A to Zammie

not connected/disjointed

A is for allergies - We had been given a once in a life time opportunity…we had been able to go into town. Of course we all started jumping for joy which was pointless since we forgot about the most important part. It wouldn't be us going to town; nope…it would be the whole freakin' secret service! Sometimes being hunted really does suck. Zach and I [he asked me out just like in Sophmore year!] had just finished watched Iron Man 3 which was a little awkward since we had a whole row of spies watching us from the top. We were pelted with popcorn whenever we kissed…we kissed a lot! After being stuck in a stuffy old theatre for over two hours Zach thought that we could take a leisurely stroll around the town. We passed the café where we saw my friends, the park where Mr Soloman was discretely watching us through his newspaper eye holes [Scooby-Doo much?], we also happened to walk past Josh's pharmacy and when I say Zach's grip tightened on my waist I mean it really tightened!

"Wait stop!" I shouted causing a flock of pigeons to fly away.

Zach looked puzzled but back tracked to where I was. My nose was pressed against the cold glass of the pet shop. I tugged Zach's arm and we walked in hearing the ting of the shop bell. I made a bee-line to where I wanted to go.

The kittens!

They were all sooo adorable! I dipped my hand in and one with fur all black except for its paws clung to me immediately. She played with my hands and looked sad when I took my hand out.

I turned back sad faced to find Zach leaning against the wall. His face looked flushed and red, almost like a rash was forming on his skin.

"What's wrong?" I asked but he held up his finger signalling for me to hold on. He searched around in his pockets before he found what he was looking for.

He took out what looked like a pen. I was confused but when he clicked it point into his neck.

It was an EpiPen. I didn't realise that Zach had allergies to cats or maybe dogs…or maybe just animals!

I followed him out the shop and rubbed his back as he caught his breath back.

"I'm sorry Cammie." he said still breathing heavily.

I shook my head. "No Zach I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me you had allergies?"

He explained how he couldn't destroy the happiness on my face when we walked into the shop. I slapped him lightly on the shoulder but then threw my arms around him.

This boy really was the sweetest.

In the end Zach brought me a cat…a cat plushie! Sure she didn't meow, purr or play around with me but she sure made a good cuddle toy to sleep with since Zach and I were no longer allowed to sleep together [a story which I will save for later].

the idea came this morning and now i'm writing it.

going to have the worst day tomorrow and i'm feeling to do something dangerous.

read and review…please make me smile, i need something good right now.

sorry for any mistakes, updates should be coming soon, i have b, c, d and e planned out so look for them, okaaa?

some things; i haven't seen Iron Man, i'm not sure if it was in sophmore year and i'm not sure about the EpiPen…i'm terrible right?

i hope you guys have a goode today, tomorrow and forever

with love,

and bonfires lit up the shores

i won't soothe your pain,

i won't ease your strain,

you'll be waiting in vain,

i got nothing for you to gain