A/N well, it has taken all week to update as fanfiction had gremlins in the system. So I hope there are no missing words and if there are this time it ain't my fault:)*honest*

Also, it is hard to write when you have A Pastor's Son going through head on a loop de loop and Cumor's Esme and Carlisle doing gosh only knows what up in Denali. J *damn, now imagining Esme and Carlisle breaking up Carmen's art room. Must concentrate...*

Warning: Err...well ya see there may be just a lil bit of spankin' going on in this chapter, but two painful blinks and you will miss it. *shifty eyes and gives halo a quick spit polish.*

Therefore, if you know that disciplinary stories is not your cup of tea and cardboard biscuits, please do not read and become upset with poor innocent Ruby. *Jasper said there may be a lil cussin' too.*

Enjoy *hopefully*


Three Very Naughty Boys

It was a very sombre little group that pulled into the garage and all remained in silence as Carlisle watched his brooding first born in the mirror. The atmosphere in the car was electric and Emmett began to shift making the car creak ominously. Emmett ran his thumb along the crack in the broken dash board sending the clock bouncing to the floor. He giggled from nerves and folded his arms.

"Soz." Silence filled the confined space and Emmett began to babble out 'Emmy apologies.' "But...you have to admit this interior is sort of outdated and –"

"Silence Emmett!" The boy winced and shifted further away from his Father.

Releasing a breath to calm his nerves; Carlisle patted Emmett's thigh and tried to give out a smile, which to be fair to Em it did look more like a sneer. "I am sorry son I did not mean to sound so harsh, it has been a difficult day."

Emmett continued to make himself as small as possible which was no easy task. "You have given me an excellent idea Emmett. It can be Edward's task to...how do the youngsters say it, Pimp up my Ride."

This time the blonde's smile was warmer and Emmett grinned and rolled his eyes. "Daad, you say the cheesiest things and that is why I will not add you as a friend on face book."

"Do not even get me started on Facebook." He said sternly and then relented to a little smile, which soon faded as he looked through the mirror once more to see Edward keep flicking his eyes downwards. The Patriarch twisted around in his seat and was looking down at Edward and the phone in his hand.

"You were in the school making a public display of yourself with that young girl not even an hour ago so do not tell me that your self control is so poor that you cannot focus on what is going on around you for more than five minutes at a time."

Edward averted his eyes embarrassed at his own stupidity. "Bella text and I did not want her to wonder where I was." This was not the answer that Carlisle wanted to hear.

"Is that all you have to say? Do you even hear me Edward? Are you even here in this car? When I am speaking are you hearing my words?"

"Pops...believe me all he hears is Bella, Bella, Bella."

"You can shut your mouth as no one was asking you." Edward growled and folded his arms.

"Emmett..." Their dad chided. "However, Edward your brother makes a fine point. Now, turn off your phone please and leave it on the seat...Thank you."

He turned back in his seat and pushed up his sleeves and caught Edward's mutinous glare through the mirror before the boy wisely looked down.

Carlisle was waiting and not too patiently either for his son to acknowledge him and hoped that the boy would at least try to appear contrite. For a moment their dark eyes locked on each other again. The elder switched off the idling engine and Edward bowed his head in fear.

Tsking, Carlisle went around to Emmett's door and opened it. "Come on out Emmett."

The reluctant boy got out and stood by his Dad and smiled sheepishly. "Pops I...The way you handled that Principal was – Ahhh Pops...Ouch...OUCH!"

Em rubbed at the stings on the backs of his legs and his smile was replaced by a quivering bottom lip as soon as he made eye contact with his Dad. "I think I would be best to shut my trap."

"Wise...Now, go and wait in my study and find a corner, put your nose in it and remain silent and still."

The command was sharp and Emmett sensibly left quickly and never looked at Eddy as the tension was thick and it was his brother's hide that he was worried about even more than his own, just a little more though.

'Don't be a dick...You best say sorry to Dad and make it quick.'

Emmett was unsure if Edward had heard his thoughts yet figured he had but would ignore him.

'It is your funeral if you don't, dick wad.'

He couldn't figure Edward out at times, he was the biggest cry baby when it came to a spanking but he gave the most attitude.

It just made no sense, but his brother was stubborn and hard headed and now worst of all in love with that Bella one...Yeah she was cute and made him happy...well happy when he was getting his own way...but still the boy had gone loopy tunes.

Edward watched his Dad from the corner of his eye as he picked the front seat up and placed it gently on the floor and tsked to himself. He turned to look at his sullen son. "How would you like me to put my sneaker on your car Edward?" The boy remained silent and stared out of the front window. "Should I do it? Would that get a reaction from you?" Irritated he waited for a response.

"I asked you a question?" He turned and opened the back door and waited. "Young man! Answer my damn question!"

"Well, obviously I wouldn't Carlisle." He mumbled and stared straight ahead and shifted towards the further side. Unfortunately for Edward he was not out of his Dad's arm reach and was yanked from the car, his jacket being pulled off as he tried to wriggle free...He did not get far.

Quietly through gritted teeth Carlisle hissed. "Say that again please." Edward's bravado faltered and he said very quietly that he would not like his car being booted...


Em sneaked past the study and carried on down the hall and creeped like a giant innocent mouse to his brother's room and smiled down at him who was deep at rest with his cheek mashed against his phone on the pillow.

Emmett touched his brother's cheek and got it slapped away as if he were a fly...Jasper did not stir as he was exhausted and needed the rest to recuperate and settle his nerves.

In a sing song whisper Emmett teased his brother. "Jasper...Oh Jasper... Mom has been calling you for ages as it is time for school...Jasper..." This was not having the desired effect as normally he would be running out the door in a panic by now.

"Mom said to tell you that if she has to call you again to get up she will take the wooden spoon to your scrawny butt."

Emmett whispered these familiar words as he inched closer to the bed...nothing. Louder now he tried again. "Jasper...Jasper...you are late for school." He said this in a more panicked voice as he shook his brother.

Now he had the soldier's attention and watched grinning as his sibling jumped up startled and woke the burn up in his throbbing bum.

Hissing through his teeth he grabbed his phone to check the time, wiping at the drool at the corner of his mouth as he did so. He stood up straight and glared at his chuckling brother. "You fall for that every single time."

"Fuckin'moron." Jasper muttered darkly to himself and realised his pants were still around his knees as he had pulled them down to reduce the friction as even the cotton was torture. He would have blushed ruby red if he had been human and quickly pulled up his pants to hide the bulge.

"Err... looks like you were having nice dreams there Jazz man." He smiled wickedly as Jasper gingerly got back under the covers. "I hope those dreams were about your wife?"

Jasper glared as he tried to get comfortable on his side."How come you're back so early anyway?" He sniffed the air... "Edward too and Papa."

"I was seen setting off the alarm and Dad had to come and get me. Jazz, I got two swats right there by the car it was so embarrassing." He shook his head and sat down wincing at the memory.

"The Principal really tore into Dad for a good five minutes, it was so awkward as I know Pops and he was really fucked off...I think even Smith felt it because he became nervous...Well he had his say and then Pops had his say." This made Em laugh at the memory. "And man did he have his say."

He sobered when he thought of Eddy. "Dad is suspicious about Ed, but can't prove it. Edward was really careful and don't reckon he was seen?"

"So if Papa can't prove it then why is Edward home? And Emmett you were both seen, you couldn't have been any more obvious."

Suddenly they're heads snapped in the direction of the door as they heard the unmistakable sound of their Dad's belt biting into their brother's flesh and Edward's gasps filling the house. "Fuck...you said he couldn't prove it!"

"Jazz, if you knew what he has just gone and done...not even you would have dared. Yeah it was an accident but still you just don't go there not with Dad's baby."

"Oh my God, Mama." Jasper shot out of bed and went to the door. "What did he do to her because Edward sounds like his being whipped up for dream topping...I thought she was working?" He was looking for some clothes when Emmett said the sobering words.

"Man, it was not Mom! Prepare yourself this was even worse."

Jasper's eyes widened as he put his hand to his mouth. "Nah, come on ya yankin' my tail." He got a sad smile and a nod from his brother. "The Mercedes!" He drawled shocked and shook his head. "No way Em, not even Eddy would go there."

"Yup, the Mercedes...And yup, he went there and threw up over it."

"Did he apologise and grovel for his hide?" Jasper asked and without thinking started rubbing his own and was glad that his Father's fury was not aimed at him anymore...He did feel sorry for his brothers though as they did it to save him.


"Figures, since that Bella one showed up that boy is all kinds a stupid."

"Yeah...reminds me of you." Emmett laughed and punched his brother who was shushing him and looking out the door.

"Dad is too mad at Ed to worry about if I am in the corner or you are reflecting on your disobedience." Emmett pretended to clear his throat before looking his brother squarely in the eyes. "Jasper Whitlock Cullen, did I not send you to bed to reflect on your behaviour? Hym, I certainly did not send you to bed to have pleasant dreams and bulging pants."

Emmett said this sternly as he took his time to roll up his sleeves and fold his arms. He then raised an eyebrow in an uncanny imitation of his Father.

"Hym, young man a verbal response if you please... I am sorry son did I mumble? Keep up the attitude mister as I can easily take your door off again."

Jasper scowled as Emmett was referring to an incident a few months previously. "Privileges are not a right as you have to earn them." He grinned as he watched his grumpy brother go back towards his bed. "Rules, rules, rules I am Daddy vamp and I just love rules...blah."

Emmett began to mess with Jasper's prized ship in a bottle, a guilty pleasure that soothed Jasper's nerves. Of course Em had made a bee line for this treasure and grabbed the bottle with his clumsy paws.

"No touching when you're in my room." He said this as he raced towards his ship and gently placed it lovingly on his side table. This made Em laugh way too loudly and declare Jasper a boring old fart.

Jasper was getting annoyed as he did not like Emmett pawing over his stuff with those big dirty hands. Was it too much to ask for a little privacy on occasion?

Then Jasper realised that the only reason Em was even home was because he had put himself on the line for him. Guiltily he realised that he was fussing over material things when his brother always had his back.

Big brother picked the ship up and gave it to Emmett. "Would you like it Em...I know you make fun of me but you always look at this ship." He looked at him and all he could feel was goodness just like their mother.

"I wanted to have a go at doing one of these as I like the old British Navy ships and wanted to start a collection."

He continued shyly. "I was going to ask you to help me but I figured you would tell me to get out of your room. Ahhhhrh... Jazz! Enough with the drowning me in guilt please..."


The dark haired boy was bent over the bonnet of his Dad's prized possession and tried to keep calm as the belt connected repeatedly with his undercurves and thighs.

He squirmed around yet did not dare move in fear of making the belting worse. He had kept the tears to a minimum. However, his endurance was low and he felt his resolve begin to break and tried in vain to get back up and run off.

The boy's tears finally burst forth when the third set of ten licks were applied just to his thighs. The moans and sniffles had now turned to loud whimpers of pain and he fell heavily onto the bonnet and banged his head on the black surface. "Watch my car please."

Edward was down but not out and remained determined not to start bawling as he was still mad with his Dad for keeping him from Bella. The anger was helping him to take the hiding in 'relative' silence even if it meant biting the sides of his mouth a habit that Carlisle never stood for if he suspected that was what they were doing.

Carlisle was not pleased by what he saw as his son's continued attitude problem and put more force into each blow. "How dare you trash my car and then not even apologise."

"You told me not to speak how can I apologise if I can't speak?" Edward suddenly roared as the pain was becoming too much to take. "Sorry Daad please I am sorry ...no more please."

"I have had it with your attitude and will not stand for it any longer now stand up and hold out your hands. You dared to touch my car when you were in a sulk and now you will find consequences that do not fit in with your plans for going out after school."

Edward shakily stood up straight and turned to face his Father; pulling his pants back up as he did. Carlisle watched him through narrowed eyes as his boy did the buckle back up on his belt without permission.

"Did I give you consent to do that Edward?" The boy shook his head sullenly. "Pull them back down...Now!" For a moment Edward scowled at his Father even as the tears slid down his cheeks.

Finally, he began to fumble with the buckle again and angrily the button popped on his jeans as he yanked them back down to fall at his muddy Mercedes hating boots.

"Turn back around." He stiffly turned slowly and placed his hands back down on the hood of the Mercedes, splaying his fingers and letting his forehead rest on the surface.

He was promised a strapping if any dents appeared on the car making Edward's anxiety peak and the boy whimpered. Carlisle's first born leaned over further forward and placed as little pressure as he could on the surface. He closed his eyes and began to breathe quickly as his Dad moved further back and uncoiled his belt once more.

The whistle made the boy become rigid, the snap made him scream out. "Ahhhrgh." This time he hollered loudly when the belt was reunited over the raised welts that had already bloomed on his stinging skin. . "Hympth...Arghhhh...Gah...Daad please. So-sorry Da-Daad."

Edward's hands were sliding further forward across the shiny bonnet as he received fifteen extra licks for disobedience and his attitude. The last few licks were delivered to the bottom of Edward's back and he hollered loud and clear.

Carlisle replaced his belt and put a hand on his son's shaking back and soothed the tense muscles that twitched beneath his finger tips. "So-so-sorry Dad."

Edward was not angry now he was just regretful of his actions as now he would be kept from Bella. He was sore and wanted a hug badly. "Please Daad, do not ground me I am sor-sorry." He wiped the venom on his shirt sleeve and whimpered with the pain.

"Now stand up, turn around and please Edward, do as you are told." He said this softly and assisted his boy to rise. He noted Edward's hands twitch to pull up his jeans and wondered if he would dare.

They looked at each other as Edward tried his best to compose himself. Carlisle knew he needed comfort and reluctantly, as he was still cross at the boy held his arms out which Edward gladly stepped into.

"Sorry Dad." He mumbled this onto his Father's shoulder along with snotty venom. "The car was an accident. I didn't do it purposely."

They both heard the unmistakable sound of Emmet's chuckle and Carlisle put his head to the side and narrowed his eyes.

He pulled his reluctant child away from him. "I will be back in soon, now you know we are not done don't you? Hold your hands flat out in front of you...Go on Edward. Palms stretched flat and remain like that until I return."

The Patriarch made his way upstairs when he remembered something. "Where is your phone?" Silence followed the simple question. "Edward did you hear me? I am sorry son did I mumble as I would like a vocal reply?"

After a pause when Carlisle began to descend the stairs again Edward quickly spoke. "In the car...sw-switched off." He whispered sadly and was relieved when his Dad said no more and went to deal with his brothers instead...

The boys listened to the thrashing stop and then began again almost at once. It was not an uncommon sound in the Cullen household and one that they mainly ignored...It was just easier that way.

"Em, I just wanted to err." Jasper shyly went to stand by his brother as both tried to pretend the thrashing was not happening and was both relieved when it stopped...again, and hoped this time it was for good and that Eddy had gotten some common sense back. Jasper threw his arms around his brother and lifted him clean off his feet. "Thanks baby brother for saving me from school."

"Emmett Cullen, come here at once." Carlisle stood by Jasper's open door and watched his two naughty boys as Jasper dropped his brother and made the floor thud.

The larger of the boys approached with a sheepish smile. He found himself grabbed around the top of his arm and turned to the side. Jasper ran forward and grabbed the model ship before Em dropped it and placed it back carefully on the side table.

"When. I. Say . Go. To. The. Study." Each full stop was given with a resounding whack on Em's bottom making Jasper wince and rub at his own stings and back up against the wall. Emmett's weight was being held up by his Dad and each spank was literally sweeping the boy's feet from under him.

"You. Go. Straight. To. The. Study." He released Emmett's arm and the boy rubbed at the ache in his bicep from his Dad's vice like grip. Carlisle's middle son dashed from the room before he began to cry and rubbed his blazing seat.

"Jasper." The southern boy slowly raised his head and looked sadly at his Father. "Come here." He made his way slowly to stand to attention before his Father and winced when his arm was also grabbed. He pulled Jasper towards the bed and encouraged him to get into it with a firm smack on his scolded rump.

"You are now restricted to your bed until 9 pm. If I catch you out of bed again I will smack your bare bottom, now under the covers...Go." He watched his child hobble into bed and curl up on his side.

The boy had completely hidden himself with the duvet which was very Edward like. Thinking of Edward made Carlisle look over at Jasper's work shop ruler and he went to the desk to retrieve it. This action made the southern boy peek out from under his blanket and gasp.

"Jasper, may I borrow this?"

"Don't break it Papa I need it for school." Jasper practically whined.

"Now Jasper I expect no more disobedience from you today...Is your phone switched off?"

"Yes Papa it is in my jean pocket."

"Good boy. I will be returning your ruler later so let us hope that you are still in bed and behaving when I return." He cocked his eyebrow at his son and a warning smile.

"I can collect the ruler from you in the morning Papa, it will not be necessary to come back in."

"We shall see son..."


Carlisle paused outside his study to listen for any sounds before going to the kitchen to get a drink and unwind as he was pissed off and needed a break. He shook his head as he thought of those boys and the humiliation of getting a dressing down because of their behaviour.

He was feeling calmer after his snack when his phone beeped. It was a message from the school office to say Alice Cullen was in isolation for disrupting Mr. Hope's class and a letter would be sent home at the end of the day. It stated that a text message has also been sent to take precautions that the information was received.

Carlisle was annoyed yet should have known Alice would defend her mate. He was surprised over the text as normally texts were automated dribble about school trips and bake sales. He smiled as he thought of the Principal who was now too cowardly to phone him personally or even get his secretary to do it.

He forced himself to forget about Alice's extra school activities and concentrate on the two pains in his behind. A second beep made him wince and hoped his little Rosie was being the only sensible one of the bunch. He read the message with a furrowed brow.

Hey U... What did you go and do that for darlin'? Daddy will have a shit fit and I can handle that fuckin' loser Hope. Maybe I should scare him on Monday and make him wet his pants. lol

It has all kicked off here... We saw Ed with Em from the window...though I think the idiot's denying it. I am so bored... If Papa goes back to work, I will come and escort you to the forest to forget about Hopeless...love your Pup.x

Carlisle reread the message and sighed as he pocketed his phone and noticed the key was turned differently than before when he had locked the back door. Already knowing the answer he checked the door to find it unlocked. "Jasper." Carlisle muttered annoyed at how little regard they show their parents when backs were turned.

He once again pushed up the sleeves to his sweater and made his way back to Jasper's room. The boy appeared to be asleep, snuggled up in the duvet with his head buried underneath, he was not sure whether he wanted to chuckle or throttle him.

"My Pup...Can I offer you a small piece of advice? Well two pieces of advice actually son?" The boy slowly appeared from the duvet and blinked as if he had been woken up.

"If you are going to be sneaky while on restriction and use your phone when you know it is forbidden...make sure you send it to the correct participant." He raised an eyebrow at his boy as he folded his arms to wait for an answer and heard a quiet fuck.

"Yes, indeed...oh and if you are going to go outside lock the door afterwards."

Carlisle went to the bed and sat down and held out his palm for Jasper's phone. "Jasper do not look at me like that it may work on your mother but not me now phone please." He watched exasperated as Jasper pretended to look for his phone. "Jasper."

Reluctantly the boy pulled it from under the covers and gingerly handed it over and watched sadly as it was put in his Father's front jean pocket. "Please do not spank me Papa, I am sore." He amped up the hound dog expression and pulled the duvet back up to his chin.

He watched his Father pull out his own phone and scroll until he found what he was looking for. "Please read this out to me son and then ask me again about that spanking...Go on all of it please."

"Hey you, What did you go and do that for darlin'? Daddy will have a err fit –" Jasper groaned.

"Read it out word for word please or is the language too vulgar to repeat?"

"Papa, please don't make me say it to your face? Sorry Sir." Jasper was mortified and wanted to dig a lovely comforting hole and hide from his Father. "I can handle that..."

"Read it!" Carlisle said through gritted teeth. "Jasper, you dare to send filth like that, it makes me wonder about the morals of you kids.

"Please don't make me say it to you."

"I don't want to hear it either Jasper or read it and I certainly do not want that type of talk around my daughter. Now continue..."

"That Fword loser Hope. Maybe I should scare him on Monday and make him wet his pants. Lol. Sorry Papa, I didn't mean it I would not manipulate him I just said it in jest."

"Continue..." Carlisle was rubbing his temples and seemed very fed up.

"It has all kicked off here... We saw Ed with Em from the window...though I think the idiot's denying it. I am so bored... If Papa goes back to work, I will come and escort you to the forest to forget about Hopeless...love your Pup." Jasper could not look at his Father and messed with the phone instead.

"Well son what do you have to say now? I apologise if you find being on punishment so boring."

"I deserve this spankin' Sir." Jasper began to cry softly and crawled over to his Father's lap and placed his throbbing butt in the firing line once more.

"Go and fetch the soap from your bathroom first." Very reluctantly the soldier got off his Father's lap and made his way to the bathroom.

"Make sure you bring back a large bar, if you do not have one there are plenty in our bathroom wrapped up under the basin."

He whimpered as he made his way back to his Father who held out his hand for the soap. Jasper stood up straight and clasped his trembling hands behind his back. "Thankyou, Jasper. I know you are very sore. However, you have bought this on yourself."

Carlisle patted his thigh and Jasper placed himself back painfully over the Elder's knee and could not help the venom tears that fell onto the duvet as his pants were pulled down scraping against his lashed skin.

"Do not think you can pull the wool over my eyes and as for that mouth..." Carlisle pushed his son's chin up and told him to open his mouth wide. The boy closed it firmly and squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head.

"One." Smack..."Two"...smack, smack..."Three"...smack, smack, smack..."Four"...Smack, smack smack smack... Jasper opened his mouth wide and gasped as the pine block was thrust in deep and was shredded top to bottom by the boy's sharp teeth. The soap lodged between the roof of his mouth and his errant tongue. While the other half had slid down his unwilling throat which made him gag and choke. He began to spit it out when his father placed his own hand over Jasper's mouth as he spanked his bottom hard.

"I NEVER WANT TO HEAR THAT WORD AGAIN." Jasper balked at his Father's harsh tone and guilt and fear flooded their senses. "BEING SAID OR SENT VIA TEXT." Carlisle calmed down as he could feel his son's panic.

"Place your own hand over your mouth to keep that soap in place and if you let it fall out young man I will take the steel ruler and thrash your backside into next week. Do you understand? Nod if you do."

Jasper sobbed and nodded vigorously and placed both hands over his mouth and willed his brain to make him comply, he kept gagging against his hands as the soapy bubbles went to work on making this punishment memorable for years to come.

Carlisle placed his hand on his son's back firmly and shifted him further forward onto the bed to gain a better aim and begin the spanking properly. "Remember my warning and prepare yourself." Jasper slowly nodded his head to show he was listening.

Ten more sharp smacks were delivered to the center of his son's stinging bottom before he was lectured some more. Carlisle peppered his boy's hide making Jasper buck with the pain; quiet warning growls made him go very still until he could not take it any longer and he was sobbing uncontrollably as he battled with the soap..

The spanking got harder and Jasper squirmed with the ache. "Disgusting behaviour and to think you use that mouth to speak to your wife! And as for you children thinking you can sneak off while on restriction..." Carlisle aimed for the sore sit spots and spanked for one full minute on each cheek.

Jasper sucked in a huge breath and the remainder of the soap and began to cry and cough simultaneously before holding his breath as long as he could to stop from spitting out the dregs of the soap. It was no good and the final few smacks made him wail.

The spanking had been short yet hard. However, he was thankful for not receiving the strap or the dreaded ruler and knew he deserved both. His bottom throbbed and pulsed as his Father began to rub his back and pull his clothes straight.

"Go and rinse your mouth out...You have six seconds."

The pain momentarily forgotten the soldier leaped off his Father's lap and ran to the bathroom pulling his sleep pants properly back up on the way.

He put his open mouth under the tap which created lots of frothing bubbles...he persevered with stinging venom mixing in with the suds until the water ran back out of his sparkling clean mouth and splashed his tshirt.

Jasper made a promise to himself there and then as God was his witness he would never cuss in his head or out loud again. He heard his Father call out that he had two seconds to get back into bed or get another smack.

'Fuck fuck fuck' "Damn it!" He growled to himself and then thought well cursing in his head is okay as it was not like his Father could give his brain a soapin.'

Wiping his face quickly on Alice's towel and looking longingly at his toothbrush he was back by his Father's side with two seconds to spare.

The 'young' Father knew his boy was very upset and helped him to get back into bed and onto his side. He lay with him for half an hour and listened for any noises coming from Emmett.

Carlisle pulled the duvet up to his son's chin and stroked his hair. "Is that the type of example to be setting to your wife? Hym, is it?" He spoke softly as Jasper cuddled closer.

"If I am here or not I expect you to act in accordance with your position as my Deputy. Now, if I were you I would thank the Goddess Cumor for watching over you today as this text deserved a few licks with the strap."

"I know Papa...I will behave better and will not let you down again...Sir, when can I have my phone back?" He cringed as expecting a smack.

"When I say and not before...Now will I need to come back up here today as I still need to bring you back the ruler?"

"No Sir, and please keep the ruler I can get it before school tomorrow." He snuggled down onto his side and peeked with huge dark orbs at his Father.

"Sir, whatever it is that Ed has done...he just aint thinkin' straight not since he met that Bella one."

"That Bella one?" Carlisle asked with a smile. "Yes...he is infatuated and is as stubborn as a mule. I will not make allowance for disobedience Jasper." He folded his arms as he sat up straighter on the bed. Jasper had to stifle a laugh as he thought about Emmett's impression earlier as the big doofus had got it spot on.

"Jasper, at 9pm you may leave your bed. IF you behave yourself. Deal?"

Jasper gulped and swallowed down his venom and hid his head. "Deal Daddy."

Finally he kissed his boy's honey hair and got back up as this day was far from over.

"Papa can you stay just a lil longer."

"Jasper. I have a few issues I need to deal with; just rest and it will soon be 9 pm. You are my good boy and I trust you with not only my life but my covens...I do not want to believe that you could be so dismissive of my rules."

"It will not happen again Sir. Please do not be too hard on Em, he was naughty Papa but he only had good in his heart."

"That is true and a little devil on his shoulder who also happens to be called Emmett. Rest and do not worry."

"Edward has only just stopped crying. He is very confused at the moment and he does not know how to handle how he is feeling. Please do not keep him from Bella I know he deserves to be grounded but I don't think he could handle the separation and will just end up in more trouble."

Jasper winced uncomfortable and worried his bottom lip. The boy fretted that he had spoken out of turn as he gingerly touched the seat of his pants. He felt ashamed for his current situation as he had just been upended over his daddy's knee and then had the cheek to advice him on how to raise his brats.

"Sorry Papa for speaking out of turn. It is just that I have learned that Edward cannot be made to see sense when he is separated from that girl. My pride wanted to see him suffer for how he behaved the first time I was left in charge...He could have killed Bella the way he ran off that night and that worries me Sir. You could spank that boy until New Year and he would not be able to keep from Bella."

Jasper rushed on afraid to stop now in case he lost his nerve to say it later when it was too late. "Their ties to each other is already as strong as any of ours when it concerns our mates. I can feel it when I see them together...They are one."

Carlisle went back and sat on the bed and rubbed his son's shoulder to soothe him. "You are in bed and have been punished twice for undesirable behaviour. I know that your bottom is very sore and yet you still defend your brothers."

"I had no right to interfere."

"Jasper, you are Second in Command of this coven and you should be making more decisions and I am at fault for not allowing you the space to do that. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Well I am figuring that Eddy is not thinkin' straight as he is worried about Bella as he knows that he deserves to be on restriction. I am guessing that his punishment is not over." Jasper thought about the ruler. "If this had happened on my watch as Em said he booted the car, then that boy would not sit down for a week! But...I would make it clear before he was punished that he would not be restricted entirely from Bella. It will make him focus on his attitude and behaviour and not Bella Bella Bella!"

The Patriarch chuckled as Em sprang to mind; Jasper raised his head a little and smiled back. "I will keep what you said in mind about Edward...He does not make it easy to show leniency Jasper."

"Well then Papa you need to teach him how by showing him how it's done...I was alone without my Alice. You loved Edward and I bet you thought that you was not alone anymore. Until you found Mama and then you knew you wasn't alone anymore."

Jasper raised himself up on his elbow and continued quietly. "Eddy has always felt alone Papa as you know and had accepted it long ago. That boy is terrified of losing that girl and every time he is separated from her it is like the end of his world. This is his first love and it scares him."

"I do understand Jasper...He needs to get under control quickly or he will have no love to go back to as he will push her away." Carlisle watched Jasper struggling with unspoken words. "Do you need to tell me something son?"

"Yes Sir...but I do not want to get Eddy or myself into anymore trouble."

"Well if Edward has done something you know it is your duty as my Second to inform me. So come on son...out with it."

"Edward has not hunted all week." Jasper winced as he watched his Father's eyes flash gold before turning black. "He kept giving me excuses. Any time with the family hunting is less time with Bella...I threatened to tell you if he didn't start taking care of himself but like I said he ain't thinkin' straight. I am worried that in his heightened and thirsty state that he will do something dumb."

"Thankyou for being honest with me Son...You should have stopped this situation the first time he refused to hunt. If you keep information regarding the safety and health of our coven members from me you will be spanked. But...I know it was difficult to tell me and this one time I will say no more."

Carlisle smiled at his son as he was leaving the room. "You my son have been one very naughty puppy. Do you need to go to obedience school? Maybe take your brother's with you..?"


Carlisle came down to the garage and shocked Edward who dropped his phone sending the battery skidding across the floor and Eddy skidding after it only to be grabbed by the back of his blue check shirt and hauled back over to the stairs.

"Get to your room and out of my site Edward Cullen because I do not think you want me to deal with you when I am feeling like this...Now go."

Edward's eyes widened in fear yet still could not help them flickering to where his battery skidded. "Do not worry about your phone I shall keep it safe." Carlisle watched his teary first born limp to the steps. "Before you go to your room make sure you go and have a drink first."

"Great...Thanks a lot Jasper." Edward muttered.

"What was that son?"

"I will go and have a drink Dad."

"You were in Math you say before the alarm went off?" He said this quietly and watched his son pause and tense. "Did you hear me Edward..? A response please."

"Yes Dad, I was in Math." Edward did not turn to speak to his Dad and remained still.

"Okay Edward...If you are sure about that...Are you sure about that son?"

"Daad I..."



"Very well then if that is how you want to play this...You have a drink, off to your room and straight to bed. However, I may call you into the study when I think of some further questions and perhaps you can use your time without distractions to think of some answers."

The boy did not reply but the tense shoulders gave Carlisle his answer and he let it drop for now. "Be warned Edward." The anxious boy paused with his shaking hand on the door handle. "You better have gotten yourself into bed and in your sleep wear by the time I come to check on you."

"Yes Sir." He mumbled and hitched his breath as he left the garage.

Carlisle put his hands on his hips and studied his car seat, moving around it to study it from all angles. He could detect the sound of Edward and Jasper crying and he winced because it was his fault while they weeped.

He picked Edward's phone back up and fixed it and switched it on to see if it was still working and 10 miscalls were flashing on the screen and even more flashing envelopes.

It occurred to Carlisle that Edward never played with his phone the way the others did as there was never anyone special to text him and make him smile if only briefly. How sad that must have been for him and it was no wonder the phone was now glued to his hand as every text from his love must make his stomach flutter.

Young love how lovely to behold...He did think these youngsters spent too much time on their phones sending silly texts it was just a sign of the times. He knew he was procrastinating and needed to go and put Emmett out of his misery before he wore a hole in his study floor.

Now Edward...he was still undecided and knew he had been overly harsh with him, yet he continued to lie to his face and disobey him and knew if he didn't watch that attitude he would apply the strap to his disobedient backside.

His own phone startled him from his morose thoughts and was pleased to see it was Esme's name and sighed in gratitude and sat in his broken passenger seat and eagerly listened to his mate's hello and realised that is how Edward felt too when Bella called.

"Esme, you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice in my ear. It has been a trying day to say the least, tell me something nice to make me smile?"

Carlisle's sullen features were transformed as he listened to his wife and he smiled a wicked grin and looked so very young in his Nike sweater, jeans and sneakers. The beam got wider and golden eyes twinkled as Mrs Cullen whispered promises to Mr Cullen and as Carlisle knew, Esme always keeps her promises...

Review: Please Please Please *Don't make me get out the glazed cherry*

A/N Okay so the one shot is getting out of hand...Little does Carlisle realise that wheels have been set in motion which is out of his control.

I do believe the lil soldier will have to step up and take control of the situation...he will have no choice! But not yet mwhahahaha. He is probably a bit sore to do anything at the moment...Take care :)

Many thanks for reading and reviewing as I love happy reviews. Thanks to guest reviewers also, I cannot reply but appreciate you taking the time to review. jaspercullen143 it is always a pleasure to hear from ya.x *and Jaffa and Cumor knows already...blushes*

I guess I need to go back and see how Edward is faring up and if he has gotten over his sibling rivalry yet.:)
