AN: Try committing to reading this, I guarantee that you will be satisfied with my progress. If not, feel free to flame. Give it a review to give me ideas and feedback. Follow to keep up because I'm updating often

The first thing I remember was waking up in the middle of a bustling New York City with no memories whatsoever. Nothing to remember.

I didn't know who I was. I didn't know what my own name was. I didn't even know what I looked like.

As an annoying fly buzzed around my head, I realized that I had just one yearning idea in my mind. An idea of some sort of taking over. Some sort of revolution or coup.

As I got up, I realized that I was in the middle of the road. The frantic sound of a horn grew immensely close to me. The blinding headlights of a truck rapidly approached as I dove out of the way at the last second.

After receiving some cusses from the truck driver, I began to walk down the sidewalk. As I walked, I checked out my appearance in the window of a fast food restaurant.

I had straight blonde hair, was about 6 feet tall, had grey eyes, and looked about 16.

I was walking aimlessly through the streets, but I knew I needed to go somewhere.

I felt this tug, almost like a magnetic pull somewhere in my subconscious. I looked towards where I felt I needed to go.

I saw nothing up close, but in the distance I could see the looming figure of the Empire State Building.

I felt this sensation that I was needed there, or that I needed to do something useful there. I looked up at the huge building and began to walk. I had no idea what I was supposed to do there, but I moved on a whim. After all, what else was I supposed to do?

Another annoying fly buzzed around my ear. I tried to swat it, but as I looked down, I realized that I had a much bigger problem.

I came face to face with living, breathing, lion.

Except this lion had huge black wings and a scorpion's pincer at the tip of its tail.

Terrified, I immediately sprinted the other way, quickly turning the corner. I could hear the manticore bounding after me. As it turned the corner of the sidewalk, it knocked off some of the bricks from the corner of a building. I knew I couldn't outrun it for long, so I turned to face my enemy.

The manticore stopped at sight of me. It viciously licked its lips. My mind suddenly whirred into action. I noticed every little detail of the manticore's movement, from its poised scorpion's tail to its huge black wings. As it pounced, my instincts kicked in. I slid, baseball-style, under its huge lion's body and, with surprising strength, I delivered a sharp elbow to its belly.

The manticore roared in pain as it turned around to face me again. My eyes narrowed as I stared it down. I knew what I had to do.

The lion charged, and I lept forward. After one step, I jumped with all my might and flipped onto the manticore's back. I pulled on its mane, causing it to shriek in pain.

My plan then sprung into action. I began to punch its hide repeatedly with blazingly powerful strikes. It began to toss me around, but I held tight.

Then, just as I had anticipated, the manticore reared up its poisonous tail. I saw this out of the corner of my eye and again my instincts kicked in.

Just as its tail pounced, time seemed to slow itself down. I jumped out of the way of the poisonous scorpion stinger and in mid-air, I grabbed its stinger and drove it into its hide.

The manticore shrieked with a wild roar and slowly dissolved into golden dust. All that remained was its venomous tail, but in the form of a whip. It looked like it could make a highly dangerous weapon if more monsters like that came my way.

I walked over to pick it up and felt its grip. It seemed to fit my hand perfectly.


I wheeled around to find an odd looking guy. He was really short, about five feet, but looked about 18. He had a really bad case of acne and had a ton of facial hair. He wore a beanie over his head, but I could see short horns on the top of his hair.

But what really made him stand out was the fact that his legs were extremely furry. I'm not talking just really hairy, but they were completely covered in fur, as if he had the lower body of a goat.

"That was some work you did there," he said.

"Thanks. Do you know what that was?" I asked, shaking his hand.

"Manticore. It's mythological creature or real monster, depending on who YOU are," he said.

"Wait, like Greek mythology? Like Athena and Zeus?"

"Yup, darn right. All those myths you heard of as a kid, they are real. Something called the Mist prevents normal mortals from seeing creatures like that manticore back there. They see some alternate explanation that fits what they know."

"Normal mortals? Am I not a normal mortal?" I asked incredulously.

"Chances are, you are a demigod, a child of the immortal gods."

"Wow. That's quite something. Can you explain why I can't remember anything? I have a bad case of amnesia. I don't even know my own name," I stated, with a depressed frown. A fly buzzed around my ears.

"No, I'm afraid not. The last time that happened was when a son of Jupiter and a son of Poseidon were swapped and their memories were erased temporarily. That was about a year ago. Those two helped to destroy the Giants and the rise of the Mother Earth Goddess Gaia."

"Oh, do you think I will ever get my memory back?"

"Maybe, maybe not. We can't be sure. Look, we need to get you back to Camp Half-Blood. Its the safe haven for Greek demigods such as you. I'm Kenny, by the way." He reached out his hand again.

"That's something I wish I could say right now," I looked down, depressed.

"What, that your name was Kenny?" He laughed.

"No, that I could say my own name."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He looked down in shameful embarrassment.

"That's fine."

"Alright let's get you to camp."

AN: Hope you guys enjoyed that! I've got a lot more in store for this story and I will be updating very often now. Read on and enjoy. Please review to let me know if its good, bad, horrible, amazing etc. Thanks! Peace out.