Hey readers! Listen, this is the eighth chapter of Ouran Hosts Hetalia. The beginning of the story is on my last account so if you want to read it you can find it under the same title (Trust me, it's good). After some technical difficulties I was forced to continue it on an account that I named to look like my old account.

Also, I'd like to say sorry to the readers who have read the first part of this story. It has been a while since I've written this. I'm REALLY sorry. Well, enough of my boring apologies. Here's the story ...Again!

Disclaimer: I own nothing at all.

Chapter 8: French Dudes, Creepy Russians (again), Overprotective Brothers, and Something Weird

"Um … boss … why are they all shouting?"

"And why are they calling themselves by country names Tama-chan?!"

Tamaki continued to stare at the door. "I-I don't know, maybe so they can keep their real names under wraps … or something?" Finally Tamaki regained his composure and his expression turned from confused to serious. "Do not worry my side kicks. They are just speaking in code. We will continue on with our operation even if there is a chance they are psychos. Got it?"

"Yessir!" Everyone exclaimed except for Haruhi, Kyoya, and Mori.

"Alright, now all we have to do is wait until break!"

Forty minutes later …

"Will EVERYONE SHUT UP!" a loud voice boomed causing all the disruption on the other side of the door to seize. "Mein Gott this is really annoying. We vill have our break and cool our heads. Vhen the meeting resumes I hope you all act like real adults und discuss something that matters."

Tamaki smirked. "Okay, this is it. Hikaru, Koaru, you know what to do."

The twins jumped up holding trays full of pastries and treats. "Right!"

The two opened the meeting door and waltzed in causing everyone to turn their heads. "Hello there sirs," Hikaru started.

"It is your break."

"So we brought you snacks."

The room's occupants continued to stare silently when suddenly America shouted, "Wahoo! Snacks! What do you have?!"

The rest of the countries groaned at how loud and obnoxious he was being.

"Oh! Is that a rice ball?! I remember Jap- Kiku gave me one of these once!" America exclaimed. "Right Kiku?!"

"Please don't put me in the spot light," was Japan's only response.

"Because the spotlight belongs to me! The AWESOME Pr-Gilbert! Kesesese!" Prussia declared waving his arms up in the air. Everyone ignored him. Kaoru handed America a rice ball with a pickled plum stuck inside.


Spain examined the tray in Hikaru's hands. "I wish you had churros but this cake will have to make due." Spain picked up the small cake with a piece of a vanilla cake. Taking a small fancy fork Spain dug it into the pastry and opened wide, ready to eat. However, Romano reached over and ate it off the fork before he could.

As Romano pulled back he licked his lips and frowned. "Ugh."

Spain mimicked his frown. "Oh, so it wasn't enough to take my churros but you had to take my cake as well? I thought I taught you better Lovi."

"You thought wrong Bastardo."

"… So cruel …"

Outside the room Tamaki got ready to make an entrance as well. "Okay here I go. Wish your daddy luck Haruhi."

"Shut up and go," she ordered bluntly.

" … So Cruel …" he wailed before entering with his own tray of snacks. Tamaki saunter up to the man with long wavy hair and smiled brightly. "Would you like some of our patisseries?"

"I would love some," was France's answer. "You speak French … Is that your native language?"

"Actually I grew up in France for most of my life."

"Oh great, another Frog," England commented.

"Excusez-moi!" Tamaki and France shouted.

Japan joined the group, curiosity over coming him. "You were the one who welcomed us at the gate."

"Uh … I was wasn't I? You see I do many jobs for the Academy. Whatever the head master wants, I will do it for him. It is as simple as that," he lied quickly.

Japan's eyes narrowed in on him. "Rearry? You look like a teenager."

"Of course I do, sir," Tamaki replied, sweat dropping. "I'm half French after all."

At this, France smiled. "Honhonhonhon~!"

"Shut it Frog!"

"I am no Frog!"

"Aiyah, could you please stop arguing?" China face palmed.

Russia somehow appeared out from nowhere and said, "They are dumb, so they fight, da?"

"Your logic stinks!" Shouted France and England, however they were silenced by Russia's creepy aura and a certain Belarusian lurking behind him.

Tamaki immediately wandered away from them, too frightened by the Russian representative to stick around. Who knew he could be so smart?

In any case, the French host made his way towards a little girl who seemed harmless enough. She wore a cute purple ribbon in her shot blonde hair and her innocent green eyes seemed to be looking off into the distance.

"Hello there, milady," began Tamaki. "Would you like some pastries?"

The young girl looked up at him with round eyes. "Um … I would love some!" she exclaimed and took a cute cupcake from his tray. Delightfully she chewed, savoring the taste. As Tamaki watched her he wondered how someone so young could be a representative. What country did she represent anyway?

"Hey you! Leave my sister alone!" someone shouted.

It was too late before Tamaki noticed a rifle was being pointed his way. A blonde man with long hair glared at him.

Tamaki screamed in surprise and hid behind a chair. "Please don't shoot me! I'm innocent I swear!"

The twins, Hikaru and Koaru, stared blankly at the scene, not knowing exactly what to do.

From behind the doors a cute shout for Tamaki's name could be heard. "Tama-chan!"

"What the hell, Switzerland?!" America ran towards the Swiss man and snatched the gun out of his hands.

"Stay out of this America! If your little sister was being threatened would you just sit there and watch?!" snapped Switzerland impatiently.

"Of course not, but he wasn't-"

"Then give me my gun back if you understand!"

Tamaki felt a gentle hand being placed on his shoulder. A girl with long dark hair wearing a traditional pink dress smiled apologetically at him. "I wouldn't try to flirt with Lili. Even Fra- The French Representative doesn't try to flirt with the girl. Her older brother is overly protective of her and he usually always has a rifle on him."

Tamaki gulped at the news. "B-But I wasn't flirting with her!" He proclaimed innocently. "I was just handing her a snack!"

Switzerland huffed angrily at Tamaki before grabbing his gun back. "Try anything like that again and you're dead! Understood?!"

"Y-Yes sir!" Shrieked Tamaki.

Hikaru and Kaoru instantly began to laugh their butts off, causing their leader to blush immensely.

"You should have seen your face boss!"

"You were-ha!-so scared! Ahahaha-!"

Tamaki frowned. "Oh, be quiet and feed the rest of the guests!"

On the other side of the door Honey and Mori seemed relieved but something was bothering Haruhi, other than the fact that guns shouldn't be allowed at political meetings.

Why did they call each other by the countries they represent when we weren't in there but then used their real names when we entered the room?

Haruhi glanced curiously at Kyoya who adjusted his glasses and looked awkwardly at the door in front of them. Was he thinking the same thing?

Yep! There goes the eighth chapter! I'm so glad I'm continuing this story. I have so much fun writing this! :)

Reviews are appreciated. :)