So, this is the end folks. The last chappy. I'm gonna miss my OCs and this story... *sighs* But, if you want this to continue, then go on my profile and vote on my poll!

Kura woke up the next morning with the suns first rays of light dappling her face. She smiled faintly when she felt a familiar weight draped across her shoulders, Ren's arm holding her close, but she rolled over and lightly jostled him awake.

"Ren... Ren..! Time to wake up..!" the light sleeper opened his eyes sleepily to stare at her. He smirked and pecked her on the lips as a greeting. He got out of the bed first, [Kura always liked the window side,] and Kura followed after him. She woke up Aiko and made way for the bathroom to change.

Kura slipped into her regular violet dress and short black vest attire, strapping her ever-present sword to her hip, and walked back outside. Aiko was having troubles with her green dress with her small paws. The Energy Dragon Slayer laughed and helped her into it. The purple Exceed smiled, sprouting her wings and flying into the kitchen, where the swordswoman smelt bacon and eggs.

Ren turned around as the two came in. He was only wearing baggy pants, showing off his muscular chest, and honestly, [and embarrassingly,] Kura really didn't mind the view. Ren deposited the food on the table, laughing as Kura dived right in. After she'd realized she was Acnologia's child and a Dragon Slayer [what a shocker,] she'd noticed her appetite getting bigger. She didn't like it one bit, but once she saw food, she had issues pulling away.

After breakfast and Ren had finished getting dressed, they walked to the guild, planning on chatting for a bit and then getting a mission. Their rent was right around the corner, but they were sure to get a mission that would pay at least 100,000J for the three of them.

They walked through the doors. "Hey Kura, Ren, Aiko!" Mira called. "Would you like something to eat?"

"Naw, we're good. We have breakfast at our house." Mira smiled in response and turned back to drying the dishes.

Kura sat down on the bench. "You can choose the mission today guys." Aiko and Ren beamed at her and went off to the Request board. She rested her head on the table, still kinda tired from Magic loss the other day. Her eyes fluttered shut; she relied on her hearing if anything or anyone came too close.

That's when she heard angry footsteps, and suddenly, something hard whacked the back of her head. Kura jumped up, holding the area and scowling at her attacker. It was a peaceful morning. "What was tha—"

Lucy looked down at her, eyes blazing. She held up her wrist, where there was a fiery red Mark. "You never told me it hurt!" she snapped. Kura lightened up, standing and grasping her wrist in surprise. Lucy winced, and the Dragon Slayer pulled away, remembering that the pain might have still been there. Whoops.

"Hehe, sorry. But congrats!" She looked straight at her. At that moment their Mates came in behind them, silently challenging the other. Lucy and Kura didn't know who leapt at whom first, but it was amusing watching those two tear at each other. No Magic or weapons were used, but a small dust cloud appeared around them, the occasional limb or snarling head appearing out of it. Their female counterparts chuckled.

"You guys are whipped!" Gray crowed, getting into the fight, and someone brought out the Magic. Kura edged into the fight and handed her sword, now turned scythe, to Ren, and the three males, all puffing out their chests, fought. It was friendly, nobody swung their weapon too hard and attacks were purposely weak, but it was fun to watch. Lucy saw Juvia ogling ray in the background.

"Hey, what about Team Natsu and Team Kura go on a mission," Kura suggested, holding up the job as she saw Wendy, Charle and Happy come through the doors.

Lucy smiled. "Sure! We'll split it half-half?"

Kura nodded. Lucy leaned in, eyeing someone, or more specifically two someones, behind the Dragon Slayer. "Hey, how much longer until Gajeel marks Levy, do you think?" they began walking out of the guild chatting together, and eventually their Mates noticed and followed after them. Gray was left behind, stark naked, then realized it and he stopped to find his clothes.

"Whipped!" he cried after them. "I tell you, you're both whipped!" the boys refused to answer him, stomping after the girls.

They had to leave by the train, much to Natsu's and Kura's dissatisfaction, but they boarded anyways and collapsed on the vehicle as soon as it started moving.

An hour later, it stopped, and the two Dragon Slayers leaped out of the train, trying to run as fast as they could off the thing. Their Mates, to their chagrin, took longer hauling their luggage off. As soon as their luggage was close enough to reach on non-moving ground, Natsu reached out and grabbed it to help Lucy.

Kura did the same, embarrassed that she left the luggage behind for Ren to pick up in her hurriedness. The swordsman didn't mind, knowing how sick she got on the train nowadays.

Their job was to eliminate a beast that had been terrorizing a small town called Elimore, and the townspeople were scared enough to put a 200,000J job up at some of the nearby guilds. It was a giant pig, they said, and were willing to pay anything to get rid of it, as the boar was eating all their crops and crushing their houses.

Aiko and Happy flew out as the train departed, flying next to their master's shoulders. "So, we stop this giant pig, collect the reward, and go home, Aye?" Somehow, Happy was eating a fish, although Lucy had no memory of giving him one.

"Yeah, let's go Happy!" Natsu cried, bursting into a run.

"Hey, Natsu, wait up!" Lucy yelled, laughing. Kura and Ren chased after them, shouting for them to slow down.

"Natsu!" Lucy's cheeks blew up frustratingly. "Why'd you have to destroy half the town?" she demanded. The pink-haired pyromaniac sat on the train, very sick, but Lucy didn't let him fall asleep for once and forced his attention onto her.

"Uh..." his face looked a little green as he looked up at her.

She tapped him on the nose. "Come on Natsu! You know better!" they had to give all of their remaining reward money to Team Kura because it was their fault in the first place, [Surprisingly, as Kura was the one with the Destruction Magic,] meaning they came back with absolutely no money. With Damien and Lucy chasing after him, rent was just around the corner too.

Natsu's cheeks blew up, and he looked sick enough to barf. Lucy sighed. "Well, I guess this is your punishment, going on two train rides for nothing." She said. Unfortunately, she couldn't stay mad at him for long.

Ren opened the door, letting a similarly-shaded green Kura stumble in. Aiko had to giggle, and Ren cracked a smile as the Dragon Slayer sat down across from Natsu. "I HATE being a Dragon Slayer sometimes!" she garbled. Ren sat down next to her, rubbing her back, and the girl leaned on his shoulder tiredly.

Kura quickly bolted upright, and ran out of the benches, eyes wide. Ren laughed and followed her, already knowing where she was going. The bathrooms. Aiko stayed with them.

"And least Natsu is kinda used to it," the female Exceed commented. "He can hold in his guts more than five minutes." Natsu growled, but his head fell back panting.

"Lu-cyyyyy... can you rub my back?"

The Celestial Spirit mage shook her head. "No. This is your punishment for destroying the town. No Trioa and no back-rubs." He groaned.

As soon as they got back, almost at sunset, the teams split their ways and walked back to their homes. Natsu looked quite annoyed at Lucy, and she laughed, and she was so endearingly cute he had no choice but to laugh too.

"So," Lucy said, walking into her house and seeing Natsu perched on the windowsill, waiting for her as Happy flew behind his shoulder. "What do you want to do?"

Natsu fell forward, allowing Happy to fly in and he crashed onto the bed. "I'm hungry!" he moaned. Lucy chuckled and went to make them sandwiches, because it was something simple and she didn't have enough food left to make anything else. As she was working, the fiery red Mark caught her eye and she looked at it appreciatingly, smiling.

"Here you go," Lucy said, handing him sandwich, noticing the blue Exceed wasn't there to take his own food. "Hey, where's Happy?" She asked.

"He went to get some fish," The Fire Dragon Slayer mumbled, mouth full of food. Natsu ate one half at a time, swallowing them in one gulp. Lucy ate hers slower.

Lucy's eyelids started to get heavy. She yawned, and Natsu clued in on this. "Tired?" he teased. Lucy nodded sleepily. Maybe summoning Aquarius on that mission wasn't such a great idea after all. Well, at least she only destroyed two houses, unlike Natsu's eleven.

Lucy was wrapped in Natsu's embrace, and she didn't resist as he pulled them backwards. Her head hit the pillow as her eyes half-shut. The Fire Dragon Slayer rolled her over so that she was facing him, seeing her ready to fall asleep at any moment now.

Lucy raised a limp hand and traced his jaw, eventually moving down to his lips. He kissed her fingertips
softly as they passed by. Reluctantly, the Stellar Spirit mage pulled away, but not until Natsu pulled her closer. She yelped as she was pressed against his chest, but relaxed against it. She snuggled closer to his warmth, and felt her head being tugged upwards.

Lucy raised her lips to his, and the Celestial Spirit mage felt filled with pride that it was Natsu kissing her. His lips moved against hers, he tasted like cinnamon and smoke. Hot and spicy and they sure in hell were warm. She wouldn't have it any other way. Lucy felt Natsu smirk, and she pulled away. She could have kissed him for years and not get bored or stop loving him, but unfortunately, the need for air prevented that.

"I love you Luce." He told the rapidly falling-asleep girl. Her eyelids were heavy and the faint buzz in her ears told her she was slipping on her hold of wakefulness.

She smiled sleepily and yawned, "I love you too Natsu," cuddling closer to him.

Happy flew in an hour later, ready to scream to Natsu and Lucy the deal he'd bargained with the tired fish merchant just so he would be left alone. The man had given him a large fish, currently held in his green sack, and a smaller one that only cost him 200J. 200J!

The cat flew in the window, barely noticing that the lights were all off. "Guys! Guess—" he stopped when he realized they were asleep, face stretching into a catty grin. They were so cute, cuddled in the blankets together! Wait till he told Mira.

"They liiiiiike each other..!" he whispered, curling up into a ball by their feet and slowly snoozing away.

Haha, please don't critizize my crappy kissing scenes. I'm only thirteen, and haven't had my first kiss yet, sadly, so I only have other book experience and the Internet. "Please don't hate me!" *runs, screaming from a mob of angry readers*

Well, this is, sadly, the last chappy... say goodbye... *starts bawling* I'm gonna miss all my OCs and plot... but, I guess it'll always be there for me to read, right? And besides, with the help of you readers voting on my poll, [Hint hint nudge nudge,] I MAY make these a trilogy.

I'm going on a trip in two days, leaving me plenty of time to write this and another chapter for Chances, so, well, wish me a happy trip! :3

To my awesome reviewer last chappy, Dyeni!= hehe, sorry. I may or may not have erased chapter 19, like, TWO seconds after I posted it. WHOOPS! "don't hate me... AHHH!" *Runs away from and angry Dyeni waving a stick around*. Go Wendy! I was aiming for a "Omg, what happened," and then relief, and Wendy's ability was helpful in doing so. YES, I'm still stuck on that. How did his awesome arms shrink so much! Unfortunately, I won't get internet on my trip, meaning I CAN'T READ THE NEW CHAPTER ON FRIDAY! ARG! pity me...

Well, in all, thank you KanaeHitomi, Dyeni, LifeIsWaiting, GoldenRoseTanya, ahaurats-FT, Nalu lover, Dzhunnrah, Harem08, LucyAshley, Rafflesia, guest, cArDcApToRsAkUra, Guest, Lisanna is love, Guest, Jenny, cardcaptorsakura, Princess, The Guest, Ryuu, HiroMashima p, Panda, Ihearteverything33, FairyTailADDICT, Nee san, HiroMashima, FT 4ever, PikaSkyeFan [still love your nickname! :D ], HiroMashima, Guest, Fairytail4ever, Harlequin, and HOURGLASZ for taking your time to review, plus, all those who favourite and followed this story!


Haha, do you think I can get at least eighty, possibly ninety reviews when I come back from my trip? PWETTY PLEASE, LEAVE A REVIEW OF HOW I DID, EVEN IF IT'S TO SAY THIS STORY SUCKS. I WANT TO KNOW HOW I DID, SO IF YOU HAVE TIME, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW IN THAT LITTLE BOX DOWN THERE!

No, not that one... the other-... NOT THAT ONE! [lol, just leave a review please?]

Pikaskye, out!