Jade Chan stood staring at the statue of Liberty, Jackie had brought her along to New York where he was meant to pick up something for the Museum. Tohru had come along as well and was standing next to her looking around for Jackie who had disappeared.
"Man Trixie what's the deal?" A loud annoyed voice broke her concentration on the statue and she turned to look at the people walking by, two boys and girl. One of the boys was Chinese American, the other white and the girl was African. They looked to be about the same age as she was.
"Jake chill, I felt like just hanging." She laughed slightly and then mumbled something that Jade couldn't hear.
Tohru took a step back without looking and Jade called out as he did. "Watch out!"
The boy called Jake pushed the other two out of the way and jumped back just in time not to be hit by Tohru. Who looked down at them and smiled apologetically.
"I am so sorry." He said "You are alright?"
"Yo, T you need to watch what you're doing." Jade said shaking her head.
"Trixie, Spud you alright?" the boy said as he looked over at them.
"Fine." They said in unison.
"I'm Jade and this is Tohru." Jade said in way of introduction as she smiled at the three friends.
Jake looked the girl up and down, if he had to guess she was probably around his age, she had short black hair and dark eyes, her clothes were normal enough, jeans, a long sleeve white shirt and an orange hoodie. "I'm Jake and these are my friends, Trixie and Spud."
They talked for a few minutes and decided that they would all go to the island for an up close look at the statue. It took them about an hour to get to the island by boat and they spent the time talking. Jade told them all the stories about the adventures she had had with Jackie fighting the Dark hand and their other enemies. He seemed to get a kick out of them and didn't shoot her down with lying like most people did when she brought those things up.
Who in the world was this girl? Jake thought as he listened to her go on about fighting demons and finding magical talismans. He would have to ask his grandfather about this Shendu that she kept bring up, he seemed to be one of their biggest enemies. He thought the name was familiar from some of the old texts that his grandfather had made him read. Sometimes being a Dragon was a pain but he wouldn't change it for the world.
Jade laughed and smiled. Trixie was an interesting girl she was very energetic and god help Spud if he did something stupid. She had seen the two fighting on and off since they got on the boat.
"So, what are you doing in New York Jade?" Trixie asked sitting down again after having slapped Spud across the back of his head for the seventh time in the last half hour.
"My Uncle Jackie is here to pick something up to take back to the museum in San Francisco." she answered
"Do you know what you're doing after he picks it up?" Spud asked raising an eyebrow at her.
"No idea." She answered honestly, they probably would be heading back to San Francisco as soon as he had retrieved it. She fingered the rabbit talisman where it sat in her hoodie pocket. She had taken it from the vault in section thirteen right before they left, along with the pig. She wanted to have at least some form of protection with her in case something happened. They always seemed to run into something either demonic or magical in some way.
"Well if your uncle doesn't mind then you can come over to my place and hang with the three of us before you have to take off." Trixie said with a smile.
Just as they climbed off the boat a bright green light flashed above them and Jade sneered when she saw the form that came through it.
"Hsi wu." She barely whispered the name but it was enough that Jake heard her.
What in the world? This is such a strange creature? A demon? Hsi wu ? He gave Trixie a look and watched as she and Spud dropped back into the boat before it could pull away from the dock. He looked over and Jade and Tohru only to find Jade racing around in a circle so fast that he couldn't see her very well and Tohru in a fighting stance.
"You are coming with me Jade." The demon said as he reached out his clawed hand and grabbed her before she had the chance to switched talismans and hit him with a laser beam, she screamed on impulse and struggled trying to break free.
Jake looked around at the people around and was glad to see that no one other than them and Tohru were in the area. "Dragon Up." He said and turned into his dragon form flying after the demon. He managed to catch up to them just as she broke free of his claws and fell. He caught her and sent flame at the demon bat just as she focused her eyes on him and a laser beam headed his way as well. He flew back down and dropped her right into Tohru's arms as he shifted back into his human form. The looks on their faces were priceless.
"You are a dragon?" Tohru asked while still holding Jade as she squirmed trying to get down. After a moment he set her on her feet and she ran at Jake. Just before she reached him she jumped and smacked him in the back of the head.
"What was that?!" she asked in annoyance.
"OW!" He exclaimed as he rubbed his head where she had hit him. "I just saved you from that large Bat thing is what."
"Oh where did that crazy bat boy go." She muttered under her breath looking around. "I hope he won't come after me again right now."
"Come Jade we must leave this island and find Jackie." Tohru said as he walked back to the edge of the dock where the boat was beginning to pull back in. Jade sighed and headed back that way pulling a stunned Jake along as well. There was a spark that went through their hands and down to their toes, she let go of his hand and ran the rest of the way before turning back to him and waved.
Her hair blew around in the wind. She looks very pretty. That thought caused him to pause. It hadn't been that long since he and Rose broke up, besides Jade wasn't even from this part of the country nor was she actually from America in the first place. She probably wouldn't want to date a Dragon any way he thought with a mental sigh and walked to the boat.
Up in the sky just out of sight Hsi wu watched the Dragon boy and the girl he wanted to make his own. There was something beginning there that he did not like. He wanted Jade to be his and only his he wanted her to never see another as a possibility. He had done nothing but think about her since the day that she had trapped him with his brothers and sisters. He wasn't really sure how he had managed to get out this time but he was glad that he had. Now it was time to come up with a plan and get Jade. He would take her away somewhere that no one would ever find them and he would make her his in every way possible as soon as she was of the right age.