AN: It has been a long time since i have tried my hand at fanfiction, but i have been itching to try my hand at Harry Potter and throwing in my favorite game of all time just seems like the thing to do. This is a short prologue to see how people will respond, I will adjust the next chapter to make sure it all flows together. As it stands I may make many mistakes in reference because honestly I haven't been up to date in my HP terminology nor do I know half of the spells ever mentioned. I will do my best to make this an enjoyable story though. Read and Review thank you. Also I don't own Harry Potter, that J.K. Rowling's gold mine.

The air was hot and thick in the depths of the cave Peter Pettigrew was slowly treading through, wand-hand out with an ever present Lumos cast, in the other hand he cradled a shrouded deformed cripple of what one could scarcely call a human infant. The fidgety Death Eater's eyes darted back and forth fear evident from the way he would flinch and recoil at the most insignificant echoes or flashes of his own shadow on the damp stone walls. It was several minutes before Peter finally came across what his master had him searching for, an opening in the cave that lead out into an enormous cavern.

"Finally!" A withered, harsh voice hissed out from under the shroud Pettigrew bundled in his arm. "Wormtail, the torches!" It commanded reaching out with one feeble hand that poked out from the bundle.

"Of c-course my Lord... Incendio." The rat faced man waved his wand and sent a volley of fireballs that all found their mark and within seconds the chamber was alight. For the first time since arriving, Peter looked up and believed everything his master had claimed without a second thought.

"Behold Wormtail... the once great Sky Haven Temple." On the far side of the chamber, a large face was carved out into the wall with many other symbols and glyphs that he couldn't recognize from anything he had seen before. In the center of the room an intricate series of seals and swirls decorated a circular platform that stood out prominently. Now this he could recognize and that very reason had the man scrunching up his nose in disgust.

'A blood seal... and its enormous.' Whatever was behind this wall, someone had gone through great lengths to ensure that this door would not be opened. The seal would require blood... and lots of it, more than he was sure one person could live without... "M-master?" The pathetic shadow of a man looked down with wide fearing eyes.

A raspy, dry laugh emitted from the decrepit form of the Dark Lord Voldemort, and the disfigured creature gazed at his servant with blood red eyes that shone brightly even in the well lit chamber. "Fear not Wormtail... Your blood would do very little to help me open this door, even if I were to use every last drop." Voldemort paused, and turned over to gaze at the seals on the floor with a narrowed visage. "No I will be needing his blood for this."

"Wh-who's blood my Lord?" Stammered the ever cowering Death Eater, his master's magic was flowing off him in waves and the dark intent behind it was chilling Pettigrew's very bones.

Slowly, a feral grin spread across the small creatures snakelike face as he uttered one word. "Dovahkiin..."

Harry Potter awoke with a start, darting upright immediately and grabbing hold of the side of the couch he had fallen asleep on. Sweat clung to his skin, and he was panting hard as he attempted to gain a hold of his surroundings. The low crackle of the fire brought him back to coherency and the green eyed boy ran a hand through his unruly black hair with a sigh. 'Thats right...' He thought bitterly, as he stood up. 'I fell asleep in the common room.'

Last night had shattered any hope that Harry had of having a normal school year at Hogwarts, well as normal a year one could have in a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He had been sitting in the Great Hall with the entire school, as well as the Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy guests. Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, and Cedric Diggory had all been picked to be Triwizard Champions, and the entire hall was roaring with applause when the Triwizard Cup had suddenly roared it's flames once more and spit out a slip of paper with another name. His name, of course fate had it out for him again! Not one year could go by without the cruel hand of fate delivering a sharp backhand to him.

Upon the discovery that he had been made the Fourth Triwizard Champion, he had immediately been called a cheat, accused of lying, paying someone to enter him in, and lets not forget being called a leetle boy.

Harry practically growled as he pulled his invisibility cloak out from his schoolbag, throwing it on with a dramatic flourish and stomping out of the Common Room, The Fat Lady's portrait swinging shut with a loud bang that caused many of the other portraits to jump up, rudely awakened from their slumber.

"Leetle boy..." He murmured under his breath in a mocking french accent, it had been quite the blow to his rather frail ego to be called that by the beautiful veela champion. Of course he knew she would look at him as such, she was three years older after all but did she really have to say it? How was he supposed to even compete with those three! They were the best of their years, which made them the best at their respective schools. He was just a fresh Fourth Year who'd only had a months worth of this year schooling on top of the three years prior. They had nearly double his schooling, this was unfair on levels immeasurable!

"Lets see you take on a hundred dementors, or battle your possessed professor and crumble him to dust, better yet, how bout you all take on a bloody Basilisk!" The raven haired teen shouted loudly to no one as he rounded the corridors, his pace quickening before he arrived at the second floor girls lavatory. He stopped and furrowed his brow.

'Ah... but only you could have accomplished such feats Harry.'

Harry whipped his head around at the words that seemed to echo all around him, it was a woman's voice of that he was sure. Something was off though, never had he heard a voice like that. Playing it off as a trick of Hogwarts, the green eyed teen shook his head and regarded where he stood once more.

Why had he come here? When he had left Gryffindor tower there was no particular destination in mind he just wanted to vent with a walk. Yet something had called him to the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets.

'Come... come to me Harry Potter.' The voice sounded louder now, and Harry didnt give thought to where it was coming from as a slight haze overtook him and his eyelids fell before opening once more. This time his gaze held a soft glow about it as he moved closer to the sink.

With a solemn gulp Harry gave the command he didn't think he would ever say again. "Open"He hissed out, and the resounding sound of stone grinding as the sink basin transformed into the secret tunnel that led to Salazar's Chamber.

A quick slide and a short venture later found Harry passing by the slowly decaying form of the fifty foot basilisk he had slain just two years prior. His eyes roamed over the prone figure and he had the brief thought to wonder if there was something he could do with the body. That would have to wait later though, right now The Whispering Lady had a task for him, and it would not do well to displease her.

'What am I doing?' He questioned himself as he moved with a will that was not his own. the Haze had hold of him now. All he could do was wonder. 'Why the Chamber of Secrets? I've already killed the Basilisk and destroyed that damned diary.'

'Foolish boy... It's the Chamber of Secrets... are you so simple minded as to believe the Basilisk was the Secret? No my little Champion, the Serpent was merely there to guard.'

If Harry could have, he would have narrowed his eyes in anger. Yet his body was still not responding to him as he leaped up into the opening that the Basilisk itself had slithered out of when it had originally been summoned by the spirit of Tom RIddle.

'Why are you bringing me here! Who are you!' Harry shouted in his mind. He wanted answers... now.

'I have many names young one, The Whispering Lady, The Spinner, The Webweaver... You however may call me Mephala.'

'Okay Mephala... why have you brought me... here.' Harry trailed off as the opening he had climbed through transformed into an enormous chamber, with stone figures that ran adjacent to both sides of the lone walkway through the center. At the far end of the walkway was an incredibly large statue of what appeared to be a plethora of tentacles. The moment his feet touched the walkway, the statue began glowing with a dark green aura that pulsed with every step he took.

'I have brought you here Harry... to meet my brother.' The sickly sweet voice echoed before fading away completely.

Harry did not bother to question any further, instead as the Haze left him his focus turned to the pulsating aura the statue was giving off. It called to him, and with a calm hand he placed his palm against the base of the statue, closing his eyes he felt the pulse course through his body and touch his very core.

It was then that the entire chamber began to shake. Startled, he jumped back only to be hoisted up into the air by one of the stone tendrils that suddenly began to feel very much alive as it pulsed and waved him about in the air before settling on wrapping around him and pulling his figure up to the top of the statue.

'Greetings Mortal...'A new voice now. This one whimsical and absolutely male with a tone that commanded respect yet was soft and intriguing. A thousand eyes seemed to materialize out of nowhere and suddenly every single one of those pupils was on him.

"What the hell are you..." Harry whispered out, eyes wide with awe and fear and yet deep down something else... excitement and familiarity.

A mad cackle followed and the voice turned deeper as its thundrous boom shook the walls.

'I am Hermaeus Mora and I would speak with you.'

Mere seconds later a flash errupted from the creature that suspended The Boy Who Lived. When the flash died no trace of the giant creature remained, even the statue was now just an empty platform, and even more worrisome... no trace of Harry Potter.

At 2:36 in the morning, high up in Ravenclaw Tower, Luna Lovegood threw her head back as she rose up from her bed. For a moment she floated, until her dainty feet touched the ground. With her eyes glowing white the young girl began to sway and twirl about in the room she had to herself, her roommates long ago shunning her and forcing her to stay alone away from them lest they catch some of her freakishness.

The blonde witches lips parted as she danced and out flowed a melodic voice that was not her own and slowly, every ghost that resided in Hogwarts began to flood to the tower and circle the young woman as she sang.

"Our hero, our hero

Claims a warrior's heart

I tell you, I tell you

The Dragonborn comes

With a voice wielding power of the ancient nord art

Believe, believe the Dragonborn comes

It's an end to the evil of all Skyrim's foes'

Beware, beware the Dragonborn comes

for the darkness has passed

and the legend yet grows

you'll know, you'll know the Dragonborn's come."

For the briefest of moment, Luna paused her eyes roaming over all the ghosts about her before they too began to join in and chant in low tones and tongues not heard for thousands of years on this plane.

"Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin

Naal ok zin los vahriin

Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal

Ahrk fin norok paal graan

Fod nust hon zindro zaan

Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal."

When Luna Lovegood awoke next morning she did not recall the events of last night, instead she only gave though to why there were so many Wrackspurts about her room before she skipped off to Transfiguration.