Blind and Lost
I gripped tightly onto Chopper's leash: the only sense of comfort and safety I could possible get at the moment. Taking familiar, cautious steps, I matched my pace with my guide dogs. Chopper, on the other hand, seemed to be rearing to get a move on: tugging on the leash and wagging his tail in time with his pants of happiness.
I'd much rather not have to increase my speed with my conditions. Being blind didn't really have any advantages, and walking faster only meant disadvantages. I'd probably trip and fall over my own feet! Even with a guide dog, bumping into things was quite usual, but it was annoying. And it hurt.
Suddenly, Chopper stopped, breaking my train of thoughts. By carefully listening to my surroundings, I could hear people chatting and birds chirping peacefully in the background. This gave me the conclusion that we were at the local park.
I smiled; I really liked the noises that came from this park. Even without being able to see, using my other four senses meant a lot to me. Feeling the cool breeze stroke my skin, smelling the fresh air, hearing the sweet bird songs and just tasting the park's ice cream was the best!
But then the worst situation I could imagine came true.
As quick as lightning, my hold on the leash came loose with a harsh tug.
And Chopper ran.
Hello~ I just wrote this quickly for ideas. But I sorta like it and wanted to know if I should continue… But there will be no pairings if I do! Anyway, please leave a review to give me your thoughts, as I already have an idea of how to continue :D
And if you have a moment to spare, please check out our poll of our profile! Most voted for story will be made and published!
Well, hope to hear from you,
-OraueTwins, Beth