Authors Note: This is a finished draft that I am posting three parts. If you like let us know and this fic is for Casey_Wolfe and Mswriter_07.

Disclaimer: Don't own, all rights belong to their respective owners

Carter Verone was old and bored. He was an old one, one who'd been sired by Drake himself. He was nothing like the stupid legends. He could get a suntan for one thing without ending up well-done. He found that he liked Miami and had settled there - quickly rising to Master of the City.

It annoyed him that he had had to turn to crime to fund the city's idiot vampire population. Okay so he had wealth but why should he use his personal fortune? He wouldn't and because he had so many cover ups – he needed quick cash and hence the criminal activity. He was weeding out the weak and the hanger-ons, but it took time and he had to have his wits if he was to do it without getting noticed.

He'd clearly failed at staying completely under the radar when a pretty UC turned up in his export company. She had honey-trap written all over, but Carter was a vampire that was never said no to temptation. Monica was a sweet thing to play with, but she wasn't even a true pet - she would never be given a glyph. She was there at the whims of the stupid authorities, and he wouldn't make a move towards her until he discovered the source of the damn dog smell - she occasionally returned to the mansion with.

He would find out but he had more important things like finding new drivers. He needed a better class of driver to get all the blood shipments to the right places at the right times. It was time to hit the races.

The races were not the greatest places for anyone with enhanced senses. There were the engines, the burnt asphalt, the pheromones and every other smell under the sun (pun intended). Verone wanted his drivers to be good and have talent. The races were boring that night until the final one.

The race controller was annoyed by the last minute drop out. Who wouldn't be? It was bad for business. Still things got interesting - a buzz was going through the crowd. "Bullet is coming."

Verone perked up at the idea of this person appearing. It was clear that whoever this driver was - they were good. They were relatively new on the scene as Carter had never heard of them, but good enough to be feared.

A car was moving slowly through the crowds. It was a Blue and Silver Skyline. Well cared for, the smoke was a nice touch. A touch dramatic but it was the type of flare that only a vampire could appreciate. The blonde beauty that stepped out of the car was more than interesting; Ice cool, blonde, blue eyes that could kill and the type of personality that had someone back off with a glare. Verone was impressed and that was definitely hard to do considering how long he'd lived.

He stepped back into the shadows and walked quickly to his Ferrari. He now had a job for little miss simpering. He would have to lay off the glamour's, least he ruin her mind completely, yet anyway - as she may still serve a purpose.

It would prove to be a fortuitous choice for the Ancient vampire, even without knowing it - he'd picked his mate.

Brian wanted to snarl. He was too good to be chained like a common dog - that was Markham's gig not his. Honestly if only he wasn't still playing human he would have ripped their throats out and danced around them. I mean honestly Bilkins was a low barrel night feeder and Markham was a damn mutt. Sorry, Werewolf they get upset when you call them names.

Brian may have been chained to the chair, but he was still radiating a cool that seemed to piss off Markham, which could only be a good thing in his book. "So what do you want?"

Markham was startled and hadn't expected to be asked outright. He'd hoped to make him stew; he clearly didn't know Brian too well. All it was doing was pissing him off, but hey let the silly dog play his games. Brian would wait and show him who had the bigger teeth. Brian did get impatient and decided to move things along. ."Who is the mark?"

Markham stared at him, but could tell he would have little luck making him uneasy so stopped, clicking a button and showing Carter Verone on the screen.

Brian laughed, "You want Carter Verone, why?"

Markham sneered, "He's scum."

Interesting Brian thought – usually that much venom from a wolf meant Carter was likely a vampire, but he didn't say anything. Oh this just got a whole lot more fun. "Okay so you need me to get close?"

Markham sighed, "We have a UC but she is unable to get anything meaningful."

Brian rolled his eyes - which meant a honey trap. Clearly, Carter was obviously toying with the honey trap, but hey, he was a vampire - why would anyone expect any different? "Fine what evidence are you looking for?"

Markham rolled his eyes, "Anything that I can nail his hide to the wall with."

Brian didn't say what he was thinking. Markham was too brash, and would more than likely end up as floor pelt for Carter, but some things just need to be discovered. It was the only way for some people to learn.

Brian motioned for the cuffs to come off. He could rip them off but he was still trying to keep a low profile.

Let the fun and games begin.

Brian had entered the Pearl and his senses were on high alert. He didn't know if Markham was an actual fuck wit but he would like to know how he missed the fact that Verone was a Vampire. Not just any vampire if he was guessing - he would peg Carter as an old one. Stupid dog - he couldn't sniff out a clue with his own nose.

Oh there were a few times where he wished that he could just rip the idiot's throat out. Still he'd be a good guy and leave him alone for now. Carter looked far more fun to play with. Brian had never worried about playing with fire - even with his slightly more delicate sensibilities. The music was playing, and he went with it. He moved with all the grace of a lion, but was still so very human looking.

Brian caught the change when Verone entered the club. His power was strong, and he made the whole place reek. It was quite funny to see the way everyone subconsciously deferred to him. Even the humans were offering their neck metaphorically. Brian knew it was stupid and risky but he looked the vampire directly in the eye. He held his look just long enough to catch his attention before moving back to his dance partner. The wicked smirk had just been for effect but it had been enough. Brian felt the gaze upon his back, but paid it no attention. If Carter Verone wanted to talk to him then he would have to come to him. Not the other way round.

Carter Verone was tired of the world. He would partake in the pleasures that he could, yet they were passing and boring. However tonight the ice-cool blonde that looked him directly in the eye; now that was new. One might say interesting, and he was a tease. Oh Carter liked him more and more. The beautiful blonde knew the power he held and used it as artfully and deadly as any weapon.

Definitely not boring, he was going to have to go to the blonde if he wanted answers