looked similar. Spotting a Mog was easy; they stuck out like a sore thumb." She paused for a second, swallowing a lump in her throat. "I couldn't imagine Rowan getting gunned down or tossed off a cliff by a Mog. Maybe it would have hurt less if they killed him. Maybe I would have harbor some hatred for them and I would have a purpose like Nine and Six but no, Rowan was just old." She paused again and John could feel her chest rise and fall with each breath. "Daemon found him in his office. He was leaning back in his chair, arms crossed over his stomach. His notebook, the one he left me, sat on the desk with a pen tucked in one of the pages. Daemon told me he looked peaceful." Tears were falling from her deep emerald eyes and over her soft cheeks. John reached over with his other hand and squeezed her hand which was gripping his arm.

John wanted to cheer her up but it didn't seem right. There are just some moments were you have to let your shields down. Even the strongest people are allowed to be weak for a little bit. John was just glad Five trusted him enough to be weak in front of him. A crazy idea popped up in his head and John took a deep breath.

"Hey Rowan, you don't know me but I'm starting to know you a little bit more." John started, focusing on the headstone and trying to recalling the photo Five hid in her Chest. Rowan appeared to be a stern old man but with what John learned today, he seemed like a kind grandfather. "I just want to say thanks. Thank you for accepting the Cepan position. Thank you for protecting and raising such a wonderful girl. Five can be stubborn, headstrong and a little self-loathing." John could feel Five trying to pull away from him but he kept a firm grip on her. A tiny smile played on his lips as he continued. "She's blind to how we need her. How her smiles can easily lift our hearts and her little sneaky comments coaxed laugher even in bleak moments. She tries to hide her problems, trying to endure the pain alone. It's frustrating and she doesn't even notice how much we worry about her. How I worry about her." He could feel the blonde beside him still at his words but he wouldn't look at her, still talking to Rowan. "You raised one hell of a girl Rowan and I wouldn't trade her for the world. So, do you think you could tell her not to break my heart?"

John let Five have her hands back and he closed his blue eyes, waiting for a hard slap or something. He turned his head to look at the girl beside him. Five had her eyes buried in her hands. Her shoulders were shaking slight and John was worried she was crying. But her kissable lips were curled up in an unmistakable smile. "Too cheesy?" John asked, feeling his heart beat painfully in his chest.

Five looked up at him, shaking her head slightly as a breathy laugh escaped her lips. Her hair was messy. Her green eyes were red from crying. Tears still stained her soft cheeks but the smile John loved was there on her lips. John had never seen a more beautiful sight. "I guess I have a weakness for cheesy guys." She replied before kissing his cheek and hugging his arm.