It was nearly six o'clock and Gohan could not keep his tail under control. It whipped back and forth in anticipation behind him. He had dutifully followed Vegeta's instructions and went without lunch or dinner. Though he had to admit, his tail wasn't the only thing he struggled to control. Gohan's senses were on high alert as his stomach let out its umpteenth reminder of his neglect. He hadn't gone this long without eating since his battle on Namek. The need for survival overtaking his hunger.
Now however, Gohan was noticing things he hadn't before. The half Saiyan's ears twitched at the sound of a small animal scurrying into a bush near by. He could tell by the heart beat he was suddenly acutely aware of that it was a small mammal. Lifting his nose to the air, his nostrils flared as he took in its scent. It was a rabbit, munching on its own late dinner by the sounds of it. The lack of fear in its scent told Gohan that it was blissfully unaware of his presence.
A sudden appearance of ki behind him had Gohan snarling as he swung around to face the intrusion. A dark chuckle came from the intruder as Gohan lost himself momentarily to his instincts. Vegeta's eyes danced with mirth at the sight of the young cub. The halfling's hair stood edgier than normal and lips had been pulled back to warn Vegeta he was quite unwelcome. With a disapproving click of his tongue Vegeta unraveled his tail from his waist to let it sway back and forth behind him. He released into the air, an unthreatened scent to calm the boys senses.
The familiar scent of Vegeta seemed to snap the boy out of it. It was strong and sharp, telling Gohan he was no enemy while the click of the elders tongue managed to communicate his displeasure with the cub's lack of awareness. Feeling quite sheepish, Gohan sat back on his haunches, tail laying itself on the ground beside him. He blinked away the instincts that threatened to overtake him. His attempt to regain control brought a frown to the Princes face. He wondered once more, if the earthling blood had muddled his senses beyond the ability to truly find guidance within them.
"You submit so easily with a stronger, more capable predator entering your territory? You disappoint me boy." Vegeta spat looking down his nose at the cub. Gohan also frowned unsure of what it was Vegeta had wanted from him. Was the Prince not upset that Gohan had acted so barbaric towards him? Surely his mother would have loudly voiced her disapproval towards his rash behavior. "I'm sorry?" It was more of a question than a statement. Earning an even deeper frown from the elder.
Vegeta was aware of the boys tail looping with nervousness from its prone, submissive position on the ground. The prince took a deep breath and reminded himself that Gohan had been raised by the backwoods third class fool. Of course he knew nothing of tail gestures or body language. If Vegeta was honest with himself, he was actually surprised the boy was as in tune with his instincts as he was, being only half Saiyan.
"Hmph. Don't apologize for doing what comes naturally boy. Not to me or anyone. Although if I had been someone else you would surely be sorry for letting me get so close. Always be aware of everything around you cub. It may be the difference between life and death one day." With that Vegeta turned and made his way deeper into the forest beside them. The sun was beginning to set in the sky and the fur on his tail was rising with the moon.
Soon the boy would be unable to ignore the moons call and his starved state would send him into a frenzy. The small mammal the boy had been tracking would not satisfy their Saiyan appetites. It was time to teach the boy how to answer the call for blood. It was key in mastering his baser instincts if there was any hope of reigning control over his Oozaru form.
With practiced ease Vegeta jumped into the nearest tree. He turned back and used his tail to signal Gohan to follow. Without waiting to see if the boy understood, he took off jumping through the trees. When he heard Gohan following close behind Vegeta couldn't help the small smirk that tugged at his lips. As they went the cub was making less and less noise, adjusting to moving stealthily through the tree tops. Finally they came upon a clearing and Vegeta sat atop a large thick branch. Gohan appeared next to him, using his tail to secure himself firmly on to the tree limb. His stomach let out another painful reminder.
"I can hear your hunger young one, but you must learn to provide for yourself. Tell me cub, what is in the clearing before us?" Vegeta's voice was a soft whisper on the wind. Gohan started reaching out his senses when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his ear. Reaching his hand back he pulled away with red stains. Looking over at the Prince he realized he had been bit! Vegeta smiled at him lazily. "You can't always rely on ki or ki sense. Use your other senses. Even without our power we are a fierce people. Saiyan were born for the hunt, for battle. Their blood courses through your veins. Use it boy. Let it guide you now."
Gohan took a deep breath. When he exhaled, he closed his eyes. Ears twitched as they took in the many sounds of the woodlands around them. His nostrils flared in an attempt to help him sort through the multitude of things assaulting his senses. He could hear birds chirping in the trees around them, smell the fresh mud of their nests. Gohan knew they must have been preparing for young. The half Saiyan caught the scent of fresh water and tuned in to the soft sound of a babbling crook near by. The scent of passing dinosaur heard lingered, and with it the slight scent if afterbirth. They must have new young with then, and they too had found the water.
With an unfamiliar satisfaction Gohan opened his eyes as he settled on his prey of choice. What better to satisfy two hungry Saiyan's then a whole herd of brontosaurus with such easy weakness to exploit.