Hello everyone! This is my new fic! Please give me reviews.
Her fire red hair blew in the wind as she walked down the street to the cathedral at the end of the street. Her green eyes flicked over the doors quickly before she walked inside silently. She had been a priestess here for five years now and she was now a young woman of twenty-one.
"Deo! Where have you been?! The head priest has been looking everywhere for you."
She looked at the elder woman who was her head priestess. "My name is Demona Madam Rose." How she hated the nickname the elder have given her just because her name looked like a demons.
Madam Rose shook her head and shivered. "Such a dark name. It's the name of a demon, Deo. Why must you insist that we call you by that hideous name?"
Demona stared at the older woman as she shifted in her dark blue robes. "My mother and father gave it to me. And I will keep it." And with that she walked off to the main corridor.
Demona looked in the mirror as she passed it in the hall. Some said she reminded them of a fire goddess, while other a fire demon of sorts. She wasn't tall at all, if anything she was short with pale skin.
Personally she liked scaring the people she ran into with her emerald eyes and flame colored hair. It was truly rare for anyone to have that color of hair and eyes, much less a priestess.
Her master, the head priest, had been working for the vampire Vorador, slipping him information ever now and then about whats going on with the Sarafan soldiers. The soldiers still guarded the cathedral without a word though.
There has been word that a vampire by the name of Kain had survived the Sarafan Lord's blade. That in itself was remarkable. Rumor had been going around that Kain was coming here for some information from the head priest.
She opened the doors to her master's study and walked in.
The old man was sitting in his chair, leafing through one of those huge, old books.
"Sir? You wished to see me?"
He looked up slowly and smiled his kind smile. "Deo. Just who I needed to speak to."
Demona sighed but didn't correct the priest as he walked around the room.
"As you know Deo. I work with the vampires. Kain, one of Vorador's men, is coming to me to get some information that Vorador deems important. You don't know Kain, I'm sure. But I need you to go fetch me the map of the city in the library if you would. None of the other priestesses know where it is and they would mess everything up looking for it."
She chuckled then nodded to him. "Yes sir, I will be back momentary."
Turning, she walked out the doors and down the hall to the library.
After a good ten minutes of looking through some books she found the map she was looking for and put a bookmark in the book and closed it.
Picking up the book she returned to her master's study and placed the large book on his already crowded desk. "Here it is sir. I marked it for you."
He nodded and patted her on her shoulder as he dismissed her, asking her to return in a few hours to put some books away for him.
She nodded as she strode from the room and went along her chores of the cathedral.
After cleaning the rooms and straightened up the mister's prayer room, she wiped the sweat from her brow as she heard a crash within the minister's study.
"Sir? Are you alright?" She walked to the door and knocked gently. Hearing no answer she opened the door and looked inside.
She gasped when she say the mess of the room. Chairs over turned along with tables, papers scattered everywhere. She walked fully into the room.
She saw the minister standing in the middle of the mess with a blank look on his face.
Walking up closer to him, she waved her hand in front of his eyes. When he didn't blink she started to get worried.
She noticed he was speaking but the words that came out of his mouth didn't make sense to her. It was all jumbled up in a knot.
"Sir, I can't understand what your trying to say. What's wrong?"
More confusing words spilled from his old lips, as his eyes became glossy.
Demona backed away slightly when she heard a cackle from the shadows. Looking around she didn't see anything, only darkness within the room.
"Who are you? What are you? What did you do to Master?"
The voice laughed again." So many questions. I think you need to slow down or you might lose your pretty little head."
Standing in a lighted circle in the middle of the room, she searched through the shadows trying to see anything that stood out. Seeing nothing, made her more afraid that if she had seen something within those dark shadows.
"Your master is fine. I'm just controlling his mind at the moment. It's a simple trick, would you like it tried on you my dear?"
"No!" She took a few steps back, her hood falling from her head, letting her curly red hair fall around her shoulders. "Who and what are you?"
A tall and slender man walked into the light. He wore a robe of dark blue with a red sash hanging around his neck and falling over his chest. A gem held his shirt together on his chest. His head held no hair but they did contain lethal fangs. And when she looked on his hands, they had claws.
When she saw his body take a step forward she jerked her eyes up and met his.
He chuckled as he held her gaze." My name is Marcus. And you just made your first mistake."
She couldn't moves as she saw his body swoop forward and something seemed to shut off in her head as everything went black. The last thing she knew was strong arms picking her up and a deep laugh.
So how do you all like my new story? Please send me reviews on what you think!
Her fire red hair blew in the wind as she walked down the street to the cathedral at the end of the street. Her green eyes flicked over the doors quickly before she walked inside silently. She had been a priestess here for five years now and she was now a young woman of twenty-one.
"Deo! Where have you been?! The head priest has been looking everywhere for you."
She looked at the elder woman who was her head priestess. "My name is Demona Madam Rose." How she hated the nickname the elder have given her just because her name looked like a demons.
Madam Rose shook her head and shivered. "Such a dark name. It's the name of a demon, Deo. Why must you insist that we call you by that hideous name?"
Demona stared at the older woman as she shifted in her dark blue robes. "My mother and father gave it to me. And I will keep it." And with that she walked off to the main corridor.
Demona looked in the mirror as she passed it in the hall. Some said she reminded them of a fire goddess, while other a fire demon of sorts. She wasn't tall at all, if anything she was short with pale skin.
Personally she liked scaring the people she ran into with her emerald eyes and flame colored hair. It was truly rare for anyone to have that color of hair and eyes, much less a priestess.
Her master, the head priest, had been working for the vampire Vorador, slipping him information ever now and then about whats going on with the Sarafan soldiers. The soldiers still guarded the cathedral without a word though.
There has been word that a vampire by the name of Kain had survived the Sarafan Lord's blade. That in itself was remarkable. Rumor had been going around that Kain was coming here for some information from the head priest.
She opened the doors to her master's study and walked in.
The old man was sitting in his chair, leafing through one of those huge, old books.
"Sir? You wished to see me?"
He looked up slowly and smiled his kind smile. "Deo. Just who I needed to speak to."
Demona sighed but didn't correct the priest as he walked around the room.
"As you know Deo. I work with the vampires. Kain, one of Vorador's men, is coming to me to get some information that Vorador deems important. You don't know Kain, I'm sure. But I need you to go fetch me the map of the city in the library if you would. None of the other priestesses know where it is and they would mess everything up looking for it."
She chuckled then nodded to him. "Yes sir, I will be back momentary."
Turning, she walked out the doors and down the hall to the library.
After a good ten minutes of looking through some books she found the map she was looking for and put a bookmark in the book and closed it.
Picking up the book she returned to her master's study and placed the large book on his already crowded desk. "Here it is sir. I marked it for you."
He nodded and patted her on her shoulder as he dismissed her, asking her to return in a few hours to put some books away for him.
She nodded as she strode from the room and went along her chores of the cathedral.
After cleaning the rooms and straightened up the mister's prayer room, she wiped the sweat from her brow as she heard a crash within the minister's study.
"Sir? Are you alright?" She walked to the door and knocked gently. Hearing no answer she opened the door and looked inside.
She gasped when she say the mess of the room. Chairs over turned along with tables, papers scattered everywhere. She walked fully into the room.
She saw the minister standing in the middle of the mess with a blank look on his face.
Walking up closer to him, she waved her hand in front of his eyes. When he didn't blink she started to get worried.
She noticed he was speaking but the words that came out of his mouth didn't make sense to her. It was all jumbled up in a knot.
"Sir, I can't understand what your trying to say. What's wrong?"
More confusing words spilled from his old lips, as his eyes became glossy.
Demona backed away slightly when she heard a cackle from the shadows. Looking around she didn't see anything, only darkness within the room.
"Who are you? What are you? What did you do to Master?"
The voice laughed again." So many questions. I think you need to slow down or you might lose your pretty little head."
Standing in a lighted circle in the middle of the room, she searched through the shadows trying to see anything that stood out. Seeing nothing, made her more afraid that if she had seen something within those dark shadows.
"Your master is fine. I'm just controlling his mind at the moment. It's a simple trick, would you like it tried on you my dear?"
"No!" She took a few steps back, her hood falling from her head, letting her curly red hair fall around her shoulders. "Who and what are you?"
A tall and slender man walked into the light. He wore a robe of dark blue with a red sash hanging around his neck and falling over his chest. A gem held his shirt together on his chest. His head held no hair but they did contain lethal fangs. And when she looked on his hands, they had claws.
When she saw his body take a step forward she jerked her eyes up and met his.
He chuckled as he held her gaze." My name is Marcus. And you just made your first mistake."
She couldn't moves as she saw his body swoop forward and something seemed to shut off in her head as everything went black. The last thing she knew was strong arms picking her up and a deep laugh.
So how do you all like my new story? Please send me reviews on what you think!