

"Kate hang on! Come on Kate! Hang on! Please…." Keith cried, barely hanging on himself as he rode on Starapotor.

"Latias can't hold much longer! She's taken too much damage from the plasma cannons! I'VE taken too many hits from the plasma cannons!" I shrieked, clinging onto the falling Latias.

I've already lost Raikou, Entei, and Suicune to this battle and in Arceus's name I'm not losing Latias! I thought to myself, praying for the Pinchers to leave Almia.

Then to my horror, Red Eyes appeared right in front of me: a smirk plastered to his stupid face.

"Looks like Almia's best ranger, AKA you, is finished." He smirked.

I rose an eyebrow. "I'm not finished! If anything you're finished! How dare you think that you can just come here after nearly destroying an entire other region and NOT have to deal with us?!" I snapped.

Red Eyes chuckled and pushed a button on his Z.Z Flyer.

"Oh you're about to be finished in three…two…one!" Red Eyes laughed, shooting us with a plasma cannon for the last time.

I awoke in the ruins of what was once Pueltown, covered in blood.

How'd I bleed this much? I thought as I watched the only rangers that were still alive fight for Almia.

"Tias…" Latias sounded a weak cry.

"Latias!" I yelled weakly, remembering that the Pokémon had been shot down by Red Eyes as well.

When I saw a long gash across her back made me realize that most of this blood was Latias's.

"A-are you ok?" I wheezed, trying to soothe the bleeding Pokémon.

"Lat…" Latias's cries continued to grow fainter and weaker, her breathing shallower.

My eyes widened in horror when I realized that Latias was… dying.

Tears swam down my face.

"Red Eyes… was wrong. I am not Almia's top ranger…. Keith is…." I sobbed quietly to the nearly dead Latias, my gaze straying towards Almia's last ranger fighting Red Eyes on his loyal Staraptor.

"Tias…" Latias smiled, looking into my eyes.

I met her soft gaze with my own. "Please… don't leave." I sobbed.

"I need you Latias… you've been the closest thing to a partner Pokémon I've had…" I wept.

I had never been able to declare that Latias was my partner Pokémon because rare or legendary Pokémon were forbidden to have as a partner Pokémon, but Latias and I were as close as Pokémon partner and Ranger could get.

A single tear slid down Latias's face as she smiled one last time.

When her eyes closed I knew she wasn't ever going to open them again.

"No…. NO!" I screamed, grief stricken.

"I can't stay here…. I failed Almia… I failed you, I'm sure Keith hates me now for failing.

I'm leaving for Kanto…" I murmured to the dead Latias.

I can't just leave her here. I thought miserably, my gaze solemn as I barely managed to pick up her body as I carried her to the Vien Forest.

I will never love anyone or anything ever again. I declared silently in my head as I set Latias down in the forest.

Right on cue, it started raining.

The rain hid my tears and the cold air hid my flushed face.

I dug Latias a grave beneath one of the Vien Forest's only unscathed trees.

Latias can give this tree strength, and this tree can give Latias peace. I thought, balling my eyes out as I finished her grave.

I entangled Latias in the oak's thick, sturdy roots.

"G-goodbye…" My voice quavered as I scooped earth over the hole.


Chapter 1: A new leaf

Only a few hours had passed since Latias's death and Almia's destruction.

I was surprised I could even walk from such a long and hard fall.

I was surprised I could look at anything and not burst into tears.

I had forced all of the Pokémon who trusted me to fight, and all of them had either been gravely injured or had died.

But Latias's death still haunted her with every step she took.

I'm never going to be able to shake this… this feeling of… regret… of guilt. I thought miserably as I stepped off the plane.

Wait… which town did I even fly to? All I know is that I'm in Kanto. I stupidly realized that I never really checked which town I was flying to.

I was already having people whisper as I walked by.

Oh my Arceus how stupid am I?! I'm famous in the ranger world! Idiot! I have to get new clothes and a new hair style. I realized, feeling incredibly stupid. And my clothes are torn up and bloody! Of course they're going to look at me like that! I face palmed myself as I wandered around the small town.

"You ok?" I looked up and saw some old man looking kindly at me.

"Not really." I muttered, stating the obvious.

"Here, come into my laboratory. You can clean yourself up there." The man kindly offered.

I shrugged, what did I have to lose anyway? I'd already lost everything I cared about.

The lab was surprisingly big inside.

The man led me to one of his female scientists.

"Belle, would you mind helping this young lady with finding some new clothes?" The man asked.

The black haired lady looked up from her experiment and nodded.

Well at least Red Eyes had the decency to make my Ranger uniform look unrecognizable so no one can really tell what I'm wearing. I thought, that being my first positive thought since my fall and Latias's death.

Belle hadn't asked me any questions besides if I like what clothing she offered and what my clothing sizes were.

I had showered and treated my wounds.

Just as I was about to put my hair back into their usual 'spiky pig tails' I froze.

I should leave my hair down to help protect my identity. I thought wisely, cringing as my hair hung loose.

It felt weird having hair draped over my shoulder and back, some of it straying into my face.

I looked totally different.

With my hair down and new clothes on no one would ever suspect that I was the ranger who failed Almia.

I bet Keith wouldn't even know it was me. I thought sadly, thinking about my partner.

Sadness flooded me.

No! I'm done crying! I've probably cried an entire river today. I thought sternly, disciplining myself.

I walked back into the lab. The man who had helped me out approached me. "You look better." He observed.

I smiled weakly. "Thanks for letting me clean up here-"

The front door blew open. A teenage boy around my age stormed in.

"Gramps when am I getting my Pokémon?" He asked rudely, acting like he owned the place.

The old man stared sternly at what appeared to be his grandson. "Gary…." He sighed.

"Whaaat?" He complained.

I watched the two as amusement crept into my eyes.

The boy turned his attention towards me.

"Who's the chick?" He asked, a smirk plastered to his face.

The old man scratched his head. "Actually, I don't know. What's your name?" He asked.

I froze. I had forgotten that I needed a cover name and well… I didn't have one ready.

"Me? Erm um…" I stalled, my eyes straying to the window.

A tree swayed back and forth in the wind, some leaves breaking off.

"I'm… Leaf!" I said, feeling stupid for my choice.

"Leaf? That's an unusual name." The man commented.

"Oh, where are my manners? I'm Professor Oak, and this is my grandson, Gary." Professor Oak introduced himself and his rude grandson.

I smiled weakly, my eyes clouded in grief.

"Well thanks for everything…" I murmured thankfully as I turned to leave.

"Wait! Leaf, you seem like a trustworthy person... I might trust you to- Just where are you going now?" He asked curiously.

I gave a half-hearted shrug. "I don't know… I'm too sad to think straight right now." I muttered, continuing to walk.

"Why so low?" He asked.

I stopped and turned around.

"Gramps… why'd you ask a girl about her feelings? She's just going to ramble on and on and on about stupid girly stuff!" Gary yelled rudely.

I rolled my eyes. "I couldn't tell you anyway… it's personal." I grumbled, a tear escaping my eye.

"Come on Leaf, say something." The Professor requested.

I wondered if I should call Latias my Pokémon or just a close friend.

"My best friend…" My voice trailed off as my voice became choked with tears.

"Your friend? What happened?" The Professor asked.

Even Gary looked interested now.

"Sh-she's dead." I sobbed, turning and running out the doors before anyone could stop me.

Outside I rammed my head into the building, trying to stuff my grief down.

Gary and the Professor came outside only to see me with my head pressed against the wall.

I gritted my teeth, knowing they were going to question me further.

I can't let the truth come out. Whatever happens they will never know my real identity. I vowed silently through the tears.

"Leaf you ok?" Gary asked. I whipped my head around to face him.

"What do you think?!" I snapped.

Gary looked taken back.

"Who was your friend?" The Professor pressed, determined to get answers out of me.

"I can't tell you." I said coldly. "What town was your friend from?" He continued to dig deeper.

"She wasn't person!" I snapped.

"A Pokémon?" Gary and Professor said in unison.

"What Pokémon?" Gary asked.

"I can't say." I whispered.

"Now, if you don't mind I'm going to go cry somewhere where I can get some privacy and peace." I muttered sadly.

Gary grabbed my shoulder. I stopped.

"What? I told you she was a Pokémon and she's dead so leave me alone!" I sobbed.

"Who was the Pokémon? Where are you from?" The Professor continued his stupid questions.

"I'm not answering those questions!" I snapped.

"Latias is gone and it's all my fault!" I could not believe I just yelled that.

"LATIAS?!" Gary and Professor Oak yelled in surprise.

"Yes Latias," I choked on her name. "She's dead and it's my fault!" I snapped, grief stricken.

"I have lots of questions but, you're balling your eyes out. Come inside Leaf, I have something that will help to ease your grieving."

I was too sad and tired to care what on earth the Professor was talking about as I was led back inside the lab.

"Gary, I know I promised you one first but-"

"What?! Just because she's balling her eyes out she gets first pick?! No fair!" Gary complained.

I held my head in my hands.

"I don't care what it is, Gary just go pick whatever it is." I muttered.

"Thank you." Gary smirked.

I heard something slide against a table, my eyes were blurry and swollen from crying so I couldn't make out what it was exactly.

I half heartedly walked to the table a plucked a random sphere from the table.

I nearly dropped the ball when I realized what it was.

"A-a Pokémon?! No, no, no! I vowed not to love anything or anyone ever again!" I yelled, setting the Pokémon back down.

I made out the shape of Professor Oak's finger waving.

"Ah, but forging a new relationship with a new Pokémon will help heal you. Please, take it." The Professor said kindly, placing the ball back into my hand.