"More toast?" I look up to see a forlorn waitress emptily gazing at my face.

"No, thank you." I brusquely turn away, folding the newspaper in front of me.

With a shake of her shoulder she unhurriedly walks away, and I am left to stare at the headline in front of me.


The bombs that Grindelwald's muggle allies had infrequently dropped on Diagon Alley had been one thing, but his personal army had never come knocking. And why Flourish & Blotts of all places? While Lucy Lovelace's writing was utter trash, I don't think it warranted this strong of a reaction.

Eighteen casualties and more than thirty-two injuries…

If Grindelwald wanted the wizarding world to take notice, he had certainly succeeded.

The valiant hero in green robes staunchly held off the treacherous crimson tide of evil until the Aurors arrived.

Hero in green? Crimson tide of evil? While the Prophet's writing had never been factually impartial, this was a new low of salacious writing. Who exactly was this hero? Maybe an off duty auror? But then wouldn't he stick around when the Aurors arrived? Why disappear as soon as law enforcement appeared?

I grit my teeth in annoyance at this new development. I have more than enough on my plate without another thing to worry about. I will meet Abraxas this afternoon, so perhaps I can inquire if he knows about this mysterious hero.

I fold the newspaper and pick up the last of my now cold toast, my mind wandering.

"-was behind me in line. As soon as the Red Robes started attacking the Green Hood fought back. All you could see were spells flying left and right!"

The conversation at the table next to me piques my curiosity and I listen with growing interest.

"The Green Hood fought like a trained fighter, moving the whole time," the middle-aged witch wildly waves her hands in the air as she describes the attack to her wide-eyed friend.

"I couldn't get a good view of him because I was on the ground, but from what I saw of him, he looked young, and handsome to boot too!" The woman giggles, blushing uncharacteristically.

"This sounds better than any Lovelace book!" Her friend looks put out that she hadn't gotten to see the handsome hero.

"Excuse me ladies," I give my best charming smile to the two women who look startled by my sudden appearance, "I didn't want to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help overhearing your conversation."

"My name is Timothy McGill, and I'm a reporter for the Prophet. Would you mind telling me your firsthand account of what happened?"

The woman looks delighted by the attention and hurriedly scoots over so that I can have a seat next to her.

"Well, I was just standing in line when I saw the first spell streak by me…

"He's her son," Abraxas unceremoniously tells me, taking a seat across from me.

We're in The Slippery Mermaid, the skeeviest bar in Knockturn Alley and surrounded by unsavory characters that had come here for the same purpose as us, secrecy.

I perform a wandless silencing charm around us as he continues, "his name is James. I inquired at the Leaky Cauldron and that's what Burton's wife told me. Otherwise, Hepzibah has no relatives, especially none with small children that would willingly visit her home."

"Burton's wife sure is chatty, isn't she?" I distractedly murmur, processing this new information.

Ginny, a widow, with a toddler to take care of and no connections in sight. Someone of no interest. Still, there was something about the way that she behaved around me that made my hair stand on end. I would keep her in mind for the future if I had any use for her.

"What do you know about this Green Hood?" I question Abraxas.

He looks startled by the sudden change in conversation, but quickly recovers, "The Auror department has been mum about the man, but I can put feelers out to see what people are saying."

"Hmm," I murmur thoughtfully into my butterbeer, "Why is Grindelwald's personal army intent on attacking Diagon Alley?"

Abraxas opens his mouth, likely to say something idiotic, but I ignore him, "Pureblood witches and wizards traverse through Diagon Alley every day, and it's not like they advertise on their robes whether they are of pure blood or otherwise."

Abraxas interjects my train of thought, "I have heard rumors that Grindelwald's army is looking to expand their control to England. They want to implement a system similar to the one they have in place for the muggles in Germany, here."

"Really?" I raise a contemplative eyebrow at that and allow my mouth to curve into a sly smile.

"Wouldn't that be interesting. You would immediately be able to know who was worth speaking to and who wasn't." I raise my butterbeer in toast, while Abraxas awkwardly nods back, haven't gotten anything to drink because he was too busy trying to please me.

I drain the rest of my butterbeer in one gulp and continue to the next order of business. "I need you to gather the Knights; we are ready to raid Bartholemew's home."

"He has a complete copy of the book I need, Magik Most Evil."

Abraxas reflexively gulps at the title but holds his composure, "Are you sure he will have it?"

"Of course," I scoff at the question, "He is famous for his collection, in fact Saladin was the one who mentioned him to me."

Abraxas's face slips at the mention of Saladin, his mind reflexively remembering the trauma he suffered at my hands in the shop named after the owner.

I take a moment to enjoy his humiliation before removing the silencing charm and getting to my feet. Abraxas also jumps to his feet and gives a jerky half bow.

"I will inform every one of the impending meeting," he quickly spits out, his face still a faint pink.

"We will meet on the 31st of July at the abandoned Quidditch field and then from there take a portkey to Bartholomew's home. Make sure Lestrange has done his homework on the property wards and that Avery is prepared for curse breaking."

Abraxas nods quickly, his eyes unfocusing as he mentally jots down my orders.

"Till next time then." I give him an almost polite nod and stride out the door, leaving him to pay the bill.