This is my first fanfiction so please be patient with Mai's parts because I'm still trying to better myself as a writer. Lin's parts of the letters are being written by my friend (lets just call her Lyra chan) and yes that means it's a co written story so by no means am I taking full credit for this fanfiction.
Disclaimer: (is this really necessary?) I don't own Ghost Hunt and neither does Lyra chan!
Dear Lin,
Naru has been acting very strange lately. He's been saying thank you when I give him tea and I haven't been insulted in weeks. Ayako thinks he's been struck by the "love bug." How dumb does that sound. The only person he's in love with is himself...damned narcissist. So I'm going to confront him about this, but not yet. I'm not sure Masako has noticed and I've been looking forward to seeing the shock on her face when she realizes Naru doesn't love her (evil laugh). Oh, and I'm writing to you because if Naru ever found out I'd be dead...or worse. Plus I don't think he wants anyone knowing he's actually got a nice side. (Even though I'm sure everyone's noticed how Naru only acts like this towards me.) Naru's coming! Gotta go.
I know this letter is short and I'm sorry but most of them probably will be. Bare with me and please give this story a try, it gets me.
Mai: Please Review, you would make Riichan very happy!
DemonPrincess713: Riichan?
Mai: W..well your name is to long and you told me to call you Rin anyways...